Chapter 1386 Seal! (Two-in-one subscription for monthly pass!)

The four of Wang Teng were completely stunned by the skills Xiaobai had realized. At this time, they all looked at it in a daze, feeling a little unbelievable.

No matter how you look at it, it is really awesome to comprehend the four powerful skills at once!

“You, how did you do it?” Elizabeth’s delicate face was filled with consternation at the moment, and asked a little hesitantly.

Even her huge lower body couldn’t help but move, a little restless.

It was also a metamorphosis, she was still using the body of a dark behemoth like the Dayan Kuijia Dragon Beast, and it was actually not as good as Xiaobai’s ability to perceive from a drop of essence and blood.

This is irrational.

Isn’t it better than a drop of blood?

[True·Beast is not as good as blood! 】

Elizabeth even had some doubts about life.

At first, she felt that it was good to use the Dayankuijia dragon beast as a reborn body, even if it was a dark star beast.

Because no one knows better than her how rare and precious a star beast’s shell is equal to the realm master level.

Even if Wang Teng agreed to help her hunt the star beast, I am afraid it would not be possible to encounter such a powerful star beast in a short time.

But now she suddenly felt that it was not so fragrant.

“I don’t know.” Xiaobai was proud of it for only three seconds. Hearing Elizabeth’s question, he was stunned for a moment, with a confused look in his eyes: “After I swallowed those golden light balls, I felt that the whole world seemed to become clear. , And then… I realized it!”

“…” Elizabeth.

God will be enlightened!

That’s it?

After she swallowed the golden light ball, she also felt the change.

That was the sublimation of the soul’s origin, and her comprehension had also improved a lot, but this was not enough for her to comprehend the four skills.

Being able to comprehend the skills of the two dragon beasts from Dayankui is already very good.

Even if there is no golden light group, she may not be able to fully comprehend those two skills.

Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, and he probably knew what was going on.

The golden light group can enhance the soul origin!

Xiao Bai’s soul origin has been improved, and his comprehension has also increased.

Even at that time, it may have entered a state of enlightenment, so it has comprehended the four skills, and also took this opportunity to integrate its own abilities into it, giving birth to a brand new skill.

I have to admit that this is a great luck!

“You two are in different situations after all, so you can’t compare them like this.” Wang Teng touched his chin and said in deep thought, “The drop of blood that Xiaobai swallowed came from an ancestor-level dark species with an incredible heritage, Xiaobai Being able to comprehend the four skills is not unreasonable.”

“Actually, yours is not bad. I know that the two skills of the Dayankuijia dragon beast are quite powerful. They are by no means comparable to ordinary skills. You are not at a loss.”

“That said, I’m afraid of contrast in everything.” Elizabeth smiled bitterly and shook her head, and didn’t worry about it anymore.

After all, she is a realm master-level existence, and her character is absolutely comparable. It was just that she had just heard that Xiaobai had realized the four skills, and her heart was inevitably out of balance.

Jealousy is not enough, but somewhat envy!

Of course, after hearing Wang Teng’s comforting words, she also recovered.


The two skills she has acquired are not bad, and her combat power is far beyond the previous one, so there is nothing to be dissatisfied with.

“Unexpectedly, I actually got in touch.” Elizabeth smiled bitterly.

“It’s okay, it’s human nature.” Wang Teng smiled and looked at Xiaobai and said: “Xiaobai, your four skills are very good, especially [Blood Crow Clone] and [Three Thousand Flame Feathers] These two skills will be of great use in the future, and you have to practice harder.”

“I see.” Xiaobai nodded slightly, and the words became more and more skillful, not as jerky as before.

“By the way, you two should have inherited the dark force.” A faint golden light flashed in Wang Teng’s eyes, and he said suddenly.

Everyone suddenly fell into silence.

Xiaobai and Elizabeth seemed a little worried, they were originally ordinary star beasts, and they were extremely taboo against the dark force.

“It’s okay, the dark force doesn’t mean it must be a dark creature.” A strand of dark force appeared in Wang Teng’s hand, wrapping around his arm like a black python.

Since everyone has the Dark Force, there is no need to deliberately hide anything.

