Chapter 1357 Fishing in the Void! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

“The strong made it with one hand? What kind of strong can create such a terrifying turbulent zone.” Wang Teng was shocked.

“Who knows.” Sikong second shrugged.

“You don’t even know the mentor!” Wang Teng said in surprise.

“Many secrets of the universe will not be known until the top level.” Sikong Second said meaningfully.

Wang Teng tried his best to calm himself down, and nodded thoughtfully, without asking more.

“Let’s go, just stopped just to let you see, but in this void turbulent zone, the energy is too messy, the warship can’t enter the dark universe, we need to directly cross over.” Sikong said the second, the warship again Charged forward.


The next moment, the battleship’s hull shook suddenly and entered the chaotic void and turbulence zone.

Even though Wang Teng was inside the battleship, he could still feel the sluggishness, and the speed of the battleship was greatly reduced.

“Do you feel it?” Sikong asked with a smile, standing second.

Wang Teng nodded.

“Ordinary immortal-class spaceships dare not enter the Void Turbulence Zone. They need to be guided by a special spacecraft.” Sikong said secondly: “And we don’t need it, because the warships left by the ancients can withstand the Void Turbulence Zone. Shock.”

“What happens if the Immortal-class spacecraft enters the Void Turbulence Zone?” Wang Teng asked with speechlessness.

“There is a high probability that the ship will crash and kill people!” Sikong Second touched his chin.

Wang Teng was shocked, and even the Immortal-class spacecraft entered this place. Is this place really such a terrifying place?

“Go, go out and have a look.” Sikong smiled when he saw him for the second time.

The two walked towards the upper deck of the warship. The structure of this warship was different from that of the spaceship. It was like a real big ship in the sea, with a simple style, and the upper deck was the deck of the warship.

Wang Teng followed Sikong Second to the deck. The outer part of the warship was surrounded by a nearly transparent protective cover, like a bubble wrapping the warship in the middle.

The two came to the edge of the ship’s gunwale, and Wang Teng looked down at the second sign of Sikong.

“This is…” Wang Teng suddenly widened his eyes.

“See it.” Sikong secondly said.

“Liquid energy? And it’s not just the energy formed by the original force, I feel that there are other energies, which are very complicated.” Wang Teng said with a solemn expression.

“Not bad.” Sikong nodded secondly: “The protective cover of a general spacecraft can easily be penetrated under such complex energy. If you can’t get out in time, you basically don’t want to go out again.”

Wang Teng was a little speechless, feeling that he was upright.

“Warships made by ancient races can travel through the Void Turbulence Zone. Does that mean that the Void Turbulence Zone can be traced back to ancient times?” Wang Teng’s heart moved and he asked suddenly.

“Your mind turns very fast.” Sikong gave him a surprised look and said: “According to historical records, it can indeed be traced back to ancient times, but the exact time is not clear.”

Wang Teng no longer said much, but looked at the void turbulence belt in front of him, his eyes flickering.

The universe is too mysterious, there are many incredible existences, and the turbulent space in front of you is one of them.

He wanted to explore, but his strength was obviously not enough.

“Come fishing!” Sikong second took out two fishing rods and said suddenly.

“What??” Wang Teng almost thought he had heard it wrong, and stared blankly at Sikong Second, who was holding two fishing rods in his hands: “Fishing, here?”

“Yes, there may be unexpected gains in this, do you want to try?” Sikong second smiled.

“Tutor, how do I feel that you are smiling badly?” Wang Teng asked suspiciously.

“How is it possible that I am your mentor, how can it be that you are not kind to you, you make me very sad.” Sikong said secondly.

Wang Teng looked at him for a while, and still took the fishing rod in his hand.

Just go fishing.

He is really curious about how to fish in this Void Turbulence Zone?

Chuankunkun was also very curious, and said: “You, the instructor, is really interesting. The Void Turbulence is so terrifying. If you are replaced by other people, you have long been eager to go there. He is good and will take you here to fish.”

“This Sikong instructor is a little confused.” Wang Teng said in his heart.

“Hahaha…” Yuan Kuanguin couldn’t help laughing.

“I’m optimistic!” At this moment, Sikong Second suddenly said.

Wang Teng’s eyes condensed, and he looked quickly, and saw that he flicked the fishing rod in his hand, and the line of the fishing rod was thrown out, passing through the protective shield of the warship unimpeded, and submerged in the liquid energy below.

