Alien Lord

Chapter 1945: leading

Not to mention Huang Hui, they can easily destroy these three old warships. It was only then that the barbarian and family disciples below were mixed together. How did the warship attack the enemies below? !

This is like a fighter plane. When the two sides are separated, the fighter plane can work. However, once the troops of the two sides are mixed together, no more fighter planes are useful.

During the Anti-///Japanese War, why did the troops of our country/// and the army of our country, after engaging in the war of the Japanese army, soon joined short soldiers, among which there was a reason why the firepower was not as good as the other. The reason to save bullets, but there are also reasons to avoid the Japanese fighter jets in the sky.

Not only the barbarian patriarchs, but also other barbarians were continually negotiating something in the dark at this time. Watching the first time these people showed a horrified look on their faces, Huang Quan, the barbarian patriarch, sighed secretly. , Did not stop the negotiations between the clan.

Very open, Huang Quan remembered the story he had saved his life just now and said, "Who was the one who just opened fire?"

The barbarian people around have already gathered around, look at me, I look at you, and finally the elder elder stepped forward and said: "If the patriarch is Hui, Song Yu fired."

Hearing that it was Song Yukai’s gun, Huang Quan felt a little surprised. He thought about many others, but he didn’t expect that the most advanced guy to shoot the gun would be Song Yu.

"Patriarch, Song Yu is still very clever. Seriously, we have forgotten that we still have three big sunset cannons. If Song Yu took people to that small mountain bag, I also forgot about it. Said the embarrassed look of the leader.

This is not to add impression points to Song Yu, but it is indeed so.

For a long time of peaceful life, even the elders had forgotten the three powerful sunset sun cannons. This time, if Song Yu ran towards the small mountain bag, he could not think of it.

"Well, this time Song Yu made a big contribution!" Huang Quan nodded, and his impression of Song Yu changed a lot.

Seriously, because before Song Yu did not like the refining room, Huang Quan had a very bad impression of him.

The refining room is the root of their tribe, but it was stolen in the most tightly guarded area of ​​the clan. Seriously, when seeing the picture of nothing in the refining room, Huang Quan really had Suddenly extinguished Song Yu's mind.

Fortunately, Huang Quan still resisted.

Otherwise, there will not be this good result.

"Great Elder, give Song Yu a great contribution!" Huang Quan directly asked Great Elder to give Song Yu a great achievement.

As a barbarian patriarch, Huang Quan acted extremely impartially. He was right or wrong, right or right. He would not mistake the merits of others for nothing, and he would not be rewarded.

"Patriarch, Song Yu’s previous mistakes... after all, before Song Yu came to the refining room, everything inside was stolen by those outside, so strictly speaking, Song Yu This time, it is really wrong." The elders now have a very good impression of Song Yu, so I want to take the opportunity to help Song Yu.

"Well..." Huang Quan lowered his head and thought for a while. He quickly raised his head and said seriously: "No, the wrong is the wrong. You can't just cover up Song Yu because of the credit you have now." The previous mistakes are very unfair to others who made mistakes."

Huang Quan did not agree to the elder elder's pleading, but at the next moment he remarked: "Of course, the elder elder has just said that it is also very reasonable. The refining room incident did indeed occur before Song Yu arrived in the refining room, so , The main responsibility is indeed not on him, but, as the guard elder of the refining room, the refining room is lost, his responsibility is inevitable, but, because it is not the main responsible person, so blame the error even if it is A little mistake!"

"The patriarch is brilliant!" the elder elder said with a smile.

Huang Quan's treatment was indeed excellent in the eyes of the elders.

First of all, Song Yu’s retribution was indeed a bit wrong, so Huang Quan reduced the punishment in a timely manner, which is justified, even if other people in the tribe knew about it, there would be no gossip, and even there would be The patriarch is fair.

In addition, mistakes are mistakes. You can't make great achievements and make people ignore your mistakes.

If it is wrong, you must admit it and accept punishment.

Only in this way can their tribe continue to pass on.

This is actually the most fundamental reason why their tribe is now so powerful.

"Great Elder, I really didn't see that this guy Song Yu was so clever!" Huang Quan shook his head and said with an unexpected expression.

"Yeah, we were a little panicked before. Only Song Yu remained calm. Such a personality is extremely rare!" The elder agreed, which is why he would help Song Yu talk before.

