Alien Lord

Chapter 3247: Celebrate

The beauties of these Yasha tribes are extraordinarily daring, one by one they came up to invite the guests to dance. Zhou Yong was originally very popular, but after the experience of Su Xiaoxiao a while ago, Zhou Yong was really scared. He sat motionless in his position. No matter who came, there was no response at all.

In this way, the beauties of the Yasha tribe gradually changed their goals, and the handsome and white princes became their new favorites.

In the Confucian School, Wang Ziming originally had the name of a romantic gifted man. For fun and these things, it was handy. Now it is such a beautiful night. The name of Wang Ziming romantic gifted man is attacked, and soon he will be with the Yasha tribe. The beauties inside smiled and went down.

After this trip, Wang Ziming could never come back.

These beauties in the Yasha tribe are really quite enthusiastic and unrestrained. In addition to their tall stature, Wang Ziming himself can be considered tall and handsome, but in front of these Yasha tribe's beauties, he still has a head short.

No, the beauties of these Yasha tribes can easily hold him in their arms.

I don’t know if it’s the scent of Wang Ziming who is really likable, or whether these beauties of the Yasha tribe have big mothers. After all, these beauties danced with Wang Ziming one after another, hugging him. The huge bonfire went round and round.

Wang Ziming is also a trend of romantic and talented people, and he is always willing to come to these beauties.

He accepts all invitations from beautiful women and dances with them.

In this way, the atmosphere of the whole banquet became more and more cheerful, and as people continued to join in and dance, the floor was filled with joyful laughter.

It's just that some beauties from the Yasha tribe have actually hit Lin Ze's body, directly making the four maids, Mei, Lan, Zhu, and Ju, look ugly.

To be honest, if it weren't for this place, the plum, orchid, bamboo, and chrysanthemum would have been angry.

"Huh, they are all coquettish bastards, no one has the right to approach our master!"

This is the voice of the four maids of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum.

I don’t know if I want to give the prince a nice look, or I’m afraid that Lin Ze will follow along, Meier’s eyes rolled: “Master, look at this prince, it’s really not good. Master, you still care. Let the prince Ming, if he does this, the influence will not be good?"

"You!!" Lin Ze smiled and nodded Meier's forehead. When Meier spoke here, Lin Ze knew what she meant. He didn't want to be seduced by these Yasha tribe beauties. Up.

Lin Ze did not continue to speak, but first brought a barrel of wine and set it at his table. To be honest, the Yasha tribe was a very backward tribe, but the wine they brewed tasted really good, Lin Ze really likes it.

Mei'er and the others also knew that Lin Ze liked this wine, so after seeing Lin Ze took a barrel of wine, they poured a bowl of wine for Lin Ze, and Lin Ze took it and took a sip of it. He seemed to be a little drunk, his eyes dim, and he said drunkly: "Meier, it's natural for men to love these things and women love these things. It is natural for Wang Ziming to talk to these sea clan beauties. It is his own ability, hehe, I don't care about these things!"

Seeing Mei'er's nose wrinkled, Lin Ze clicked on the tip of Mei'er's nose again and said with a smile: "Don't worry, you master, I won't be so hungry. With you, Ping'er and others, these women I Where is it worth seeing!"

"Master, you are so kind!!" Mei'er's face turned from cloudy to clear for an instant, and then she waited for Lin Ze to drink with a smile.

As for Wang Ziming these people, Meier and the others have no intention of paying attention to them now.

Meier and the others don't care about them, as long as Lin Ze doesn't get along with Wang Ziming and them.

Some men from the Yasha tribe came to invite Mei'er, but as I said earlier, the men from the Sea Clan are the ones with similar looks, so the result of their invitation is predictable.

Of course, in other words, even if the men of these Yasha tribes are all Maung Bi Panan, Mei Er and the others would not agree. There is only Lin Ze in their hearts, and the others, no matter how good they look, will not like them.

The banquet this time was directly all night long, but He Ziyan and others couldn't really enjoy the whole night with the people. She got up and went back when the moon was in the middle of the sky. Accompanied by the snakehead, He Ziyan asked Ye Yu to invite Lin Ze.

Ye Yu's complexion didn't look good, but she finally obeyed her orders.

The patriarch He Ziyan lives in a very luxurious house in the tribe. The decoration is extremely luxurious. I don’t know if it’s because of his size or because of the different houses as the patriarch. He Ziyan’s house is quite large. It was thirty feet long and about three feet high. It was a stone house. At first glance, these stones were not simple stones, but rather high-level spiritual materials.

