Chapter 109 Admission and Meeting (50,000 reward plus more, please subscribe!)


Everyone has filled out their volunteers, and the next step is to wait for notification.

Simply in this era, the results will come out soon, and you will know whether you have been accepted in three days.

Unlike in the previous life, waiting for notice will have to wait more than ten days, so I am anxious to death!

After graduation, we will be separated soon.

The students in the class sum up and are ready to go out and have a good time.


Why are there so few parties after graduation? Many male classmates are still waiting to confess to the female classmates who have been secretly in love for a long time.

Everyone made an appointment and decided to go to karaoke after dinner at night.

Of course, the head teacher and the teachers of various subjects were also dragged on.


A nice hotel near the school.

Everyone pays money together.

There were more than fifty people in the class, plus the teacher, sitting at six tables.

Beer and even white wine are on the table!

The college entrance examination is over, the turning point in life is just around the corner, and everyone can finally indulge in it tonight.

drink wine!

Must drink!

Both boys and girls poured wine on themselves, even if they couldn’t drink, they didn’t want to show their timidity in front of their classmates.

It seems that only drinking alcohol represents growing up.

Sitting between his classmates and teachers, Wang Teng suddenly felt a little dazed, as if he was out of the picture.

The whole portrait is like the grayish white peeled from the color painting.

“what happened to you?”

The familiar voice pulled him back to reality, turned his head and saw Lin Chuhan’s pretty face, he smiled slightly: “Nothing, come on, have a drink!”

Raise the wine glass in his hand and look at her!


Lin Chuhan picked up the wine glass, touched him lightly, took a sip of wine, and whispered, “I wish you a bright future!”

“The same to you!”

Wang Teng drank it all.

Past life, this life, which is true or false?

Maybe it is no longer important, everything in front of you needs to be cherished!

As the best person in the class and a big dark horse, Wang Teng naturally became the object of everyone’s toast.

Said it was a toast, but actually wanted to get him drunk.

The exams are so good that they can’t match them, and they can only find their place in other ways.


If you don’t drink it, you don’t give face!

Wang Teng also let go, and since everyone was happy, they had a good drink.

It is a pity that they wanted to get Wang Teng drunk, but they drank themselves one by one. They didn’t know how many times they had been in the toilet.

“Sample, the martial artist’s physique depends on your desire to get drunk.” Wang Teng smiled secretly.

When the classmates retreated like a ghost, Wang Teng toasted several teachers one by one.

After the meal, the teacher stopped participating, and the students were full of interest. They went to KTV together, opened a box, and sang!

“ten years”!

“King of Karaoke”!

Listening to a familiar old song, Wang Teng was full of emotions.

I have been busy practicing martial arts, coughing coughing, picking up attributes… I didn’t have time to enjoy all kinds of entertainment.

“Liu Qian, I like you!”

Suddenly, there was a loud roar.

The scene suddenly fell silent.

“…” Wang Teng was also taken aback.

Nima, I am sighing, you suddenly gave me this!

If you like it, you can yell so loudly, I’m afraid that others won’t know… But I am really envious!

The girl who was confessed blushed, but she was still the boy who looked at the confession with joy.


Seeing the expressions of the two, everyone couldn’t help but roar loudly.

“Liu Qian, I like you too!” someone shouted loudly afterwards.

“Get out!” The boy who confessed laughed and cursed.

“Liu Qian, I have liked you for a long time, this “Love Song” is for you!”

The music rang.

Affectionate singing came from the boys.

Everyone was quiet, listening to him quietly after singing, with envy and emotion…

Envious of his bravery, envious of him, someone can confess!

Feeling that time flies, feeling that some feelings are gone forever!

It was not until late that the students left the room.

I’ve been crazy, I’ve made trouble, I’ve cried…

This night is destined to be remembered. When I think about it many years later, I may not be able to let it go for life, maybe I will laugh…

Who knows?

Wang Teng sent Lin Chuhan home.

He stopped the car on the side of the road. The road leading to Lin Chuhan’s house was a bit small.

“Come with me!” Lin Chuhan said.

Wang Teng and her strolled in the small alley. The surroundings were quiet, and only the footsteps of the two could be heard.

The street lamp cast a dim light, pulling their shadows very long, and then gradually overlapped.

In a short while, the short journey was over, and Wang Teng sent Lin Chuhan to the door of his house.

“I’m going back!” he said.

“Yeah!” Lin Chuhan nodded gently.

Wang Teng was silent for a while, and finally did not say anything, and turned to leave.

Just a few steps later, Lin Chuhan’s voice came from behind him.

“Hey, if I was admitted to Tunghai University, would you come to see me.”

Wang Teng turned his head and glanced at Lin Chuhan.

Her face was shrouded in the shadow of the house behind, and she couldn’t see her expression clearly.

“Go when you have time.”

He waved his hand and strode away.

Three days later, Wang Teng received the admission letter from Huang Haijun Academy.

The speed is really fast!

Although it was originally a 100% thing, it was not until they received the admission notice that Wang Shengguo and Li Xiumei breathed a sigh of relief.

The old couple looked around the admission notice for a long time, and the smiles on their faces couldn’t stop.

“Tsk tusk, military academy, my son is so good!” Wang Shengguo said happily with a tut.

“It’s also my son!” Li Xiumei said unwillingly.

“Yes, yes, my son!”

“Quickly, give your dad and my dad a call and let me know.” Li Xiumei suddenly thought of this, and said quickly.

Wang Shengguo patted his head, picked up the mobile phone placed on the table, and called the old man to notify the good news.

The two old men laughed happily and praised Wang Teng constantly.

This grandson, I want it!

The two elders agreed surprisingly, saying that they would find time to host a college entrance banquet for Wang Teng, which was lively and lively.

However, according to Wang Teng’s view, these two old children are afraid that they want to show off in front of their friends.

But Wang Teng considered that he was about to go to another world soon, and he had to make some preparations, so he mentioned the entrance banquet to the time when the school was about to start.

The two old men naturally followed him, said a few more words, and hung up the phone.

After that, Wang Teng received news from Lin Chuhan that she was admitted!

Tunghai University!

She was finally admitted to Tunghai University and majored in martial arts.

Wang Teng also breathed a sigh of relief for her. Tunghai University of Technology is at least two grades behind Tunghai University. Admission to Tunghai University has a significant impact on Lin Chuhan’s future.


Fu Tiandao called and asked Wang Teng to go to the martial arts hall.

Pole Star Martial Arts Hall.

This time, Wang Teng came directly to the Martial Arts Building, where he saw Fu Tiandao, who had been waiting for a long time, and five other strange faces.

Looking from a distance, a powerful and fierce aura hits his face.

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