Chapter 122 Do you want to learn about the iron fist of the captain of love? (Please subscribe!)

“Made, almost dead!”

Yan Jinming and several people cursed, and they were in a bad mood.

“Unexpectedly, this one-horned Yan would counterattack dying, wanting to die with us, and almost hit its way.” Yang Fei smiled bitterly.

“Next time you encounter a star beast above the 3-star level, you should pay attention. The star beast of this level has already begun to have wisdom, but it is still violent and fierce, and its behavior cannot be inferred by common sense.” Lin Zhan said.

“Well, our team has been such a cruel guy for the first time for so many years.” Liu Yan sighed.

“Xiaoyue, are you okay.” Yan Jinming caringly supported her sister next to her.

Several people were the first to bear the brunt of the explosion. Their internal organs were shaken and all suffered serious injuries. Yan Jinyue, as a girl, had weaker anti-strike ability, and the injuries were heavier than Yang Fei and the others.

At this time she was pale, blood spilled from the corners of her mouth, and her spirits were lethargic, and her whole body was faltering.

“Give her the healing medicine quickly.” Liu Yan said hurriedly.

Yan Jinming reacted and quickly took out the healing medicine from his backpack and gave it to Yan Jinyue to swallow.

“Operate the force and speed up the absorption of medicine!”

Yan Jinyue was very weak at this time, and Yiyan sat down cross-legged and began to absorb the medicine to heal her injuries.

Yang Fei, Lin Zhan and others also took out healing medicine and swallowed them. Although they were not hurt as badly, they were obviously choking and their combat power was greatly damaged.

“Is that unicorn dead?” Wang Teng asked.

“An explosion of this level, it is in the center again, and it will definitely not survive.” Lin Zhan smiled.

Wang Teng nodded, his gaze swept around, and a lot of attribute bubbles fell everywhere.

Pick it up!

【Golden Force*15】

【Fire Force*13】

【Earth Force*9】

【Water Force *8】

【Wind Force *25】

【Blank attribute*33】


Leaving aside others, there are a lot of original forces for the three major attributes of Fire, Earth, and Water alone, which are enough to increase their strength.

Not to mention that there is a 25-point wind force!

And, the first appearance of the Golden Force, and it is still as many as 15 points.

Wang Teng has one more force!

And this time the blank attribute is 33 points, plus the existing ones, a total of 90 points.

He secretly rejoiced in his heart, and continued to draw an attribute bubble from a further distance, and then picked it up!

【Intermediate Wind Talent*1】

Wang Teng was taken aback.

It was actually an Intermediate Wind Element talent, and then a burst of ecstasy surged in my heart.

This unicorn is worthy of being a 3-star star beast with extraordinary talent.

He burst out of talent, and he was still intermediate.

You must know that the Earth Element, Fire Element, and Ice Element talents he currently possesses are only elementary.

Obviously, this intermediate talent is definitely more impressive than the beginner!

In this way, he can use the force of the wind element, and the wind step can also play its due role, instead of putting it on the shelf and rusting in the attribute column.

Hunting the 3-star star beast really gained a lot!

Worth it!

Compared with that, it’s nothing to be injured.

Soon, Lin Zhan and several people digested the power of the healing medicine and recovered a little bit. Lin Zhan stood up and said, “I used to look at the unicorn. It took a while. After the treatment, I left early. The explosion just now will definitely cause others nearby. The star beast, even the warrior’s attention, we must hurry up.”

“Yes, hurry up and take a look. After so much effort, if we don’t order something good, we will lose a lot.” Yang Fei said.

Several people looked around, and they didn’t know where the unicorn was buried.

Yan Jinyue is still healing, Liu Yan is watching, and Wang Teng is also looking for them with them.

He thought of the location where the talent attribute bubble was just now, walked over to turn over the soil, his expression moved, and shouted at Lin Zhan and others: “Here!”

“Oh, I found it!”

Several people ran over immediately.

“I can’t feel the breath anymore, it should be dead.”

“Lao Yang, leave it to you, open it to see if there are any star bones.” Lin Zhan said with scorching eyes.

“No problem, just look at me.”

Yang Fei smiled, crouched down and pushed aside the stone, pulled the unicorn jade out of the soil, and then took out a dagger and started to deal with it.

This unicorn is already dead and can’t die anymore, with wounds all over his body, and most of his blood has shed.

“Brother Yang is almost the butcher in the team.” Wang Teng joked with a smile.

“Hahaha, whoever makes him talented is suitable for this.” Lin Zhan laughed.

Yang Fei smiled, quite proud.

In a short while, he cut off the horn and claws of the unicorn, and even peeled off its entire skin.

“It’s a pity, this skin is badly damaged, and the price will be greatly reduced!” Yang Fei said regretfully.

“Compared with the price of Star Bone, it’s a small amount of money. Don’t dare to look for Star Bone first?” Lin Zhan urged.

Yang Fei nodded, took a deep breath, put his hand on the corpse of Unicorn, felt a little, and looked slightly happy: “There is a star core!”

After speaking, he inserted the dagger into Unicorne’s body, and picked out a cyan ball, which was the wind system star core of Unicorne.

The price of the star core of the 3 star beast is much higher than that of the 1 star beast, not to mention the wind system.

