These corpses...were also transformed into biological weapons by the forest? Ivan didn't think the hell-like scene in front of him was so terrifying... This kind of plot would make sense in a thriller-themed movie. But in front of him, a veteran relic hunter who has experienced hundreds of battles, these resurrected corpses are not even comparable to those ghost-faced giant owls just now.

The only thing that interests Ivan is that the ligaments connecting the bones of these corpses and the muscles used to drive the bones have been turned into nutrients by the mist perch, but with a few bones, not only can they not When it comes to movement, it's difficult to even maintain a human form.

The common monsters Skeleton Soldiers in fantasy works are condensed and driven by magic power, and this magic power is used to replace ligaments and muscles... Once the Skeleton Soldier is killed, it loses its magic power. After that, even if the entire skeleton was not destroyed, it would instantly be scattered into messy skeletons.

For a complete human skeleton like the one in medical school, the things used to replace ligaments and muscles are screws and gears.

Without soft tissue, even if hard bones are piled up into the shape of human bones, they will completely lose their mobility.

Ivan carefully observed the corpses that had broken free from the tree trunks. He found that each corpse had lost its spine and was replaced by a vine vertebra made of several strands of vines. This vine vertebra is equivalent to the human spine in terms of length, diameter, and curvature, and it fits perfectly into the gap left after these corpses lose their spines.

Many vines as thin as hair spread out from this vine vertebra and crawled all over the body of the corpse along the direction of the bones, especially at the joints. A large number of vines were entangled and accumulated, and some even directly It pierced the bone and connected the two bones together in a series.

It turns out that this is something used to replace ligaments and muscles...The working principle should be similar to the walker mecha we encountered before. After figuring out the reason why these corpses were moving, Ivan suddenly felt that his interest was greatly reduced. The only trace of fear in my heart disappeared completely.

Only things that cannot be explained by science scare him. As for monsters that can be explained by science, Ivan will only want to tie them to the dissecting table.

He picked up the gun, pointed it at the spine of the corpse closest to him, and pulled the trigger.

The needle-shaped electromagnetic bullet fired by the Gauss rifle easily broke the replacement spine formed by several strands of vines. The corpse fell to the ground like a puppet whose strings were suddenly cut and stopped moving.

Ivan breathed a sigh of relief - a problem that can be solved with a gun is not a problem at all.

But the next second, Ivan's slightly relaxed expression became solemn again.

Hundreds of tiny vine tendrils sprouted from the section of the vine vertebrae, reconnecting the two broken vine vertebrae. The body that had originally thrown onto the street trembled as if it had received an electric shock, and slowly got up from the ground.

At the same time, the corpses from other foggy trees also approached, surrounding Ivan.

There is also the ability to regenerate...this is a bit tricky...

Ivan took a half step back and glanced at the display screen on the side of the Gauss rifle and the equipment used to hang the drum on his waist.

The screen showed that the number of remaining ammunition in the gun chamber was thirty-nine. There were still three large-capacity drums hanging on the equipment that could hold one hundred rounds of electromagnetic bullets. The high-performance battery with built-in energy crystals was specially designed for the Gauss rifle. There are still four pieces left. He doesn't have to think about energy issues at all until the bullets are gone.

There were a total of forty-six resurrected corpses in front of me... No, counting the ones who had just been beaten to death, there should be forty-seven. The ammunition in Ivan's hands alone was enough to kill each corpse more than seven times.

But the problem is that even if these corpses are killed seven, ten or more times, as long as the vine spine is not crushed into powder, they can be resurrected indefinitely.

This is just like the dilemma that the protagonist often encounters in the early stage of common zombie movies - ordinary zombies are easy to kill, as long as they can hit the head with a bullet, a well-trained armed team can easily kill hundreds of them. Thousands of slow-moving zombies.

But before there were zombies with special abilities, the biggest pressure people faced in zombie movies was not the individual combat power of the zombies, but their number.

What's the use of killing hundreds or thousands of zombies in a short period of time before facing an entire city's population transformed into a zombie wave?

