Alien Lord

Chapter 3246: Level 2

"Huh? It's opened! When was it opened?" Lin Ze muttered with a misty face.

Recalling that he had just refined a sixth-rank formation plate, Lin Ze flashed a bright light in his mind: Could it be that the key to opening the second floor of the library is to personally create a sixth-rank formation plate? Device!

Lin Ze quickly walked along the open stairway to the second floor stairs, and he stood outside the door.

Looking from here, there was light behind the door, but I couldn't see what was inside. Although he could not see what was inside, the intuition in his heart told Lin Ze that there was no danger inside, so after a short pause, he walked in without hesitation.

Wow! Just walking into the gate, a piece of light flashed in front of Lin Ze's eyes, and it gradually dimmed after two or three breaths.

At this time, the second floor of the library was displayed in front of Lin Ze. There is not much difference between the overall layout here and the first floor. Lin Ze went to the surrounding bookshelves and flipped through it. Among the classics, the records were a grade higher than the first floor.

Moreover, now in the second level, there are not only some advanced practice secrets in the practice world, but also some pre-Qin people's spells and practice secrets.

It's just that Lin Ze is really not interested in the pre-Qin practice spells and practice secrets that countless cultivators yearn for. One is that Lin Ze’s current practice secrets are very different from those of the pre-Qin period. If you go to specialize now, the gain is not worth the loss.

Also, don't forget, Lin Ze has another copy of "The Book of Emperor Heaven" in his hand, and this is what he is practicing now. In terms of grade and rarity, the "Huang Ji Tian Shu" is tens of thousands of times, tens of millions of times more precious than the things here...

Lin Ze's "Huangji Tianshu" is enough, he doesn't need these pre-Qin practice classics now. On the contrary, those about formations, refining tools, and alchemy were regarded as miscellaneous classics, which Lin Ze liked very much.

These classics here are more profound than the first level. Lin Ze read them carefully for a while, knowing something about them, and then put them back. The collection of books on the second floor of Cangshu Pavilion is not less than that on the first floor, and the level is directly up to a level.

Looking at these classics, Lin Ze smiled happily: enough to study for a while.

There is also a drawing on the book table on this floor, but it is not a drawing for refining the King's Shenzhou.

After Lin Ze just glanced, his face became more cautious, and he sat at the desk and studied carefully.

On the desk is a design drawing of the formation plate. In comparison, the level is not higher than the level of the formation plate that Lin Ze can draw now, but because Lin Ze’s attainments in the formation method are far inferior to the refiner. His accomplishments, because he can't make this array now.

However, some of the design concepts in this array made Lin Ze's eyes light up, and an idea flashed in his heart. It turns out that the design inside can still be like this!

After clarifying this, wait until he can draw this array, that is, when his attainments in the formation will take a big step forward!

For Lin Ze, the temptation is really not small.

Therefore, Lin Ze then began to blink these things carefully.

By analogy, under the mutual confirmation of the two, Lin Ze's progress is really rapid.

When he encountered some problems, Lin Ze put down the structure of the secret array first and concentrated on studying the related classics next to him.

I was dizzy and exhausted, and then I quit the library and fell asleep.

The next day, Lin Ze was awakened by the cheers of the sea clan outside. He didn't let Mei Er come to serve, so he got up, and then looked outside, the outline of a continent in the distance was already looming. .

Seeing this continent, Lin knew that the Yasha tribe had arrived!

The speed of the big ship on the Sea Clan’s side is not slower than that of the King’s Shenzhou in Lin Ze’s hand. Perhaps the combat power is not as good, but the speed is still acceptable. No, it took a long time to actually arrive. The location of the Yasha tribe.

There is a harbour here. The harbour is built with a huge log and some unknown hard stone. In addition to He Ziyan's big ship, there are dozens of smaller ships moored in it.

The shore is also a virgin forest, among the huge trees and rocks, tall houses are faintly visible.

At this time, the Yasha tribesmen in the harbor also saw He Ziyan and the others returning. Suddenly, there was a joy in the Yasha tribe. Along the coastline to the depths of the harbor, you could see the tribesmen waving their arms and cheering everywhere.

The recognition of the Yasha tribe on the big ship was also quite excited, and responded with the unique howling of the sea tribe.

