Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 632 Loyal Guards

The laser firing position has been locked, sir, do we want to fight back? a soldier shouted.

The commander of the mobile unit subconsciously looked at Ke Lan - more than one unit of the 10th Armored Division had received the news. Under the instruction of the Undead Crew Association, Ke Lan seemed to have become the only commander in chief in this battle. He is the person with the highest command authority besides Lieutenant General Terenz Linde. Any front-line combat unit that encounters Ke Lan must obey his orders.

The Undead Crew gave him great autonomy, and he even had the right to choose whether to execute the orders issued by Lieutenant General Linde based on real-time changes on the battlefield.

It's not necessary. The two lasers are fired from different places. With the roof area of ​​these buildings, even a miniaturized cluster laser cannon can only fit one in one place. This kind of weapon is disposable. , after using it, it is no longer a threat. Ke Lan said, with the ability to stop and stop, he captured the laser launch position earlier than these soldiers - compared with the silent warhead, the dazzling cluster The path of the laser is too obvious, and it is easier to reveal the shooter's position than tracer bullets and muzzle flashes.

These two laser cannons, like the previous sniper rifles, were most likely fired through remote control devices. Even if the roofs of the two buildings were plowed with heavy firepower, it would not be able to hurt the controllers - because the other parties were not there at all.

I will let Ze Luo be responsible for early warning, and everyone should be ready to activate the shield at any time. Ke Lan said, We will continue to maintain this defensive formation and advance. If the opponent's methods are limited to this, they will not be able to attack us. It poses too much of a threat.”

Although this small cluster laser cannon can penetrate the cockpit of the Pusher, it is because of the loopholes in the design of the Pusher - as a light, high-speed mecha for frontal assault, the Pusher's own armor is basically piled up. On the front of the machine body, the armor on the sides and rear is relatively weak. The propeller that was killed just now was sniped when it turned around to go behind the shield formation. This angle happened to make the weakest side waist position. After being exposed to the enemy's gun, he was fatally struck by the opponent.

It is true that there is a certain amount of luck involved, but the enemy hiding in the dark has an extremely terrifying ability to control timing - you know, this thing needs to be charged for a long time before shooting.

At least for us, this is good news. Ke Lan suddenly said something that was somewhat unclear, leaving the commander of the mobile unit stunned for nearly half a second.

Good, good news?

Judging from the attacks we have encountered so far, these weapons are all made by humans... Well, although the core components of the laser cannon are the creation of the Alpha civilization, at least the weapons themselves are made of human technology. Ke Lan said , Apart from those strange disturbances, the ruins' own defense facilities did not attack us.

Uh... that seems to be the case. The commander glanced at the battle situation in the sky. Although the fleet outside could not be seen from this angle, the scene of various missiles, rockets and artillery shells being destroyed by volleys could still be seen. What I saw - if the firepower used for anti-aircraft fire fell on this airborne team, even if they opened all their shields, they would not be able to escape the end of the group being wiped out.

These things have limitations. Thirty-three who followed behind said, They cannot be used to attack ground units entering the core control area. Otherwise, people from the heretical sect will not use those weapons to attack us.

In other words, the six batches of airborne troops that disappeared earlier...if, I mean, if they have been killed, then there is a high probability that they were killed by people from the heretical sect, not the traps inside the ruins. . Ke Lan analyzed, These troops parachuted into the core control area are the best of the best. They are well-trained and well-equipped, and they have enough supplies such as active ammunition and high-level pharmaceuticals... If you want to rely on If the heretical sect's own strength can eat up several such troops, then one can imagine how strong the opponent's fighting power is.

Ordinary erosion seeds can only be reduced to cannon fodder in such a battle, and mutants can be regarded as the main combat power. Ke Lan added, As for the decisive combat power, there are only SP-type mutants and black bishops. .

Black Bishop... damn, to be honest, I really don't want to fight that kind of monster anymore. Layton couldn't help but complain in the team channel.

Don't worry, keep going forward, we will definitely meet the black bishop... If the prophet's true body is in that high tower, there will definitely be many black bishops around him, and maybe there will be a dozen of them by then. They're popping up by the dozen, Ke Lan said.