What’s more, they already knew that he had the dark force.

He released the dark force at this time, just to make Xiaobai and Elizabeth more receptive.

After all, even his master has the Dark Force, and they have the Dark Force, so what is unacceptable.

“That’s right. As early as when I accepted the body of the Oiwakuijia dragon beast, I wanted to understand what the dark force is.” Elizabeth was relieved and smiled slightly.

At the same time, her body also released strands of dark force, entwined on the two dragon horns, gathered but not scattered, giving Elizabeth a sense of evil.

Along with the appearance of the black force, there was also a hint of yellow force, which seemed extremely heavy.

Dayankuijia dragon beast possesses two original power attributes of darkness and earth. Obviously, Elizabeth has inherited it at the same time.

Above Xiao Bai’s body was also a trace of dark force. Unlike Elizabeth, its dark force was spread all over the body, accompanied by bursts of blood, a bloody air rushing out.

No wonder everyone sees the Dark Force as if they see something extremely evil.

Just this appearance is equivalent to writing the word “evil” on their faces.

Can’t run!

If Xiaobai and Elizabeth are shown in such an image, everyone will yell and be beaten.

“The three of you are really veritable masters and servants now.” Yuan Tunkun said speechlessly: “I feel like an outsider.”

It feels more than a lot of itself.

Check it out!

All three have the Dark Force, but it doesn’t. This is not what an outsider is.

“It makes you sour, or should I remodel it for you too?” Wang Teng said.

“If you have this ability, I don’t mind.” Yuangunun said with a smile.

It believed that Wang Teng could not do it, and had never heard that intelligent life could be transformed into dark creatures. Even if Wang Teng had a lot of methods, he certainly couldn’t do such a heaven-defying thing.

“Then wait, and sooner or later you will turn into darkness and billowing.” Wang Teng said.

“Okay, I’ll wait.” Yuan Tunkun didn’t care, his eyes rolled back and forth on Xiaobai and Elizabeth, and said with some headaches: “But what should they do?”

“I just wanted them to help you hunt Chaos Beasts. I’m afraid it’s not suitable to appear outside now like this.”

“The Secret Realm of Chaos is in the hands of the Star Academy. There must be many immortal powerhouses here.”

“If you run into them, you can see at a glance that Xiaobai and Elizabeth possess the dark force, so be careful to be killed directly by them as dark creatures.”

“Don’t worry, I have a way.” Wang Teng said.

“You have a way, what can you do?” Yuan Tunkun didn’t believe it, but suddenly reacted: “No, your dark force is very well hidden. Even the immortal powerhouse can’t find it. Is there a way?”

“My methods, they can’t be used, but I recently discovered another interesting method, but I can try it.” Wang Teng smiled slightly.

“What way?” Rounding looked at him suspiciously.

“Seal!” Wang Teng spit out two words.

“You want to seal their dark force!” Round Rolling Road.

“Yes, only if it is sealed, it will not cause the leakage of the dark force, and with a little hidden means, naturally it will not be discovered.” Wang Teng said: “Of course, the sealing method must be sufficiently clever, otherwise it is still very difficult. It’s easy for some strong people to see it.”

“Do you have such a sealing method?” Yuan Tuan asked suspiciously.

“Since I said it, it is natural.” Wang Teng smiled mysteriously and said to Xiaobai and Elizabeth: “Let’s start with Xiaobai. It is weaker and easier to seal.”

“Okay!” Elizabeth nodded, with a hint of joy in her eyes.

If the Dark Force can really be sealed, it would be a great thing for her.

She didn’t want to hide from time to time in the future, even without the opportunity to show up in front of others.

Xiao Bai looked at Wang Teng, and his huge head leaned in front of Wang Teng.

“Relax, don’t resist my mental strength!” Wang Teng comforted softly.

“I see.” Xiaobai replied softly.

Wang Teng’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he stopped talking nonsense, and his figure flashed over Xiao Bai’s head.

He sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, stretched out his right hand between Xiao Bai’s two eyes, his mental power swept out, followed his arm, and entered Xiao Bai’s body.

The original power of the star beast lies in the star core, and Wang Teng’s mental power passes through Xiao Bai’s body and goes straight to the star core.

