Chapter 1356 Void Turbulence Belt! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

The success of Endless Storm made Wang Teng extremely happy.

This will be his strongest means of attack at the moment!

No, in the future, it may also be his strongest means of attack!

This trick will continue to grow stronger as his strength becomes stronger.

When the source of his comprehension is stronger!

When he is awakened, the spatial body talent is more complete!

Even if you get more strange things like heaven and earth fire, dark ice, yellow spring weak water!

The power of endless storms will grow exponentially!

Moreover, Wang Teng still has a vague idea. If the power of time is added, what kind of qualitative change will happen to this endless storm?

Everything is unimaginable.

To be honest, Wang Teng himself didn’t know what kind of power this combat technique could eventually achieve.

The potential is unlimited!

This is Wang Teng’s evaluation of endless storms!

Thinking that he could create such a powerful combat technique, Wang Teng suddenly wanted to laugh three times with his arms on his hips.

It’s so awesome!

However, considering that Chuankuun was still watching, he could only maintain a serious face, indifferent, as if it were no big deal.

Sure enough, when he saw him like this, he suddenly felt that he couldn’t see through Wang Teng more and more.

After completing the development of Endless Storm, Wang Teng thought for a while and decided to continue to study another combat technique, or “supernatural power”!

The magical power of “swallowing the sky and devouring the earth” from the Void Swallowing Beast!

Judging from the memory of the Void Swallowing Beast, this supernatural power is very terrifying and can swallow all things!

Wang Teng had never had time to study this magical power before, nor did he develop it well.

However, during the battle for geniuses, after the emperor’s demon transformation, he displayed a special field called [Black Devouring Realm], which contained terrible devouring power.

That kind of devouring power is far inferior to the magical power of “Swallowing Heaven and Earth”, but it shows extremely terrifying power.

Only then did Wang Teng begin to face this magical power.

If it cooperates with the development of the field, perhaps the supernatural powers will be terrifying.

It is not only used to swallow “food” to replenish itself, but also an unpredictable means of attack.

The master-class powerhouse who attacked and killed Wang Teng was trapped in the swallowing space of the Void Swallowing Beast by this magical power.

By the way, talking about this, Wang Teng suddenly remembered that the other party was still in the space devouring it.

It is worthy of being a master-class powerhouse, not so easy to kill, and it has not been completely swallowed up yet.

He didn’t know much about the realm master-level powerhouse before, thinking that with the swallowing ability of the Void Swallowing Beast, it would not take much time to completely swallow the realm-master level powerhouse.

But now it seems that unless the strength of the Void Swallowing Beast reaches the domain master level, or even stronger, I am afraid that it will not be able to swallow the opponent in a short time.

Because Wang Teng had already felt that the realm master level expert didn’t know what method he used to completely block his origin. Even in the devouring space, the loss was very limited, and he could still support it for a long time.

This is a pity, Wang Teng still wants to get the treasure of another master-level powerhouse.

Of course, in general, being able to suppress a realm master-level powerhouse is enough to explain the terrible emptiness of swallowing beasts.


A violent tremor disrupted Wang Teng’s thoughts.

“What happened?” He was a little surprised.

“Go out and have a look.” Round rollers.

Wang Teng nodded, walked out of the training room, and went all the way to the hall of the warship.

Sikong Second saw him and smiled: “Don’t worry, our warship has already flown out of the Glazed Light territory where the Dagan Empire is located.”

“Liuguang Territory!?” A strange color flashed in Wang Teng’s eyes, and he couldn’t help but mutter.

“It seems that you are not familiar with places outside the Dagan Empire.” Sikong said secondly.

Wang Teng nodded, and searched the memory of the Void Swallowing Beast’s inheritance in his mind, only then did he understand what territory is, and his face was shaking.

And here, Sikong Second also introduced: “The so-called territories are a huge collection of star regions, composed of countless star regions. At present, the territories controlled by the human race have a total of 136, and the area is very vast.”

“The Glazed Light Territory is one of the 136 territories, and the Dagan Empire is one of the forces in the Glazed Light Territory. Among the many forces in the Glazed Light Territory, the strength of the Dagan Empire can rank in the top three.”

“One hundred and thirty-six territories!” Wang Teng contrasted in his memory, his eyes becoming more shocking.

The universe is so vast, the Dagan Empire is just a corner, and even the territory of the Glazed Light is only a part of the universe.

“And beyond the human domain, there are other special races.” Sikong Second asked Wang Teng to absorb it, and then said: “There are even many unknown territories of the human race. In fact, the universe is too vast. Humans have not fully explored it.”

But he just mentioned it casually, and didn’t go on, as if he didn’t want to say more.

However, the relevant memories he just searched appeared in Wang Teng’s mind. He knew that Sikong’s second words were not imaginary. There are many territories in addition to the 136 territories of the Human Race, and those territories are not much weaker than the Human Race power. .

For example, the territory controlled by the machine clan, the machine territory.

