Alien Lord

Chapter 1963: Breaking the Formation (1) (Happy Lantern Festival!!!)

Faced with such continuous attacks, the barbarians and tribes were all suffering because they could only defend but not fight back, and could only stick their teeth.

This passive situation made Huang Quan even helpless to change them.

Seeing this, Lin Ze's eyes were rippling with more and more smiles.

According to this way, I am afraid that without his own shot, Huang Hui and they will be able to explode the barbarian mountain guards. At that time, even the following golden masters such as Huang Quan and others are already the end of the strong crossbow, not afraid, It is even easier to capture them.

Just at this time...


More than a dozen powerful gang attacks attacked the Hushan Great Formation. The powerful attack power directly caused the Hushan Great Formation to sway, and the blue light on the surface was reduced by a few points.

Seeing this, as soon as Huang Quan gritted his teeth, he was ready to shoot himself.

If we continue to do this, it is clear that the Hushan Formation can't persevere.

It's just that once he rushed out of the mountain guard, all of them were outside the family alliance army. He may have gone back and forth, which is why he didn't shoot for so long.

"call out--!!"

There is still no warning. When everyone’s attention on both sides hits the large shield that is about to be broken, the Da Yue that can’t be excited before can no longer be fired, and again spit out the dead. !

The huge light beam representing death instantly penetrated the body of the first spirit beast, turned the above, and the dozens of soldiers of the family alliance around it directly into steam, and then stabbed into the second spirit beast fiercely. In the belly, the Spirit Beast fell miserably and fell down. The children of the surrounding family alliance quickly escaped when Wu Ren saw the opportunity, and finally survived the three people, and the rest also died on the spot with the Spirit Beast!

In the blink of an eye, the family alliance forces suffered heavy losses. This time, including Zhou Da, all the family alliance disciples suddenly subconsciously shrank back by 100 meters, and then looked at the mountain under the fright, then Three black jets, still smoking muzzle.

Said the falling **** cannon!

"How is it possible?" Zhou Da exclaimed.

He is very sure that his previous inferences will never be wrong. Counting the remainder of the previous war, plus the accumulation of this half-day battle, the following three big narrative artillery are definitely reaching the limit, which contains The energy attack, according to the power level just now, can only fire three guns at most, and the three guns have been used before, but what about the fourth gun just now?

"Fourth Artillery!!" The same words flashed in the hearts of countless family alliance disciples.

The death of his own robe happened directly in front of him, which filled the hearts of countless people with doubts: what is going on?

Some family disciples can't help but roar at this time: "How can there be a fourth shot? Will there be a fifth shot? A sixth shot?........., no, we must First figure it out!"

At this time, Zhou Da's eyes were full of doubts, but his heart was more angry!

Two spirit beasts, more than 20 subordinates, just disappeared, which made him full of confidence before, full of anger.

In particular, just now he said directly that such a huge and powerful sunset cannon will no longer exist, but now it is reappearing, which is just hitting him in the face. Zhou Da will be happy in his heart.

At the next moment, Zhou Da was gritting his teeth, but after all, he was a powerhouse in the Golden Age period, knowing that it is not time for care, so he directly said: "Everyone, please be restless! We seem to be losing nothing. Small, but if you think about it carefully, these losses are not too large for us as a whole. We still have countless powers. Soon, we will make the following barbarian tribes in ruins!"

Zhou Da’s remarks were timely. After hearing these remarks, other disciples of the Family Alliance all recovered.

"Yeah, the previous gun was very powerful, but it only killed a very small part of us. Such a loss, compared to our army, is actually nothing, as we now Can still beat the barbarian tribes below."

Thinking of this, the disciples of the family alliance, the morale in their hearts restored again...

At this time, Song Yu was lying on the ground directly above the running position of the Great Sunset Divine Cannon, and he was distressed to bleed. The gun just now was that he used a large amount of top-grade spirit stones, but he used three top-grade spirit stones. It was all filled into the Dayue Luoshen Cannon, which created an extremely "expensive" miracle.

Such a miracle, the energy required is really not large, and the waste of spiritual energy is dozens of times more than usual.

This gun directly consumed all the spirit stones that Huang Quan gave Song Yu. It can be said that now Song Yu has been kicked back to the realm of poverty and whiteness!