[Pupil of True Sight] Turned on, the situation in Xiaobai’s body was in his eyes, and the details were clear.

In Xiao Bai’s body, there is a void, minding the space between reality and illusion.

A strange star nucleus is suspended in it!

There are three kinds of lines spreading on the star core, one is blood red, one is dark red, and the other is pitch black!

The three colors are almost all over the entire star core, especially the jet black lines, even occupying most of the star core, and the strong dark power appears in it from time to time.

Wang Teng was slightly startled, the dark force really cannot be underestimated!

If it is not controlled, among the three forces, the dark force will inevitably have the upper hand.

The dark red color is the special fire force of Youyan Mingcrow, and the blood red color is the special force of blood crow-the force of blood!

Even the force of blood and the force of fire can’t suppress the force of darkness. The horror of the force of darkness can be seen!

With a move in Wang Teng’s heart, a method of sealing emerged in his mind, and his mental power was sketched out, turning into strange golden lines toward Xiao Bai’s star nucleus.

This sealing method comes from Yu Yunxian!

That’s right, Yu Yunxian, the emperor of the Dagan Empire!

The state of the other party was very strange. Wang Teng observed many times and finally found the problem.

Yu Yunxian’s dark force has not been resolved, but has been sealed.

Wang Teng saw the complete sealing method in his body, very profound and profound, completely inscribed in Yu Yunxian’s body and the sea of ​​nothingness.

If it hadn’t been for Wang Teng to possess the [Pupil of True Sight] and observe it for several days, I am afraid that he would really not be able to discover the method of sealing.

However, he did not tell others about this discovery, only he knew it.

The matter of Yu Yunxian involved a lot of secrets, and it was about the Dark Species, and the Starry Sky Academy allowed him to enroll, there must be some reason.

Wang Teng didn’t know how many unknown things were in it, so he could only pretend not to know.

Observing all this in the dark, he can naturally take the initiative and reduce the danger.

After all, there is a good saying, curiosity killed the cat!

He is curious, but he doesn’t want to be that cat.

The sealing method in Yu Yunxian’s body is very advanced, and it is by no means inscribed by ordinary people. If Wang Teng was a master-level rune master, and his mental power was extremely powerful, I am afraid that he would not be able to imitate it.

At this moment, he was fully absorbed, not daring to relax at all, and inscribed the seal bit by bit, extremely cautious.

When engraving the rune, you must always beware of the riots of the dark force.

After all, the Dark Force cannot sit still and let him seal it.

Fortunately, Wang Teng himself possessed the dark force, and Xiaobai actively suppressed it, but it was also surprising.

More than half an hour has passed!

The golden lines covered the area where the black lines were originally, until the traces of the black lines were no longer visible.

“It’s finished!” Wang Teng was slightly happy.

The golden lines covering the core of the little white star burst into golden light instantly, forming a large golden net, completely isolating the fluctuations emanating from the dark force.

Outside, Wang Teng slowly opened his eyes, and a curve appeared in the corners of his mouth.

“How about? Can it be?” Yuan Gunun asked quickly when he saw this.

“I’m not successful when I shot?” Wang Teng said lightly.

“Pretend to be!” Yuan Gunguin let out a sigh of relief, and couldn’t help but cursed with a smile.

The color of joy on Elizabeth’s face became stronger. Since Xiaobai can succeed there, she shouldn’t be a problem here.

At this time, Xiao Bai also opened his eyes and said happily: “Master, I feel the dark force being suppressed.”

“If you don’t have to be a last resort in the future, don’t use the dark force.” Wang Teng smiled and exhorted.

“Yeah.” Xiaobai nodded again and again: “I won’t use the dark force. Without it, I can still show strong strength.”

“Oh, after the transformation, the tone has also become bigger.” Yuan Guangun said jokingly.

“I want to help the master fight.” Xiaobai raised his head and said proudly.

“Okay, Elizabeth, next I will help you seal the Dark Force.” Wang Teng looked at the Ant-Man tribe.

“Master, do you need a rest?” Elizabeth said worriedly.

