Chapter 108: Many Years Later… (Subscribe!)

Before Wang Teng had made a choice, the admissions teachers of the five universities started to quarrel.

Principal Yu of No. 1 Middle School looked at him with a smile, inexplicably happy in his heart.

He has been the principal for so many years. Although the No. 1 Middle School has produced some good seed, it is the first time that the top universities in the country can compete like this.

Fan Weiming squatted in the corner, secretly frightened.

These admissions teachers were all from top universities, and they would quarrel like this for a student.

Does Wang Teng have such great potential?

“Ahem.” Wang Teng gave a dry cough and said, “Teachers, please stop arguing. I want to ask a few questions.”

“You ask.”

The five teachers said almost in unison.


Wang Teng was stared at by five pairs of eyes, and he couldn’t help being a little confused, and asked carefully:

“Teacher Qin, Teacher Zhou, I heard that the military academy has very high restrictions on students’ freedom?”

Teacher Qin glanced at each other and nodded, “Because it is to train military talents, it will be stricter. The schedule of work and rest must be set according to regulations. If you violate it, you will be punished, but…”

They didn’t conceal anything about this, after all, they couldn’t hide it.

But they had another turning point.

“But freedom is relative, just like what we usually say about financial freedom. If you have money, you can achieve so-called financial freedom. Similarly, if you have power, you can have freedom of status. In the era of martial arts, you can get strength wherever you are. A certain amount of freedom.”

“Rules have always been used to restrain the weak. If you are strong enough, even the rules of the military academy can be broken!”

“Previous genius students are also like this, it depends on whether you have that ability!”

“Teacher, you are stimulating me!” Wang Teng smiled bitterly.

A wicked smile appeared on Teacher Qin’s chubby face, but he didn’t answer the conversation.

Wang Teng looked at the other three teachers from non-military academies, and said sincerely: “Thank you for the three teachers who value it, but I think I already have a choice.”

The three smiled bitterly: “You don’t think about it anymore?”

Wang Teng shook his head, and the three of them stopped talking.

Everyone has his own way, how to choose and how to go, all depends on himself.

Wang Teng stood up and said to the teachers of the two military academies in Huanghai and Xiadu: “Two teachers, I will apply for the exam first.”

After speaking, he walked directly out of the principal’s office.

Teacher Qin and Teacher Zhou were very happy at first, but at this time they saw that Wang Teng actually sold the door, and suddenly became a little bit dumbfounded.

I really can’t get up!

It feels like a cat’s claw scratching. I don’t know which one Wang Teng will choose in the end?

President Yu winked at Fan Weiming, and Fan Weiming quickly followed Wang Teng out of the office.

Wang Teng is now a baby in the East China Sea No. 1 Middle School. Although it is up to him to choose which university he chooses, it is best to find someone to watch the application process to prevent any mistakes.

Under the supervision of Fan Weiming, Wang Teng filled out the volunteer form and returned to the class.

“Wang Teng, which university did you sign up for?” In the class, Lin Chuhan couldn’t help but whisper when seeing Wang Teng sitting next to him.

“Why, don’t be angry with me anymore.” Wang Teng teased.

“Can you tell me?” Lin Chuhan stared.

“Okay, okay, tell you, I have reported to Huang Haijun Academy!” Wang Teng said helplessly.

Women can’t afford it!

“Huang Haijun Academy!” Lin Chuhan was startled, but he didn’t expect Wang Teng to report to the military academy.

Yang Jian at the front desk also turned his head at this time: “Wang Shao, you applied to the military academy. I thought you would apply to the first university.”

“Whether it is the first university or the Yellow Naval Academy, the resources and teachers are similar, and entering the military academy is undoubtedly a more suitable way for me.” Wang Teng said.

“Hey, listening to you say that, I feel inexplicably that you are pretending to be forceful!” Yang Jian sighed.

“Get out!” Wang Teng cursed with a smile, and asked, “Which university did you apply for?”

“East China Normal University!” Yang Jian said, “With my grades and I don’t want to go to another place, I can only apply to this university.”

Wang Teng nodded and saw that the application form in Lin Chuhan’s hand was still empty, so he asked: “Lin Chuhan, what about you, which university are you going to apply for?”

Lin Chuhan frowned, hesitated and said, “I want to report to Tunghai University!”

“Tunghai University!” Wang Teng looked at her and hesitated: “I remember that the admission score for Tunghai University’s actual combat assessment this year is 85 points. Don’t you only have 80 points? And the level must reach the senior warrior.”

“You definitely didn’t read it carefully, and the minimum recruitment standards were announced later!” Lin Chuhan said: “As long as the cultural class scores are all above 135, the actual combat assessment reaches 80 points, and the level reaches the intermediate martial arts level, you can also be admitted as appropriate.”

“But it’s still a bit unsettled, so I plan to apply for Tunghai University of Science and Technology as my second choice.

“Don’t you regret it? Originally based on your results, if you take the general exam, you can easily enter Tunghai University.” Wang Teng said.

“There is nothing to regret, you know the situation in my family well, why bother to say this.” Lin Chuhan said.

“Well, it’s not bad to report to Donghai University, at least we are all in Donghai.” Wang Teng said.


Lin Chuhan nodded, but even so, there was still a faint sadness in his heart.

Parting is always sad!

“Shao Wang, after graduating from the military academy, I will become a big boss, don’t forget your old classmates!” Yang Jian said with a smile.

“Okay, this boss covers you!” Wang Teng smiled.

Outside the classroom, several senior class teachers gathered in the corridor to chat about the results of the college entrance examination.

There is no doubt that this college entrance examination, the third grade (8) class is the biggest winner.

Not only did he get a champion in the martial arts exam, five of the other students were admitted to the martial arts majors of various universities.

You know, according to the budget, there are only five senior warriors in the entire Tokai No. 1 who are expected to major in martial arts.

Now the third grade (8) class alone exceeds this number in a single class.

Although there are no top martial arts talents in other classes, there are two or three on average, especially those classes that have advanced martial arts, and they are ranked high in the third year of the senior year.

But the teacher in one class looked bitter.

“Li Rongcheng in our class failed the exam this time and will retake next year,” he said.

“Li Rongcheng, isn’t he a senior warrior? How could he not be admitted?” The other teachers were surprised.

“Who knows, I heard that there was an accident in the actual combat assessment, and I didn’t tell me the specific reason.” Li Rongcheng’s head teacher shook his head.

“That’s a pity!” The other class teachers expressed their pity one after another.

Fan Weiming showed his face in front of the head teachers of each class and returned to the class triumphantly.

He stood on the podium and looked at the students below, but suddenly felt a little bit.

Another batch is going to be sent away!

Three years, like a cycle!

These children are finally flying to their respective worlds, and they can only be escorted here, and he will no longer participate in the future.

Even many years later, maybe I will hear some news from them occasionally…

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