Chapter 127 I’m So Dark!

Speaking of the USB flash drive presented by the gun god, Wang Teng suddenly remembered the ghost-painted talisman-like map he had given.

Hmm… Let’s call it a map.

Wang Teng suddenly came to his mind, and started searching online according to the topography of the map.

But goose…

After more than half an hour, he found that he hadn’t found a place that could be matched at all, in vain.

Damn it, am I fooled again?

Huh…Why should I use this word? ?

Wang Teng shook his head desperately.

Forget it, what’s the strength of me with a mental patient!

“I don’t know how much I can earn on this trip to another world?” Wang Teng thought silently.

Under the bombardment of the Vulcan Cannon, his shield was destroyed, and his battle uniform was in tatters, so he definitely couldn’t use it anymore.

That’s tens of millions, and it hurts to think about it.

However, facts have proved that the battle shield and battle uniform can indeed save lives at critical moments.

You can only buy it if it is broken.

“It seems that the money is not enough, wait until the captain and them sell the materials tomorrow.”

Wang Teng counted the small amount of money in his pocket, the 10 million compensation paid by Zhao Gangbao before, plus the 3 million for the sale of volcanic salamanders.

It seems a lot, but Wang Teng wants to buy a better one.

Life-saving is important!

There are also meteor cones, which must be created early. How can such a sharp assassin’s mental power be compromised because the weapons are not in place.

“Are you there?” Wang Teng immediately contacted Master Lu.

“My dear, I have studied the drawings of Meteor Cone.” A grinning emoticon followed.

“Can it be done?” Wang Teng asked.

“can not!”


Wang Teng felt the blue veins on his forehead violently violently uncontrollably.

Can’t you just laugh! ! !

“However, I asked my senior brother to take a look together, and he said a little. (*^▽^*)” followed a meme that quickly praised me.

“…Next time, can you finish it in one sentence.”

“Okay, kiss φ(&;ω&*)”

Wang Teng felt so weak.

“Then how do I give you the materials?”

“Such important materials are best delivered in person.”

Wang Teng raised his eyebrows.

Want noodles?

It’s nothing, Master Lu is still worthy of trust as the official partner of Pole Star Martial Arts Center.

“Then how do I find you?”

“You don’t need to find me, please find my senior brother. He is helping someone refine tools in Donghai now. I will give you his address and phone number. You can contact him directly.”


I sent a phone number over there.

Then Wang Teng dialed the number and made an appointment with the other party for a visit tomorrow afternoon.

The next day.

At nine o’clock in the morning, Wang Teng came to the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall to meet with Lin Zhan and others.


Lin Zhan said straight away: “Let’s go to the third floor. The third floor is the Star Beast material trading area.”

Wang Teng nodded, and everyone came to the third floor and stopped at the door of a room along the corridor.

Trading room!

Three words are written on the house plate.

Entering the room, there is a lot of space inside. A dozen staff members are sorting out various star beast materials on the open space on the right side of the room, creating a busy scene.

On the side of the door, there was a row of tables, and a few people were sitting behind the tables.

At this time, there are two warrior teams selling materials there, and they are asking for advice from the traders behind the table.

“We wait.” Lin Zhandao.

Wang Teng and others nodded.

After a while, one of the two warrior teams completed the transaction and turned around with a satisfied expression to leave.

“Hey, Lin Zhan, I heard that you went out to bring newcomers, why are you coming back so soon?” The leader of the team was a middle-aged man who was taken aback when he saw Lin Zhan and the others.

“There was an accident, so I can only come back first.” Lin Zhan smiled bitterly.

“Why, the newcomer is not honest? Did something happen?” The middle-aged man frowned, “Let me just say, what newcomer to bring, or the champion in the martial arts exam, this must be a sting, and entering the team is a big trouble. .”

Wang Teng: “…”

Inexplicably shot!

Wang Teng said he was very innocent, and looked at the man bitterly.

I provoke you, so black me!

“Old Zhao, you may have misunderstood this time. If we didn’t have this newcomer, we would almost never come back this time.” Lin Zhanjiang pulled out Wang Teng and said: “Look, Wu Kao champion, 1 star top martial artist, Unlike other rookies, this guy is strong enough. Of course, the most important thing is to be yin!”


Wang Teng was still very happy.

As a result, Lin Zhan suddenly came up with such a sentence, and he was caught off guard!

Enough Yin!

Damn, where is Lao Tzu? ?

Laozi is upright and upright, doing things down-to-earth, you say I’m yin!

Needless to say, break up!

From then on, no longer friends!

The middle-aged man looked at Wang Teng in amazement, and his teammates looked at him curiously: “Is it so dark as you said?”

“It’s necessary.” Lin Zhan nodded his head in a serious manner.

“…” The corners of Wang Teng’s mouth twitched, almost on the verge of an explosion.

Enough of you guys!

It’s not over yet, right?

“Good boy, it’s the first time that Lin Zhan praised someone like this.” The middle-aged man gave a thumbs up.

“Speaking of which, what have you encountered?”

“Don’t mention it, I met a 4-star star beast.”

