Chapter 1382 The benefits of Chaos Beasts are amazing! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

At this time, Wang Teng had a deep dislike for his own understanding.

Why can’t it be higher?

Why can’t you be smarter?

It’s almost a pity. I can grab the inspiration right away. It’s really a pity.

“What’s the matter with you…?” Yuan Gungun noticed Wang Teng’s gloomy look and couldn’t help but appear beside him, and asked suspiciously.

“Rolling, my talent is still not enough!” Wang Teng shook his head and sighed.

“???” Rounded.

It’s like just coming out after the exam, asking how the Xueba exam is doing.

Xueba said that the exam is not good, and one question is too difficult, and it may be wrong.

My Nima, one question may be wrong, so the test is not good?

Why don’t you go to heaven.

At this time, Wang Teng’s emotion is similar to this.

Regarding Wang Teng’s talent, I am afraid that everyone who knows will say “the evildoer”!

As a result, he actually thought that his talent was not strong enough!

Is this what people say?

Wang Teng ignored Chuankuang, and instead thought about how to deal with the chaotic source energy in his body?

His current force has been completely completed, and it is very strong, even if the original chaotic energy is converted into the original force, it is just icing on the cake.

For the chaotic source energy, this is actually a waste.

“Rolling, do you say that the chaotic source energy can be used to nourish space debris?” Wang Teng asked.

“Nourish the space debris with the chaotic source energy!” Yuankuang was stunned for a moment, and said suspiciously: “Where did you get the chaotic source energy?”

It knows that Wang Teng asks this question, and it is certainly not as simple as asking casually.

It is very likely that he got this kind of energy.

“You answer my question first.” Wang Teng said.

“Theoretically speaking, it should be possible.” Yuan Kunkun groaned, and said: “To some extent, the essence of space debris is the same as the realm master’s small world. Since the realm master-level powerhouse can use the chaotic source energy To nourish your own small world, naturally it can also nourish space debris.”

“It seems to make sense.” Wang Teng nodded thoughtfully.

“But I haven’t tried it either. Who knows what will happen, in case something goes wrong, don’t come to me.” Yuan Gunun Tan said.

It looked like it was certain that Wang Teng would experiment.

“I’ll ask casually.” Wang Teng said.

“Do you think I will believe it?” Yuan Kuan said.

“Believe it or not.” Wang Teng said indifferently.

“How on earth did you get the origin of chaos?” Yuan Gungun asked: “I didn’t see you absorb it either?”

“Guess.” Wang Teng said.

“You are a real dog.” Yuan Kuan rolled her eyes.

Wang Teng still decided to store the chaos’s original energy first, and wait to leave the chaos secret realm before trying to see if it can be used to nourish the space debris.

It is more important to pick up the attribute bubbles now.

He looked around and found that the bubbles in this chaotic place had been absorbed by him. After a while, no new attribute bubbles appeared, and he was a little disappointed.

“It seems that the next round of attribute bubbles will take a long time to appear.” Wang Teng muttered to himself, boarded the spaceship again and left here.

This chaotic area is so vast, why hang on a tree.

The Demon Killing spacecraft galloped in the chaos. After a while, Wang Teng came to another space crack. The rules of the avenue evolved, and some attribute bubbles were scattered around.

Wang Teng appeared outside and picked up the attribute bubble.

【The Origin of Wood*10】

【The Origin of Thunder*10】

【The Origin of Light*15】

【Chaos Source Energy*80】

【Chaos Origin Energy*45】

“There are the laws of the origin of thunder and the laws of the origin of light!” There was a strange light in Wang Teng’s eyes, and there seemed to be laws evolving in them.

Wood, thunder, and light are alternately changing the power of the three laws, gradually converging into silence, which is a manifestation of being absorbed and digested by Wang Teng.

At the same time, a stream of chaotic origin energy entered Wang Teng’s body, and it was pulled by Wang Teng, merged with the previous chaotic origin energy, and stored in a corner of the void sea.

“Next stop!” Wang Tengfei entered the Mosha spacecraft.

The spacecraft was flying in the chaos. When passing a place, Wang Teng quickly stopped the spacecraft.

In that chaos, there was a pile of rocks floating unexpectedly.

This is the first time that Wang Teng has seen objects other than transit islands in the Secret Realm of Chaos.

“Stones have actually appeared here.” Yuan Kuan Floating beside Wang Teng, said in surprise.

“The heavens and the earth are about to open, chaos evolve everything, do you think there are any treasures here? I heard that the treasures are generally in these evolved places.” Wang Teng said.

