Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 786 Different dilemmas

Japanese warriors in the old era usually carried two swords, one long and one short. For cavalry, they had a longer sword and a wakizashi. For infantry warriors, they carried a shorter sword and a wakizashi. There were also swordsmen. Some warriors will choose to bring an extra Kaitong specifically for breaking armor. This is a short sword with a blade length of less than twenty centimeters. The spine of the sword is thicker than that of an ordinary samurai sword. It is generally not used for chopping, but is used to penetrate weak spots on armor.

But in actual battles, neither Wakizashi nor Kaitong are used very often.

(Except for the two-sword style, Miyamoto Musashi invented the Niten-ichi. He holds a dachi in his right hand and a small dachi in his left hand. However, the samurai who imitate him generally do not have this ability, so the two swords are reduced to katana and wakizashi... In addition, even if For caesarean section, wakizashi and kaitong are generally not used, but a special short knife. As for the Japanese officers in many film and television works who directly use wakizashi or wakizashi to perform caesarean section, there are only two reasons: First, the production team did not have enough research , Secondly, at that time, the army rarely carried a special dagger for disemboweling, so other things were used instead.)

The reason for the low usage rate of Wakizashi and Kaitong is very simple - all cold weapons must follow an iron law in nine cases out of ten: one inch is long, one inch is strong; one inch is short; one inch is dangerous.

Although short and delicate weapons have certain advantages in close combat and in small spaces, and they also have portability and flexibility that long weapons cannot match, in most combat situations, they will definitely be suppressed by long weapons. .

Just imagine, the dagger in your hand has not yet reached the opponent's body, but you are already within the attack range of the opponent's long sword. It is self-evident who has the greater advantage in this kind of battle.

Whether they were cavalry or infantry, the ancient armies would inevitably choose long-pole weapons such as spears, spears, daggers, axes, and halberds as their main weapons. Even weapons with the name sword like the Pu Dao had the same length. More than one hundred and fifty centimeters.

The length of the weapon can often smooth the gap in strength between the two sides, or even lead to overtaking... And the spare wakizashi in Asano Akira's hand has a blade that is only half the length of a Nino alloy sword.

As for the strength gap between the two sides... If the figure emerging from the thick fog is the attacker who just appeared in the hallucination, then the opponent's strength will definitely not be inferior to Asano Akira.

Even if the previous battle was just an illusion, the murderous intention was not fake. Those who can possess this kind of killing intention will never be weak in combat effectiveness.

The blurry figure suddenly raised the knife, the blade pointed upward, and the tip pointed directly at Asano Akira's eyebrows. His originally gentle pace suddenly accelerated, and after three steps, he ran directly towards Asano Akira!

With a pop sound, the sharp wakizashi was instantly unsheathed, Asano Akira swooped out, and the distance between the two was shortened to less than three meters in the blink of an eye!

Just as the opponent thrust the knife forward, Asano Akira's upper body suddenly fell backwards, lowering his body's center of gravity again, changing from a running posture to a sliding shovel on the ground. At the same time, he put his left hand in his hand He slammed the scabbard hard towards the opponent's facade.

When Asano Akira's opponent changes his moves, the opponent has only one choice, which is to retreat to the other side, dodge, or use his sword to deflect the incoming scabbard.

The original posture of the figure in the mist holding the knife is to thrust upward with the blade. If you want to attack Asano Akira who is close to the ground, you must flip the blade and then slash downward. The direction of the force will be completely opposite to the original action. After completing Before he can change his moves, he will be hit in the face by the scabbard.

Although the scabbard was out of hand, it was tightly wrapped by the tentacles of Akira Asano's mind. If it were hit on the head, the destructive power would be no less than that of Mo Jue's TAC-50 anti-material sniper rifle held against the head. One shot.

Even if it cannot kill the opponent, it is enough to make the opponent lose balance or suffer a brief lag. At this time, Asano Akira, who has closed the distance, can use the wakizashi in his hand to attack the opponent's lower third.

