Alien Lord

Chapter 1964: Breaking the array (2)

Thinking of the consequences, Song Yu's heart was a moment of hesitation.

Song Yu knows clearly that the four overloads of the three sunset cannons before he attacked him have been extremely damaging. If this continues, the three sunset cannons will definitely be destroyed.

If you use the Great Sunset Cannon in this way, if you scrap it, it will definitely be a huge waste.

It’s just that it’s time for the tribe’s life and death, and Song Yu can’t take care of these at all, because, as long as Han Dong is not eliminated and his tactics are eliminated, the tribe’s mountain array will definitely be destroyed. At that time, their entire tribe will No one can be spared.

If their tribes surrendered voluntarily before, they might still survive, but now, with this time and time of attack, the family alliance army has suffered heavy losses under the clan's counterattack. Considering Song Yu, the family alliance army must have been angry. If you want to kill and satisfy the tribes, you can't be angry!

Song Yu made the decision in his heart, but even then, it was extremely difficult for him to shoot again in a short time.

Song Yuan, who was Song Yu’s nephew, immediately heard Song Yu’s words and told him helplessly: “Second Uncle, your approach is not impossible, but it is not right now. There are too many formations carved in the core of the block, all of which are used in conjunction with large warcraft weapons. If you force it now, it will immediately explode. So, if you want to use it, you have to put The formation inside can only be partially cleared."

After Song Yu heard this, there was a ray of hope in his heart to check it out personally. In this view, there was a sigh in his heart because Song Yuan was right.

The sunset sun cannon has such powerful power. One is because there are countless formations engraved in it, and they are all powerful formations. Plus these formations are very complicated, and there is no corresponding time, it is impossible to clean up. portion.

In addition, even if Song Yu starts to clean up now, however, if only Song Yu is alone, it is not possible to quickly clean up this level of formation.

Thinking of this, Song Yu felt sad for a while, so he had to give up the tempting idea of ​​firing immediately and started to clean up the formation...

......At this time, Han Dong has arrived at a location less than two hundred meters from the barbarian mountain gate.

When he arrived here, Han Dong raised his hands, and the Jiaolong who was guarding him first opened his giant mouth first, puff puff puff...

More than a dozen gangster attacks with red light spewed out from Jiaolong Longkou, and then Han Dong flipped his hands, controlling the five elements upside down around him, with a faint sound in his mouth, but it seemed like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, directly in the barbarian tribe Everyone's ears exploded.

"Little barbarian, come and die!"

"Boom!" As Han Dong's words fell, the five lines around him flashed innumerable multicolored lights. These multicolored lights first lifted off into the sky about a hundred meters high, and then merged one by one. It turned into a golden light beam with a width of more than 30 meters. At the next moment, it directly accelerated to dive and slammed into the barbarian mountain protection array.

Seeing this, Huang Quan yelled in a hurry: "Everyone withdrew..."

The 300 barbarian disciples who defended the formation quickly withdrew, but the attack speed commanded by Han Dong was too fast. They had just withdrew from the position and had not left too far. The attack of the five elements upside down was strong. Actually hit the barbarian mountain protection array.


The mountain was shaken with a loud noise, and with a click, the barbarian's large mountain array burst without suspense at this moment. Various auras, thunder, and flame jets flew in droves, and huge blocks of rock were shaken from the surrounding peaks. Down.

Just under a single blow, the barbarian's mountain gate changed into a mess.

After that, even a multicolored light was sprayed from the position of the five elements upside down around Han Dong. The barbarian disciples who could not run far were hit by these attacks and all fell to the ground. Among the hundreds of barbarian children, nearly one hundred fell directly to the ground, no one was spared!

Seeing this, Huang Quan roared again and again, struck with all his right hand, and displayed a powerful gang attack, blocking the attack wave behind, and giving the other barbarian tribes time to live.

After that, he said nothing, opened his blood-red eyes, and struck the dozens of children of the family with a single palm, then immediately, he turned his palms over, and then from the inside The second Ling Pill that had been prepared was swallowed into the abdomen. Suddenly, the endless spiritual power in the Dan Tian rolled out, just in the blink of an eye, Huang Quan's realm was raised to a higher level.

"Great elder, play with me!"

After Huang Quan shouted, he stood up and killed him directly.

The elder behind him sighed at first, and then kept up with it without thinking. He really couldn't do it. Facing Huang Hui's group, Huang Quan went out and clearly posed as his opponent. Once Huang Quan was won, their tribe would have no way to resist Huang Hui.