“The possibility is very small. We haven’t left the transit island within 3,000 kilometers. This area has been swept away by the strong of the academy. Do you think it is possible to leave any treasures?” Round Rolling Road.

“Oh, you can’t let me dream about it. Maybe this place has just evolved recently.” Wang Teng said in a bad mood.

“It’s possible, then you don’t hurry up and have a look.” Yuan Kuan urged without refuting it.

Wang Teng flew out of the Demon Killing spacecraft and floated in the void. He didn’t rush into the pile of rocks, but first turned on the [Pupils of True Sight] and looked inside.

The faint chaotic source energy floated around, not so strong, and the stones had nothing special about them. They were just ordinary stones, which disappointed Wang Teng.

He hoped that he could come across a special stone, chaotic stone or something.

He glanced over and shook his head disappointedly, but when the corner of his eye swept across a place, he suddenly paused.

“Huh!” Wang Teng couldn’t help but let out a soft voice in his heart.

A strange light group emerged in his eyes. It was an energy body similar to chaos, gathered but not scattered, hidden in the pile of rocks.

Wang Teng closed [Pupil of True Vision] and found that there was only a pile of rubbish and nothing.

At the location of the light cluster, it was also a stone, and it seemed that there was nothing special about it.

“I was almost fooled by you.” A curve of Wang Teng’s mouth appeared.

“What did you find?” Yuan Tuan asked suspiciously.

“Hush!” Wang Teng raised a finger, and his back figure suddenly disappeared in place.

With a chubby expression, did Wang Teng really find any treasure?

It floated quietly in place, but its eyes scanned around, looking for Wang Teng’s figure.


At this moment, it found a “stone” in a pile of rocks suddenly jumped up and let out an angry roar.

It was a strange-looking stone creature. The whole body was made of piles of stones, like a cheetah, with stretched limbs, very vigorous, with a single horn on its forehead, and a pair of brutal eyes bursting out of the cracks in the stone. .

At this moment, it suddenly jumped up from where it was, its body twisted flexibly in mid-air, and plunged into the void behind it.

“It was discovered!” Wang Teng’s figure emerged, with surprise in his voice.

He thought he was hiding well, but he was discovered in advance by the other party, and he accurately found his position. It was really surprising that he was the first to act first.

“Roar!” The stone monster roared again in the air, opening its huge mouth and biting towards Wang Teng.

“Why are you so fierce!” Wang Teng smiled, his figure flashed again, appeared on top of the stone monster’s head, and stepped on it.


The stone monster was too late to react, and a huge force surged in, and its entire body was trampled and exploded, turning into a cloud of chaotic gas!

“Chaotic Beast!” Yuan Gungun finally recognized the true identity of this stone monster and exclaimed.

Wang Teng also flashed his eyes, looking down at the chaotic gas under his feet. He had guessed that it might be a chaotic beast, and he finally confirmed it at this time.

Chaos beasts actually don’t have a physical body. They are formed by the condensation of chaotic gas, and they are formed into a strange life form by coincidence, but their wisdom is very low.

For example, the Chaos Beast in front of us is roughly equivalent to a constant star, but its wisdom is not complimented. Generally, the wisdom of the lower-ranked Emperor Star Beast is no different from that of humans, but this Chaos Beast is still wild and looks like it is not. Very smart.

It’s strange to say, shouldn’t the creature like Chaos Beast be more advanced? Why is the wisdom even lower?

Just thinking about it, the chaotic gas under his feet was tumbling and condensing again, turning into the stone monster before, and rushing towards Wang Teng.

“Is this still immortal?” Wang Teng looked at the Chaos Beast with strange eyes, then shot again, and hit the Chaos Beast with a punch.


The chaotic beast exploded and turned into a cloud of chaotic gas again, but after a while it regrouped and fled to the distance.

It already knew that Wang Teng was powerful, and although he was not smart, he would not be stupid enough to continue to hunt for death.

“It’s a bit troublesome!” Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, his heart moved, and he punched again. This time he blessed the law of origin of fire in his fist, and blasted directly on the chaos beast.


The powerful scarlet fist marks directly exploded the chaotic beast, turning it into countless chaotic air currents and shooting out.

“Do you deserve to die this time?” Wang Teng looked ahead.

Those chaotic air currents were finally not condensing, and the place where the chaotic beast died was a golden ball of light that was not as big as a palm floating up, trying to escape.