The process is no different from ordinary fishing methods!

“Don’t need bait?” Wang Teng noticed that there was nothing on the hook he had just thrown out.

Isn’t it too sloppy to be able to fish in this way?

“Energy is the best bait, it depends on whether your energy is attractive enough.” Sikong secondly said.

“Energy?” Wang Teng’s heart moved.

“Don’t try? There are many kinds of force in your body, and there is always one that the “fish” below likes.” Sikong said secondly.

“Are there really fish down here?” Wang Teng asked.

“You don’t care what it is, as long as you bite the hook, isn’t it a fish?” Sikong said secondly.

“Instructor, what you said makes sense.” Wang Teng was unable to complain.

He didn’t hesitate anymore, drew the gourd like that, flicked the fishing rod in his hand, and threw the fishing line out.

But the next moment, his complexion changed slightly, and a strong pulling force came from the fishing line, his hand shook, and the fishing rod almost didn’t hold it.

At this moment, he truly felt the horror of the Void Turbulence Zone. The undercurrents below were turbulent, and the complex liquid energy was extremely majestic and weird. Some special energy would even hit up along the fishing line, causing serious injury to the angler, and even death directly.

Sikong Second was a little surprised. He wanted to see Wang Teng showing up, but he didn’t expect him to be steady. He couldn’t help but smile and said, “You have to be careful, my fishing rod is very expensive.”

“If you fall, you won’t want me to pay, right?” Wang Teng exerted force in his hands, held the fishing rod tightly in his hands, and smiled faintly.

In fact, he was still a little flustered.

This fishing rod can be fished in the Void Turbulence Belt, which is definitely not a common commodity.

What if you really fall in and can’t afford to pay?

But no matter how panicked, it can’t be seen by people, the surface must be as stable as an old dog.

Sikong No. 2 did not answer, but instead smiled and said, “Let’s compare with each other? See who catches something more precious. If you win, I can promise you a condition that is not excessive. On this condition, you have arrived at the Star Academy. , May be very useful.”

“Of course, if you lose, you have to promise me a condition.”

“A word is definite.” Wang Teng’s eyes lit up.

He still knows very little about Star Academy. If he can get the conditions promised by a mentor, it will undoubtedly be an extra layer of protection.

When Sikong Second saw him like this, he couldn’t help but smile, and cast his eyes on his fishing line, like a professional angler who fished seriously.

It’s kind of like that.

Wang Teng thought for a while, and felt that using the Five Elements Force as a bait might not be very attractive, so it was best to use a special force, but seeing Sikong’s second self-confidence, he felt unsafe.

The opponent is an immortal powerhouse anyway, if you want to beat him, you must be surprised!

It seems that ordinary “fishing bait” is definitely not enough.

“Maybe we should use the power of the origin.” Wang Teng groaned in his heart, but he shook his head for himself: “No, no, the immortal powerhouse also mastered the power of the origin, and more than me.”

“So, what is there that I have, but Sikong Mentor does not?”

“By the way, the world’s fire, or the world’s thunder, these things should also be used as “fishing bait”, right?”

Wang Teng was a little uncertain, but it didn’t prevent him from trying.

But before that, he asked again: “Teacher, what if the things I attract are too horrible?”

“Then you have to rely on yourself.” Sikong second smiled: “Is it possible that I have to be a mentor to help you, but we are trying.”

“Damn!” Wang Teng was speechless.

The different fires of the world and the thunder from the world are not ordinary things. It is very likely that they will really attract a particularly terrifying existence.

“It seems that only some bait can be reduced, not too much.” Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, and he no longer hesitated at the moment, he released a trace of thunder from heaven and earth, and hovered over the hook along the fishing line.

There was really only a trace, he didn’t dare to let it go too much to avoid trouble.

Void Turbulence is unpredictable, so it’s better to be steady.

“Huh!” Sikong No.2 said softly in his heart. He felt something, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

But he was a little unsure, that kind of power was very special and specious, and he didn’t know if it was the kind of power he had guessed.

Wang Teng really surprised him more and more.

This fishing competition has also become more interesting!

He became a little solemn, and a trace of the source of power followed the fishing line into the void turbulence zone.

The two of them just stood on the side of the ship and waited quietly.

Fishing requires patience. An excellent angler must remain calm and not irritable.

Maybe the prey is on the way.

