Chapter 1385 Awakening! The change of two pets! (Two-in-one subscription for monthly pass!)


Within the space debris, the blood cocoon hangs in the air, and the blood-colored light blooms like a small blood-colored sun.

The bloody air wave rolled back in all directions, and powerful force fluctuations erupted from the blood cocoon.

Amidst the bloody waves, there are also strands of dark blue flames accompanying them, like blooming flowers, centered on blood cocoons, which is unusually gorgeous.

The girls of the Flower Spirit Race below were all attracted over, staring into the sky in horror.

The Iron Armored Flame Scorpion also looked into the sky with shocking eyes, and a trace of envy could not help but appear in his eyes.

It’s sour!

Judging from this aura fluctuation, after Xiao Bai breaks out of the cocoon, his strength will definitely increase greatly, far surpassing it.

Seeing that Xiao Bai is about to rise, but it is still standing still, how can he balance in his heart.

But it also knew that this was Xiao Bai’s chance, and even if it was given to it, it was of no use.

What is the use of the blood of the blood crow ancestor for a scorpion.

So it can only envy it.

Standing in the sky, Wang Teng glanced down, frowned, and with a big wave of his hand, he left the space debris with the blood cocoon that Xiao Bai had transformed into the swallowing space.

Xiao Bai broke the cocoon’s movement too much, he was worried that it would cause damage to the space debris.

You must know that there are many precious elixir planted in the space debris, if it is destroyed, he will have nowhere to cry.

Seeing that Wang Teng took the blood cocoon away, the girls of the Flower Spirit clan couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. The coercion exuded from the blood cocoon made them breathless, just like facing a more terrifying creature.

But they knew that Xiao Bai was inside the blood cocoon, so they were very curious.

“Sister Huazi, what kind of paper will Xiaobai turn into when he breaks the cocoon?” The little Huaxianer stood beside Huazi, tilted his head, and a pair of ponytails fell down and looked at Huazi. , There is expectation in the big eyes.

These flower spirit girls have lived in the space debris for a long time, and have a good relationship with Xiaobai.

Especially Hua Xianer, who often finds Xiaobai to play with, almost treats it as a large toy.

“Well, I don’t know, maybe it will be great.” Hua Zi touched Hua Xian’er’s little head and said with a smile.

“People know that Xiaobai will definitely become very powerful, but they want to know what kind of paper it will turn into.” Hua Xian’er pouted, she felt that Sister Huazi was very stupid, saying it was equivalent to not saying the same.

“Oh, I don’t know anymore. I’ll know when I wait and see. I should be out of the cocoon soon.” Hua Zi knocked on Hua Xian’er’s head.

Children are really the most troublesome.

“Okay, okay, I won’t be embarrassed by Sister Huazi. Sister Huazi certainly didn’t listen carefully to the lectures of the elders when she was a child.” Hua Xian’er said with a helpless look.

“…” Hua Zi.

Good guy, blame me?

Who said that she didn’t listen to the lecture well, it is obviously that this knowledge is completely beyond the limit, alright.

Who knows what a crow can become.

What’s more, this is an ultra-conventional transformation, not a conventional racial evolution, and there is no target to refer to.

Of course, she wouldn’t explain this to Hua Xian’er, and she didn’t understand it.

The other girls of the Flower Spirit Race, including Huachangpu, couldn’t help but secretly laughed when they saw Huazi eating flat in front of Huaxianer.

Swallowing space.

Two light clusters, one large and one small, are suspended in the air. The small is the bloody cocoon, and the large is the white cocoon. Although there are different sizes, they are actually huge, blooming with dazzling light, and the force fluctuates from Which swept out.

Wang Teng stood in the distance, watching this scene quietly, waiting for Xiaobai and the Ant-human mother to break out of the cocoon.

His face was very calm, but the gleaming eyes betrayed him.

Chuankuang floated beside Wang Teng, and said, “After eating so many golden light balls, it should be a little bit useful.”

“Their potential should be improved a lot.” Wang Teng nodded.

“Potential? The “soul body” of this chaos beast does indeed have such a wonderful effect. Whether my life level can be improved depends on it.” Round Roller said: “Moreover, it is not only the potential, but also their strength. A lot has been improved from the original foundation.”

In mid-air, the light bursting out of the two light cocoons was radiant to the extreme.


Suddenly, there was a crisp cracking sound.

Wang Teng’s spirit was shaken, and he quickly looked towards the bloody light cocoon on the left, only to see that a small crack was emerging on the bloody light cocoon, and a more dazzling bloody light penetrated through the gap. Out, it looks particularly eye-catching.

