Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 631 Silent Battlefield

...I just noticed now that the sound of the fleet bombarding the tower has completely disappeared. said the commander of the mobile unit.

Although the air force fleet's indiscriminate bombing did not cause any damage to the core tower, the continuous huge explosions could be heard even dozens of kilometers away from the ruins of the Ancient Bronze City, let alone the core control area located at the center of the explosion. .

But now, the surroundings around them were so quiet that it seemed to be haunted.

This feeling is really uncomfortable, Layton complained. It feels like I'm deaf.

Compared to other interferences, I think this is within the acceptable range. Ivan said calmly, At least, it is better than environments such as abnormal gravity, ultra-high radiation, extreme heat and cold. .

Let's move forward. Judging from the current situation, the air force fleet should not be able to defeat the core tower from the outside... The so-called hope can only be pinned on our shoulders. Thirty-three said.

By the way, I remembered something. Layton suddenly said in a somewhat excited tone, Now that we have figured out what is special about this place, can we think that the groups of people who lost contact before were airborne? It's actually possible that the troops are still alive, but their movements are completely 'shielded' by this strange place? If we continue to go deeper, maybe we can join them...

No, I don't think so. The commander of the mobile unit shook his head. According to time, if the previous batches of airborne troops were not completely wiped out, they should have entered the core tower by now. But according to Judging from the fleet's observation reports, there has been no change in the core tower during this period, and the frequency and density of anti-aircraft firepower in the core control area have never shown signs of attenuation.

Lieutenant General Linde of the General Headquarters thinks so too. At the end, he added another sentence.

Although the current status of the five airborne troops in front is only out of contact, the general headquarters in the rear has actually acquiesced that their operation failed.

Looking at the machines and armored vehicles connected by arm-thick cables, for some reason, Ke Lan always had a sense of seeing the connected iron cables in Chibi... But then again, vehicles made of alloy, You shouldn't be afraid of fire attacks, right?


A loud sound of metal collision exploded in everyone's ears very suddenly. Ke Lan and a soldier wearing power armor and holding a shield next to the commander suddenly flew up, and then fell heavily to the ground!

In front of Ke Lan, there are four thumb-thick .50-caliber armor-piercing bullets floating - behind these four warheads are trailing vacuum wakes visible to the naked eye, but at this moment, no matter the warheads themselves, , or the wake generated by the warhead breaking through the air at high speed, were all frozen in mid-air.

Ze Luo waved his slender arm, and the warheads were instantly crushed into small metal balls and fell to the ground.

Sniper! It's an anti-materiel sniper rifle! the commander immediately shouted, Formation! First defensive formation!

The mechas and vehicles of the mobile unit immediately moved, surrounding the infantry firmly in the middle. The mechas equipped with physical shields stood side by side, forming a row of solid shield walls.

Their main target is me. Ke Lan said.

He raised his head and looked in the direction where the bullets were coming. However, the opponent's gun seemed to be equipped with a very advanced flash suppressor, and the shooting distance was also very far. He could only determine the general direction of the sniper, but could not accurately locate it.

The sound can only be transmitted out to the core control area 20 meters away. This is an excellent sniper killing field - no matter how large the caliber is or how loud the gun is when it is fired, it will become a silent weapon here. Assassination weapon. By the time the target hears the sound of the warhead tearing through the air, the time left for him to react is almost negligible.

But this is only for ordinary people. Even if Ze Luo doesn't take action, Ke Lan can rely on Shi Zhan and the living armor to block these warheads flying towards him.

How about the brother who was shot? Ke Lan turned to look at the commander of the mobile unit and asked.

That shot penetrated the shield, but it also changed the trajectory. It did not hit his armor at a vertical angle and slipped from the side... Otherwise, with the penetrating power of this shot... the commander replied road.

The first shot was just to break the cover of the shield and create a shooting window for the subsequent shots. Ke Lan pointed to the warheads crumpled into balls on the ground, There is obviously more than one sniper.