Sooner or later, the bullets will run out, the barrel will overheat if fired continuously, and a person's physical strength will be exhausted... But on the other hand, zombies have no sense of pain, do not understand fear, and their numbers are almost endless... And even if they are killed He can crawl on the ground with both his legs and his hands, struggling to bite a living person... This is the most frightening thing about ordinary zombies.

The best way to deal with them is heavy firepower.

Fear comes from insufficient firepower. This is the eternal truth in zombie movies. If you can't replace the pistol with a machine gun, if the machine gun doesn't work, you can clear the ground with heavy artillery, plus a few rounds of surface-to-surface and air-to-surface missiles... nothing remains except In addition to fear, there are also zombie ashes...

Even if there are no missiles, as long as there is an advanced tactical mecha, it is enough to run rampant among the zombies... In fact, it doesn't need to be too advanced. The walker mecha, which has been eliminated by the Ark military long ago, is enough to crush those zombies. Just ordinary zombies in movies.

But the problem is that Ivan has no heavy artillery, missiles, or mecha... He only has a Gauss rifle with limited bullets.

The forty-seven corpses in front of them, before finding a way to prevent their resurrection, can be regarded as an infinite tide of corpses.

Ivan put his hand into his backpack, and his fingertips came into contact with several cold metal cylinders...

Incendiary bombs... No, this thing is ineffective against them... Before Ivan had time to be happy, the information he had read before setting off came to mind, instantly extinguishing the joy he had just felt.

The mist perch is not afraid of fire, otherwise the exploration of the gray mist forest would not be so difficult.

The vine spines that control these corpses are essentially the same thing as Kirito and Kirisuki. Even air-dropped napalm bombs can't be used against these things, and throwing incendiary grenades are even less useful.

Unless you use a plasma cannon-level weapon to directly turn it into ashes... If you rely on napalm alone to burn it, you may not be able to bake the vine spine into charcoal when the fuel is exhausted.

It would be nice if other people were here... Ivan sighed. Whether it is Ke Lan, Ze Luo, Asano Akira, Thirty-three or Valentina driving the Blasphemer mecha, how can we deal with these? There is no pressure on corpses that can be infinitely resurrected, but these ghosts happened to hit him, the person with the lowest combat effectiveness in the team...

It seems that I can really only be regarded as a drag... Ivan sighed helplessly, opened his breathing mask, held up the gun in one hand, grabbed the wine bottle with the other, and drank all the remaining liquid in the bottle in one breath. All poured into the mouth.

We can only fight with our last breath. Ivan threw the silver-white metal flask hard and crushed it with his foot. I just don't know how many shots it will take with the Gauss rifle to completely break these vine spines... It's really not possible. if……

He glanced at the hidden grooves inlaid with stalagmite fragments on the Cyborg prosthetic limb - as long as those stalagmite fragments are taken out, the uninhibited erosion seed cells will spread in a very short period of time, and he will also gain far beyond normal Human power... But if he chooses to do this, he will never have a chance to look back.

This has always been a trump card that Ivan has kept. Although he knows very well that the power of a corrosive seed is not very strong, this is the last trump card he can play.

But maybe it would be better to end as a human being, right? Ivan took another step back, leaning against the smooth and flat wall of fog, But I still feel a little unwilling...

Deep in the gray fog forest, the Genoa high-speed support ship crashed.

Thirty-three also looked confused - he didn't know why he just took a step back, but retreated to the inside of the wreckage of the battleship.

Logically speaking, that should be the direction away from the wreckage of the battleship... Before it was shrouded in thick fog, there was an open space there.

Did some teleportation device be triggered? Thirty-three looked at the rusty and vine-covered cabin wall in front of him and said to himself.

From a certain point of view, his luck was the best among the separated people, because the others woke up in the open space. It was difficult to find any abnormalities in the environment for a while, and they all thought they were in Near the wreckage of the Shaojiang Kai frigate, and before the thick fog obscured it, it was impossible to tell the east, west, north, and south... But Thirty-Three was different. The first thing he saw after waking up was a side with serious paint peeling off. The metal wall, and the change of scenery before and after was too abrupt, which gave him the idea of ​​he was teleported here.

