Chapter 1417: Get the points! The seven rulings meet! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

Zhu Longshuang fell into deep thought, constantly weighing gains and losses in his heart.

Wang Teng was not in a hurry. The old god was sitting on a leather sofa made of some kind of star animal skin, shaking the wine glass in his hand, his eyes seemed to be immersed in the golden liquor in the wine glass.

Seeing him like this, Zhu Longshuang felt annoyed for no reason.

This bastard lion’s big mouth is enough!

Now I threw the problem to her, but I was like a okay person over there, and it was very annoying to look at.

If it wasn’t for the situation to allow it, the initiative was in the hands of the other party, and she even wanted to beat Wang Teng violently.

Zhu Longshuang gritted his teeth in his heart for a while, then said: “400,000 points…”

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted.


The expression on Zhu Longshuang’s face stiffened, and a “Tic Tac Toe” suddenly appeared on his forehead.

It can be seen how crazy her heart is at this time!


So oil and salt don’t get in!


Finally she took a deep breath and said cruelly: “Well, 500,000 is 500,000, plus my branch of friendship!”

“Can you give me the body of the candle dragon clan now, right?”

“In fact, you don’t need to add your friendship as a branch. I don’t have any interest in your friendship.” Wang Teng said leisurely.

Zhulongshuang’s face suddenly turned dark.

This bastard actually refused their friendship with the candle dragon clan!

This is to look down on their candle dragon clan!

definitely is!

No, it is also possible that she has seen her purpose.

Zhulongshuang’s eyes narrowed slightly, looking at Wang Teng.

The reason why she had to add the so-called friendship was just to take this opportunity to establish a certain relationship with Wang Teng.

Sometimes, to establish a friendship, the beneficiary is not necessarily the other party, it may be yourself.

She is very optimistic about Wang Teng. Although this guy doesn’t make good use of oil and salt, his talent is indeed amazing. He is still a pill master who can refine the kind of pill that attracts god-level existence, and he is likely to be promoted to pill sage in the future.

Such a person is undoubtedly worthy of her win!

Only when she finally promised the 500,000 points, she promised this friendship again.

It’s a pity that Wang Teng didn’t plan to want the friendship she promised.

This is a bit embarrassing!

If she mentioned it again, it would be like she was rushing to send out their candle dragon friendship, and their candle dragon friendship was not so cheap.

“Okay, pay the money in one hand and the goods in the same hand.” Wang Teng motioned to the other party to quickly transfer the 500,000 points.

That’s half a million points!

More points than Huqi’s two immortal tiers, he deserves to be the candle dragon clan.

He didn’t know that if it weren’t for Zhulongshuang who wanted to win him over, he wouldn’t have earned half a million points at all.

Anyone from the Candle Dragon tribe would not be able to agree to such an excessive request.

In Wang Teng’s eyes, Zhulongshuang was a fool, but from another perspective, it does not mean that she has great courage.

Zhulongshuang took a deep breath again and manipulated the smartwatch for a while, and said in a bad mood: “Turning over, is there nothing in your eyes besides points?”

After receiving half a million points, Wang Teng was in a good mood. He didn’t mind talking about gagging with the other party for a while, so he smiled and said, “It depends on who gives me the points.”

“Why, my candle dragon clan can’t get into your eyes like this?” Zhu Longshuang said.

“It’s not that your Candle Dragon tribe is very strong, but I really don’t have a good sense of your Candle Dragon tribe.” Wang Teng said bluntly.

“You don’t want to kill all the people of the Zhulong clan with a stick? I’m not those idiots from Zhulongshan.” Zhu Longshuang said.

“It doesn’t matter, but the so-called friendship is not spoken by the mouth.” Wang Teng glanced at her meaningfully, without talking nonsense, and with a big wave of his hand, a body appeared in front of Zhu Longshuang and said: “This is what That body, if it’s okay, you can take it back. This thing is of no use to me.”

He was completely cheap and sold well. It was clear that he had cleaned up the wool of this body, but now he looked indifferent, not to mention how bad he was.

A ray of light flashed in Zhulongshuang’s eyes, and she quickly looked at that body, but her complexion changed in the next moment.

“What’s the matter with this body? Why is it so…”

She didn’t know how to describe it, the body of the candle dragon clan was full of burn marks, as if it had been struck by lightning, it was horrible.

