Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 605 Exposure

But judging from the physical strength of the target, I'm afraid conventional means cannot destroy it. The staff officer said with a confused expression.

Among the conventional weapons deployed in the fleet, the only ones more powerful than tactical nuclear warheads are the plasma main guns on heavy cruisers. But judging from the current scraping performance of tactical nuclear warheads, even if plasma cannons are used, the results are probably the same.

Ke Lan even began to wonder if the black mummy also carried something similar to a meme...

If Seraph's entry is cognition is contagion, then this thing's entry should be indestructible - the core temperature of a nuclear explosion can even reach hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius. In this environment, the black mummy They are all unscathed, even if it is launched into the sun, it will still not be harmed.

I have an idea. Another staff officer said, Find a way to launch the target into low-Earth orbit. In a vacuum environment, it has no way to borrow power, and it has no power source of its own. It can only continue to move along the Orbiting the Earth is almost equivalent to permanent imprisonment...just like Kaz.

Kaz is a prehistoric creature located in the low-Earth orbit of Alpha Star. When humans discovered it, they almost mistaken it for an asteroid captured by the gravity of Alpha Star... But further research However, they discovered that this was a super giant beast that had fallen into a long slumber. It had been sleeping for so long that its body had already shown signs of petrification, and only a trace of life that was extremely difficult to detect remained deep in its body.

According to expert speculation, it is difficult for the prehistoric species Kaz to wake up from its slumber - although it is still alive, all that remains is an ember of life, which cannot burn into a raging fire again. , can only gradually extinguish and cool down as time goes by... until it completely turns into a cold stone.

This staff officer's proposal was obviously based on the situation of the prehistoric species Kazi, who wanted to exile the black mummy into the vacuum of space.

I don't think this is a good idea. Ke Lan shook his head, Don't forget, the body of this thing has its own magnetism. Although its magnetism is no longer enhanced... but based on this, we cannot be sure. 'It has no power source of its own', and no one can guarantee that it will become the second 'Kaz'. And there are too many unstable factors in low-Earth orbit, even if it is monitored 24 hours a day, it will be difficult to make people aware of it. rest assured.

Indeed. Cao Ge nodded, We still know too little about the target. It is really not a wise choice to throw it into space so hastily.

How about... let the people from the institute handle this thing? the staff officer said cautiously.

I don't like those people in the institute. Cao Ge said very directly, What's more, the institute has encountered changes now, and I'm afraid I don't have the energy to deal with this thing... Moreover, even if it is left to them, they will probably They would propose moving the target to an underground icehouse, which I absolutely cannot accept... They dare to put any dangerous things on the Ark, how on earth do these lunatics put the safety of the people at all?!

As the commander of the First Fleet, Cao Ge obviously knows the inside story of the memetic infection incident, and judging from his words, he is also quite dissatisfied with the institute's long-standing behavior and attitude. Just open your mouth and spray it dirty.

In fact, not only Cao Ge, but also most people in the military were quite unhappy with what the institute was doing - a privileged organization that could ignore the laws of Ark to a certain extent, and the military, which is the largest violent organization on Ark, There will definitely be more friction between the two, not less.

It's not a problem to drag it on like this. Let me find someone to wipe my ass. Ke Lan said to Cao Ge, Commander, do you have any communication equipment that you can lend me?

Yes. Cao Ge handed a microphone with a dialing function to Ke Lan, This phone can directly contact the entire fleet, or it can also communicate with people on the Ark through the transfer station... However, you Who are you looking for?

The guy from the crew club. After Ke Lan finished speaking, under Cao Ge's somewhat stunned eyes, he dialed the emergency communication number Pan left for him.

Yo yo yo... Let me guess, is there someone who has taken off his clothes and wants me to help wipe his butt? The call was answered almost as soon as it was pulled out... without even going through the transfer station. Transfer of personnel.

On the other end of the receiver was Pan's voice that was mixed with yin and yang. The volume of the microphone was turned up slightly, and Pan's voice was not quiet, so that Cao Ge, who was standing next to him, also heard Pan's voice.

The look of astonishment in Cao Ge's eyes became deeper and deeper, with a strong hint of suspicion added to it... As a senior Ark officer who had dealt with the Undead Crew several times, he couldn't imagine it at all. A member of the crew would say something like this in such a tone.

On the other end of the he really a big shot in the Undead Crew?

Why does it feel like the person who answered the phone is an extremely young and arrogant boy... even much younger than the ruin hunter named Ke Lan in front of him.

Although Cao Ge knew that the age of the members of the Immortal Crew Association could not be judged by their voices, the members of the Crew Association that he came into contact with were all taciturn and calm, and the first sentence the other person said when he answered the phone , completely subverting this fixed image in Cao Ge's mind.

He was confused, but he didn't dare to ask - he knew that Ke Lan had no need to joke with him about this kind of thing... In other words, the other end of the phone was indeed a member of the Immortal Crew Association.

Did you call the surveillance camera in the early warning command plane? Ke Lan asked angrily, Logically speaking, it takes at least a few seconds of processing time at the transfer station to connect the communication signal back to the Ark, but the phone It was connected almost instantly... Moreover, I just said the word 'wipe my ass' ten seconds ago... I have every reason to believe that you have been watching me since I boarded this 'Albatross' Wait for me to call you, right?

As soon as Ke Lan said these words, Cao Ge suddenly raised his head, just in time to see the three closed-circuit cameras in the command room all turned in this direction, and the indicator light next to the lens was flashing with a bright red light - although These were just a few lifeless cameras, but for some reason, Cao Ge felt an indescribable majesty...

