Chapter 1418 Killing Sword Domain! Kill the sky! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

“Grandmaster Pinnacle!”

Several rulings were surprised by Wang Teng’s alchemy attainments.

When it comes to their state, it is rare for them to feel ups and downs because of things.

But at this moment, hearing Wang Teng’s alchemy attainments, I really couldn’t calm down.

“It’s amazing, I remember that Wang Teng was only in his twenties, and he reached the peak of the Grandmaster level. This talent is a bit unusual.” The third ruled.

A twenty-something-year-old alchemy grandmaster-level peak, such an existence, even they must pay attention to it.

“I am afraid it is precisely because of this that the college will let him join the college arbitration committee in advance.” The fourth ruling guessed.

“For 60,000 years of peace in exchange for the academy, this credit cannot be erased.” The fifth ruled.

“But letting a new student join the college arbitration committee is not in compliance with the rules.” The sixth ruling couldn’t help saying at this time.

“It’s really not in compliance with the rules.” The fifth ruling nodded.

“Isn’t the rules just used to break?” The second ruling smiled and said: “It is also good for us to let a student who may be promoted to the Dansheng join our academy arbitration committee. Regardless of his status or reputation, he That’s enough.”

“I heard that although Wang Teng has just entered the academy not long ago, his reputation is not small, and he has broken the records of two new students in the academy, which is quite impressive.” The third ruled.

“It seems that fame is indeed enough.” The sixth ruling nodded.

“I don’t think it’s right. Someone has broken the rules now, and if there are other situations in the future, should they break the rules? Then what will the arbitration of our college become?” The fourth ruling shook his head.

For a while, everyone couldn’t help but argue.

“This is a word from the Academy’s True God level powerhouse personally.” After a while, the seventh judge said slowly.

Speaking of this, the seven rulings were silent, and the meeting room fell into silence, even the sound of breathing could not be heard.

“Why didn’t you say it earlier?” The fourth ruling said quietly.

“I want to hear your opinions.” The seventh ruling said with a smile.

“…” The fourth ruling.

“If it’s a true God-level powerhouse, then this matter is not impossible to set a precedent.” The second verdict pondered.

“That’s true, there are not many opportunities for True God level powerhouses to speak, and we don’t have to worry about everyone breaking this rule in the future.” The fourth judge said.

“That Wang Teng has something, he can actually make a true god-level powerhouse speak for him.” The third judge said.

“Can you trade 60,000 years of peace for the Seven Star Academy, who of you can do it?” the sixth ruling asked.

“Even if we work together to kill a true god-level existence in the chaotic sea of ​​stars, I am afraid that we will not be able to exchange for these sixty thousand years of peace.” The second ruled.

“The nature is different.” The fifth ruling shook his head and said: “But it must be admitted that he does have some ability.”

“It’s just luck.” The seventh ruling seemed to shook his head indifferently.

“Luck is sometimes a kind of strength.” The third ruling said with a smile.

The seventh verdict glanced at him, but said nothing more.

“So what do you think about this matter?” the fourth ruling asked impatiently.

“What do you think, sit and watch. Anyway, it is the students of the Seventh Star Academy. The final decision is our seventh ruling.” The third ruling looked at the seventh ruling and said with a smile.

Upon hearing this sentence, the seventh ruling frowned unnoticeably, and then said lightly:

“Jin can let him in, but where to put it, I think I need to think about it.”

“What special instructions do the True God-level powerhouses of the academy have?” the fourth ruling asked.

“This is of course not.” The seventh ruling said.

“A new student entering the college arbitration committee can’t let him be a member of the council.” The fifth ruling said.

“But the True God-level powerhouse asked us to arrange a position for him, and we can’t just hire in and fool around. We must really ask at that time, who will be responsible?” the sixth judged.

“It’s ridiculous to let a new college be a member of the Diet.” The fourth ruling said: “Whether it is within the college or outside the college, every member of the Diet has a lot of power in the hands. I think this matter is still needed. consider.”

“I’m afraid other people will not convince the public.” The second ruling also said.

“It’s better to hire in first, and give a prospective member of the council’s name, it’s name but not real.” The seventh ruling’s eyes flickered, and he said lightly.

“Your method is a bit bad!” The third ruling took a look at him and said.

“Otherwise you give me a suggestion?” The seventh ruling said.

