Chapter 153 Your mother will always be your mother!

The so-called fighting warrior does not mean the warrior who can fight.

The warrior himself has a certain level of strength. Who can not fight if he wants to fight?

Compared with ordinary people, they are naturally unattainable.

However, many warriors themselves do not take the battle line, and warriors are only regarded as a kind of qualifications to seek high positions.

It is equivalent to academic qualifications. In many large companies, it is difficult for people with low academic qualifications to be appointed to a higher position. Unless they are really too capable, they may be able to break the standard. , To become an executive, CEO and so on.

In the era of martial arts, many positions of real power must be held by martial artists.

Those warriors who take the civilian route and do not participate in the battle are non-combat warriors.

Of course, the fighting warrior is slightly different from that of Chai Yu. Chai Yu is only catching criminals in the city. He has the strength, but he cannot hunt a large number of star beasts in another world like Wang Teng, or those from the battlefield. Compared with the fighting warrior down.

He can only be regarded as a combat warrior!

After all the battles, Fang is a fighting warrior!

Maybe both sides are of the same rank, but the combat martial artist is stronger than the actual combat martial artist. If the two sides confront each other, the combat martial artist has at least 80% chance of winning.

This is why Chai Yu suddenly changed his color when he felt the breath on Wang Teng’s body.

That kind of momentum can’t be wrong, it must be a fighting warrior! !

Moreover, Wang Teng’s strength has also reached the level of a 3-star warrior. Chai Yu looked at the smiling young man in front of him, and suddenly felt a bit dry in his throat.

“Wang Shao is polite, we are just a routine, just make a transcript.” Chai Yu secretly swallowed, and smiled inconsiderately.

Chai Yu wasn’t afraid of Wang Teng. How could the power of the Guardian be swayed by a 3-star warrior, but it was not necessary to engage in evil for this.

He absently made the transcript, then got up and said goodbye, preparing to take someone away.

The subordinate on the side was very surprised. What happened to his boss? It’s not like usual.

“By the way, this kid…” Chai Yu hesitated, looking at Doudou who was sleeping in Li Xiumei’s arms again.

“This child has just lost his parents, I really don’t worry, can you let her stay with me first?” Li Xiumei said.

“Naturally, there is no problem, then I will trouble Mrs. Wang to take care of one or two.” Chai Yu smiled politely.

“Then there is nothing wrong with us and we will leave first.”

“Go slow!”

Wang Teng sent them to the door, returned to the living room, looked at Li Xiumei and said, “Mom, Doudou, what are you going to do?”

Wang Teng, the little girl in Li Xiumei’s arms, naturally also knew her. Seeing her pitiful appearance, and thinking about her experience, she sighed and didn’t know what to do.

“Let her stay in our house first. I heard his mother say before that those relatives of Wang Fugui are not good people. After Wang Fugui’s fortune, they all wanted to take advantage.”

“Later I saw that their family only had Doudou and one daughter. Someone wanted to be a baby, and some even wanted to adopt Wang Fugui as a son. Who are these people? What is your peace of mind? In the hands of those people, the consequences are unpredictable.” Li Xiumei said and said, suddenly filled with righteous indignation, almost slapped the table and cursed.

“Hehe, these people, because they don’t have the ability, they just want to pick up ready-made ones.” Wang Teng smiled: “Don’t be angry, you are all people you don’t know, so you can’t commit them.”

“Since you are not at ease, Doudou will be kept in our house. Anyway, our family does not have a bite of food. If those people dare to make trouble, I will let them know why the flowers are so red.”

“You kid, since you practiced martial arts, it has become more and more violent, and today, you just cut off someone’s arm, and you can see that my heart is hairy, and I am not afraid to scare your mother and me.” Li Xiumei said angrily.

“I was not worried about your safety at the time.” Wang Teng said with a guilty smile.

Don’t look at him now killing people outside without blinking. At that time, in front of Li Xiumei, it was really hard to get up.

Your mother will always be your mother!

“Okay, I don’t bother to say anything about you, I don’t care about the others, but you must ensure your safety.” Li Xiumei said.

“Well, well, I will avoid any danger and ensure my life is safe.” Wang Teng promised quickly.

Li Xiumei nodded and said, “School will start in a few days. Don’t run around these days. Your grandfather and your grandfather have asked many times. Let’s find a time to hold your college entrance banquet.”

“Okay.” Wang Teng nodded and asked: “Yes, mom, didn’t I give you the proof of purchase of the house in Deer Park? Didn’t you go there to buy a house? The security measures there are very good, at least like This kind of thing will definitely not happen today.”

Li Xiumei couldn’t help but laughed when he heard this: “We’ve been to see it, but you can buy a small apartment, but your dad wanted to buy a villa, but he didn’t have enough money, so he didn’t buy it for the time being.”

When I said that, I couldn’t help but think of that time when I went to see the house, Wang Shengguo looked aggrieved, it is really rare to see.

Wang Teng couldn’t help laughing. Because of this, he asked, “How much is the villa there?”

“The one that your dad fancy is about the same size as ours now, but it costs 300 million yuan. He has just invested the funds in a project, and the liquidity is not that much.” Li Xiumei said.

It actually costs three hundred million. The house in Luyuan is really expensive. Wang Teng said to himself, “Let’s go to see together at night. I made some money this time. I worry.”

If you just made more than 500 million, you will spend 300 million immediately. This money is not spent.

“Son, you didn’t hear clearly, three hundred million, not thirty million, where did you get so much money?” Li Xiumei didn’t take it seriously, thinking that Wang Teng had heard it wrong.

“Your son is a warrior now, earning three hundred million is not a matter of minutes.” Wang Teng said casually.

“Don’t make your mother happy, I know that martial artists make money, but it takes time, and the higher the level, the more you will earn. How long have you become a martial artist, how can you earn so much at once.” Li Xiumei didn’t believe it at all.

“I’m very strong. Forget it. I said that no matter how much it is, it’s useless. If you don’t believe me, I’ll take a look.” Wang Teng took out his phone and asked Li Xiumei to check the balance.

“One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand… 580 million!” Li Xiumei looked suspicious, looked at a line of numbers on the phone, couldn’t help counting, and finally shocked: “There is so much money, what do you do? Arrived?”

It’s not that she has never seen money, but the money is earned by her son, and the accumulation time is so short, it makes her feel unreal.

“As you know, the owner of the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall arranged for me a powerful elite martial artist team. They took me to another world and hunted many rare star beasts. The materials on those star beasts were sold. After paying a big price, I’m just a few people sharing the money.” Wang Teng pulled Lin Zhan and others out. After all, he said that he was with an elite warrior team, which would make Li Xiumei feel more relieved.

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