This tactic is insidious, but very effective. A warrior, whether it is hand-to-hand combat or unarmed combat, the lower body is the most critical place. Stabilizing the body, moving flexibly, and bursting with strength... the most important thing depends on the muscles of the legs and core. Otherwise, in ancient times, In this era, martial arts practitioners no longer regard Zha Ma Bu as basic training for entry-level training.

When life is truly at stake, there is no such thing as being fair... As long as it can kill the enemy, no matter how sinister or shameless the move is, as long as it can achieve the goal, it is a good move.

What's more, Asano Akira used a short weapon that was one inch short, one inch dangerous. If he didn't rely on cunning and dangerous moves, he would have no chance of winning.

However, what he didn't expect was that the opponent completely ignored the sword sheath that he smashed over, and then swung the sword downwards with his backhand - there was no sense of delay or obstruction in his changing moves. Asano Akira even suspected that this was unclear. There are no bones or muscles inside the humanoid, but a thick mist that can change at will like a liquid.

The scabbard and the blade approached their respective targets almost at the same time... Asano Akira could only choose to interrupt his offensive and roll to one side in embarrassment.

The scabbard he threw passed through the opponent's head and fell to the ground.

Akira Asano quickly got up from the ground and backed away.

The moment the scabbard came into contact with the thick fog, all the tentacles of thought wrapped around it were melted away, but before the connection between the last tentacle of thought and Asano Akira was severed, Asano Akira still captured a trace of something that was surprising. Shocking news.

There is no entity at all in this human form shrouded in thick fog.

The scabbard didn't touch anything but the fog.

The exaggerated metaphor he just made... was actually not wrong: there was indeed no such thing as bones or muscles inside this vague humanoid figure.

So, the person fighting me is not a human at all... but 'it' picked up my sword and is still imitating human fighting methods... 'It', what on earth is it? Asano Akira thought in his mind. A series of question marks appeared... If Ke Lan were here, he would definitely choose to try to communicate with the other party at this time. Even if you can't turn enemies into friends, you can at least get some important information... But Akira Asano is not Ke Lan. He is used to using silence and the weapons in his hands to solve problems.

After adjusting his steps slightly, Asano Akira placed Wakizashi in front of him.

Deep in the gray fog forest, there is a blank area.

Ivan didn't quite understand why he only took one step back and then retreated from one blank area to another blank area.

If this place is compared to the human heart, the thin wall of fog in the middle is like the fleshy diaphragm between the left atrium and the right atrium... Although this metaphor is a bit strange, as a doctor, Ivan An anatomical diagram of a human heart came to mind subconsciously.

It's really strange... But if there is no fog in this area, those monsters will definitely chase them out, right? If it doesn't work, we can only continue to retreat into the thick fog... Ivan turned around to look. At a glance, this fog-free blank area was about two hundred meters deep, with only less than ten foggy habitats sparsely distributed in it. If those monsters chased them out of the thick fog, at his speed, , should barely be able to rush into the thick fog at the end of the blank area before being caught up.

Just when Ivan was halfway planning his escape route, he suddenly froze on the spot - there was another blank area behind this layer of fog wall, so he should be able to see Ke Lan who was retreating together. They! But he looked around and saw no one except himself!

Sukabule! A classic Chinese curse came out of Ivan's mouth. He subconsciously looked down, only to find that the safety rope around his waist had been broken at some point.

A layer of cold sweat instantly seeped out from the pores on his back, soaking the underwear on his back.

How is this going?

Ivan forced himself to calm down. He stood there and waited for two seconds... However, no one emerged from the thick fog in front of him and entered this strange blank area.

Not only did no one come, but even the biological weapons did not break through the fog wall and chase them here... Logically speaking, a layer of fog wall no more than one meter thick is not enough to shield the perception of these monsters.

