Chapter 129 Let’s build a brick! (Please subscribe!)

With a move in Wang Teng’s heart, he took out various ores from the space ring and piled them on the ground.

“Those, what use are you seeing?”

“Space ring!” Lu Zisheng was shocked, this guy has a space ring for some reason.

Guessing the identity of Wang Teng in his mind, he lowered his head to identify the ore on the ground.

He just scanned the other materials, and after choosing a few to use, he stopped paying attention.

When he saw the golden stone, his eyes suddenly stopped.

“Xuan Zhong Yao Jin!”

“Xuanzhong Yaojin?” Wang Teng couldn’t help but wondered: “Do you know?”

I didn’t expect to meet someone who knew this metal here.

And looking at the other person’s expression, it looks like this Xuanzhong Yaojin is a bit attractive!

Is it also some rare ore?

“I am a forger, and it is a compulsory course to be familiar with various metal minerals.” Lu Zisheng said: “This is a very peculiar metal with a very heavy weight. It is a rare weapon forging material for powerful warriors.”

“It’s heavy? No, I feel okay.” Wang Teng picked up the big metal piece of basketball on the ground, weighed it, and felt very relaxed, not too heavy.

“Haha, take a look at the force.” Lu Zisheng said with a look of contempt for a layman.

“…” Wang Teng.

He injected the force into the metal block…

“I go!”

Suddenly, his hand sank, and the metal block almost dropped to the ground.

“So heavy!” Wang Teng said in surprise.

“Theoretically, the more force injected, the heavier it will be, and the weight can always increase.” Lu Zisheng said.

Wang Teng’s eyes lit up suddenly.

“Is this Xuanzhong Yao gold sold?” Lu Zisheng asked suddenly.

“…” Wang Teng.

Do people in this line have this kind of virtue?

The last time that “Master Lu” saw Star Bone and Black Cold Stone, he asked him if he could sell it. Now this is the same for Lu Zisheng.

Wang Teng didn’t know that for a blacksmith, good materials are unavoidable, and if they encounter them, they can’t get them. That’s the most painful thing.

“Not for sale.” Wang Teng said irritably.

“Really don’t think about it again.” Lu Zisheng made the final struggle.

“If you say you don’t sell it, you won’t sell it.” Wang Teng pondered for a moment, his mind flashed: “Can this thing help me forge a weapon?”

Lu Zisheng was a little disappointed, but it was also in his expectation.

Good things, who wants to give them their hands.

“You want to use it to forge weapons? No problem, no problem. What kind of weapon do you want to forge? The Xuanzhong Yaojin is best forged into a heavy weapon, such as a battle axe, a war hammer, or a Fangtian painted halberd, which is the material. Something is missing, and some other materials have to be added…”

As he was talking, Wang Teng interrupted and said:

“Um… help me build a brick.”

“Ban, Bianzhu?” Lu Zisheng wondered if he had heard it wrong, staring at Wang Teng with Tongling’s big eyes.

“Yes, it’s a brick!” Wang Teng nodded affirmatively.

“No, no, no, no, building bricks is simply an insult to Xuanzhong Yaojin, you are a prodigal, too prodigal!”

Hearing that Wang Teng really wanted to use the black gold to make bricks, Lu gasped in anger and refused to say anything.

He hated Wang Teng’s violent behavior.

“Oh, it doesn’t work, it’s a big deal, I will find someone else to forge it.” Wang Teng said casually.

“You!” Lu Zisheng glared at Wang Teng.

It’s a pity that Wang Teng turned a blind eye, the things are mine, I have the final say!

In the end, Lu Zisheng could only sigh helplessly and admit his fate!

Things are not his after all, it’s useless to say anything.

“No, no, let me do it. Even if I build a brick, I can make it a little higher. If I change someone else, this mysterious gold will be destroyed.” Lu Zisheng said helplessly.

“Hehe, then I will trouble you.” Wang Teng smiled, a sly flash in his eyes.

Sure enough, this kind of technical people are a little bit upright and paranoid, which is too good to deceive!

“I said what you think, you actually want to make a brick.” Lu Zisheng was still complaining.

“I feel that Banzhuan is very handy, especially easy to use.” Wang Teng said.

Lu Zisheng:? ?


He finally knows why this kid always feels a bit evil in front of him. Would normal people want to get a special brick to make a weapon?

“You will be charged 10 million for the forging fee, and come to pick up things in three days.”

He didn’t want to wrestle with Wang Teng anymore, after only saying a few words, he felt a little pain in his head, this kid…poisonous!

From the bottom of his heart, Wang Teng felt that he was disgusted.

This is really sad.

He paid the money and came out of the Master Lu branch, feeling a little lost inexplicably.

Everyone seems to have a misunderstanding about my Wang Teng!

Forged meteor cones and slabs will not be available until three days later, and the auction will be three days later, during which Wang Teng can only wait.

The next day, he was idle and came to Master Lu’s branch again.

Lu Zisheng’s face changed slightly when he saw him.

“What are you doing? Don’t you come to fetch it after three days?”

“Oh, let me have a look, can’t it?” Wang Teng said.

“It’s not impossible, but you talk less and don’t bother me forging.” Lu Zisheng’s face seemed uncomfortable as if he had eaten shit.

“I’m not talking, you’re busy with you, I’ll just stay next to you.” Wang Teng felt very wronged.

Lu Zisheng didn’t bother to pay attention to this drama, and started to fight for himself.

The sound of jingle bells echoed in the forge room, unexpectedly there was a different sense of rhythm.



【Lu’s Hammer Method*5】

Wang Teng happily picked up the attribute bubble.

This is the purpose of his coming here today, this muscular sheep has to be squeezed.

In the evening, Wang Teng and Lu Zisheng said goodbye, “Master Lu, I will come tomorrow.”

“You still have to come.” Lu Zisheng watched him leave, with an expression of constipation on his face.

The next day, Wang Teng really came again, continuing to brush forging and Lu’s Hammer attributes.

After two days, Blacksmithing broke through the entry level and reached the level of Xiaocheng.

Forging (Xiaocheng 230500)

Lu’s hammer method also progressed rapidly, and also reached a small success.

Lu’s Hammer Method (Xiaocheng 55500)

Xiaocheng-level forging techniques and Lu’s hammer method now allow Wang Teng to forge 1-star weapons, which is very stable. Even if forging 2-star weapons, there is a 50-60% success rate.

This span is not generally large!

He was a layman who didn’t know anything two days ago, but now he can forge a 2-star weapon.

If Lu Zisheng were to know about Wang Teng’s changes in the past two days, he would probably be scared of myocardial infarction.

Lao Zi has practiced forging for thirty years.

From not knowing anything to being able to forge a 2-star weapon, it took seven full years before and after. Among them, the hardships were not enough for outsiders. As a result, Wang Teng only took two days.

Can’t compare! Can’t compare!

On the last day, in the morning, Wang Teng did not come to the Master Lu branch again, but went to the Bond Auction House to participate in the auction.

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