Chapter 123 The Might of Meteor Cone (seeking monthly ticket for subscription!)



Lin Zhan and the others just walked out, when a bird’s cry suddenly came up from the sky.

A huge shadow shrouded it!

Everyone changed their faces and looked up one after another.

I saw a huge bird hovering above their heads, and its wings stirred up gusts of wind, blowing the surrounding trees to and fro.

“You are so courageous, you dare to snatch what I like.”

A young man’s voice was uploaded from the back of the bird, speaking in the lingua franca of Xingwu mainland.

Only hear the sound, but not see the person!

Suddenly, the faces of everyone in the Battle Tiger team became ugly.

Lin Zhan was in a good mood, smiling like a chrysanthemum, but now he stiffened and looked at the giant bird above like shit.

Do you want to be so pitted? If you don’t show up sooner or later, you won’t show up until they finish killing.

Fuck me!

Wang Teng also mentioned it in his heart.

This person’s eight achievements were to hurt the one-horned person. They all thought he had gone, but they didn’t expect to be so unlucky that he just came out of the valley and ran into him head-on.

At this time, the Battle Tiger team had just gone through a fierce battle, and even Lin Zhan was injured. It was considered very good that the overall combat strength could be 50 or 60%.

I’m afraid it’s a bit hanged when I meet this person who can hurt the unicorn alone.

And listening to the accent, the other party is likely to be a native of Xingwu Continent.

The common sense that Wang Teng learned from that booklet was introduced. Although the Earth Star and the Xingwu Continent are peaceful on the surface, they are on the big side, and on the small side, the competition between the two sides is fierce.

Especially on other people’s turf, Earth Stars are considered outsiders anyway.

The resources provided by the Star Martial Continent for martial arts cultivation are very limited, and when there are more people from the Earth Stars, the resources will be even more in short supply.

Indisputable, are you waiting for the resources to be robbed?

Just like this situation, if the two sides run into each other, there is almost no room for negotiation.

Just one word-hit!

Whoever wins, who owns the resources!

Lin Zhan, Yang Fei, Liu Yan and others looked at each other, and everyone understood that this was a hard decision.

Sure enough, he heard him mockingly said: “Your Excellency is too overbearing. You can’t kill that unicorn, so don’t you allow others to kill it.”

“Hehe, what I like is naturally mine, what are you guys?” the young man on the back of the bird said sharply.

“Stop talking nonsense, you want it, come down and get it if you have the ability.” Lin Zhan snorted coldly.

“act recklessly!”

“Xiao Hei, kill them!” The voice of the man on the back of the bird suddenly fell cold and ordered.


The bird suddenly screamed sharply, its sharp eyes stared down, its wings closed, and it slammed heavily.


A whirlwind blew up, wind blades intertwined, and swept down everyone below.

“Damn, it’s the wind system star beast again!”

Lin Zhan yelled, and quickly raised his shield to resist.

The others were the same as Wang Teng, backing up while using shields to resist.

Clang clang…

The wind blade hit the shield, making the sound of gold and iron clashing.

“Liu Yan, shoot him down for me.”

“Yang Fei, Yan Jinming, you cover Liu Yan.”

“Wang Teng, don’t you know how to shoot arrows, hurry up, shoot him!”

Lin Zhan yelled at several people.

Yang Fei and Yan Jinming immediately flashed to Liu Yan’s side and raised their shields to protect her behind them.

Without saying a word, Liu Yan put her own shield behind her back, then took off the heavy machine gun, and fired at high altitude through the gap between the two shields.

Bang bang bang…

A large number of alloy bullets turned into a rain of bullets, covering the birds in the air.

“Launch!” The figure ordered again.

The bird’s wings flapped downwards, and the wind surged straight into the air, raising several tens of meters in an instant.

“Captain, can’t shoot!” Liu Yan said with an ugly expression.

On the other side, Wang Teng took out the heavy bow, leaped up to a big tree, aimed with an arrow, all his power exploded, and the force of the ice system condensed the arrow tip to shoot at the bird.

Unfortunately, I still can’t shoot!

“Exactly, this kid is so confident that we can’t attack him.” Lin Zhan gritted his teeth.

“Hahaha, those who are acquainted should hand over the things, otherwise you will die today.” The arrogant laughter came down from the air.

A large number of wind blade attacks followed.

“With this mere wind blade, I want to help us.”

“Boy, you have the guts to go down and go one-on-one, hiding on it, don’t you know that you look like a fool!” Lin Zhan roared unwillingly.

“you wanna die!”

The young man on the back of the bird was obviously annoyed by Lin Zhan’s words.

A cannon barrel protruded and aimed at the people below.

“Eat me!”


A huge roar suddenly sounded, and flames spewed from the muzzle, blasting towards Wang Teng and the others with terrifying power.

“Mist Grass, Vulcan Cannon!”

“Hurry up!”

Lin Zhan’s face was green, his speed increased sharply, and he hurriedly ran into the distance.

The complexions of the other people changed drastically, as if wheels were installed under their feet, and they ran away, as if they had seen something terrifying.

Wang Teng wanted to scold his mother.

This bastard is so cruel that he even used heavy weapons like the Vulcan Cannon.

