Alien Lord

Chapter 1946: Fight to the end

"I also have to seize the time to restore my spiritual power, and I can't allow Huang Hui to attack the mountain protection group like this constantly!" Thinking of this, Huang Quan found out dozens of red-red spirit pill from the storage bag around him. I looked at it in my palm and seemed hesitant.

But at this time, outside the mountain protection array, above the sky, Huang Hui, Zhou Da and his team had already begun to command the siege of the barbarians and tribes. Under their command, thousands of family disciples fanned out and slowly surrounded come.

Seeing this, Huang Quan could only sigh slightly in his heart and swallow the panacea in his hand without hesitation.

Once the Elixir entered the throat, it turned into a flame, burning from the throat into the stomach, and then burning from every inch of meridians. The billowing spiritual power spewed out like a volcanic eruption, quickly filling up his dry acupuncture points and meridians, and even pushing his strength up a layer in a short period of time, reaching the peak state of Jindan mid-term.

The improvement of strength seems to be very strong, but how can the pain be experienced by others.

The ever-increasing spiritual power is constantly rolling in the Huang Quan meridian. This feeling is like someone in the meridian, facing the meridians with thousands of swords. The pain is simply beyond words.

Strong as Huang Quan, at this time, his eyes burst out, blood vessels all over his body, his fingers were fiercely inserted into the rock underneath, and every capillary blood hole on the surface of the body began to penetrate. Silk bright red blood.

After a long time, after Huang Quan became a blood man, he was finally relieved, and the role of the panacea in Dantian passed.

After feeling the more powerful strength in his body, he looked at the top of his head again. At this time, Huang Hui and Zhou Da and their party had taken people to surround the entire valley of the barbarian tribes. Hold on, it seems to be difficult to fly wings.

Seeing that his tribe was actually surrounded by the family alliance that he had always looked down upon, Huang Quan's anger also rose up, and stood up. For Huang Hui in the sky, Zhou Da and his team sneered: "Huh, this is to try Our tribes have tried all the nets, and one is not leaking. Good, good, good, I want to see if you have this skill!"

"Great elder, order everyone to gather together and take out all our weapons, we will fight with them to the end!"

"Yes!" The elder promised, without Huang Quanduo, he issued dozens of commands to the people around him, all the commands were the same, all gathered, and fought against the enemy in the end.

The strength of the family alliance outside is strong. This time, if the barbarian clan does not gather all the power, then it may really not pass this level.

Thinking that his tribe might be destroyed by the family alliance here, Huang Quanxin thought about it for a while, and then gritted his teeth and said to the elder again: "Great elder, send a message of help to other tribes around me, please!"

"...Yes, patriarch!!!" The elder looked at Huang Quan with a happy face. He was very happy that Huang Quan could make this decision.

As the head of the tribe, the first thing to consider is how to make the tribe survive. As for other things, such as face, like after asking for help, will other tribes joke or something, they should be put aside first.

The tribes are destroyed by the enemy, you have to face again, don't want to hear the jokes of other tribes, despise, no longer exist.

Before that, the elders worried that this level in Huang Quan’s heart would not pass. After all, there are many barbarian tribes in the surrounding 100,000 mountains. However, their strength is the strongest.

Before Huang Quan looked down on other barbarian tribes and joked on them more than once, he now turned to these tribes for help. For Huang Quan, who is proud of himself, he was just hitting him in the face of countless people.

This feeling is absolutely uncomfortable for the proud Huang Quan.

Before the elders worried that Huang Quan could not pass this level, but unexpectedly, Huang Quan passed this level so quickly, which made the heart of the elders very comforting.

As the head of a tribe, he needs to pay attention to his mind, that is, he needs to first consider the safety of his tribe, other things can be put aside.

Then the elders said nothing more, and directly issued hundreds of jade symbols of the letter.

The elders will send so many messages of jade to avoid being intercepted by Huang Hui and others outside.

However, what he did not expect was that after the communication of Yu Fu flew out, Huang Hui, Zhou Da, and others in the sky didn't even look at it, and even if those communication Yu Fu flew out, they disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Huang Quan in the valley below saw this, frowning, feeling vaguely in the bottom of his heart.