“Are you coming out?” Rounded his eyes slightly narrowed, looking at the bloody light cocoon, there was also a glimmer of expectation in his eyes.

Xiao Bai used the blood of the blood crow ancestors to transform, and finally did not know what it would become.

The unknown is too big!


At this moment, another crisp cracking sound came out, not from above the bloody light cocoon, but from the white light cocoon on the other side.

“It seems that the ant-human clan mother body is coming out too.” Yuan Gungun looked to the other side and smiled.

“Very good, come out together.” Wang Teng smiled happily.

While speaking, the cracks above the two light cocoons grew bigger and bigger, and then spread to the surroundings, spreading like a spider web.

And not only this place, but also cracks appeared in other locations.

Immediately, a crack in the back rushed out,

These cracks continued to radiate to the surroundings, and finally connected together, until all over the light cocoon.

“Wang Teng, which one do you think will come out faster?” Yuan Guan Gu asked as he watched this scene.

“I don’t know.” Wang Teng said directly.

“Do you want to take a gamble?” Rounded a smile.

“What to bet on?” Wang Teng asked curiously.

“Ten golden light balls, if you win, the next ten golden light balls you get first will be eaten for you, and if I win, you will eat them for me.” Yuanhu Road said.

“You have a good calculation.” Wang Teng rolled his eyes: “The golden ball of light I got from hunting the chaos beast, I can eat it for whomever I like, and bet with you on what basis.”

“Uh…” Yuan Gungun wanted to lie to Wang Teng when he was happy, but he didn’t expect him to be fooled. With his eyes rolled, he quickly said, “You can’t say that, anyway, you must use it for me.” , Just use this bet to determine the order.”

“Forget it, for your poor sake, I’ll gamble with you, let’s say, who do you want to choose?” Wang Teng said indifferently.

“I choose the ant-human mother body.” Rounded his eyes lit up and said immediately.

“Are you sure?” Wang Teng looked at it with a faint smile: “You have to choose carefully, don’t say I didn’t give you a chance if you lose.”

Rounded looking at Wang Teng suspiciously, and hummed softly: “Don’t you want to lie to me, I will choose the Ant-Man female body.”

“Well, then I will choose Xiaobai.” Wang Teng shrugged.

“Wang Teng, you are going to lose this time, Xiaobai’s strength is weaker after all, and it is not so easy to break the cocoon.” Yuangungun said with a smile.

“That’s not necessarily.” Wang Teng smiled slightly, looked at the bloody cocoon ahead, and said nothing more.

This way of him actually made Yuan Kuan Gu’s heart sway a bit. Did Wang Teng see anything?

After all, Wang Teng has a lot of methods, and he doesn’t even know what specific methods Wang Teng has. Who knows if he can even see this.

But it’s nothing, it’s a steady profit without losing it. If it loses, it doesn’t lose anything. If it wins, it can still use ten golden light groups, so why not do it.

It has been greedy for the golden light group for a whole month.

In the past month, all the golden light balls have been fed to Xiaobai and the Ant-Human clan mother.

Now it just wants to taste the golden light group earlier, the others are floating clouds.

Wang Teng didn’t know what Yuan Kuan Kuan was thinking at all, and he didn’t even bother to pay attention to it. At this time, his attention was on the two light cocoons in front of him.

Suddenly, Wang Teng’s gaze moved, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but cocked.


An exceptionally clear and crisp sound echoed in the swallowing space extremely abruptly.

Chuankuan looked at the place where the sound was coming from, and his complexion suddenly stiffened.

The sound actually came from Scarlet Light Cocoon!


Another crisp sound came out.


At the same time, a sharp claw emitting blood light suddenly grabbed the bloody light cocoon and protruded directly from it.

This sharp claw seemed to be made of some kind of hard and sharp metal, and the dark blood ray circulated on it, sometimes showing a dark color, sometimes showing a trace of blood red, it was exceptionally strange, just like a weapon of a magic weapon.

The last hope was dashed.


The bloody light cocoon shattered again, and another sharp claw penetrated from the light cocoon, exactly the same as the previous one, the same hard and sharp.

At first glance, it looks like a peerless soldier!


At this moment, a cry like a collision between gold and iron suddenly sounded, resounding in the swallowing space, and it lasted for a long time.


The next moment, the entire bloody cocoon burst and opened, turning into bloody spots of light falling from the sky.

A dark red ray burst out from the cocoon and rushed straight to the top of the swallowing space, trying to compete with Tiangong.

It’s a pity that the scope of the space to swallow is always limited, it can only hover at the top of the space, making bursts of golden screams.