...A dozen black bishops? Then aren't we just going to deliver food? Although Layton did not participate in the hijacking incident, he still watched the video of the battle between the Ark Fleet and the Black Mummy... Then It's something that even a nuclear bomb can't kill or a plasma cannon can't incinerate. The only adjectives he can think of are pervert and monster.

Don't be so pessimistic. The strength of the black bishop also has strengths and weaknesses. For example, the black bishop I met in the East 9th District only summoned a black skeleton after the sacrifice, and was directly killed by Ms. Victoria. I can dismantle it with my bare hands, I believe you can do it too. Ke Lan tried his best to show a relaxed expression and gave a thumbs up to Augustus' monitor.

But, I hope...

Under the protection of a tight shield array, Ke Lan and the others advanced about two hundred meters. In the process, they suffered a total of four sniper attacks and three laser cannon attacks, but they were all blocked by energy shields or physical shields. It was blocked and no damage was caused.

It seems that they realized that long-distance sniping could no longer pose a threat to them. After the last sniper was blocked by the heavy shield of Shield Mountain, members of the heretical sect finally appeared in Ke Lan's sight.

This is also their first face-to-face encounter with the enemy since entering the core control area.

Are these guys...the reformers among the exiles? Looking at those weird-looking, twisted guys who could barely be called human beings, Layton couldn't help but take a breath.

Although the reformers among the Exiles and the reformers in the Ark are literally the same, they are actually two completely different concepts - in the wilderness, the Exiles do not have the same medical and surgical conditions as in the Ark. The so-called body Transformation is to sew together the limbs of humans and indigenous creatures in an extremely crude way, or to directly replace human organs with the internal organs of indigenous creatures...

Recipients with better conditions may be able to get some antibiotics and hormones, but the vast majority of people who undergo transformation can only rely on their own bodies to fight rejection and infection...

Undoubtedly, the mortality rate of this kind of modification surgery is extremely high. Even if there are occasionally a few lucky people who successfully survive the high-risk period after the operation, their remaining life span will be greatly shortened - the limbs and organs of indigenous creatures are indeed It is true that it can bring powerful power to human beings, but it is difficult for the part of the body that originally belonged to humans to withstand this power.

Unless the person who underwent the transformation surgery is an enhanced person... But even if he is an enhanced person, the chance of finally walking off the operating table alive is very high.

No, they are not ordinary reformers. The commander of the mobile unit shook his head seriously, We are afraid that we have encountered the 'loyal heir guard' of the heretical sect.

Loyal Guards? What is that? Why have I never heard of it? Layton was very confused.

I have heard of the name of this unit, but that's all. Thirty-three glanced at the reformers who were slowly approaching two hundred meters away, Ke Lan, With your authority, you should know more than me.

Ke Lan nodded silently and said: I have seen the information about this unit in the confidential files of the Security Bureau... You all know that the exile's 'reform surgery', which is no different from torture, has a very high failure rate. High, not one in ten people who undergo surgery will survive - but there is one exception.

Which kind? When a modified person is an enhanced person? Why does he still need to undergo that kind of abnormal surgery when he is already an enhanced person? Layton asked.

No, it is not to strengthen people, but to contain the seeds of erosion. Ke Lan said, The seeds of erosion that parasitize in the human body will give the host extremely strong strength and recovery ability before entering the period of rapid transformation. With these 'containers' As a transformation material, the success rate is almost 100%, and after the limbs of the indigenous creatures are joined to the human body, the cells of the erosion seeds will also invade these limbs to further strengthen these limbs.

... After listening to Ke Lan's words, Ivan couldn't help but glance at his robotic arm and shook his head gently, as if to shake some unrealistic thoughts out of his mind.

Although the strength of this kind of modified human depends largely on the strength of another part of the material - the limbs of indigenous creatures, it can be stably mass-produced. According to the estimates of the Security Bureau, the number of such modified containers is about one There are about 1,000 to 1,500 people, and this number is still growing.”