Although the Yasha tribe is only a small and medium-sized tribe, the number of people is actually not too small. If you calculate it all, the entire tribe has a population of 300,000. Almost all of these Yasha people live around the harbor.

After entering Hong Kong, a young and handsome Yasha tribe, who was obviously shorter than the average sea tribe but was unexpectedly young and handsome, wearing a colorful jade crown and holding a colorful staff, smiled and greeted them. This was the high priest of the Yasha tribe!

"The king is back!" The high priest came to the ship and said with a smile looking at He Ziyan.

"Well, we are back!" He Ziyan got off the boat and respected him: "High priest, has there been any movement on the Gu family recently?"

Compared with other Yasha men, the relatively handsome high priest shook his head and said: "No, the Gu family didn't find anything. The suspicious plan arranged before the king went out was very successful, and they may not figure out what happened until now."

He Ziyan breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this.

To be honest, she had always been afraid of what Gu had seen before, but she hasn't found it yet. That's really great: "It's really great that it wasn't discovered by Gu."

The high priest looked at Lin Ze and the others behind her. These strange human races, He Ziyan had talked to him before, so he showed a friendly smile: "This must be Mr. Lin, right? This is Huang Quan. Mr?"

The two were taken aback for a moment, and Zhou Yong even asked, "How did you know?"

The high priest didn’t hide it either. He first glanced at He Ziyan, then smiled mysteriously and said to Zhou Yong: “I have a spiritual connection with the king. The king thinks of you two more often. , So I am naturally more familiar with you two."

After all, Zhou Yong has less knowledge here, and he still doesn't understand the key points, but Huang Quan's complexion on one side is tight, but then he loosens it again, probably thinking of the mystery before.

He Ziyan had a calm face, and didn't care if the high priest's words revealed any secrets.

As mentioned earlier, because of the problem of childbirth, the sea people here are quite open. Compared with the current US, they are more open. Among these human races, she prefers Lin Ze and Huang Quan, which is not embarrassing.

Meier quickly understood the meaning of this, so she quietly muttered to the Juer and the others: "It seems that the young master seems to be very popular with that He Ziyan... He is really a vixen, and she misses the young master!"

After hearing what Mei'er said, Ju'er and the other three were not happy. However, after all, it is now on other people's turf, and the owner still asks for them, so the four faces of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum are not strange.

The Yasha tribe had originally prepared a grand celebration ceremony, and they soon learned that Wang Shang He Ziyan had brought back quite a lot of God's Silver this time, and the news suddenly made the entire Yasha tribe boil.

That night, the Yasha tribe directly lit a large number of bonfires and brought thousands of barrels, each of which can hold a hundred catties of spirits. After that, a large number of Yasha tribe’s beauties followed the sound of drums. The party Ze and others, as the guests of this time, were invited to sit with the patriarch He Ziyan. The others who could sit near the patriarch He Ziyan were all distinguished people in the Yasha tribe.

Among the people here, in addition to the previous Yeluo, Yegu, and Moyu, are the high priest Snakehead and the second warrior of the tribe Yeyu.

Compared with the high priest, Ye Yu had a little bit on his appearance, and he was quite sturdy. A dozen fish beard-like whiskers appeared on both sides of his cheeks. There were two horns on the top of his head, like horns.

It's just that one of them was still broken, leaving a jagged fracture, and coupled with his gloomy triangular eyes, it seemed to make people feel that they were not kind at first glance.

I don't know if it's really out of gregariousness, or if I can't understand that the human race receives such favors, the second strongest of the Yasha tribe sat alone at a table, and almost no one came forward to talk to him.

Huang Quan looked at this Ye Yu carefully. This look really made him discover something. He came to Lin Ze’s side and said in a low voice, "Master, the strength of this Ye Yu is obviously about to be reached. It has broken through the realm of the quasi-primary infant stage, and the strength and realm are obviously still above this He Ziyan, but why did she subdue below others?"

Lin Ze was also very puzzled: Generally speaking, in a tribe like the Sea Clan, the patriarch is definitely the strongest among the tribe, and there are ninety men in nine levels, but now, on the facade of the Yasha tribe, this night Yu is not the patriarch, but the second warrior of the tribe. Is there any secret in it?

However, soon, Lin Ze didn't have the thought to pay attention to these things, because the beauties of the Yasha tribe greeted them enthusiastically.


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