Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 604 The Movement Trajectory of the Black Mummy

I knew it. Looking at the black figure that was less than thirty meters away from him and falling towards the ground at high speed, Ke Lan sighed helplessly.

Then, he adjusted his posture in the air, stretched out his hand, waved it towards the black mummy, and mouthed:


The next second, a pair of gliding wings with a wingspan of more than twenty meters spread out from the back of the living armor. Ke Lan's falling momentum suddenly slowed down, and the black mummy, which was still above him, quickly passed him. Continue to fall straight down.

I didn't expect that I can fly.

After discovering that living armor can change its function on its own, Ke Lan naturally will not continue to foolishly choose a hard landing - although a hard landing is faster, the buffering blood mist emitted by the active armor cannot be 100% offset. The impact force when landing, even if the remaining impact force is only one percent or even one thousandth of the original, it is definitely not a comfortable experience for Ke Lan.

Since he could land safely, who would just fall to the ground like a fool?

Oh... there are still fools. Ke Lan glanced directly below. Under the influence of gravity acceleration, the black mummy hit the mountainside of a mountain like a cannonball, raising dust, mist and gravel all over the sky. Immediately afterwards, there was a loud rumbling sound above the snow line - first huge blocks of snow rolled down from above, and then there were huge white waves like mudslides...

From Ke Lan's height, it was as if the snow line that had been maintained at a fixed height suddenly collapsed and began to move downwards.

Good guy...the avalanche was smashed...

Fortunately, there is no Ark military base or transfer station at the foot of the peaks that caused the avalanche. The only unlucky ones who suffered from this unreasonable disaster were probably the indigenous creatures living in the valley.

The fighter jets that followed immediately abandoned the Hercules transport plane and flew towards the mountain peak where the black mummy landed - arriving faster than the fighter jets were the missiles launched by the fighter jets, with dozens of missiles trailing blazing white tails. Yan directly crashed into the white waves, setting off huge sprays.

Boom boom boom boom!!

A series of violent explosions continuously shocked Ke Lan's eardrums, and the surging air waves pushed him to sway in mid-air, like a small boat in the stormy sea.

Following the aftermath, a heat wave carrying an extremely high radiation dose spread - the missiles launched by these fighter jets were all equipped with tactical nuclear warheads. The yield of these dozens of rounds would not only melt the avalanche, but even move them. It's probably more than enough to level this mountain.

After launching the nuclear missiles, the First Fleet's fighter jets pulled directly to the high altitude, leaving Ke Lan alone to drift slowly towards the valley.

I think the pilots of these fighter jets must have obtained permission from the Immortal Crew to use these weapons without scruples. As providers of living armor, the Immortal Crew knew of course that the aftermath of a nuclear explosion would not be affected at all. It will not cause harm to Ke Lan.

But Lin Qiming and the experts from the institute, two kilometers away from here, were in a miserable situation - the nuclear explosion almost triggered an avalanche in a small half of the White Ridge Mountains, and the landing point of Lin Qiming and his parachute was also within the scope of the avalanche.

The only thing they are thankful for is the life-saving equipment they wear. When encountering natural disasters such as earthquakes and avalanches, it will quickly release an elastic sphere with a diameter of two meters and filled with inert gas like a car airbag. As long as the sphere does not Being squeezed by the avalanche, they only had to huddle inside and wait for the rescue team to dig out.

Casualties will definitely occur, but for the crew, at least the number of casualties is within the tolerable range, then the rescue operation is successful.

In their eyes, a human life is indeed just a number. Even a valuable talent like a researcher is only a slightly larger number than a civilian.

If I can't become one of them, maybe one day I will become one of these numbers... Ke Lan thought silently, No... even if I successfully enter the crew guild, I may not be able to Ensure your own absolute safety... After all, my predecessor in this seat, Chiron, is a living example.

What's more, Ke Lan is completely unsure whether the promise to join the crew is a carrot hanging on the donkey's head.

Thinking about it this way, the Prophet's defection seems to be reasonable - after all, not everyone will willingly work for a group of people who have been hiding behind the scenes.

The reason why Ke Lan chose to cooperate with them was not because he did not have the opportunity to defect like the Prophet, but because he had not yet figured out the true purpose of this group of people in the Undead Crew.

If what they did was really for the survival of the human race, then Ke Lan wouldn't mind being in the same camp as them - at least it would be better than that crazy heretic sect that had almost lost its humanity.

The glider transformed from the living armor took Ke Lan to a mountain peak adjacent to the nuclear explosion site. Due to the high temperature generated by the avalanche and nuclear explosion, the remaining snow on the mountain peak had almost completely melted and turned into a cloud of ice. The steamy mountain spring rushes towards the valley.

At a glance, the surrounding mountain peaks are like this - the white snow melts, exposing dark black rugged rocks, and the majestic water flows down the gaps in the cliffs of the mountain, and gathers into another place at the lower ground. An artificial hot spring in one place.

Unfortunately, these man-made hot springs are fatal to ordinary people - the heat brought by nuclear explosions also brings dangerous radiation. Even if these missiles are only equipped with tactical-grade nuclear warheads with a small impact range, The radiation left in this mountainous area will take at least several months to dissipate.

The First Fleet quickly locked onto Ke Lan who was standing on the top of the mountain. A large Albatross command and early warning aircraft flew over and hovered directly above Ke Lan.

A suspended platform used to transport people to and from the aircraft slowly lowered from the belly of the Albatross aircraft. In addition to two marines wearing dark green power armor and almost armed to the teeth, there was another marine on the platform. A strong man wearing a military coat with a fur collar and half his face covered in mechanical prosthetics.