This doesn't look like the power of a .50-caliber armor-piercing projectile, right? Ivan asked, It can penetrate a 20-millimeter-thick composite armor shield, and it can also knock away soldiers wearing full sets of power armor... The .50-caliber caliber , Are there any gunpowder-driven anti-materiel sniper rifles so powerful?

There is only one kind, the 'Scorpion Tail MK-Ⅲ' large-caliber anti-material sniper rifle launched by Colva Precision Industries in 917 of the New Era. Although the caliber is the more traditional 12.7 mm, the firearm itself The structure has adopted many innovations. When using special armor-piercing projectiles, its actual penetration is stronger than many 20mm or even 25mm anti-material weapons in the old era, let alone ordinary armored personnel carriers. It's the frontal armor of some light tanks, and under its muzzle, it's no different than a piece of paper. When he mentioned this, Layton immediately became excited and explained eloquently.

Is it that exaggerated?

Of's just that the cost of this thing is very scary, and the requirements for daily maintenance are extremely high. It can't be mass-produced and installed in the army. In my impression, only less than thirty trial models have been produced. , it was discontinued after failing to compete with the K series of anti-material Gauss sniper rifles. The design drawings were also sealed by the Colva company. The few surviving sample guns have almost become top collections in the hands of gun collectors... … Logically speaking, it shouldn’t appear in the hands of a heretical sect.”

And there are more than one. Thirty-three interjected.

None of this is important. What's important is to find the location of the snipers. Ke Lan interrupted their discussion, Asano Akira, can you detect the source of the gunfire?

No. Akira Asano replied simply, Not only the sound, but also my abilities are limited... In my perception, the world twenty meters away is completely blank.

Where's Ze Luo? Ke Lan pinned his last hope on the most perverted person in the team - when Ze Luo took action to block the sniper bullet for him, Ke Lan had just awakened the spirit in his body. The living armor has not even been released yet.

Like Asano Akira, my perception ability cannot extend to a place twenty meters away. Ze Luo replied, But I can make inferences based on the ballistic trajectory... The sniper's position should be there.

Ze Luo raised his hand and pointed to the roof of a metal building six hundred meters away.

But the roof of the building is now empty.

The sniper probably moved after shooting. Layton frowned, We have missed the opportunity to fight back immediately.

Can thermal imaging be used? Ke Lan asked.

I've seen it, and there's nothing there. Augustus imitated human movements and shook his head, Do you suspect that guy is hiding there with an optical camouflage device?

How fast does the Scorpion Tail Needle MK-III fire? Ke Lan suddenly asked a somewhat irrelevant question.

Uh... the Scorpion Tail Needle series are all bolt-action guns. You fire a round and pull the big bolt. No matter how fast the rate of fire is, it won't be much faster... By the way, why are you asking this?

Five shots were fired from that place just now, which means there are at least five snipers hiding on the roof of this building - but do you think five people can be hidden in that place?

The architectural style of these metal buildings in the core control area is the same as that of the tall tower in the center. They are all hexagonal cones in cross-section. However, due to the volume of the buildings, when scaled down to the height and size of these metal buildings, The area of ​​the platform at the top is probably less than one square meter, which is barely enough for one person to stand on, let alone five people.

Ke Lan asked Ze Luo again: Are the starting points of the five ballistic trajectories all on the roof of this building?

Ze Luo nodded: The distance between each trajectory is only about ten centimeters.

The person who shot the gun was not a human being. Ke Lan made an immediate judgment.

It's not a human being? Is it some kind of mutated corrosive seed? Leighton was stunned for a moment.

If it is a seed of erosion, there is no need to use firearms for sneak attacks. Ke Lan said, It should be some kind of mechanical device that can be remotely controlled for aiming and shooting...

So this is what you're talking about? Layton, who was sitting in the cockpit, slapped his forehead hard, Oh, I know this thing too... It's just that the enemy is a heretic sect, so I subconsciously went to the monster Thinking about that, who would have thought that these people would still use these technological devices!

They didn't use these things much before, just because they didn't have them. Ke Lan said, But this place is their home base, and there are also many people in the upper class of Ark who are connected with the heretical sect. They can It’s completely unsurprising that there’s some stock.”