But if there is a teleportation device, that girl Zeluo should be able to sense the abnormalities in the space... Well, it may be that the thick fog has blocked her perception. It's hard to say... This forest is really It’s very weird. Ke Lan and the others probably didn’t expect that their cheats would one day fail...

Thirty-three rolled his wrist, and several black Nino alloy flying blades flew out from the interlayer of the arm armor, circled around his wrist a few times, and then flew back.

His abilities were not affected, which made Thirty-three feel much more at ease.

The first thing to figure out right now is where he was transported.

There is no doubt that this should be a certain cabin in the wreckage of the battleship... and this cabin should be located relatively inside, at least it has not been affected by the fog yet.

Maybe I should go out to find Ke Lan and the others... As long as I don't get into a fight, those monsters shouldn't be able to stop me... Thirty-three thought, But if they are also teleported, the situation will be more troublesome... …If I leave the wreckage of the battleship, I may trigger the teleportation device again, and I can’t tell where I will be teleported to for the second time…”

The Shaojiang Kai frigate was at least familiar to him, and it was a rare eye-catching symbol in the huge gray fog forest. When the warship crashed and touched the ground, the bow of the warship arched into the ground, but it broke due to the impact. The tail of the battleship stood up unexpectedly, and part of it even passed through the tree canopy and thick fog. As long as the Blasphemer mecha rose into the air, the wreckage of the Shaojiang Kai frigate could be located.

Therefore, it is the wisest decision to stay inside the battleship wreckage and wait for Ke Lan and the others - after discovering that they have been teleported, they will definitely find a way to return to the battleship wreckage. Instead of aimlessly looking for a needle in a haystack, it is better to stand where they are and wait. They come to themselves.

So, my luck seems pretty good? Thirty-three scratched his head and said to himself.

Thirty-three glanced at the air monitoring data on the display screen of the mask. The air in the cabin fully met the needs of human breathing, so he took off the breathing mask - although the supply of oxygen generator was sufficient, as a person A veteran of the field corps with rich combat experience, Thirty-three is very aware of the importance of supplies in field operations. Abundance of materials is not a reason to waste. It is good to save a little. Sometimes, it may be the savings that save one's life at a critical moment.

I don't know when the fog will spread here...but maybe I can take advantage of this gap to explore this battleship first. Thirty-three made up his mind - although Ke Lan and the others have already explored Shao The wreckage of the Jiang Kai frigate was seen, but it was only limited to the bridge, and other cabins on the battleship were not seen.

Perhaps... there may be some unexpected discoveries.

Thirty-three looked around at the cabin he was in. This should be the smoking room on the battleship. The igniter and a garbage box for collecting cigarette ashes and cigarette butts were fixed on the bulkhead. Next to the garbage box was a sunken cupboard. , two bottles of hand-held fire extinguishers are embedded in the cabinet. Welded to the corner of the wall was a large right-angled sofa that could seat seven or eight strong men. The simulated leather covering the sofa's surface had fallen apart, revealing the yellowed sponge and rusty metal frame underneath.

The Shaojiang Kai frigate was in combat mode when it crashed. No one would come to the smoking room at this time, and there should be no valuable clues in this place.

With this thought in mind, Thirty-three walked out of the open hatch.

But as soon as he walked into the corridor, he made a new discovery - and it was really an unexpected discovery.

The flashlight shines on the door number of the cabin opposite. The word Bathroom is written on the door number in both Chinese and English... There is no problem with this, but the problem lies in the line of small words below the door number.

Flying Fish-class high-speed support ship Genoa.

Holy shit... is this, the inside of another crashed battleship?

[P.S. Thanks to the walking support boy for the 1,500 starting coins; thanks to Jiu Fengli and Wen Wu for the 100 starting coins. 】

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