Wang Teng and Yuan Gungun looked up at the same time.

I saw a huge bird flying with its wings spread, its sharp claws and sharp beak were all glowing with metallic luster, and its dark red feathers were as sharp as gold and iron. Its body was dark red, with lines on it like flames. Ordinary strange lines, there is a sense of heat in the cold, strange but coordinated.

You Yan Ming Crow! ! !

You Yan Ming Crow after the metamorphosis!

The former Youyan Mingcrow has now changed its appearance!

Not only the appearance has undergone a huge change, but also the body shape has become several times the original.

You Yan Ming Crow was originally red and black, but now that black has become darker and deeper, but the red color has turned into blood red.

The overall color of You Yan Ming Crow became dark red.

The two seem to be similar in color, but in fact there is a big difference.

Crimson and blood red are two completely different feelings, one is pure heat, the other is with a hint of evil.

However, there were flame-like lines spreading on the dark red, which made this sense of evil dissipate a lot.

Of course, these are second to none, the biggest change is its strength, from not being a lower emperor to today’s middle emperor, the leap is not a big deal.

The star beast’s middle emperor level realm is already equivalent to the universe level.

Xiao Bai can be said to have crossed two realms at once, which is unbelievable.

After the star beast reached the king level, it was extremely difficult to upgrade a realm, no simpler than a warrior, and sometimes even more difficult.

So Xiaobai’s transformation is really a huge fortune.

“This has caught up with me.” Wang Teng turned on [Pupils of True Vision] to see through Xiaobai’s current realm, and couldn’t help but smile.

“Has it reached the median emperor rank?” Yuan Gungun said in shock.

“Yes!” Wang Teng nodded with satisfaction.

“Damn! Is the blood of the ancestor of the blood crow so powerful?” Yuan Gungun couldn’t help but burst into a swear word, a little unbelievable.

“The golden light group should have also played a big role, otherwise it would not be possible to break through the middle emperor!” Wang Teng said in a deep voice.

“It should be.” Yuan Gungun reacted immediately.

Without the golden light group, Xiao Bai’s transformation would not be so complete. It would be horrible to raise two realms at once.

Its eyes flashed with light, and it became more and more eager for the golden light group.

Although Wang Teng knew that the golden light group should have a big effect, he really didn’t expect it to have such a big effect.

But in any case, this is a great advantage for Xiaobai, and it can’t be met.

Suddenly, Wang Teng was very thankful that he was not stingy. He has been feeding Xiaobai the golden light balls continuously for a month, and now it seems that those golden light balls are not wasted.


There was a whistle, Xiaobai fell from above, stopped in front of Wang Teng, his huge head stretched out in front of Wang Teng, and his sharp eyes were full of gratitude and admiration at this time.

“Good job.” Wang Teng couldn’t help laughing happily, reached out his hand and touched Xiaobai’s head, approvingly.


Suddenly, a slightly childish voice came from Xiaobai’s mouth, sounding like a six or seven-year-old child.

Its words are not yet proficient, and there are some bumps.

“Xiao Bai, are you able to speak?” Yuangun said with wide-eyed eyes.

There was also a glimmer of astonishment in Wang Teng’s eyes, and he looked at Xiao Bai, even suspecting that he had heard it wrong.

Although Xiaobai had been promoted to the king rank very early, it had not been able to speak, and could not find any reason, which made Wang Teng very helpless.

Now Xiao Bai spoke suddenly.

Wang Teng would naturally be a little unbelievable.

Does this transformation finally give it the ability to speak?

“Go, go, brother~” Xiaobai’s huge eyes looked at Chuankuan and spoke again.

“Brother Gungun?” Rounded his face black: “What do you call this.”

“Hahaha…” Wang Teng couldn’t help but laughed, “Great, Xiaobai, you can finally talk.”

“I’m talking, but I’m not fluent.” Yuan Kuankuan glanced at Xiao Bai, and laughed, and said, “But don’t call me Gungun brother, this name sounds weird.”

“Don’t pay attention to it, it is hypocritical.” Wang Teng pushed Yuangunguin away.

“Jiao, sentiment!” Xiaobai followed suit.

“…” Chu Kuan’s complexion turned black.

“Hahaha…” Wang Teng couldn’t help but smile: “Yes, that’s it, you can’t get used to it.”

“You are too much, you don’t put me in your eyes at all.” Yuangungun said angrily.

“Ruangungun you just lost the bet with me.” Wang Teng said.

“Puff!” Yuan Guangan felt an arrow in her heart again, almost spurting out a mouthful of old blood.