To be honest, I would rather face these familiar things than those strange things dug out from the ruins of the Alpha people.

Can you allow your soldiers to conduct a round of bombing on the roof of that building? Ke Lan turned to look at the commander of the mobile unit.

Okay! The latter immediately agreed. Immediately afterwards, the two Propulsor tactical mechas walked to the shield wall. The rocket launcher nests on their shoulders were raised about forty-five degrees, and they fired dozens of micro rockets in one go. All the bullets were fired.

A huge fireball exploded silently on the roof of the building. As the environment around the explosion point was distorted, some metal brackets and remains of mechanical devices flew out of the fireball - these were not fragments of rockets, but fragments of rockets. They are parts of the automatic sniper device that Ke Lan just mentioned.

This is a quintuple sniper mount. This sniper mount is also covered with an optical camouflage device from Alpha Civilization. This kind of optical camouflage device can even perfectly cover the muzzle flash of a sniper rifle. Even if you look closer, you can only see a few extremely inconspicuous black shooting holes with a diameter of no more than two centimeters, let alone from the The visual effect is six hundred meters away.

In this situation of silence, surrounded by various electromagnetic interferences, and without air support or drone reconnaissance, there is really no other way to find out in such a short time except by capturing ballistics. This is the sniper spot.

Report, the enemy's sniper point has been eliminated.

The two Propulsors retreated, but the shield wall and defensive array were not lifted immediately - the sniper point was eliminated, but the person with the remote control sniper seat was not found... The only thing that was destroyed was It's just a criminal tool. As for the real behind-the-scenes mastermind, he is still hiding in a hidden corner.

Before the two pushers could completely retreat behind the giant shield raised by Shield Mountain, a laser as thick as an arm instantly penetrated the chest and abdomen of one of the pushers - this was the target of the pusher mecha. In the cockpit, the pilot who was hit by the laser was instantly vaporized in his seat. The propeller that lost its operator also stopped in place after completing the preset actions of the calculator program.

We were attacked by the ruins' defense facilities?

This was everyone's first reaction, but soon Layton shouted: No! That's Ark's weapon! If it's the kind of laser beam used for anti-aircraft in the ruins, it's impossible to just fire one on the mecha. Instead, the entire machine body and half of the shield array should be evaporated!

It's a rechargeable cluster laser cannon. Ze Luo said, I have played this kind of weapon in the simulation MOD of Red Alert. It is a light energy weapon specially equipped for infantry to counter mechas. .

I know that thing. Layton said, Relying on the ultra-small energy conversion device unearthed from the Alpha ruins, the cluster laser cannon can be reduced to the size of a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher... But this thing is the same as a disposable rocket launcher , it can only fire one shot, the cost of a single shot is extremely high, and it takes nearly half a minute to charge before launching, which is useless... At the same time, the top military officials believe that there is no need to equip infantry with cluster laser weapons, so this proposal It was cancelled. Compared with the 'Scorpion Tail Needle MK-Ⅲ', this thing is just a concept and doesn't even have actual samples. How could a heretical sect have one?!

The heretical sect may not have a sample of this kind of laser cannon, but they do not lack ultra-small energy conversion devices. Ke Lan said, The structure of that thing shouldn't be complicated, right?

It's not complicated, it's just that the materials and core components are more difficult to deal with...

Before Leiton finished speaking, Ze Luo suddenly shouted: The second shot is coming, and the target is you!

Augustus's shield instantly opened at maximum power and collided with the beam of light coming from a distance. The blinding light suddenly illuminated the surrounding area in white. did you predict this? Layton asked in surprise.

This beam of light is a real laser. It can hit wherever it is pointed and the bullets will be flawless. It is definitely not the so-called beam weapon that flies slower than bullets in science fiction movies and can be easily avoided by the protagonist-unless The target can move faster than the speed of light.

Intuition. Ze Luo replied.

[P.S. Thanks to Shanggangzhang for the 200 starting coins; thanks to I am a little milk dog and qiqi88 for the 100 starting coins. 】

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