Chapter 1383 Hunting! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)


Wang Teng felt that he could only express his bad mood at this moment.

I just said that there was a chaos beast, and countless heads popped up in a blink of an eye. What a damn it is.

Crow’s mouth!

But the situation at this moment does not allow him to think about it…



There was roaring sound all around, and chaotic beasts of various shapes emerged from the chaos and rushed towards Wang Teng.

“Run!” Wang Teng’s scalp was numb, and he turned around with an air flash, returned to the spaceship, fleeing far and wide.

The rhetoric that had just said that he was going to hunt the Chaos Beast had already been thrown out of the sky at this time.

The previous envoy was right that there were too many Chaos Beasts, very dangerous, and invincible.

What’s more, the Chaos Beast must use the power of the original law to kill, and his little power of the original law is not enough to support him facing so many Chaos beasts.

If the Chaos Beast was killed without the power of the original law, it would soon return to its original state, which would be very unfavorable for Wang Teng.

So the best way now is to escape first, and it’s best to disperse the group of chaotic beasts behind them, and then destroy them one by one.

It is a pity that Chaos Beasts will not let Wang Teng escape easily. Amidst the roar, a group of Chaos Beasts launched an attack. A group of chaotic light clusters condensed in their mouths, which contained the power of the law, and then bombarded towards the Demon Killer spacecraft. .

“Quickly avoid it!” Wang Teng’s expression changed slightly, and he said immediately.

With a dignified round face, he immediately controlled the spacecraft to avoid the attack behind him.



The roar continued to sound, and successive attacks exploded around the spacecraft.

Although these chaotic beasts are only equivalent to constant stars or universe levels, their attacks contain a trace of the power of the original law, which should not be underestimated.

In particular, some attacks contain the power of the original law of wind, the power of the original law of thunder, and the power of the original law of light. The speed is extremely fast, and even the Mosha spacecraft does not have much advantage.

Of course, the unpredictable environment in the chaotic region is also a major reason why the spacecraft cannot speed up.

There are space cracks in many places in the chaos.

There is the power of law around those space cracks, and if a brain hits it, even the world master-class spacecraft will not get any benefit.

More importantly, as the attack of the Chaos Beast broke out, more and more Chaos Beasts around were attracted and surrounded by the Demon Killer spacecraft.

For these Chaos Beasts, Wang Teng’s Demon Killer is an alien invader. Although Chaos Beasts have no wisdom, their instinct to guard the territory is very strong.

“Wang Teng, we must find a way to get rid of these chaotic beasts, otherwise even our Demon Killing spacecraft will not be able to withstand their attacks.” The rounded voice said solemnly.

“I didn’t expect these Chaos Beasts to be so crazy. It’s really unexpected.” Wang Teng looked at the Chaos Beasts emerging around him through a panoramic simulation, and couldn’t help feeling a little helpless.

Too much!

Even if you shoot, you can’t finish it!

“Yeah, this number is too terrifying, and it didn’t give people time to react. It suddenly appeared, and even we didn’t notice it.” Yuanguin shook his head, and at this moment it can’t bother to think about the chaos beast. Good thing, so many Chaos Beasts made it feel the malice and beatings from Chaos.

The facts tell them that this is not only a place of opportunity, but also a place full of danger and evil.

If he is not careful and takes his life in, Wang Teng will definitely become the biggest joke of the Seven Star Academy.

What kind of genius is a genius who can’t control chance.

“These chaotic beasts seem a bit weird. They can hide in the chaos perfectly and discover my existence in advance.” Wang Teng frowned.

You need to know his hiding method, but even the realm master-level powerhouse can temporarily hide it. As a result, he was discovered when he wanted to sneak attack the stone chaotic beast.

This is incredible.

But Wang Teng didn’t know how the other party discovered him.

Wang Teng really didn’t know much about Chaos Beast.

No one can even say that they have a thorough understanding of Chaos Beast, which is a very strange life form, and many people only know some superficial things.

“Maybe because of the chaotic airflow?” Yuan Gungun guessed.

“Similar to what I thought.” Wang Teng nodded thoughtfully, the only thing he could think of was chaotic airflow.

Perhaps these chaotic beasts can perceive the outside world through chaotic air currents, so Wang Teng, who is in a land of chaotic air currents everywhere, is hard not to be spotted.

Of course, it’s just a guess, whether it is still to be verified.


The spacecraft shook slightly, it was an attack that landed on the spacecraft.

The master-class spacecraft can withstand the attacks of master-class powerhouses, and naturally can withstand attacks that contain the power of the original law.

This is the difference between the domain master level and the world master level.

It can be said that there is a technical barrier between the world master class spacecraft and the domain master class spacecraft. Only by breaking through this technical barrier can it be considered a world master class spacecraft.

At this time, the attack of the Chaos Beast landed on the spaceship. Although the spaceship shook, it was not a major problem. The opponent’s attack did not even break the protective cover, but only slightly damaged it.