“For the time being, members will be approved, and a member will be assessed after half a year, let him participate, and then he will become a full member.” The first ruling said.

A strange color flashed in the eyes of the seventh ruling. This person usually rarely speaks, but if he speaks, others will basically not refute it.


“I agree.” The sixth ruling said: “This is a good idea. It will not disgust the members of the council, and it is justified by the True God level powerhouse.”

“It’s true, so be it.” The fourth ruling thought for a while and nodded.

“I also agree that as long as he passes the assessment by members, naturally everything will be fine.” The third ruling said.

Subsequently, several other rulings also agreed, and no one put forward any different opinions.

“That’s it.” Seeing that everyone had agreed to the seventh ruling, his eyes flickered slightly, and he said slowly.

A meeting ended in this way, the seven lights and shadows disappeared, and the entire meeting room was quiet again.

Jianyu Plain!

Wang Teng came here for the second time, looking at the pattering rain curtain ahead, stepping straight into it without any hesitation.

“Hey, that’s Wang Teng, right?” Someone recognized Wang Teng and asked him in surprise as he stepped into the rain curtain.

“He has come to Jianyu Plain!”

“I remember he broke the newcomer record in Jianyu Plain last time. Can he go further this time?”

“I wonder if his ranking will rise this time?”

“In other words, what kind of kendo insight did he realize that he can actually climb to 9,999?”

“Who knows, it must be very extraordinary. If I can find it, maybe it will be beneficial to my understanding of Kendo.”

“Unfortunately, there were only a few people who saw him comprehend kendo, and it was too difficult to find out.”

“The kendo perception is integrated into the rain curtain, and as the rain curtain changes, it is too difficult to find out the perception left by someone.”

Wang Teng didn’t know the discussion behind him. He was walking forward step by step, crossing the distance he had felt last time, and heading deeper into the rain curtain.

His [Five Elements Sword Domain] has already realized the fourth level, and if you want to comprehend the higher level domain, you can only go inside.

Since his physique has improved a lot recently, these sword-like rain curtains did not cause him any hindrance.

At least for now.

Not long after, he slowly stopped and his eyes fell on the several attribute bubbles in front of him.

【Wooden Sword Domain*100】

【Wooden Sword Domain*120】

“Wooden Sword Domain!” Wang Teng closed his eyes and nodded secretly.

The Sword Realm perception in this place has surpassed Tier 4, which can already improve his perception.

Wang Teng swept his eyes around and decided to pick up a wave of attribute bubbles in this place. He had to eat one bite at a time. He had to go step by step. The domain also had to be gradually improved. After all, he couldn’t take all the domains in one breath. Are all upgraded to the highest level.

Having such a place that can be used to continuously improve the sword domain is already very friendly to Wang Teng.

After all, if Wang Teng went to gather the wool of other warriors, he would not be able to gather such a complete range, unless a large group of domain master-level warriors gave him the wool.

But as his strength increased, Wang Teng had to face a problem.

The stronger the warrior, the fewer the number!

The difficulty of stalking wool will naturally increase.

Therefore, Wang Teng could not easily let go of the various conditions created by the academy, and had to clean them up.

【Fire Sword Domain*150】

【Fire Sword Domain*80】

【Golden Sword Domain*120】

【Golden Sword Domain*100】

【Water Sword Domain*200】

【Earth Sword Domain*180】

【Earth Sword Domain*150】

As Wang Teng continued to move in the nearby area, more and more attribute bubbles were picked up by him, and various insights poured in.

It can be said that a storm is going on in Wang Teng’s mind, and he is absorbing and digesting all kinds of insights madly.

Fortunately, his savvy is relatively high, so he can barely handle it.

Such a wide range of insights, if it were replaced by someone else, I am afraid it would really be overwhelming.

I don’t have enough heads to squeeze so much wool.

But what made Wang Teng a little disappointed was that even in this Jianyu Plain, most of them were kendo perceptions of the five elements attribute, and Wang Teng had not encountered kendo perceptions of special attributes.

With the improvement of the kendo perception of the five force attributes, Wang Teng’s [Five Elements Sword Domain] also slowly approached the fifth order.

This makes Wang Teng very happy.

When a certain kind of perception can increase at a speed visible to the naked eye, no matter who it is, the mood will probably be the same as him.

