Chapter 126 They actually have a little secret! (Please subscribe!)

On the way home, Wang Teng couldn’t help thinking of many things.

He has not been a warrior for a long time, but he has also experienced a lot of things before and after.

In the beginning, he was attacked by warriors twice, which allowed him to see the indifference of the warrior world, and then the cruelty in the actual combat assessment of the martial arts test.

Then there is this trip to another world!

The entire world of warriors seemed to be separated by a layer of hazy gauze, layer by layer revealing its true colors in front of him.

It turned out that behind the surface of the martial arts scene was such a bloody scene.

There are gains and losses.

If you want to gain something, you must lose something.

Wang Teng sighed in his heart, followed by a firmer mind.

“Master, don’t go to Fuhua Community, go to University Town.”

He suddenly opened his eyes and pointed at the taxi driver in front.

Before going out, he told his parents to go out for a month, but now it’s only a few days, and he needs to explain again when he goes back.

If they knew what they had experienced during this trip to another world, they would be even more worried.

There is no need for them to rebuild their mentality again.

Because he was going to another world soon, this time, he decided to go by himself.

The driver glanced at Wang Teng from the rearview mirror, and said nothing.

This young man looks like a stupid man and a lot of money!

So he didn’t hesitate to turn the front of the car to the university town.

In a rental house in the University Town, Wang Teng ran into the landlord who was taking his wife out for a walk. This handsome middle-aged man would always be half a head short in front of his wife.

“Brother Wang, Sister Han, go out to play?” Wang Teng opened the door of the small courtyard and asked casually.

“Oh, Brother Wang, I haven’t seen you for a while. Yeah, Sister Han said you want to go out and buy two clothes.” Wang Dapao said with a smile.

“Recently busy with the college entrance examination, I have time to come and have a look today.” Wang Teng said.

“So how did you do in the college entrance examination this year? By the way, this year’s college entrance examination martial arts champion seems to be called Wang? It is our own family, and all of us are talents.” Wang Dapao is very proud. Said.

The corners of Wang Teng’s mouth twitched.

There are a lot of talents in the Wang family, but shouldn’t you include your salted fish uncle?


Lao Tzu is standing in front of you, what are you going to do!

Sister Han on the side rolled her eyes at her husband: “Wang Teng’s name is Wang Teng, so he should be Brother Wang!”

“Huh?” Wang Dapao was startled, touching his head and asked: “It seems to be called Wang Teng, really you?”

“…” Wang Teng said speechlessly: “Brother Wang, your memory, you need to drink more wolfberry water!”

“Nonsense, your brother Wang, my health is very good, where do I need some wolfberry water.” Wang Dapao said with a guilty conscience.

“Hehe.” Sister Han sneered.

“Brother Wang, you’re busy with you, we won’t bother you.” After speaking, he took Wang Dapao and left.

Wang Teng shook his head funny, entered the rental house, and closed the door.

When I went to the room and looked at the crow egg, it still hadn’t hatched, and it was still suffocating.

Wang Teng didn’t take any more care, took the changed clothes and went into the bathroom to wash.

When he came back, he just took off his battle uniform, so as not to enter the city, it would be too eye-catching.

After the shower, he walked into the bedroom while wiping his hair, took out his phone and turned it on.

He turned off immediately after entering the alien world, without even taking the cell phone with him. After all, the alien world could not receive the signal from the earth star.

As soon as the phone was turned on, several messages jumped out immediately.

Bai Wei, Xu Jie and others sent it, and Lin Chuhan, Lin Chuxia.

Bai Wei and Xu Jie mainly asked him what he was doing, and wanted to find him out to play.

Wang Teng shook his head.

It is impossible to play.

After all, the alien world is more fun, definitely go to the alien world to play…

And from Xu Jie’s text message, it is known that the devil Xu Hui has returned and is looking for him everywhere.

Feeling a little bit painful inexplicably!

Don’t let her find it.

too frightening!

Wang Teng simply didn’t reply.

Lin Chuhan came to ask him where he took Lin Chuxia to play that night?

The excitement did not fade for several days.

“Ask your sister!” Wang Teng smiled and returned a short breath.

“How are you swearing!” Lin Chuhan returned a short while later.

“I said you should ask your sister yourself.” Wang Teng’s face was full of black lines.

“That damn girl won’t tell me.”

“Then I can’t even talk about it. This is our secret.”


They actually have a little secret! ! !

Lin Chuhan felt that the whole world had abandoned him, and his mood was inexplicably gloomy.


Hehe, men are really big trotter!

Is that boiled, fried, or fried?

“What’s the matter with you?” Wang Teng couldn’t help sending another text message after seeing her not for a long time.


An angry word, and then ignored him.

Wang Teng:? ?

Obviously you were looking for me first, and now you let me go.

Am I the kind of man who can come and go?

Hehe, women are really big trotter!

“Okay, get out now~” an unscrupulous text message was sent out.

The last one, Lin Chuxia’s text message: “Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, when will you take me out to play again?”

Oh, this little girl is still addicted!

“No time.” Wang Teng replied.

Lin’s family, Lin Chuxia saw Wang Teng’s news, her face was surprised, but after seeing the content, her little mouth pursed involuntarily.

“Brother-in-law suddenly hates me.” Lin Chuxia suddenly slumped on the table, her whole body wilted.

“By the way, how did the “Gun God” give you the USB flash drive last time? (¬_¬) Aim.” Then Wang Teng sent another text message.

When Lin Chuxia saw it, she immediately became energetic.

“It records a combat technique called Spear Fighting, which seems to be very powerful.”

Sure enough, it’s a wholesale business. Is it reliable in the end?

Thinking about this, Wang Teng sent another text message.

“No private goods?”


“How is it possible?” Wang Teng was a little surprised.

“Otherwise, what else?” Lin Chuxia was also a little surprised.

“Hahaha!” Wang Teng sent out an awkward smile.

Damn it, play with me differently, Ganli~ beep~ mother!

“That’s okay, that spear fighting technique, if you are bored, you can practice it, and you don’t know if it is true or not.”

“Okay, I’ll give it a try.”

“Then do this first, I’ll be busy.”


After returning the text messages, Wang let out a sigh of relief.

In addition, there is an incoming text message-3 million!

Then there was a text message attached: “Student Wang Teng, the volcano salamander has been sold, and the money has been transferred to you!”

Wang Teng suddenly, he hunted a volcanic newt during the actual combat assessment, and sold it by three warriors in the examination room.

Unexpectedly, the material on a single-headed star beast is worth 3 million, and the money is too fast.

The star core is not included, otherwise there will be more.

Sure enough, the warrior came in very quickly, killing a few more star beasts, and his assets exceeded 100 million in minutes, and now that he has a space ring, it is even more convenient.

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