“Ahem!” Wang Teng gave a dry cough, and said, “You know, this body was previously captured by the Dark Seed, and it was controlled by a higher Demon King-level Dark Seed, but we took it after a very tragic battle. It’s inevitable to be traumatized when you come back.”


Zhu Longshuang looked at him suspiciously.

“Don’t believe it, otherwise you can go to Dagan Empire to ask. Many people have seen it, and I can’t lie to you.” Wang Teng said with sorrow.

Zhulongshuang walked to the body and took a look, even infiltrated the original force into its body, perceiving the situation in it, and was sure that it had not been dissected before, and only believed a little bit in his heart, but still said with a little profound meaning:

“I believe you for the time being, but after this body returns to the Candle Dragon clan, we will have a way to detect whether it has been studied in any way. I hope you don’t do anything like that.”

“Whatever you want to check.” Wang Teng said lightly, disdainful in his heart.

If the candle dragon tribe could check that he had stalked wool on this body, he would write the words Wang Teng upside down.

Seeing him like this, Zhu Longshuang couldn’t help but believe it.

With a wave of her hand, she put the body away, somewhat relieved in her heart.

I finally got it.

This can also explain to the clan.

“Wang Teng, I will ask you again, are you sure you don’t want the friendship of my candle dragon clan?” Zhu Longshuang asked.

“No!” Wang Teng said without hesitation.

“Okay, then I’ll leave, I hope we won’t be enemies.” Zhu Longshuang glanced at him deeply, this young man really made her somewhat unable to start.

“As long as you don’t mess with me, we will naturally not be enemies.” Wang Teng said lightly.

Zhu Longshuang’s pupils shrank, nodded, turned and walked outside.

Wang Teng looked at the other person’s leaving back, his eyes flickered, and Yuan Gungun closed the door, and couldn’t help rubbing his hands.

“Rolling, we are rich, we are rich!”

“Add in the 100,000 points given by the two Immortal grades, and you now have more than 680,000 points.” Rolling Floating beside him, also said with bright eyes.

“Quickly, open the Treasure Pavilion and have a look. I now have a strong desire to buy.” Wang Teng said.

With a big round wave of his hand, a light curtain emerged, and the page of the Academy’s Treasure Pavilion appeared in front of Wang Teng.

“I think you can now consider forging an immortal weapon of your own!” Yuan Gungun suggested.

“Immortal weapons!” Wang Teng frowned, “But with my current forging skills, it’s a little too far away from forging immortal weapons.”

“That’s also true. Forging immortal weapons, you must reach the level of a holy forger.” Round Roller said: “And to reach the level of a holy forger, your strength must at least reach the master level!”

“This condition is similar to that of a holy alchemist.” Wang Teng shook his head.

“It seems it’s too early to think about this.” Yuangungun said with a wry smile.

“Actually, with my physique and force, if I reach the domain master level, maybe I can try refining.” Wang Teng touched his chin and said.

“Then you have to wait for you to step into the domain master level.” Yuan Rolling Road.

“I thought that the unicorn of this vast sea narwhal could be used to refine weapons immediately, but now it seems that we have to wait.” A strange horn appeared in Wang Teng’s hand, shaking his head and said disappointedly.

“Let’s put it here, this kind of material is rare, even if you reach the master level, immortal level, it’s also an extremely rare material. Then you collect some special materials, maybe you can really forge a powerful one. Immortal weapons.” Round raceway.

Wang Teng nodded, looked at the treasure chest, and suddenly found a problem.

His six hundred thousand points don’t seem to be many!

The cheap ones don’t want to buy, and the expensive ones can’t afford it.

Moreover, things like exercises and combat techniques are of no use to him. He can obtain a large amount of exercises and combat skills directly by squeezing the wool. It is a bit wasteful to spend points to buy.

The main reason is that he has created the [Chaos Stars Art] this kind of exercise method that includes all the original forces, and there is no need to practice other exercises.

At least for the time being.

“I need to take a look at those hybrid exercises more and learn by analogy to prepare for the creation of the domain master level [Chaos Stars Art] in the future, but the domain master level, world master level, and even the immortal level are counted. Ten thousand, or even hundreds of thousands of points, I don’t have enough points at all.” Wang Teng thought helplessly in his heart.