Although there are also mechanical races like An Lan here in the Dagan Empire, but the number is very small, just as human races may also appear on the mechanical territory.

And the mechanical territory is the real residence of the mechanical race, there are many mechanical races there, and their strength is very powerful.

However, although there are also human warriors who go to the mechanical domain to experience, they know very little about the mechanical clan, and the mechanical clan has always been very mysterious.

The mechanical territory is an extremely mysterious territory in the entire universe!

In addition, there is the territory of the candle dragon.

The Territory of the Candle Dragon, as the name suggests, is the territory controlled by the Candle Dragon tribe. It can be named after a race, which shows the strength of this race.

When Wang Teng thought of this, his face turned dark, and he suddenly found that this candle dragon clan was more troublesome than he thought.

How could he be able to contend with the Candle Dragon Clan that controls a territory.

The body of the candle dragon clan he had obtained before was like a time bomb, which could cause him big trouble at any time.

Before, he only knew that this candle dragon clan was a very powerful race in the universe, but he didn’t expect the opponent to be so powerful.

This is one of the disadvantages of searching the memory of the Void Swallowing Beast, how existed the Void Swallowing Beast does not have much respect for the Candle Dragon Clan, so in its inheritance memory, the Candle Dragon Clan is just like that.

Wang Teng stupidly… I believe it!

Only now did he know how terrifying the candle dragon tribe was.

Play with birds!

Wang Teng is a little bit weak.

But now it seems to be too late to think about this.

How happy you are when you stalk the wool, you will be harder in the future.

The more Wang Teng thought about it, the more depressed he became, and he couldn’t help sighing there.

“What’s the matter?” Yuan Gungun couldn’t help asking.

“Rolling, I suddenly felt that my life was full of gloom.” Wang Teng said.

“What kind of nerves are you suddenly making?” Yuan Tuan asked with a weird face: “Although these territories are vast, but with your talents, they are comparable to top geniuses, so you won’t be hit?”

“It has nothing to do with this, I just thought of an unpleasant thing.” Wang Teng shook his head.

“Let’s talk about it.” Yuan Gu said in amazement.

“Forget it, don’t say it, I’m afraid to say it, you will not fall asleep with it.” Wang Teng said.

“…” Billowing.

MMP is all here, and it’s still selling off!

Pure heart makes people uncomfortable, right?

The more Wang Teng said so, the more curious it became, and it kept urging.

“Do you know that I have the body of a candle dragon clan?” Wang Teng had to say.

“What’s wrong with me?” Yuan Kuan said in a dumbfounded voice: “Although it is indeed a trouble, don’t worry, the candle dragon tribe is very proud and will not do anything to bully the younger generation by the elders, at most it is the candle dragon tribe of the same generation who come to look for it. You are in trouble.”

“Is that so?” Wang Teng’s eyes lit up.

“Of course.” Yuan Kuan said with a weird expression: “You don’t think you are going to desperately?”

“Ahem, that’s not the case. I was thinking, if there is no other way, I should hide in the Seven Star Academy for hundreds of years, and then come out after being invincible.” Wang Teng coughed dryly.

“…” Yuan Kuan Kuan was shocked.

This guy actually has such an idea, it’s really an individual talent.

But he really dare to think, can he live invincible for hundreds of years?

It firmly does not believe it!

“Hey, I suddenly felt that this idea is very good.” Wang Teng touched his chin.

“Unfortunately, if you dare to think, you will be abandoned after you have lived in the Seven Star Academy for hundreds of years.” Yuan Gungun said in a bad mood.

“You don’t understand this, Gou Zhidao, broad and profound!” Wang Teng said.

“…” Billowing.

God Temegou one way!

Wang Teng is the only one who can make the novels so fresh and refined.

The communication between the two took place in their minds for a very short time. At this time, Sikong waved his second big hand and opened the panoramic simulation, and a vast starry sky emerged.

In front of the starry sky, a weird “river” lay in front of them.

“This is?” Wang Teng’s gaze was attracted, surprised inexplicably.

“This is the Void Turbulence Belt!” The round and solemn voice echoed in Wang Teng’s mind.

At the same time, Sikong’s second voice also sounded from the outside world.

“Void Turbulence Belt!” Wang Teng looked forward, his eyes shaking.

It was a river-like existence, dotted with countless stars, and it didn’t know where it started or ended. It was extremely magnificent.

“This void turbulence belt lays across the various territories, as if forming a natural barrier. There are all kinds of stars, complex energy turbulence, and unknown creatures, which are very dangerous.” Sikong explained the second.

“How did this Void Turbulence Zone appear?” Wang Teng’s face was solemn. He just checked with [Pupils of True Vision] and found that he couldn’t see the distance of kilometers. It was incredible, so he couldn’t help asking.

“No one knows how it appeared. Some people said it was formed naturally, and some people said it was caused by an unimaginable strong man, but there is no conclusion.” Sikong’s second gaze flickered, and said unclearly.

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