At this moment, there was a violent roar in the sky, and the white light was dazzling. The light cocoon formed by the Ant-Man tribe’s body suddenly exploded and turned into white light spots in the sky.

The same scene reappeared, but when the Ant-Man clan body appeared, the movement was much smaller than Xiao Bai. There were no excited shouts, and no flying around. Only when the light cocoon exploded, the force’s impact was more intense.

Obviously, compared with Xiao Bai, the Ant-Man clan parent body is much more stable.

Wang Teng was round and round, and the three Xiaobai suddenly reacted and looked into the white light spot.

I saw a huge figure emerge in the light spot!

When Wang Teng and others saw the true appearance of the huge figure, they couldn’t help but froze for a moment, and then a strange color appeared in their eyes.

It was a very huge female ant, all white and crystal clear, like carved from jade, not bloated, but a touch of exquisiteness.

If you reduce it countless times, it might even look like a silkworm baby.

Still the kind of Q version.

On the top of the Ant-Man tribe’s mother’s head, there are actually two sharp horns that resemble dragon horns, replacing its original tentacles, and giving it a sense of strangeness.

The two sharp horns resembling dragon horns were black and yellow, and it seemed that there was a trace of dark power faintly radiating out.

But these physical characteristics, Wang Teng and Yuan Kuankuan have only been swept away.

Their gazes finally settled between the two dragon horns of the Ant-Man clan mother.

There, there was a figure like a human woman.

With long silver-white hair, beautiful appearance, and slightly closed eyes, her lower body merges with the huge snow-white body, and only the upper body is exposed, presenting a perfect golden ratio.

However, the upper body was wrapped in a layer of light gauze, and the key parts were not exposed.

Wang Teng was really taken aback when he saw the other side.

Does the Ant-Man family look like this?

Remember the last time I saw the ant-man mother body on that declining planet, it wasn’t like that?

There is no half body like that of a human being.

“This is the ant-human mother body!?” Yuan Tunkun also looked at the huge body in front of him in amazement, hesitatingly said.

“It’s me!” Elizabeth, the mother of the Ant-Man tribe, seemed to hear its voice. The human body opened his eyes and turned his head to look over. The corners of his mouth showed a slight curvature, and the voice was soft: “But compared to my previous image, it happened. Some changes.”

“You have a human body?” Wang Teng asked.

“You can have it, but it’s not of much use to me. This time I was reborn, I made such a body specially for the convenience of getting along with you.” Elizabeth said.

“Uh…” Wang Teng said in silence, “You think a lot, but it’s not bad, it looks more pleasing to the eye.”

“It’s just a bit weird, I always want to look at your lower body.” Chuan Dong said with a weird expression.

“Be serious, she is a girl, how can you look at her lower body.” Wang Teng said quietly.

“…” The rounded face turned black.

MMP said it was like a pervert.


Innocent people are innocent!

“Elizabeth became like this because of you.” Yuan Guangun attacked.

“…” Wang Teng.

When Elizabeth saw the two quarreling, a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

“You have retained the strength of the realm master.” Wang Teng ignored Billowing, his eyes flashed with golden light, which was a sign that the [Pupil of True Sight] was operating, and he looked at the Ant-Man Clan’s maternal body.

Ant-Man tribe is also a kind of human tribe, so it can be called the master class!

I have to say, this is really a surprise!

Master class!

He originally thought that the Ant-Man clan body could retain the domain master level strength even if it was very good, but he did not expect it to retain the domain master level strength!

This means that Wang Teng will have an extra master-level combat power!

“Yes.” Elizabeth slowly floated towards Wang Teng, and the huge body stopped several hundred meters away from Wang Teng’s face, and said gratefully: “Thanks to the master you provided me with the Dayankui Jialong The body of the beast, and the magical golden light ball, otherwise I am afraid I will start practicing again.”

“It’s also that you and Xiaobai are lucky, and it happened that I entered the Chaos Secret Realm to hunt the Chaos Beast.” Wang Teng laughed.

“Chaotic Secret Realm! Chaos Beast!” Elizabeth seemed to be a little shocked, and said, “Could it be the secret realm before the opening of the legendary universe.”

“You know?” Wang Teng asked in surprise.

“There are related records in my heritage.” Elizabeth said.

“It seems that the inheritance of your Ant-Man clan is not weak.” Wang Teng glanced at her and said.

“In fact, I only know a little bit of fur, and I haven’t really seen the Chaos Secret Realm.” Elizabeth shook her head.

“It’s not bad to know a little bit. Some people don’t even know what the Secret Realm of Chaos is at first.” Yuan Gungun said, looking at Wang Teng.