But Chuankuang didn’t dare to relax his vigilance, because there were too many Chaos Beasts. If he allowed to attack like this, sooner or later the protective shield of the spaceship would be breached.

“Rolling, we put the spaceship away.” Wang Teng said suddenly.

“Put away the spaceship? Are you crazy? Without the spaceship, how could we possibly get past these chaotic beasts.” Yuangungun said in shock.

“Even with a spaceship, it is difficult for us to get rid of these chaotic beasts in today’s situation. They will chase us endlessly.” Wang Teng shook his head and said, “So I can only take the risk and try it.”

“What can you do?” Yuangunguin asked suspiciously. Hearing what Wang Teng meant, he seemed to have thought of a solution?

“Try it and be prepared.” Wang Teng did not explain much, he said lightly, and was about to rush out of the spacecraft.

Chuanzhuo helpless, had to slow down the spacecraft, and then stopped.

Wang Teng rushed out of the spacecraft for the first time, put it away, and then rushed into the chaotic air current nearby.

This operation made me feel a little confused.

I just guessed that the Chaos Beast perceives the outside world through the chaotic air current, and now he actually rushes into the chaotic air current.

Isn’t this self-inflicted?

Chuankuang didn’t know what to say.

At the same time, when the spacecraft was decelerating just now, the chaotic beasts behind them were getting closer, and they naturally saw Wang Teng rushing into the chaotic airflow, and immediately followed them one by one.

Here is their chassis, entering the chaotic air current, isn’t it looking for death?

But soon they discovered that this is not the case…

People are gone!


Countless chaotic beasts rushed across the chaotic air current, looking for Wang Teng’s figure everywhere, but they couldn’t find it, as if they had completely disappeared.



The roar of anger came from the mouth of Chaos Beast.

After searching for a while, many Chaos Beasts could not find the target to attack, so they dispersed one after another.

“How did you do it?” Yuan Kuankuan saw this scene, his eyes widened to the limit, and his face was incredible.

A few Chaos Beasts were wandering not far from them, but they couldn’t find Wang Teng, as if they were blind.

“It’s very simple.” Wang Teng smiled slightly: “Just blend into the chaos.”

“Incorporated into the chaos?” With a face full of shock, he suddenly noticed something: “You seem to have a layer of chaotic origin energy on the surface of your body?”

“Yes, I covered my whole body with the chaotic energy, and then used the disguise talent to blend into the chaos. The clothes are seamless, and no flaws can be found. The Chaos Beast will naturally not be able to find me.” Wang Teng said with a smile.

In fact, he didn’t have the bottom just now, but he had no other choice but to try this way.

Fortunately, as he guessed, this method is indeed effective.

“It can still be like this.” Yuangun shook his head, and had to admire Wang Teng’s wit in his heart. He was able to think of such a way in that situation, but it suddenly reacted, looking at Wang Teng with unknown meaning, and said: “You really Obtained the chaotic source energy.”

Wang Teng smiled and said nothing.

This matter is unclear at first, let Yuangungu guess.

“These chaotic beasts chased us so miserably, now is the time to collect the money.” Wang Teng looked at the three chaotic beasts closest to him, with a dangerous light in his eyes.

“You are not afraid to attract other Chaos Beasts.” Yuan Tunkun said speechlessly.

This is really not remembering what to eat, he was chased so badly just now, and now he still wants to fight the Chaos Beast.

Although it also wanted revenge, and was even more interested in the “soul body” of the Chaos Beast, the scene where it was hunted down was really thrilling, and it didn’t want to experience it again.

“Don’t worry, I will be very careful this time. After killing these Chaos Beasts, we will hide them and wait for them to relax our vigilance before continuing to hunt.” Wang Teng said.

“Okay, be careful by yourself.” Yuan Gungun knew that he couldn’t stop Wang Teng, so fortunately, he watched how he hunted the Chaos Beast.

There are so many chaotic beasts here, if you can get more “soul body” of chaotic beasts, it can definitely realize the leap of life form.

Round and inexplicably look forward to it.

Wang Teng did not speak, his eyes were fixed on the three chaotic beasts ahead, and he held his breath.

The three Primal Chaos Beasts slowly approached Wang Teng’s area, without discovering Wang Teng’s existence at all, and their vigilance had already been relaxed to a minimum.

“It’s now!”

The light in Wang Teng’s eyes flashed away, and he reached out his hand and pointed forward, and three fire tongues shot out fiercely, entangling the power of the original law of fire, exuding hot high temperature.

The tongue of fire was extremely fast and the distance was short. Before the three Chaos Beasts could react, they were instantly pierced through their heads.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three dull sounds came out, and the three chaotic beasts exploded at the same time, and the chaotic air flow shot out in all directions, and the three golden light groups wanted to take the opportunity to slip away.

Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, and his mental power swept out, rolling back three golden lights.

There are also many attribute bubbles that are rolled back together.

Then he didn’t stay at all, just fled away, moved to another chaotic area, and hid.


The roar sounded again, and many Chaos Beasts noticed the abnormality here and rushed forward, but unfortunately they still didn’t find anything.

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