The middle-aged man took a breath: “You are really unlucky.”

“I have listened to you more than five times since I came back, and everything about the martial artist is unlucky or unlucky. I chose it myself.” Lin Zhan said.

“I won’t tell you, I will sell the materials.”

“Seeing that you have achieved a good result like this, let me see.” The middle-aged man smiled.

“The loss is so big, can there be no gain?” Lin Zhan came to the trading table and poured out the materials all at once.

“Hey, this is the unicorn of the unicorn, and the star core!” the middle-aged man said in shock.

The trader also raised his head in surprise, and then said: “All of these have to be sold?”

“Yes! Take a count.”

The trader nodded, counted the items, checked the condition, and assessed the price.

“The unicorn has 7 million claws, the unicorn has 12 million, and the star core has 50 million!”

“Hartwind Wolf has a total of 6 million claws.”

“One million earth-scaled pig fangs, two million scales, 11 million star cores!”

“Are there any doubts about these prices?” The trader asked after evaluating the prices.

“Unicorn’s star core is too low, it’s a 3-star top star beast star core, at least 70 million.” Lin Zhan shook his head.

“50 million is already very high, because it is a 3-star top star beast star core, we only give it this price, you may not be able to get this price when you sell it outside.” The trader said.

“No, no, in order to hunt down this unicorn, our team has suffered heavy losses.” Lin Zhan shook his head again and again.

“Well, they are all members of the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall. I will give you 60 million.” The trader hesitated.


“This is the highest price I can give!”

Lin Zhan, Liu Yan and others looked at each other as if they had lost one billion. They gritted their teeth and nodded: “Oh, all right, at this price, you traders are all like vampires. 60 million is definitely not the limit. .”

“Brother, if you eat meat, you have to leave some soup for us to drink.” The trader said dubiously.

Lin Zhan snorted.

After completing the transaction, everyone walked out of the trading room and began to split the accounts.

“According to the ratio, I was 3, Liu Yan, Yang Fei, Yan Jinming, Yan Jinyue 1.5, Wang Teng 1. Now that something happened to Yang Fei, I decided to take only 10%, and the remaining 20%, of which 1.5 Give it to him, and the other 0.5%. To thank Wang Teng for saving us, let’s give it to Wang Teng.” Lin Zhan said.

“Captain, you can’t do it all by yourself.” Liu Yan said.

“Yes, I think we should simply divide it up again. Yang Fei gets 40%, Wang Teng gets 20%, and we each get 10%.” Yan Jinming said.

“I don’t need so much.” Wang Teng was a little embarrassed to accept, after all, he also got a space ring from the young man, and the Vulcan Cannon Lin Zhan and others didn’t want it, so they gave it to him directly.

“Yang Fei can get 50%, I can get 1 achievement just like you guys, after all, I have already taken a big advantage.”

“Everyone don’t fight, just press this.” Lin Zhan finally made a final decision.

Liu Yan and others didn’t say anything.

Due to the decision just now, their favorability for Wang Teng has once again improved a lot, and they agree with him as a teammate even more.

“I went back and checked it last night. Three days later, there was an auction. It was a heavyweight auction held by the [Bond] Auction House, one of the top ten auction houses in the world.

At that time, there will be many big people on the scene, and we are lucky, and if we run into it, we will give them the star bone for auction, and we will definitely be able to make a good price. ”

Lin Zhan said with a smile.

“Bond auction house is still a heavyweight auction! This is not a few times in a few years.” Yan Jinming said in surprise.

“So we are lucky.” Lin Zhan said.

“So many big people, will they be targeted?” Wang Teng frowned.

“You can rest assured that the identity of the owners of the auctioned items is absolutely confidential. After so many years, they have never broken their trust, otherwise how could they become the top ten auction houses.” Lin Zhandao.

“It’s true that even some bidders who don’t want to show up will hide their identities. I have never heard of them exposed.” Liu Yan echoed.

“Besides, this star bone is a sky-high price to us, but to those big people, it’s just drizzle.” Yan Jinming said.

“That said, the world of the rich is not something we can imagine.” Liu Yan said with emotion.

“…” Wang Teng suddenly felt that he might be a poor man.

So the rich second generation or something, don’t tell me in the future, it’s shameful!

“That’s it. Now take the Star Bone, sign the contract, and only wait for the auction in three days.” Lin Zhan said.

So a few people rushed to the Bond auction house. As soon as the manager of the auction house heard that someone had come to the door with a star bone, he hurriedly greeted them, took them to a conference room, poured tea, and said in a pleasant tone:

“Everyone, want to auction star bones?”

Lin Zhan didn’t say much, and took out the star bone directly.

“Hurry up and invite Mr. Xu to come over.” The auction house manager’s eyes flashed, and he quickly said to the staff next to him.

Not long after, an old man walked into the meeting room quickly: “Where is the star bone? Show me quickly.”

After half an hour, a few people walked out of the auction house in a good mood.

Their star bones are ranked 7th from the bottom. This position shows that the auction house attaches great importance to the star bones and the price is stable.

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