The Han Dong on this side just smashed the mountain guards of the barbarian tribe with a single blow, and the family alliance army on the one side immediately cheered in unison and was very excited.

"Master Han is invincible!"

"Master Han is mighty!!"

"Kill, avenge the dead brother!"

Among the crowd's shouting, no one noticed a figure out of the barbarian tribes below, and quickly rushed around those positions.

Near the position, more than two hundred barbarian tribes fell to the ground.

The elders of the second elder, the elders of the third elder and others quickly rescued one by one, touched the spirit pill and came out to serve them.

Looking at the more than two hundred disciples who had fallen to the ground, the three elders grinned: "It's really miserable, and our loss this time is really too great."

The second elder heard that the eyes of this tough-blooded man were already red, and then he roared with a roar: "Youngest, blood feud needs to be cleaned with the blood of the enemy, we will not let these disciples die in vain, the family alliance will definitely pay The price of bleeding!"

If in the past, the three elders would immediately respond, but now he looked at the miserable situation around him, and the countless family alliance forces in heaven, his eyes were very clear, and he asked the elders around him lightly: " Brother, you said, this time, are our tribes really unsustainable?"

The second elder heard that his body was shaking, but there was no reply. He was still the tribe who was injured around the healer.

"Alas....." Seeing that the second elder didn't answer, the third elder sighed directly, and then said nothing...

Jiaolong, who was guarding Han Dong, fought directly against Huang Quan and the elders at this time.

There are constant energy collisions in the sky, and loud noises and energy shocks are constantly coming. It feels like everyone is in an unstable space, and may be torn by a force rushing from nowhere. Have to smash.

"Master, are we going to help a Jiaolong?" said Zhou Zelin, who was eager to try.

"Hmm..." Lin Ze thought for a moment, looked at several places around him, and smiled and refused: "No, just let Jiao Long go to clean up Huang Quan, you Stay where you are and be prepared for certain unexpected situations."

"Unexpected situation..." Zhou Da and others quickly understood that it was obvious that there were unexpected guests around.

"Master, we understand!" After that, Zhou Da and others began to pay attention to the surrounding situation. The whole person, most of their energy, began to concentrate on preparing for unexpected situations around them.

"Oh, I hope you just come here to see it, otherwise,......" Lin Ze's heart flashed a little coldness.

He is a must for this barbarian tribe. Once anyone dares to make trouble, he will never let it go.

In fact, it’s no wonder that there are some other sights around. After all, since yesterday, there is a war here. Such a big movement will inevitably attract the attention of some people around, so now there will be a trace of other masters around it, which is normal. Things.

For these things, Lin Ze's heart had long been expected, but as long as he did not hinder him, Lin Ze would turn a blind eye.


With a loud noise, a ray of light was severely smashed from the sky, and fell into the barbarian mountain gate at a very fast speed. The powerful impact force directly smashed a barbarian-built warehouse. A deep hole was left on the ground.

Soon, the big elder jumped out of the deep hole and spit out a bit of dust fiercely. His body looked extremely embarrassed, but he had no time to sort it out, he just grabbed a few immortals from his arms and stuffed it into his mouth. , I haven't chewed it up yet, so I got up again to help.

At this time, above the head of the barbarian patriarch Huang Quan, a piece of the jade amulet that was given to him by the old elder was suspended above him, and a slight golden light fell down to cover a dozen The golden aura of light shuttled back and forth around him, constantly blocking the attack from being killed.

Every collision, there will be a thunderous thunderous sound, countless sparks scattered from the sky.

Compared with Huang Quan's embarrassment, Jiao Longqi is calm, and does not rely on its huge body, only relying on the attack of Gang Qi, and constantly attacking.

He easily knocked down the elders first, and forced Huang Quan to be in a hurry, unable to deal with it.

Although Huang Quan and the elders are both masters of Jindan period, Huang Quan used Lingdan to increase the first-level strength before, but compared with the dragons in Jindan period, these strengths are not enough.

In particular, Huang Quan also needs to warn Zhou Da and other people around him, fearing that they will make a sudden attack, so he is even more disadvantaged.

Honestly, Huang Quan now feels extremely uncomfortable. Originally, he thought that after the power of United Elder and the power of Lingdan, how could he resist the dragon of Jindan period, but what he did not expect was that he and the elder Being in a beaten position makes this proud Huang Quan really unbearable.

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