This is a feeling of being watched by a superior. Cao Ge has been interviewed twice by the Undead Crew. Although he said it was an interview, in fact, he had never seen the true appearance of the crew members. They appeared in the form of mechanical puppets - mechanical puppets are also inanimate dead objects, but Cao Ge did not dare to look at them at all... And on these cameras, Cao Ge actually produced a A feeling of déjà vu.

He knew that this was most likely due to his own psychological effects, but since he felt this way, it meant that he had actually believed the identity of the person on the other end of the phone... A certain big shot of the crew was, at this moment, Watch everything in this command room.

But Ke Lan didn't seem to care about his image at all. While grabbing the microphone and talking to the other party, he sat down on the edge of the table. Even the holographic projection on the table was blocked by him.

Now that you know everything, I won't talk nonsense. Let me tell you straight, I can't solve this thing. If you have any ideas, just do it quickly - if you don't want to take care of it, then I won't take care of it either. , anyway, with the speed of this thing, it can't pose any threat to me. Ke Lan said.

Are you just going to show off now? There was a hint of ridicule in Pan's tone, I thought you would try a few more plans... This doesn't seem like your style.

What can I do if I don't destroy it? A nuclear explosion with hundreds of millions of degrees of heat can't do anything to this thing, so what can I do?

You can't do anything about it, but there is one person beside you who can easily deal with it. Pan deliberately slowed down his tone and said meaningfully.

The moment he said these words, Ke Lan's heart beat a few beats faster, but then he immediately controlled his body and tried his best to make himself look normal.

The person next to me, who are you talking about? The commander of the First Fleet?

You are good at pretending to be dumbfounded, but when both you and I know the answer, is there any point in doing so? Pan said with a smile, his tone seemed very relaxed.

I don't understand what you mean. Ke Lan shook his head, I really don't understand.

You guy, you're an old double standard - you obviously can't stand the fact that the institute brought all kinds of dangerous specimens to the Ark and stored them in the underground icehouse... but you brought the most dangerous thing to the Ark. ...In terms of destructiveness, it is estimated that all the collections in the entire icehouse combined are not as much as one ten thousandth of hers, right?


The entire command room fell into a strange silence - Ke Lan's face was sullen, and no one could see his expression clearly; Cao Ge looked at Ke Lan in confusion, and then raised his head to look at the ceiling. Camera... As for the staff officers, they are complete outsiders, not even qualified to interrupt.

The silence lasted for a full minute. During this minute, Pan also made no sound.

If you don't want the Ark to be destroyed, it's better not to disturb her. Ke Lan said solemnly, I know she is dangerous, but at least I can still control her.

Do you really think you can control her? Pan's voice seemed to have been stripped of all emotion, sounding like a cold mechanical synthesized voice, Just based on those books, movies, animations, and what it means to her. A simple and boring video game? Why don't you play a training game here? Are you planning to train a being with the power to destroy the world into a god-sister with the attributes of a two-dimensional abandoned house?

She once told me that she wanted to experience life as a human being, Ke Lan said.

Then do you believe her?

I...have to believe it. Ke Lan said honestly.

Yes, he had to believe that rather than saying that he had controlled Ze Luo, it was better that Ze Luo was cooperating with him... As long as Ze Luo's mind changed, he would have no power to stop her...

Pan is right, she is far more dangerous than all the collections in the underground icehouse of the institute put together...

Ten thousand times.

Maybe more.

Actually, you did the right thing. What Ke Lan didn't expect was that Pan's attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees. One second he was questioning Ke Lan, but the next second he was questioning Compliment, The way you chose to deal with it is the most correct among countless possibilities - at least it seems so for now.


The Immortal Crew will not interfere with this matter for the time being. You can continue to train her in the direction of the abandoned house. However, I suggest that you take her into the cosplay pit. It is rare to have such a good foundation. I guess she can play any role in COS. Can it be restored perfectly? If I guessed correctly...she should have the ability to change her form at will, right? Pan said.

Do you have a serious illness? Ke Lan couldn't help complaining, but the conversation between him and Pan made Cao Ge on the side feel frightened - he always felt that he had overheard it. What an extremely important secret, and this secret seems to be related to the survival of the entire Ark and even all mankind.

I... shouldn't be silenced, right?

Cao Ge suddenly felt regretful. He regretted that he should not have listened to Ke Lan's call out of curiosity, but should have stayed as far away as Ke Lan dialed. The further away, the better.

I'm just a suggestion. Pan said nonchalantly, Back to the topic, if you want to completely eliminate that stupid thing crashing in the mountain below, you should be able to do it easily with the help of her power - even if No matter how high that guy's physical strength is, he can't withstand the cutting on the spatial level.

…can I ask a question?

Just ask, I'll answer as many as I can. Pan was very generous.

When did you discover her existence?

From the first day you brought her back to the Ark, Pan said.

Chiron told you?

No, Chiron is very trustworthy. He did not betray you...but, on this ship, nothing can be hidden from the eyes of the crew.

Nothing can be hidden from the eyes of the crew, but what about the prophet? Ke Lan retorted.

I haven't finished speaking, and you interrupted me so hastily? Ahem... I'll say it again - on this ship, nothing can be hidden from the eyes of the crew... except People’s hearts.”

...Okay, so you have figured out her abilities? In my impression, except for me, Zofia and the people from the Hunting God Hunting Group, no one should have had close contact with her, right? ?”

Rely on data to make inferences...the most important source of data comes from the puppet individual that was eliminated by you.

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