“Look at what I am doing, how old am I, how old is Elizabeth, can it be compared?” Wang Teng said silently.

“Master, my age is not too old among the Ant-Man tribe, and I am still very young.” Elizabeth said quietly.

“…” Wang Teng.

Unexpectedly, even the Ant-human mothers care about age so much.

Do women and female creatures have this in common?

“But I still have to thank the master for being able to use such a precious thing for me.” Elizabeth said gratefully again.

“It’s nothing, it’s all my own, and it’s not a loss for you to use it.” Wang Teng waved his hand and said, “It just so happens that you are all awake now. Go out and help me hunt the Chaos Beast later.”

“You can really do it. People just wake up, they will be treated as coolies by you.” Yuan Tunkun said speechlessly.

“Do you still want the golden light group.” Wang Teng said in a bad mood.

“Yes!” Yuan Gungun immediately looked at Xiaobai and Elizabeth, and said solemnly: “It’s all your own, everyone works together, hunts more chaos beasts, you can get more golden light groups, maybe it will be useful to you in the future. .”

“…” Elizabeth.


Wang Teng also gave a blank look.

This guy is changing too fast!

Thick-skinned thief.

“I didn’t have much combat power, but this time I was reborn with the body of the Dayan Kuijia dragon beast. I have gained some combat skills from the Dayan Kuijia dragon beast, and the combat power has improved a lot. I can help.” Elizabeth said.

“Oh?” Wang Teng was a little surprised, and asked quickly: “What abilities have you gained?”

“The first is [Dark Rock Dragon Armor], which can form a layer of dragon armor to cover the whole body during battle, and its defense power is amazing. There is also a skill called [Dark Rock Dragon Light Wave], which can emit a beam of light from the dragon horns above my head. , The power is extremely powerful.” Elizabeth explained.

“[Dark Rock Dragon Armor]! Isn’t this the skill I got from the Dayan Kui Jia Dragon Beast?” Wang Teng was very surprised, and he was a little unbelievable: “There is also a [Dark Rock Dragon Lightwave], this is even me. I didn’t expect Elizabeth to get the skills I didn’t get. This method of rebirth of the Ant-Human tribe is a bit powerful.”

“The only shortcoming is that after being reborn, my body is no longer my own body, but some changes have taken place.”

“But it doesn’t matter. As far as the Ant-Man tribe is concerned, I’m afraid it won’t care about this issue.”

“It’s amazing.” After listening to Elizabeth’s explanation, Yuan Gungun couldn’t help but sigh.

“It’s really amazing. I had a fight with Da Yankui Jialong before. Its two skills are very powerful. If you get its skills, your strength will definitely rise.” Wang Teng nodded.

In this way, the benefits to him are huge.

He was worried at first whether Elizabeth’s combat power would be too weak, but now it seems that this worry is unnecessary.

Having mastered the skills of the Dayankuijia dragon beast, how could the combat power of the Ant-Man tribe’s mother body be weak.

“Master, I also got a few skills.” At this time, Xiao Bai said not to be outdone.

“You also got the skills?” Wang Teng’s eyes widened, more surprised than when he heard that the Ant-Man tribe’s mother had acquired the skills of the Dayankui Jialong Beast.

Even Chunkun looked at Xiao Bai in surprise.

“Hurry up and talk about any skills.” Wang Teng hurriedly urged.

This little thing is really, such an important thing, I didn’t say it sooner.

“Yes, say it quickly.” Yuan Tuankuan also hurriedly said.

“I have acquired four skills, one is called [Blood Raven Youlin Shield], which is a defensive skill that can condense a shield condensed by feathers.”

“The other is called [Blood Raven Clone], which can separate several clones at the same time to confuse the enemy, and these clones have a part of the attack power of the main body.”

“There is another called [Blood Sickle Slash], which is a powerful offensive skill that can condense a bloody sickle slash, which is very powerful.”

“The last skill is called [Three Thousand Flame Feathers]. It is a skill that can turn feathers into attacks and is accompanied by fire power. This skill is what I learned from that drop of blood. It combines my own abilities, isn’t it amazing? “Xiao Bai said triumphantly.


Wang Teng, billowing, all three of Elizabeth were dumbfounded.

Four skills!

Are you hanging up?

Even Elizabeth didn’t know what to say. He felt that it was great that he had obtained two skills, but Xiaobai got four skills directly.

And, one of them also combines its own capabilities.

This is much more difficult than simply inheriting or comprehending the opponent’s skills, and it hasn’t even done it as a master-level existence.

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