Chapter 130 The Frog at the Bottom of the Well (seeking subscription!)

nine in the morning.

Bond auction house.

As one of the top ten auction houses in the world, there is no doubt about its status and scale.

Today is another heavyweight auction. Naturally, many people will come, and there are many people with extraordinary identities.

This kind of heavyweight auction will always have some unexpected things, rare and precious, so that those with distinguished status are in a hurry.

Even if many people can’t afford it, they try to get an invitation letter just to watch the event.

These are well known, and at the same time what Li Liangda is telling his son Li Rongcheng.

“Today is mainly to bring you over to meet the world. Later, you will see a lot of warriors. Although the little brat of the Wang family became the champion in the martial arts test with the strength of the warrior, he is nothing compared to those who are here today. It’s just a hairy boy, there is still a long way to go to become a real strong, and this road may be broken one day, no one can say.”

Li Liangda’s expression was sullen, and when he looked at Li Rongcheng next to him, a little kindness appeared in his eyes.

“So, your temporary failure is nothing. Compared with Wang Teng, who will be stronger and weaker in the future, no one can say that it is not good. Next year, we will take the martial arts test well. Our Li family will fully support you. If you don’t believe it, it is better than Wang Teng. .”

“Dad, I see.” Li Rongcheng nodded heavily, clenched his fists, and hope reappeared in his eyes.

“Wang Teng, you wait for me. I will definitely be admitted to a key university next year. With the support of the entire Li family, I will catch up with you soon. I will make you dead and ugly…”

After being YY, his strength will become stronger, and he will be admitted to the key point, and he will beat Wang Teng…

Suddenly seeing a familiar back in front of him, Li Rongcheng’s grinning smile suddenly solidified.

“Wang Teng!”

“Dad, it’s that little beast!!!”

Li Liangda looked in the direction pointed by Li Rongcheng, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Wang Teng heard the sound and turned his head to take a look.

“Li Rongcheng!”

It’s really a narrow road!

Both sides had this idea in their hearts almost at the same time.

Wang Teng ignored them and continued to walk towards the gate.

Today, because of a heavyweight auction, there are security guards and emcees at the door to check their identity. People who do not have an invitation letter are not allowed to enter.

Wang Teng took out his invitation letter and walked in first.

“Why does this Wang Teng have an invitation letter? Did the Wang family give it to him?” Li Liangda frowned and thought to himself.

“Dad, didn’t you say that this invitation letter is difficult to get? How could he have it?” Seeing Wang Teng walk in, Li Rongcheng suddenly felt a little unbalanced, turning his head to ask Li Liangda.

“What does bluffing look like? It’s just an invitation letter. You are not balanced. Can you relax your horizons?” Li Liangda scolded.

“I, I know I was wrong, I just can’t help it every time I see him.” Li Rongcheng said aggrieved.

“You have to change yourself. If you are so narrow-minded, I am afraid that your future will be limited.” Li Liangda hates iron and steel, but still explains: “As for the invitation letter, although it is difficult to obtain, but with the Wang family’s financial resources, spend a little effort. You can still get it.”

From the beginning to the end, Li Liangda thought that Wang Teng’s invitation letter came from the Wang family, but he never thought that it was Wang Teng’s own.

He taught Li Rongcheng to have a narrow vision, and he didn’t know that the world he saw was nothing but a terrible one.

When mocking others as frogs at the bottom of the well, why not see if the sky you see is the real sky?

Li Liangda led Li Rongcheng into the building of Bond Auction House.

Both of them were dressed in formal suits and leather shoes, and looked like they had come to a formal banquet.

“Today’s auction will be held at the Tianzihao auction venue on the eighth floor. Let’s go to the eighth floor.” Li Liangda read the invitation letter in his hand.

The two came to the elevator, which was about to close.

“Wait a minute!” Li Rongcheng hurried over and pressed the door open button, stopping the elevator that was about to close the door.

Li Liangda glared at Li Rongcheng reproachfully, and then said to the human in the elevator: “The dog is reckless, I’m really sorry.”

There were five or six people in the elevator, exuding a sturdy aura. After looking at Li Liangda and his son, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

Li Liangda such a human spirit naturally saw the reaction of several people, embarrassed, even resentful, but did not dare to show the slightest.

“Everyone, go first. Let’s wait for the next trip.” He chuckled.

When the elevator door closed, Li Rongcheng looked ugly, with a humiliating look: “Dad, why should we be so low-pitched.”

“Idiot, you don’t look at those people, look at their dress and temperament, they are all martial artists, offend these people, do you think our Li family is too happy?” Li Liangda suddenly I was a little disappointed with my own son. Looking at his appearance, he couldn’t help but snorted coldly.

Li Rongcheng’s heart was full of unwillingness.


It’s a warrior again!

If you pass the martial arts test and enter a key university, you will soon become a martial artist.

It’s all Wang Teng!

It was all his harm. If it weren’t for him, how could he fail the martial arts exam, and how could he end up in the current situation.

At this moment, Li Rongcheng’s hatred for Wang Teng grew deeper and deeper.

Li Liangda seemed to see what he was thinking, and said, “I know you hate Wang Teng. If you want revenge, you should become stronger.”

There was footsteps behind him, and he didn’t say anything.

“Hey, President Li, you also come to this auction.” A slightly surprised voice came.

“Mr. Xie!” Li Liangda turned his head and saw that he was an acquaintance, but he was a little surprised, and then smiled: “Yes, I brought the dog over to see and see. Mr. Xie must have fancy a certain auction item, come to bid. ”

Feeling Li Liangda’s slightly flattering attitude, Xie Kun showed a slight sense of superiority, haha ​​smiled:

“Yes, I was thinking about building a weapon recently. I saw one of the items in today’s auction that was very suitable, so I came over and have a look.”

Xie Kun was very proud of him. Before he became a warrior, he could only look up and admire these rich men. But since becoming a warrior, those rich men dare not offend him easily, and sometimes even ask him for it. Flattery, please pay a lot of money to ask him to do things.

Just like the President Li in front of him, in order to get rid of a trouble, he not only promised to give him tens of millions, but also begged him with good words, and finally he agreed to take the shot.

You have money, but in front of powerful warriors, you have to shrink back.

Of course, if you have money to a certain extent, you can invite more powerful warriors. Naturally, this need not be the case for low-rank warriors.

But in the end, it still depends on warriors.

In this era, warriors have gradually become the mainstream.

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