"Why don't the people like Zhou Da intercept our communication Yufu, are they too confident, or are they too late to shoot?" Huang Quan's heart was full of question marks.

"No, no, it's impossible to make it too late. Zhou Da's strength is strong. It's still very simple to intercept some of the communication Yufu, then that means they are confident enough to capture us before the reinforcements arrive. This tribe, this..." Thinking of this, Huang Quan's heart was cold...

But, without waiting for him to come up with a specific solution, Zhou Dan's cold cry came from the sky: "Huang Quan, when I give you a joss stick, I open the door and surrender. Alliance, you can continue to stay in Tianyuan Mountain, and you can also avoid a death!"

"Oh, Zhou Da, you are really a big breath! Who gave you the courage to make you say that." Huang Quan sneered.

Although he was shocked in his heart, his face did not show up at all.

At this time, I didn't talk much to him, just waiting quietly in the sky.

What you say is what you say, it is a joss stick time, it is a joss stick time.

Seeing this, Huang Quan and the elders all gurgled in their hearts. They knew that sometimes the quieter the atmosphere, the greater the danger later, and the same, the firmer the determination of the enemy.

Zhong Muhe immediately arranged: "Six elders, put the elders of the five elders and other seriously injured tribes first, and don't let the subsequent battles affect them."

"Yes, patriarch!" The six elders took orders, and soon took some people to take away the hundreds of barbarous tribes who were seriously injured nearby.

"Great elders, second elders, and three elders (four elders are in the barbarian's nest, which is above the wild grassland), you and me are guarding the mountain formation, and the other tribes are in their respective positions, injecting true energy into the formation!"


Everyone replied together.

Among the more than two thousand barbarian tribes, nearly three hundred were specially selected to practice a very simple one. However, they can accumulate several times the secrets of the same level of cultivators, cooperate with each other, and be able to work together Hushan Dazhen injects true energy to support Huang Quan and them.

After all, Huang Quan's true energy is not infinite. At a certain time, it takes time to recover the consumed true energy. At this time, there will inevitably be some blank periods of power, and these three hundred people are just to fill this. Blank period.

Of course, this is not necessarily the case. If the strength of these barbarians is strong enough, they can also support the main task of maintaining the mountain array.

However, it is Huang Quan and others who are really in control.

Those barbarian tribes assembled quickly and quickly took their places.

Speaking of this, the last time I ran a mountain guard, I was the first to be attacked by the forces of the Family Alliance. However, at that time, the strength of the Family Alliance was much weaker than now. Therefore, the army of the barbarian tribes that had been prepared for a long time. They were defeated, and they didn't even attack the mountain formation.

It is precisely because of the low-level performance of the family alliance before, so that the tribes where Huang Quan is will underestimate the family alliance in this way, and thus have the bad results of this time.

Because the past few times of the Family Alliance were easily blocked, so what is the real defense of this mountain protection array, and is it really able to resist the outside Huang Hui’s attack, even Huang Quanhe The elders have no idea in their hearts.

However, these things Huang Quan think about in their hearts, it is absolutely impossible for other tribal organizers to know.

When the three hundred barbarians and tribes were in place, Huang Quan's lips sneered, and he secretly said: Huang Hui, Zhou Da, Wang Chen, you really think our tribe can be bullied! You really shouldn't give me this incense stick Let me take care of everything, huh!

Zhou Da they still stood indifferently in the sky, watching the continuous mobilization of the barbarian army below, Huang Hui even carried his hands like this, and looked at Huang Quan below carelessly, the strong wind blowing in the sky His clothes crackled.

At this time, Huang Zhen quietly stepped forward: "Uncle Huang, are we..."

Huang Zhen saw that the following Huang Quan was constantly strengthening the power of protecting the mountain array, and he couldn't help worrying.

Huang Hui shook his head gently: "You don't need to worry, just let them prepare. These barbarians, after winning several times before, their tails are all up in the sky. They have been sitting on the well and watching the sky for too long. Let them be more prepared. Use the last bit of strength, and then we beat them again, in order to make them completely desperate in their hearts, and then surrender to our family alliance."

"Uncle Huang, if this is too difficult, and our loss will be even greater." Huang Zhen still wants to take advantage of the current Huang Quan below to launch an offensive when they have not put the defense in place. In order to avoid night long dreams.

... m.

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