Time passed slowly, and a long time passed in a blink of an eye, and neither Wang Teng nor Sikong Second had any gains.

During this period, the two of them waited while chatting, and Wang Teng learned that it only took one day for them to pass through this void and turbulent current zone.

In other words, they actually only have half a day left.

Sikong Second was not in a hurry, he looked at Wang Teng with a smile, but Wang Teng’s performance disappointed him.

Even if he knew that there was only half a day, Wang Teng did not show the slightest irritability, but his face was indifferent, as if he didn’t take the competition to heart at all.

“Don’t you add some bait? With such a little bait, you may not be able to attract prey.” Sikong said with a second eyeball.

“No hurry, I would like to take the bait!” Wang Teng smiled faintly, and glanced at Sikong for a second time: “It’s your mentor. If you didn’t catch anything in the end, it wouldn’t be very interesting. After all, you are a mentor. .”

Sikong’s face stiffened on the second face.

What a kid, he turned his back on the army.

“Haha, mentor, I have already passed the age of being competitive and eager. I just play with you, and it doesn’t matter if I lose.” Sikong No.2 smiled and said, “By the way, do you know why I am called No.2 Sikong?”

“Why?” Wang Teng asked very cooperatively.

“Because I have been the number one since I was born. No matter what I do, no one has ever won me. This is boring. I want to be the second one, so I changed my name to Sikong Second.” Sikong said with a melancholy expression: “If you let me lose once, even if it’s just for fishing, I would be very happy.”

“Wang Teng, this tutor is so arrogant!” Yuan Kuan Gu couldn’t stand it anymore, and spit out in Wang Teng’s mind.

“…” Wang Teng felt the same way, he wanted to shout 666 to this Sikong instructor.

Renamed such a beautiful operation has been done!

Why don’t you just change your name to Xiu’er.

Just as Wang Teng and Yuan Kuankuan continued to complain about Sikong, a layer of waves suddenly appeared in the turbulent void below.

“Hey, I got a bait.” Sikong’s second eyes lit up.

Wang Teng and Yuan Kuankuan were shocked at the same time, and immediately looked over, staring intently under the turbulence.

They are very curious about this catch!

Wang Teng’s [Pupil of True Sight] can only see a distance of kilometers in the Void Turbulence Zone, so at first it was not possible to see what was underneath that bit the hook.

With a second expression on Sikong’s face, he slowly took up the thread in his hand, pulling up the things underneath.

For an immortal powerhouse, this is not difficult, the suction force brought by the turbulence of the void does not exist in his hands.

The things underneath were getting closer and closer, and Wang Teng finally saw the true colors of that thing, his eyes were surprised.


At the next moment, a black shadow broke through the liquid energy and rushed out of the void turbulence zone.

“Bring me here, you.” Sikong second smiled, and suddenly pulled the fishing rod in his hand, pulling the black shadow on the hook onto the deck of the battleship.

The thing wanted to struggle, but Sikong Second shot directly to suppress it, restraining it with the original force.

“A big yellow croaker, not bad! Not bad!” He looked at the creatures on the deck and smiled.

“It’s really a fish!” Wang Teng had already seen this thing just now, and had a bottom in his heart, but at this time he still couldn’t help but wonder.

The second Sikong caught was a large yellow croaker with a silver scale on his forehead. It was a full meter long and exuded a faint golden light, which was quite strange.

From the eyes of Master Chef Wang Tengling, this fish should be… delicious!

“It may be fish, or it may be other things. It depends on your good fortune.” Sagong smiled secondly: “Wang Xiaozi, my silver scale large yellow croaker is top-quality food, and the meat is delicious. The most important thing is to eat. With it, you can…beautify your face! Put it in the Star Academy, it’s expensive!”

“Beauty?” Wang Teng was full of black lines, but he had to admit that the value of this thing is not low.

“It’s up to you.” Sikong second smiled, put away the silver scale large yellow croaker, and then went fishing again.

I don’t know if it was his luck. In the next half an hour, he fished three silver scale yellow croaker again.

Two of them are about the same size as the first one, but one is more than three meters long.

“The price of this three-meter-long silver scale large yellow croaker is at least ten times higher.” Sikong said secondly happily.

For some reason, Wang Teng felt that he was smiling wretchedly. It is estimated that this silver scale large yellow croaker was not as simple as selling it for money.

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