Lin Zhan and the others all showed joy, even if there were no star bones, this star core was enough for them to make a fortune.


At the next moment, Yang Fei exclaimed: “Star bones! There are really star bones! Hahaha, Captain, we are going to post!”

“Okay! Dig it out quickly!” Lin Zhan’s eyes widened, and his face was happy.

Yan Jinming, and even Liu Yan and Yan Jinyue in the distance heard the good news and were overjoyed.

This is a star bone!

Although there have been speculations, the probability of star bones is indeed too low, and they are just holding on to the possibility!

Unexpectedly, the star bones really appeared, and this thing must go up for auction, enough to sell for an amazing price.

Wang Teng was quite calm. After all, he had a star bone in his hand, and it belonged to him. At this moment, seeing Lin Zhan and the others excited, he couldn’t help saying:

“Captain, at any rate, you are also a 3-star elite martial artist team, isn’t it just a star bone? As for being so excited.”

“is not it……”

A few people turned their heads in an instant, staring at him with a grievance on their faces.

“You kid, it doesn’t hurt to stand and talk. We have only met this star bone for so many years, and you seem to look down on it.”

“Do you not know the price of Star Bone?”

“I know, I performed well in the martial arts exam. The leaders of the Donghai Education Bureau also gave me a piece as a reward. I heard it was very precious, but to be honest, it’s like that. You guys, it’s just an exaggeration.” Wang Tengzhuang said lightly.


Everyone was speechless.

“Depend on!”

People are really maddening than people!

Look at people, you don’t have to risk your life to hunt any star beast, the single reward is a star bone.

Look at yourself again, oh, forget it… there is no comparison!

Lin Zhan and a few people are a little autistic, braving a gloomy breath all over, facing Wang Teng with their backs, they decided to ignore him collectively.

Wang Teng: “…”

What did i do wrong?

Suddenly, Yang Fei exclaimed in surprise: “I found it, it’s the leg bones!”

Speaking, he waved the dagger in his hand, shaved off the flesh and blood, and took out a bone from the thigh of the unicorn.

The rest of this bone is the color of forest white, but a crystal clear blue bone is formed in the middle part!

There are fine lines on the cyan bones, which look mysterious and mysterious.

Touching it with your hand, you can feel a sense of coldness!

“Quickly, touch me, it’s okay. I have been a martial artist for so long. Except for seeing it once from a distance, I haven’t even touched the star bone.” Lin Zhan excitedly snatched the leg of the unicorn from Yang Fei’s hand. Bone, gently stroking the cyan bone on it, looking intoxicated, like that…

A sturdy man is like stroking the thigh of a beautiful woman, touching a white bone!

Think about that picture!

Hey, it’s pretty scary!

Yang Fei and Yan Jinming also wanted to touch them, but when they saw his appearance, they shuddered and suddenly became sober.

“Ahem, Captain, drooling!” Wang Teng couldn’t help but reminded.


Lin Zhan was taken aback, subconsciously reached out and wiped the corners of his mouth, and then reacted, his brows twitched.

Wang Teng squinted at Wang Teng with dangerous eyes.

“You kid, you’re so courageous, do you want to learn about the iron fist of your captain’s love?”

“Hahaha, Captain, you look good today, red face, good luck, Hongfu Qitian… Well, it always feels weird, in any case, Captain, you are very lucky today. No wonder you can burst star bones, you must be the captain. Your protagonist’s aura is working…” Wang Teng gave a dry laugh, and immediately offered a big trick-flattery.

As for the iron fist of love, let’s leave it to other teammates, we don’t need this kind of nasty thing!

Yan Jinming, Yang Fei, as well as Liu Yan and Yan Jinyue who came over after healing were all stunned!

Never seen such a brazen person!

It smells so good!

“Haha!” Lin Zhanpi smiled and didn’t smile, then his face was solemn: “Since everything is done, let’s leave, let’s go back to the martial arts gym…”

As soon as everyone heard back to the martial arts center, before they had time to be happy, they listened to him again:

“Oh, yes, Lao Yang, let’s see if there is a star bone on the other leg.”

Everyone: “…”

Why didn’t you see that the captain still has the potential to be a fan of money?

After complaining about it, Yang Fei still seriously implemented his order, and took a look at the other leg bone of the unicorn.


Naturally, there is no such thing. A star beast has two star bones. You are afraid that you want to dream.

You can finally withdraw with peace of mind!

The people stopped delaying and went to the outside of the valley.

“Captain, how much can this star bone sell for?” Wang Teng asked curiously on the way.

“Probably…700 or 800 million!” Lin Zhan was also a little uncertain: “The last time I saw a stellar bone auction, someone bought a 3-star stellar bone at a similar price. Besides, it is still a wind system star bone, which is rarer and more precious than the star bones with the attributes of the five elements.”

“So expensive!” Wang Teng was really surprised.

The piece of star bone He Ju gave him came from a 1-star beast, and the 3-star is worth 7.8 billion, and the 1-star is worth 100 million, right?

It now appears that He Ju’s handwriting is bigger than he thought!

“The seven or eight billion is still less. It still depends on people. If you run into someone who wants this star bone very much, maybe you won’t even blink if you come out of a billion.” Lin Zhan smiled.

He seems to be in a good mood, no wonder, with more than a billion people in his pocket, can he be upset?

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