“It’s not in the way.” Wang Teng waved his hand, flashed to the back of the Ant-Man clan mother, stood in front of her half-human body, tapped his index finger lightly, and landed on the center of her eyebrows.

With his first experience, Wang Teng became a lot more proficient, and he became familiar with the road.

However, Elizabeth has the strength of the master class, and the dark force is huge, which is not comparable to Xiaobai.

Therefore, it took Wang Teng three hours to inscribe the completed seal, completely covering the dark force in Elizabeth’s body.

“All right!”

Three hours later, Wang Teng opened his eyes again, even at this moment he felt a burst of mental fatigue.

This sealing method is really too profound and consumes very serious mental power. If it were not for Wang Teng’s strong mental power, it would not be able to support him to complete the inscription of the seal.

“Thank you, Master!” Elizabeth felt the situation in her body, couldn’t help being overjoyed, and quickly said gratefully.

“Don’t thank me, just help me hunt more Chaos Beasts later.” Wang Teng smiled.

“I’ll rest for a while, and familiarize yourself with your current body. We will start hunting after a while. Time can’t be wasted.”


Xiaobai and Elizabeth nodded immediately.

Wang Teng stopped talking nonsense, sat cross-legged directly, and began to regain his mental strength.

An hour later, he suddenly got up and said: “Go, let’s start hunting!”

After speaking, with a big wave of his hand, the figures of Xiaobai and Elizabeth disappeared in the swallowing space.

The next moment, they appeared in the outside world!

In the chaos, the appearance of Xiaobai and Elizabeth’s huge bodies attracted the attention of a large number of Chaos Beasts.



With roaring sounds, countless Chaos Beasts were alarmed and rushed towards Wang Teng and others.

Xiaobai and Elizabeth were slightly surprised when they saw this battle for the first time.

“Are these chaotic beasts?” Elizabeth said with a strange light in her eyes: “It seems a little different from the appearance in the inherited memory.”

“The Chaos Beast has no fixed form, and each Chaos Beast is different.” Wang Teng explained.

“Well, it’s really peculiar.” Elizabeth nodded thoughtfully.

“Are you afraid?” Wang Teng asked Xiaobai with a smile.

“Don’t be afraid, I want to help the master kill the Chaos Beast.” There was a sharp look in Xiao Bai’s eyes. Youyan Ming Crow has always been a fierce one. Even though Xiao Bai was tamed by Wang Teng since he was a child, he still retains his wildness and fierceness. May be afraid.

“Very well, then…kill it with me!” Wang Teng laughed, and when he said the last word, he burst out loudly.


In an instant, Wang Teng, Xiaobai, and Elizabeth all rushed out, and a terrifying force burst out of them.

This time, Wang Teng did not choose to hide, and then went to hunt down slowly, but directly did it.

With helpers, and there are world masters like Elizabeth, are you afraid of these chaotic beasts that are equivalent to a constant star and universe?

That’s it!

“Elizabeth, you need to use the power of the original law to really kill these chaotic beasts.” Wang Teng said.

“Okay!” Elizabeth’s gaze flashed, and the two dragon horns above her head suddenly burst into yellow light, forming a yellow beam, shooting towards the chaotic beasts in front of her.

Although the Dark Force cannot be used, the power of [Dark Rock Dragon Lightwave] cannot be underestimated by relying on the Earth Element Force alone.

The beam of light swept across the chaotic beasts, the power of the original law radiated out, and immediately killed a large number of chaotic beasts.

There are a lot of Chaos Beasts. Some Chaos Beasts still escaped the destruction of the light beam, roaring towards Elizabeth, or opening their huge mouths to bite Elizabeth, or condensing chaotic light clusters and bombarding them out. .

But Elizabeth’s body was suddenly illuminated with an extremely heavy yellow light, and a layer of yellow scales like a dragon’s scale was formed on its huge snow-white body. It was extremely majestic and amazing in defense.

All the attacks fell on it, and they couldn’t hurt her at all!

Wang Teng was relieved immediately. Elizabeth’s combat power was far beyond imagination. With her, they were already invincible.

Immediately, he looked at Xiao Bai on the other side, and he was slightly taken aback.

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