He has naturally heard of the name of the Vulcan Cannon. This thing is expensive and terrifying, and most people really can’t afford it.

This person in the air carried a door with him, which was beyond everyone’s expectations.

It’s too late to say anything at this time, and it’s important to escape quickly.


The original force shells condensed by the Vulcan Cannon finally bombarded the ground, and the flames rose into the sky, and the shock wave visible to the naked eye swept in all directions.

Lin Zhan, Wang Teng and others didn’t run far at all.

The terrifying shock wave was as fast as lightning, directly blasting them into the sky.

Wang Teng was too busy to take care of himself, at this time he could no longer take care of others.

“Tu Yuan Shield!”

He quickly blocked the shield in front of him, and at the same time the force surged out, condensing an earthy yellow shield.

In the current life and death crisis, the heart suddenly accelerates, the spirit is tense, and the mental power spontaneously surges into the [Tu Yuan Shield].

The world fell silent for an instant.

It was deaf by the loud sound!

Smash the battle shield!

Tu Yuandun persisted for three breaths, and gradually collapsed and broke apart.

The heat wave hit his face, and the shock wave crashed on Wang Teng’s body. Wang Teng felt his head shake, his eyes turned black, and he couldn’t see anything for an instant.

It seemed like a long time passed, and it seemed just a moment.

Wang Teng shook his head and climbed up from the ground. At first, his head was still a little confused. He didn’t know what happened.

But the next moment the pupils in his eyes shrank, and finally remembered.

“I am still alive!”

The rejoicing of the rest of my life came into my mind.

Then he jumped up quickly, but felt pain everywhere in his body, and he couldn’t help taking a breath.

“It hurts!”

“Damn, I don’t know what happened to the captain and them?”

Wang Teng raised his eyes and looked around. The land around him was scorched, and there was a deep pit in the center. The surrounding trees collapsed, and the trunks were burning with raging fire.

“Hey, there is one more alive!”

The birds descended slowly.

A young man stood on the back of a bird, looking at Wang Teng condescendingly.

His costume obviously has the style of Xingwu Mainland.

The two worlds have been in contact for 30 years, but many aspects still retain their own customs and cultures.

Just like the people on Earth Star will not wear clothes with the style of Xingwu Continent specially, the people of Xingwu Continent will not wear the costumes of Earth Star either.

With a look of contempt on his face, he said lightly:

“I’m still a 1st-star warrior. It seems that I’ve taken the shit luck, and you have a chance to save a small life. Your teammates are pretty good, but they are probably dead.”

“Tell me, what did you get from the unicorn? Whose body is it? I might consider letting you die.”

“You killed them?”

Wang Teng was expressionless, but a chill flashed in his eyes. Although the time spent with Lin Zhan and the others was very short, they took good care of him.

This love is worth it!

Moreover, this man almost killed him!

Anyone who wants to kill him must die! !

“Why, want revenge?” The young man smiled, making no secret of the sarcasm.

“May I tell you, I am a 3-star warrior, and if you answer me honestly, you may still live, otherwise I will let you die miserably…”

“The uncle, dare to ask how old are you?” Wang Teng interrupted.

“…” The young man was taken aback by his inexplicable question.



Who do you call uncle? ?

The young man had blue veins on his forehead and asked with an ugly expression: “What do you mean?”

“Oh, it’s nothing, I heard that older people are more verbose, so I want to see if you are a bad old man under your young skin.” Wang Teng said.

“Old, old!?”

“Since you want to die, I will fulfill you!”

The young man’s face was frosty, and his claws condensed the original force, and he firmly grasped Wang Teng’s neck.

Wang Teng watched him rushing forward, his expression very calm.

Seventy meters!

Sixty meters!

Fifty meters…

It’s now!

There was a secret voice in Wang Teng’s heart, and only a few mental powers swarmed out.

Flying knife!

A touch of cold light flew out of his battle uniform, like a lightning bolt, rushing towards the young man.

“Spiritual power!”

The young man’s complexion changed drastically.

That cold light was so fast that it couldn’t be caught with the naked eye, like a shuttle in space, and it came to the front in the blink of an eye.

It must be too late to dodge.

His heart was bent, and the hand that grabbed Wang Teng turned sharply, and the force of his whole body surged out, grabbing the cold light.


The corner of Wang Teng’s mouth twitched and he spit out a word.

The cold man suddenly exploded under the young man’s claws, turning into six cold lights, attacking the young man from all around.

It turned out that Wang Teng thought of the principle of the meteor cone, and when he attacked, he superimposed six flying knives together. At this time, they spread out, unexpectedly!

“Do not!”

His face finally showed a look of horror, his pupils shrunk to the size of a pinpoint, reflecting the six cold rays of direct light, and a desperate cry from his mouth.


The six cold rays of light instantly penetrated into the young man’s head.

Some penetrated through his eyes, some penetrated through the center of his eyebrows, and some penetrated through his temples…

Bloody spray!

The young man died miserably!

Qiqiao bleeds!

Fear, despair, unwillingness, even regret… and so on, the emotions are all frozen on the face that is gradually losing its anger.

Wang Teng watched his body fall backwards weakly, then crashed to the ground, and said lightly

“Sorry, I don’t want to die!”

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