I am the current commander of the First Fleet, Cao Ge——Mr. Ke Lan. This should not be the first time we have met. The other party took the initiative to greet Ke Lan. The multi-functional camera lens in the right artificial eye continued to Zooming and rotating - although his left eye made of flesh and blood was always looking at Ke Lan, the prosthetic eye had already looked at Ke Lan from head to toe.

Yes, but it was just a one-sided relationship last time... I didn't expect to meet again on such an occasion. Ke Lan said politely.

The first fleet is the Noah's Ark First Cruise Fleet, which is the fleet that was originally ordered to conquer the prehistoric species Leviathan.

The previous fleet commander died on the ship, using the first fleet's flagship Kilin to break through the physical defense of Leviathan's energy shield, which gave other warships the opportunity to pour firepower into this ancient beast. vital parts, thereby killing it completely.

The person who took over this fleet was Cao Ge.

In the Leviathan incident, thanks to you for sending out the information in time...otherwise, we might have to pay a higher price. Cao Ge said sincerely. He stretched out an arm and pulled Ke Lan up. A suspended platform.

When holding Cao Ge's hand, Ke Lan could clearly feel that the layer of skin was simulated human skin made of special silicone. Under the simulated skin were flexible fillers and mechanical joints that perfectly simulated the human skeleton.

More than half of Cao Ge's body is made up of cyborg prosthetic body, and the proportion of the prosthetic body far exceeds that of Layton, and is almost as good as Victoria - Hound once told them that this new member of the First Fleet The commander was an ace fighter pilot when he was young. During a battle with insect native creatures, he went deep into the enemy formation and directly killed the insect queen who was under heavy protection. His car was also used by the insect swarm for air defense. It was sprayed with acid and crashed directly into the sea of ​​​​insects.

If it weren't for the fact that this insect swarm is a typical hive consciousness creature with only one brain like the Insect Queen and the individual does not have any self-thinking, I am afraid that he would have been eaten up by the swarm of insects.

But even so, when the reinforcements found him, he only had less than half of his body left... The word miracle can only be used to describe his survival.

We are just trying to survive. Ke Lan smiled modestly, If the First Fleet hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid we would have been buried in that place.

The suspended platform quickly returned to the Albatross level. Cao Ge did not ask even half a word about the active armor on Ke Lan - given his level and authority, he probably had some understanding of this kind of thing. Even if he doesn't understand, he knows very well what things can be asked about, and what things are best treated as if they have never been seen before.

Cao Ge had someone send Ke Lan a complete set of clothes, including underwear. Judging from the style of the clothes, they should be the training uniforms of fleet officers. Although not as handsome as regular uniforms, they are more comfortable and practical.

How's the situation? That thing is probably still alive, right? Ke Lan zipped up his fleece jacket and quickly walked into the Albatross command room.

Still alive. Cao Ge looked at the big table in the center of the command room and said solemnly.

On the table was a mountain model simulated with holographic projection. Ke Lan could tell at a glance that the peak in the middle was the one the black mummy had just hit.

It's just that the peak that was originally more than 4,000 meters above sea level is now only two-thirds of its original height...

And at the center of this mountain peak, there is an eye-catching red dot, which is flashing moment by moment.

The target initially hit the mountain about 80 meters deep. I ordered the bombardment with tactical nuclear warheads. It almost absorbed the power of dozens of nuclear warheads, and the main body was also bombarded nearly 600 meters deep into the mountain. But according to the information fed back by the detection instrument, the target did not stop moving. Cao Ge explained to Ke Lan, However, the magnetism on the target seems to stop strengthening after it increases to a certain intensity. My subordinates calculated We then concluded that as long as we keep a distance of more than three hundred meters from it, the electronic equipment on our vehicle will not be affected.

Then what is it doing now?

The target is traveling in the mountain at a very slow speed...but this slowness is relative. In fact, its speed has not changed from when it was on the Hercules transport aircraft. In other words, those hard mountains cannot It will cause no hindrance to the target. Opposite the holographic projection, a young staff officer said.

Even the sticky resin that can stick to the Thunder Beast has no effect on this thing. You can't expect the stone to stop it. Ke Lan said, In which direction is it moving?

There are no rules...the moving direction of the target in the mountain is always changing, and we haven't figured out the rules yet. the staff officer replied.

Mark the movement trajectory of this thing on the holographic projection and let me take a look. Ke Lan looked up and said to the staff officer as if he had thought of something.


The staff officer immediately clicked a few times on the control panel at the edge of the table, and a zigzag line that was also red, crooked, and seemed almost irregular appeared behind the flashing red dot.

At every turning point, the staff officer also carefully marked the time.

Judging from this movement trajectory, the black mummy changed its direction at least a dozen times within the mountain, three of which were almost 180-degree turns, making it completely impossible to figure out its motives.

But Ke Lan's eyes lit up. He stretched out his hands, and the index finger of his left hand moved along the trajectory, while his right hand moved back and forth in the airspace above the mountain.

I understand. Ke Lan nodded, The thing this guy is chasing is me.

As Ke Lan said, the reason why the black mummy changed its direction several times in the mountain was because Ke Lan was floating in the sky at that time, and its position kept changing. When he landed, a long straight line immediately appeared in his movement trajectory - this straight line was facing the mountain peak where Ke Lan landed.

Now, the black mummy is moving in the direction where the Albatross is hovering, digging a diagonal upward passage in the mountain.

Move fifteen kilometers west. Cao Ge frowned and immediately ordered.

As the position of the Albatross changed, the black mummy inside the mountain also immediately changed its direction...

The moment this thing was summoned, its target should have been locked... I think if I don't kill it, it will chase me to the end of the world. Ke Lan said to Cao Ge helplessly.

[P.S. The airbag prototype mentioned in the article is derived from the G3 escape airbag ball that appeared many times in The Wandering Earth. 】

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