The reformers from the heretical sect in the distance stopped when they were still a hundred meters away from the airborne troops, and did not continue to approach, as if they were waiting for some order. The soldiers who were well prepared did not open fire rashly. The two groups just faced each other. The tense atmosphere in the air continued to escalate, and a fierce battle would break out almost at any time.

Those modified people were dancing with weird and twisted limbs, and seemed to be shouting something loudly - but because of the special sound insulation effect of this area, Ke Lan and the others couldn't hear the content of these people's shouts at all, and could only read from their mouths. Make some rough judgments.

The most frequent syllables among these transformed people are great god, prophet and some words and phrases related to sectarian beliefs.

The Loyal Guards are the most loyal group of people in the heretical sect to the prophet. They are superstitious in doctrine and firmly believe that undergoing this kind of transformation surgery is the correct way for human evolution... According to the autopsy report of the institute, the brains of these people They have all been destroyed by the Seed of Corrosion and have lost their basic ability to think logically. They have completely become a murderous weapon in the hands of the prophet. Ke Lan took advantage of this opportunity to explain to everyone, Of course, these are all Not important, the most important thing is - the status of the Loyal Guards within the heretical sect is equivalent to that of the Prophet's personal guards. Although there are a small number of members of the Loyal Guards in other settlements, the vast majority of them, He is always with the Prophet.

The group of guys in front of me... I just counted them, there are two hundred and seventy-five in total... Layton said silently, In other words, that news is probably true.

The true form of the prophet is here!

Finally, the reformed people of the Zhongsi Guards ended their pre-battle prayer and began to charge towards the airborne troops - and the moment they launched the charge, Ke Lan decisively gave the order to attack.


The multi-barreled cannon mounted on the armored vehicle instantly spit out tongues of flame more than two meters long. The dense rain of bullets immediately fell on the Chungsi Guards cyborgs in the front row. The bodies of more than a dozen cyborgs were torn to pieces in the blink of an eye. , and the erosion seeds that were freed from the shackles in their bodies twisted their blood-stained tentacles and rushed forward at a faster speed.

Before these monsters could rush forward, a sufficient amount of active ammunition had penetrated their bodies and ended their lives.

But the battle situation is not optimistic for Ke Lan and the others - there are at least fifty people in the modified containers at the front, but this round of strafing only killed less than one-third, and the remaining ones either have to resist. 25 mm caliber machine gun shells, or they passed through the gaps in the hail of bullets with their extremely high maneuverability - the most exaggerated one was a man over two meters tall with a total of four arms attached to his body, and his abdomen The Cyborg was as swollen as a large water tank, his abdomen shone with a bright green dark light, and a solid energy shield appeared directly in front of him, intercepting all the cannonballs fired at him. Come down. And those modified people whose bodies were not strong enough to resist the cannonballs and who did not have high mobility all hid behind him.

This guy...could he have a shield generator installed in his belly? Layton exclaimed.

Although there are not many indigenous creatures on Alpha Planet that can release energy shields, they are not unavailable... Some species that have been transformed into biochemical weapons by the Alpha civilization will also have such an ability. They should use this energy-generating The shield organ was transplanted into the body... Ivan said, with a hint of excitement in his calm tone. In order to suppress this emotion, he had to take out the wine bottle and take another deep drink.

In addition to this cyborg who can release energy shields, the fastest one is a cyborg with arms like a mantis, a body covered with dark green scales, and two pairs of insect wings on his back... The rest of this guy's body There are very few human parts left, and it is unknown how many times he has undergone transformation surgeries.

The armored vehicle crew cease fire and retreat! The first and second mecha squads are on top, preparing for close combat! The third squad is responsible for support, and the remaining firepower is to attack the enemy's energy shield! the commander of the mobile unit shouted.

His idea is correct. There is a limit to the energy shield. As long as the firepower is strong enough, the shield can be penetrated or even exploded directly. As long as the big belly can be solved, most of the modified people can be eliminated. On the way to charge.

[P.S. Thanks to Pipi Xing for the 500 starting coins; thank you Tie Yijue and book friend 20211219115350869 for the 100 starting coins. 】

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