Wang Teng decided to continue to the depths of the rain curtain. He wanted to pick up the attribute bubbles to improve his kendo perception while approaching the entrance of the realm space.

After walking about two to three hundred meters, Wang Teng saw a figure sitting cross-legged among the rain curtain.

Beside him, several attribute bubbles with slightly different colors popped up.


Wang Teng couldn’t help but snorted.

“Black attribute bubble!”

Wang Teng looked at the figure in a bit of surprise, stopped in the distance, and couldn’t help expecting something in his heart. The mental power quietly rolled out, and immediately picked up a few attribute bubbles next to him.

【Killing Sword Domain*300】

【Killing Sword Domain*220】

“Slaughter Sword Domain! It is actually the Slaughter Sword Domain!” Wang Teng’s eyes suddenly burst out, and he immediately closed his eyes.

In his mind, a period of insights about the Slaughter Sword Region emerged.

This insight is obviously different from the insight of the Five Elements Sword Region picked up earlier.

In an instant, Wang Teng felt as if he was deeply trapped in a killing field. The endless killing intent filled his mind, and there was only one thought in his heart——

kill! kill! kill! ! !

This is unbelievable. You must know that although his killing is not yet complete, he has realized 80%. His own perception of the killing mood is not low, and it should be difficult to be affected.

As a result, at this moment, when the perception of the Slaughter Sword Region came to mind, he was immediately affected.

Fortunately, in the small universe in his body, the Nine Treasures Pagoda Tower suddenly burst into golden light, abruptly suppressing the intention of killing.

“Huh!” Wang Teng let out a sigh of relief, shaking his heart, this Slaughter Sword Realm is truly terrifying.

When he looked at the young man not far in front of him, his eyes suddenly changed a little. This person is not simple.

Even his comprehension of the mood of killing only reached 80% of the profound meaning of killing, but the other party understood it to the level of the realm.

Wang Teng couldn’t help but open the [Pupils of True Sight] and looked at the youth in front of him.

“It’s Cosmos Grade!” The color of surprise in Wang Teng’s eyes suddenly became stronger.

Universe level three!

This shows that the other party is also a new student!

A new student was able to comprehend the extremely special kendo domain like the Slaughter Sword Domain, and Wang Teng had to pay attention to it.

And the opponent’s realm has reached the third level of the universe.

You must know that most of the new students have just been promoted to the universe level, and the youth in front of them is actually the third level of the universe. This cultivation speed…

Even Wang Teng himself, because he was able to pick up the attribute bubbles, he was able to raise the force of the gold element and the force of the wind element to the fourth level, and the other forces were only the second level at best.

In comparison, this young man’s cultivation speed is indeed amazing.


Just as Wang Teng was looking at the other party, the young man suddenly opened his eyes, and a pair of jet black eyes looked over, his eyes like two sharp black swords, piercing Wang Teng’s eyes.


Wang Teng’s heart condensed slightly, and the Five Elements Sword Domain erupted. There seemed to be two strange five-color sword glows in his eyes, welcoming him.


The eyes of the two collided in the air, like a collision of sword intent, exploding in the air, turning into small sword lights and shooting out in all directions, cutting the rain curtain open.

“These two people have such a strong kendo mood!”

Many people around who were feeling Jian Yu were startled, and they looked over, with shocking expressions on their faces.

The young man’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at Wang Teng a little strangely, as if he was very surprised that Wang Teng had such a powerful sense of kendo.

His killing sword domain has never suffered a loss in the hands of his peers, and no one can even stop his killing sword domain.

But the kendo mood of the young man in front of him, in the silent fight of the talent, was actually equal to him, and did not fall into a disadvantage.

This is incredible!

“Your kendo mood is very good.” The young man did not get up, sitting cross-legged in the rain curtain, and said.

He had a cold temperament and was wearing a black armor. He looked like a stranger would not enter, but at this moment he became interested in Wang Teng.

“You’re not bad either!” Wang Teng stood with his hand in his hand, standing in the rain, and said lightly.

The two stood one by one and the other sitting, looking at each other through the rain curtain, the atmosphere seemed a bit… weird!

“What’s your name!” the young man asked.

“Wang Teng!”

“It turned out to be you!” The young man clearly knew Wang Teng, a light flashed in his unwavering black pupils, and said, “My name is Slutian!”

“Liutian! This name is a bit…crazy!” Wang Teng couldn’t help taking a look at the other party.

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