Looking at the spirit stone around him, Song Yu did not lose his face. Instead, he smiled: "The spirit stone is mostly out of our clan, but it is now exhausted, but it is very simple to add, but, But it wiped out the two Jindan period spirit beasts, plus dozens of family alliance masters, hahaha, worth it, worth..."

"Hahaha...!" The position of the big sunset cannon is full of Song Yu's laughter...

...... At this time, Zhou Da looked extremely disappointed at the following Da Yue Luo Shen Cannon and did not dare to step forward.

At this moment, there was a strong energy wave suddenly behind him. All the people turned back together, and suddenly a burst of ecstasy surged into his heart.

I saw that in the colorful cloud, a huge dragon head suddenly rose up!

The Jiao dragon head has orange eyes and the nose is full of flames. The huge dragon head protrudes out of the clouds. A pair of eyes looks coldly and ruthlessly at the barbarian tribe mountain gate below.

Although Jiaolong didn't move, a wave of energy that was so powerful that it made people palpitate, and, endless dragon power was being released from Jiaolong.

And this is just the beginning.

Immediately after that, a Jiao dragon head had just been exposed, and it slowly extended. The neck of the dragon appeared first. Then, the long dragon body also stretched out, clearly under its red belly. Four faint dragon claws can be seen.

In front of everyone, this huge dragon directly drilled out of the clouds and showed it directly in front of everyone!

"All gods, dragons and gods!!" Everyone in the family alliance army cheered with great excitement.

In contrast, among the barbarian tribes below, this time, it became a dead silence again.

Soon after the first giant dragon appeared, a second dragon head appeared in the colorful cloud behind, but it just extended out of the cloud and did not drill out like the dragon in front. Cloud fog, just, the dragon power exuded from it is more powerful.

In this way, the first dragon was directly facing the barbarian clan directly, and the second dragon was raising his head high and staring at the barbarian clan below.

"Aoao Aoao!" The huge dragon mouth of the first Jiaolong opened his mouth, and the surrounding clouds were all roared away. Huang Hui and Han Dong, who had been hidden in it before, suddenly appeared.

Huang Hui stood directly under a huge flag streamer with a height of more than 20 meters and a flag that was five or six meters wide. There was a trace of pale golden light on the edge of the flag streamer, which looked like smoke and curled up, forming a huge pale golden halo around him.

Not only this pale golden halo, but within a hundred meters of the surrounding area, there are four other similar halos, also entrenched in a corresponding flag.

Han Dong's thoughts moved, and a banner flew forward under his command. The banner looked like a small mountain bag moving towards the mountain gate of the barbarian tribe.

"Five elements turned upside down, get up!" Han Dong growled and raised his hand, all the family disciples around him retreated together.

Among them, more than a dozen masters of the family alliance in the foundation period, they were all very excited to see here: "Master Han shot, the destruction of the barbarian tribe is imminent! Hahaha...!"

Han Dong heard the words, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he was directing the flag like this, the big sleeves swinging gently with the wind, a wave of invisible pressure, like a huge wave, layered towards the barbarians protecting the mountain The squeeze came over.

The people on Han Dong's side haven't arrived yet. The layer of blue light that has been persecuted by the Five Elements Upside Down on the mountain array is only a thin layer.

Seeing this, the faces of Huang Quan and the Elders in Hushan Formation are extremely ugly. They really did not expect that in fact, Han Dong alone can destroy the Hushan Formation that they rely on as a barrier~www.mtlnovel. com~This is the strength of the Grand Master! Huang Quan looked at Han Dong with a complex face and said to himself.

He had heard of the strength of the Grand Master Zhafa and Grand Master Zheng before, but before, he had been listening to myths and legends, but now that he had seen it for himself, he knew that the rumor was not exaggerated, but rather said that it was small.

At this time, if Song Yu in the gun position of the Great Sunset Divine Artillery had a gritted face, compared with before, it could be said that he directly became black.

"Zhenfa Grandmaster, I really can't think of it!" Song Yu also sighed in his mouth.

Before that, he thought that he could give the family alliance a blow, and then give the mountain guard and the tribe more time. However, what he did not expect was that he finally provoked a grand master of the formation method. The large mountain guards will be destroyed.

Song Yu looked at Han Dong and gritted his teeth fiercely: "It seems that he has to use the last blow, but in this case, these three big sunset magic guns..."

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