This is embarrassing!

I just thought I was a rich man, but when I saw it, I was still very poor!

In fact, for ordinary warriors, hundreds of thousands of points are already a lot, enough for them to practice for a long time.

But Wang Teng’s path is too special, unlike everyone else, and the resources that need to be consumed are even more predictable and terrifying.

Wang Teng shook his head, letting Yuankunkun close the Treasure Treasure Pavilion, out of sight and out of mind.

He wanted many things in it, such as those god-level weapons such as the Void Sword and the Underworld Sword, but it was a pity that he couldn’t afford it, and he saw it for nothing.

“It’s better to use it for cultivation.” Wang Teng decided to go to Jianyu Plain to see if he could enter the boundary space from there and practice in the boundary space.

The realm space is definitely a place where you can quickly improve your strength, and it is undoubtedly a very wise choice to spend your points there.

Just when Wang Teng was about to go to Jianyu Plain.

The highest floor of the College Arbitration Council building.

There is only one meeting room here.

Usually no one can enter this place.

But at this time, a few lights and shadows appeared in the meeting room.

Count carefully, a total of seven lights and shadows.

Their faces were vague, and even if it was just a light and shadow, they exuded a unique temperament that made it impossible to look directly at them.

On the seat behind each light and shadow, there is an ancient script, corresponding to the seven numbers from one to seven.

Seven rulings!

If there are senior leaders of the Academy Arbitration Council here, they will surely recognize that they are the highest leaders of the Academy Arbitration Council…seven awards!

At the same time, they also represent…the strongest among the college students!

These seven rulings are generally not in the academy, and most of the time they are fighting in the outer battlefield, or walking through various mysterious forbidden areas, improving themselves, and seeking to break through to a higher level.

At this moment, these seven rulings appear here at the same time, which is undoubtedly a very rare situation.

Seven people appeared and were silent for a while.

In the end, the adjudication with the number “seven” inscribed on the seat gave a chuckle, and said, “Is it fun to tell everyone?”

“The college asked us to arrange a position for a new student in the arbitration committee!”

“You guys, is it fun?”

“New students!” The third judge was engraved with the ancient number “three” on the seat. At this time, he couldn’t help shook his head and said, “I remember this new student has just entered school for more than a month, right? ”

“More than a month.” The fourth ruling said with a smile, his tone a little unclear.

“This is the first time.” The fifth ruled.

“It is said that it belongs to your Seventh Star Academy, which one is it?” The second ruling asked, turning his head to look at the ruling who spoke first.

“It was Wang Teng who was on the star list. Before I had time to pay attention to him, he jumped out impatiently.” The seventh ruling smiled faintly.

“Do you feel any threat?” The third ruling chuckled lightly.

“Threat? Are you kidding me? What kind of threat can a new student pose to me.” The seventh judge laughed, as if he had heard something extremely funny.

“Haha.” The third ruling chuckled and said nothing.

“Why did the college let him join the arbitration committee?” The first ruling who had never spoken asked calmly.

“It is said that a pill was refined, which was valued by a certain existence in the sea of ​​chaotic stars, in exchange for the peace of 60,000 years in the mainland of our seven star academies.” The seventh ruling said simply, without any waves. No one could hear what he was thinking.

“One pill can be exchanged for 60,000 years of peace?” the fourth verdict asked in surprise.

“It shouldn’t be wrong, I also heard an immortal class in my academy mention this matter.” The fifth ruled.

“Oh, even you know it, it seems that there are not many people who know it.” The fourth ruling was even more surprised.

“Such a big thing, the Seven Star Academy, everyone who should know it, you just know it a step late, or you just don’t want to care about these things.” The fifth ruling glanced at him and said lightly.

“What pill can be exchanged for 60,000 years of peace?” A hint of curiosity appeared in the voice of the first ruling and asked.

“I heard that it is an elixir in the realm of transforming spirits, comparable to a holy elixir!” The fifth judge said.

“Compared to a holy pill, that Wang Teng’s pill is so powerful?” the second judge asked in surprise.

“It is said that he reached the peak of the Grandmaster level, and even Tao Yuandan was shocked at that time.” A strange color flashed in the eyes of the fifth judge, and said.

The several rulings were all surprised when they heard this.

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