The entire stone house is divided into two floors, decorated with various natural gems and spiritual stones. Although it looks rough on the outside, the style and color are very beautiful. You can see that it is a woman’s residence. .

Lin Ze was quickly led in by Ye Yu. He Ziyan had been waiting inside. After seeing Lin Ze and the others came in, she waved to Ye Yu: "Okay, there is nothing wrong with you here, go out."

Ye Yu raised his triangular eyes and glanced at Lin Ze aside. There seemed to be some unwillingness in his eyes. He wanted to say something, but in the end he nodded and quit. .

Lin Ze wasn't a fool either, and quickly guessed something from the glance that Ye Yu left.

At this time, He Ziyan was sitting in the main seat, and the snakehead was sitting on her right hand. The seat on the left was obviously reserved for Lin Ze.

Lin Ze didn't refuse, he just sat up, and asked, "I don't know what the patriarch you asked me to do? If I can do it, I will definitely not postpone it!"

"Haha, Mr. Lin is happy, okay!!" He Ziyan smiled very satisfied, and then said: "Mr. Lin, this is my home, you don't have to be so polite with me when you come here.

Besides, you found the silver of the gods. Although you gave it to us directly, I couldn't know whether it was good or bad, so I accepted it all.

Anyway, the amount of the silver of the gods found this time is quite large, so I think I should ask the husband about how to distribute the silver of the gods. "

Lin Ze shook his head. If he did not find the silver of the gods on other islands later, he would of course not let go of the silver of the gods, but the silver of the gods in Lin Ze's hand is now more than the one he helped Ziyan find before That’s a lot, so he didn’t really see the silver of God in He Ziyan’s hands, plus how he wanted to ask others, so Lin Ze said directly: "This matter... is the patriarch himself. Decide."

The snakehead suddenly said to one side: "Mr. Lin, the amount of silver of the gods found this time is extremely large, even if it is one-third of that, the top ten warriors in the tribe should be able to get one piece, so you really you are welcome."

Speaking of this, the snakehead turned to He Ziyan and said: "My lord, in my opinion, we should increase the amount of spiritual copper mined, and strive to equip every warrior in the tribe with a handle strengthened with God’s silver within half a year. The magic weapon used. As long as this half a year has passed, we will have the strength to fight the Gu clan to the death! Even, the strength to destroy them!"

"Well, what the high priest said is right, we really need to keep a low profile for the time being!" He Ziyan nodded and said, her plan is actually similar to what the snakehead said, and this is the safest way to see it.

On the Xingchenhai side, there is only a "lack" of high-grade metal materials, not without.

Like the Yasha tribe, there is a spirit copper mine in the territory, which can be used to refine magic tools.

It's just that the level of spiritual copper is very low among the metal materials. UU reading can't refining any high-level artifacts, but it's better than nothing, isn't it!

The artifacts that were previously destroyed by Lin Ze’s side were made of spiritual copper, and they were also refined by the ancestors of the Yasha tribe. Among the current Yasha tribes, the first master crafter is here. The black snakehead, his craftsmanship level is still higher than the master craftsman in the ancient clan.

It's just that because he doesn't have the silver of God, the Yasha tribe has been suppressed by the bewitching Gu.

Although the snakehead was indifferent on the surface, it was a hundred unwilling in his heart.

But everything is different now. With these **** silvers, the craftsmen of the Yasha tribe can temporarily flex their fists and refine more sharp magical instruments mixed with **** silver to counterattack the ancient tribe that bewitches the clan. Up.

During the whole discussion process, Lin Ze, an outsider, did not actually express any opinions. He listened silently. After they had finished discussing, Lin Ze thought for a while and said directly: "The patriarch, according to what we ordered before. Agreement, as long as I help you defeat the ancient tribe that bewitched the clan, the high priest will use the psychic soul to help me find clues, right?"

After mentioning the psychic soul, both the black snakehead and He Ziyan's face changed slightly.

Although it looks reluctant, He Ziyan finally nodded and said: "Yes, Mr. Lin, as long as you can help our tribe to regain the lost ancient **** spring and destroy the ancient clan, then the high priest will help you to use psychics. Soul."

Seeing that there was no objection to the snakehead, Lin Ze nodded with satisfaction, and then pondered, and said: "I don't know if the high priest has any artifacts that you personally refined in hand, so that Can I observe it too?"


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