It was indeed a reason why Song Yu fired and rescued Huang Quan, but, more importantly, the elders took a fancy to Song Yu's imminent and calm personality.

As an elder of a powerful barbarian tribe, the elder elder knows clearly that if he wants to maintain the strength of the tribe and continually develop their tribe, the tribe needs to constantly add fresh blood and some new people who can calmly treat things.

In the current tribe, apart from Huang Quan and the elders in the top seven, like the elders, their age is not too small.

Although it is not a problem for the elders to fire for decades with their barbaric physiques, like other people, the older elders are, the more confused their brains are. This is very important for the future development of their tribe. unfavorable.

There are many similar examples in history. Some emperors used magical powers when they were young to keep the country well-organized and peaceful.

However, once they reach their old age, when they are older, they will make a lot of decisions that are very confusing, even arguably extremely wrong, in the eyes of future generations, which will not only lead to the gradual accumulation of the powerful country he accumulated in previous decades The dissipation of the country, and the entire country will also have huge shocks, which has laid down extremely serious consequences for his future development.

There are many such people, like Qin Shihuang.

No one can deny the greatness of Qin Shihuang, but this greatness was when he was young, when he established the Great Qin Empire, and in his later years, greatness like Qin Shihuang also began to pursue immaturity, and gradually abandoned the country, the country The environment has become extremely bad.

In the end, the extremely powerful Qin Empire only lasted for two generations, and it was directly destroyed in Qin II.

Emperors like Qin Shihuang still have a lot in history.

For example, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Ming of Tang Dynasty, and several emperors of the Ming Dynasty all had similar experiences.

So why do these emperors do exactly the same things as they did when they were young in their old age? In fact, this is because they are getting older and their brains are confused.

This is like an elderly person who has changed to Alzheimer's disease. Their thinking and behavior are exactly the same as before.

The barbarian elder knows this, so now he has started to pour fresh blood into the tribe and get busy.

"Well, this Song Yu can really increase training afterwards!" Huang Quan nodded and agreed with the words of the elder.

Seriously, if Song Yu did not behave so calmly, Huang Quan would not value Song Yu more.

Although they owed Song Yu a big favor because of Song Yu’s firing to save the five elders and their pedestrians, but he is the patriarch and a strong man in the Jindan period, he can always return this favor. On the big deal, Song Yu will encounter some mortal situation in the future, just come forward to save his life.

However, after listening to the words of the elders, he discovered that Song Yu still has a few calm sides. This is really an unexpected gain. You know, their barbarians are all irritable. Once they encounter war That is directly Aoao shouted forward to fight, such as Song Yu can still keep calm guys, that is really rare.

In addition, Huang Quan didn't expect Song Yu to be able to master the skill of the gods in such a short period of time. The ability is outstanding, sincerely let Huang Quan secretly applaud.

This kid, it seems that I have to change my view on him afterwards, Huang Quan secretly said!

After realizing this, Huang Quan, as the patriarch, will certainly not miss such a talent. He has the intention to complete Song Yu, but this is not the time to discuss merit.

The enemy's current The five elders with the strongest fighting power are also seriously injured and comatose. Moreover, the previous battles consumed too much spiritual power of Huang Quan. He felt that he could hardly squeeze a drop of spiritual power in his meridians But, just now, in order to maintain the situation, he still has to support himself, because he knows that he is now the backbone of the entire tribe. If he falls down, their tribe will really collapse.

"Why are these guys such as Huang Hui, so strong in spirit now?" Huang Quan looked out of the large array. Huang Hui didn't care about Dantian's continued consumption of spiritual force. He was still testing the defense of the large array. His heart was full of doubt.

Huang Hui and Huang Quan have almost the same strength. Now Huang Quan's spiritual power has been exhausted. It stands to reason that Huang Hui should also be like this, but now, Huang Hui is constantly launching a battle against the mountain. Offensive, that powerful gang attack, how to look at them, their spiritual power is still very abundant.

"Damn, these family children are full of treasures!" Seeing this, Huang Quanxin scolded inwardly.

Up to now, Huang Hui's spiritual power is extremely abundant. Obviously, they definitely have a magical elixir that can quickly fill up the spiritual power.

... m.

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