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, his mental power rolled out, trapped the golden light ball, and took it into his hand.

“What is this? Chaos beast’s soul body?”

Wang Teng looked at the golden light ball in his hand and felt a very comfortable breath emanating from above the golden light ball, and a faint of desire suddenly appeared in the depths of his soul.

Ate it!

This thought came out, and Wang Teng was taken aback.

His soul actually wanted to swallow this golden light ball, this kind of situation is too rare, even when encountering the spirit attribute bubble, he did not desire it so much.

“Wang Teng, I feel that this thing seems to be useful to me?!” Yuan Gungun hesitated.

“Useful for you!” Wang Teng was taken aback. Isn’t it just that he wants to swallow this golden light ball, but also Yuan Zhuan?

“Yes, I think it can improve my life level.” Yuan Guang nodded solemnly.

“How about you try?” Wang Teng handed the golden light ball to Yuangunun. He didn’t dare to swallow the soul-related things casually, so he might as well give Yuangunun a try first.

“Why do I think you want to use me as an experimental subject?” Yuan Tuan said suspiciously.

“Ahem, how could it be possible? I saw you want it so much, that’s why I gave it to you. Don’t you know good people. I feel that this thing is good for me. If you don’t want it, I will I swallowed it myself.” Wang Teng said in a bad mood.

He said that he would pull the golden light group into his own sea of ​​consciousness.

“Who said no?” Rolling eyes quickly grabbed the golden light ball and put it in his mouth, his cheeks bulged, his little hand pressed twice on his mouth, and he swallowed it wholeheartedly.

Wang Teng looked at it speechlessly.

The next moment, a golden light burst out of the round body, its face was full of enjoyment, and it looked extremely comfortable.

Wang Teng has been paying attention to its reaction. At this moment, his heart moved slightly and he turned on the [Pupil of True Vision] to look at it, and immediately found that the chubby life origin and soul origin seemed to have improved a little.

Because he saw the whole process, even if the slight improvement was weak, it did not escape his eyes.

“It seems that the benefits of the Chaos Beast are really amazing.” Wang Teng secretly said in his heart.

Chubunkun moaned comfortably, his eyes lighted, and said: “Wang Teng, this thing is really useful to me, hurry! Hurry! Let’s hunt the Chaos Beast.”

“Don’t get excited, this golden light group is a reward for your hard work and following me. Next, I decide to try it myself.” Wang Teng quietly said.

“…” Yuan Gun Gun suddenly looked at Wang Teng with a grudge: “You can’t do this.”

“You didn’t help. I hunted and killed this Chaos Beast with all my hard work.” Wang Teng said.

“But if my life level is improved, I can do more things, which will help you a lot.” Yuan Gungun immediately retorted.

“Look at my mood.” Wang Teng touched his chin and said loosely.

“Don’t forget me, I am your loyal and intelligent life. I am unique. To help me is to help yourself.” Yuan Gungun followed Wang Teng and kept talking, for fear that Wang Teng would not help him.

“Okay, okay, you are the eighth chanting.” Wang Teng waved his hand silently.

He glanced around, and just killed the Chaos Beast, but also dropped a few attribute bubbles, and quickly picked them up.

【The Origin of Soil*50】

【Chaos Source Energy*300】

【Blank attribute*10000】

“Hey, there are still chaotic source energy and blank attributes.” Wang Teng was a little surprised, but he didn’t expect that killing the chaos beast would also reveal the chaotic source energy and blank attributes.

It seems that this chaotic beast has similarities with the star beast in the system Baba, and both can drop blank attributes.

Moreover, the blank attribute dropped by this Chaos Beast is 10,000 points, which is a lot of income.

The chaotic source energy also has 300 points, which is more than what was picked up in the space crack before.

In addition, the law of origin of the earth did not come to Wang Teng’s expectation.

Because he used the power of the law before to kill the Chaos Beast, it can be seen that the Chaos Beast should also be related to the original law.

Wang Teng turned around and prepared to walk into the spaceship. Now he has another task to hunt the Chaos Beast.

“By the way, didn’t the envoy said that there are a lot of Chaos Beasts out there? How come there is only one? Did I just happen to meet one of them?” Wang Teng said with some disappointment.

“Wang Teng, look over there.” Yuan Gungun said suddenly and quietly.

Wang Teng turned his head to look, and saw that on his right hand, countless pairs of eyes appeared at some point, staring at him fiercely.


Roars suddenly sounded, and the large group of chaotic beasts rushed over.


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