Am I separated from the others? It's impossible...I just took a step back... Ivan's breathing was a little rapid. He glanced at the heart rate monitor inside the breathing mask, and skillfully removed it from his waist. He took out a sedative from the small bag, inserted it into the injection hole reserved on the protective suit, and pushed the liquid into the subcutaneous tissue.

As the medicine took effect, Ivan felt that his breathing finally became calmer, but the anxiety and uneasiness in his heart did not slow down at all, but intensified.

He took a look at his surroundings, luckily lifted up his breathing mask, raised his head and took a big gulp of vodka.

The unique taste of alcohol spreads between the mouth and nasal cavity, and the spicy liquid rolls down the esophagus. Drinking a high degree of vodka will give people the feeling of swallowing a burning knife, but that is the only feeling. , can Ivan calm down quickly.

Maybe I should go back to find them...

Closing the breathing mask, Ivan quickly made a decision - he shot a spike used to fix the rope into the ground, and then tied the broken section of the safety rope to the lock at the end of the spike. , after checking the weapons and ammunition for the last time, he raised his gun and stepped forward into the thick fog.


There was thick fog all around, nothing could be seen or heard.

Two steps.

As far as the eye can see, there is still a thick fog that is so dense that you can't even see your fingers.

Three steps.

Nothing changes.

The doubts in Ivan's heart suddenly intensified - although the gray fog has been spreading towards the interior of the battleship wreckage, it only lasted more than ten seconds, and the speed of spread was definitely not that fast!

He took three more steps forward in one breath, and did not stop until the safety rope around his waist was stretched.

The wreckage of the battleship, the monsters that followed one after another, those familiar teammates... He saw nothing. There was nothing except the thick gray fog in front, back, left and right.

It's really... I've seen a ghost...

Ivan continued to walk back without untying the safety rope. He began to retreat until he retreated into the blank area that was not occupied by the fog.

The spike was still stuck in the ground, and the end of the safety rope was tied to the buckle, which made him relax a little.

Ivan began to observe the boundary between the blank area and the edge of the thick fog - these dense fog did not spread towards the blank area, they seemed to be blocked by an invisible wall, if it were not for the gray fog Flow together, this clear boundary may even make Ivan mistakenly think that what is standing in front of him is a towering concrete wall.

The invisible wall... is it Zeluo's space barrier? Ivan muttered, Could it be that this blank area not occupied by the gray fog was created by Zeluo? But the problem is that Zeluo Where is she now, and where have the others gone? Why am I the only one in the empty space?

Ivan began to look at this extremely strange blank area, and soon he discovered something that seemed normal, but was actually very abnormal.

There are very few fog perches in the blank area, but a large number of human corpses are embedded on the pillars of each fog perch... This kind of situation may be seen not far from the red line, but it is absolutely Shouldn't be in this place.

This place is a full thirty-five kilometers away from the red line! Even if the creatures in the gray mist forest could carry the bodies of intruders, they would never move them so far away!

It is even more impossible that these dead people came here by themselves!

Judging from the information currently available, it is possible that the lumberjacks headed by Mo Jue's father and the crew members of the two crashed battleships could have reached this depth. However, the corpses in front of them were not wearing clothing from the Air Force fleet. The uniform was a standard field corps marine uniform. One corpse even had the regimental emblem and serial number of the armored unit on its arm.

These corpses all came from the armored force that strayed into the gray fog forest and was completely wiped out... Their corpses should never appear in this place.

With this idea in mind, Ivan decided to study these corpses first to see if he could find any clues... But when he approached a foggy perch, the corpse embedded in the trunk seemed to be awakened. , suddenly struggled violently!

It was as if a chain reaction had been triggered. From near to far, all the corpses on the foggy trees began to move. They used their incomplete bone claws to tear and dig at the wood fibers that imprisoned themselves... In just a few seconds By the end of the day, the corpse that was the first to wake up had already broken free from the shackles of the tree trunk.

[P.S. There was not much fluctuation in subscriptions yesterday. I felt relieved to see that everyone was staying at home and reading novels alone...]

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