Alien Lord

Chapter 1913: Brass clock

There are plenty of luck ---- the huge size of 20 has not become a burden for the ghost face blood bat king, it gently waved the wings that are tens of meters long, and the whole body suddenly moved like lightning. . It is running around in this corrosive water network, and it is not too afraid of those strong and corrosive water mists.

In just a moment, it had hit the water lines in front of it several times.

At this time, a **** radiance emerged from the body of the ghost-faced bat king. This **** radiance seemed to be its amulet, protecting her body from airtightness.

The water lines with strong corrosive properties can be broken under the impact of the ghost-faced bat king, revealing one by one gap.

This astronomical net woven by the power of water attributes can easily trap ordinary ghost-faced blood bats, but in front of the ghost-faced blood bat king incarnate by Huang Hui, it turned into a hole.

However, Zhou Da seemed to have expected this. He sneered contemptuously and said, "Huang Hui, you are dead, just watch."

His wrist shook, and a round thing had been taken out of his right hand. This was a bell-shaped magic weapon. When it was just taken out, it was only the size of a fist.

However, as Zhou Da continued to input spiritual power, it quickly became a brass clock more than a meter high, about the size of his body.

This brass clock looks very gorgeous, engraved with countless fine patterns on it, and, now it exudes amazing golden light, and an extremely powerful coercion comes from above.

Obviously, this brass clock brought out by Zhou Da is absolutely extraordinary.

Zhou Da held the upper end of the brass clock firmly with one hand and directly pointed at the bell mouth under his mouth to the demonized Huang Hui who was constantly flying in the void and completely destroying the water network he had arranged before.

After that, he shouted: ‘Town! ’

The huge spiritual force suddenly entered the brass clock. Suddenly, this brass clock magic weapon began a strange change.

With the sound of "clang!", the brass bell first made a loud buzzing sound. This sound is very long lasting, as if there are countless bees flying here and making a buzzing sound. The loud noise even suppressed the screams of the group of ghost-faced bats in front.

As this sound sounded, a tornado resembling a tornado was emitted at the forefront of the position of the brass bell mouth, and then, a huge and immense suction was generated in it.

The first to bear the brunt is the demonized Huang Hui who tore his water net.

The demonized Huang Hui turned very fast after turning into the ghost-faced blood bat king, and the power generated when the wings danced was enormous. When it easily tore the water net and surrounded, if it took this opportunity to escape, then Zhou Da could do nothing about it.

However, it seems that Huang Hui’s brain had some problems because of the demonization, or that the flying barbarian's personality that was naturally averse to water affected him. The demonized Huang Hui gave him a strong aversion to that and nature. The sense of the water network seems to have great dissatisfaction, even if he has escaped from the difficulties, but he is still flying in the air at an unparalleled speed, and constantly attacking the broken water network, it seems that he does not use these When the water net is wiped out, you will never be reconciled.

But just for this short delay, the powerful suction released by Zhou Da's brass clock had enveloped it.

Although the power it generates when flying is extremely powerful, this powerful suction power is significantly more powerful. It's like an invisible rope, returning the huge demonized turtle to the body to beat firmly, and sucking it in the direction of the brass clock.

At this time, Huang Hui seemed to be aware of the badness. The huge body was desperately flapping its wings, and the whole body was enveloped by a blood-red blood light. Around its body, there was a strong force like substance. The madness of his body rushed out, making the blood around him more intense, even revealing a tragic taste.

Under the cover of blood that seemed to be a substance, its body was stably stabilized.

After that, Huang Hui's huge blood-red eyes showed the fierce coldness of Zhou Da, who was casting a brass clock in the distance. It seemed that he wanted to use eyes to break this Zhou Da that embarrassed him into thousands Duan like.

However, in the distance Zhou Dao turned a blind eye to this threat, and the robe on his body slowly swelled up, which was the result of bringing his whole body of spirit to the limit.

The larger spiritual force was input into the brass bell spirit device in his hand. The tornado rotating at the front end of the bell mouth is getting faster and faster. Correspondingly, the suction power is also getting stronger. At this time, the demonized Huang Hui although Was struggling to swing huge wings, trying to stabilize the figure in the air, but it was sad to find that even if it used the power of milk to dance the wings, but the body was still an inch closer to the brass clock. .

Although Huang Hui didn't know what would happen after being absorbed by the brass clock artifact in Zhou Da's hand, as a warrior's instinct, it knew that this end would definitely not be good, and he hadn't avenged yet and didn't kill Lin Ze And Wang Chen, so, he is absolutely not allowed to happen.

"Huh!" A sharp cry broke out from Huang Hui's mouth.

After Huang Hui became the king of ghost-faced bats, everything changed. Even the most basic sound changed, and became the sound of real ghost-faced bats.

Hearing this sound exactly the same as the ghost-faced bat, Huang Hui's eyes were redder, and then a sharper whistling sound followed.

Suddenly, the entire group of ghost-faced bats became boiling, and among them, there were several particularly loud and sharp calls echoing the sound of Huang returning to the call.

Since the appearance of the ghost-faced blood bat king in the form of Huang Hui, while the other ghost-faced bats were fighting in Huang Hui, they suddenly dispersed, and none of them dared to approach this area.

As a king of ghost-faced bats, he also has the dignity of the king. Once it has his own hands, then his subordinates are never allowed to participate in the war.

But at this moment, in the face of unprecedented danger, Huang Hui directly suppressed the instinct of the creature and directly summoned his men to help.

Soon, several red shadows suddenly flew out of the group of ghost-faced bats, and they pierced Zhou Da like the longest sharp arrows.

"Humph, the worm is just a trick!" Zhou Da sneered in his mouth. As a golden power, he certainly did not only have these means, and in the previous period, Zhou Da was not really playing, he Still carefully looked at the fighting power of the ghost-faced bat group and their weaknesses. Now, he knows a lot about the various methods of these ghost-faced bats.

And he also knows that in the side of the real ghost face blood bat king, that is, Huang Hui, it is absolutely impossible to have no strong guards, so he has been prepared.

Zhou Da reached out another hand unhurriedly, and then a bright red light suddenly burst out on his palm, especially the palm of his hand, which was as dazzling as the light.


Suddenly, countless ghost-faced blood bats screamed screamingly, and their sprinting body turned into a turning point, and even rushed up in a far reverse direction. Obviously, they were extremely fear.

"Hahaha.........Beasts are beasts, just a small means, I'm afraid it will be like this, hahaha..." Zhou Da laughed loudly.

Sun Stone, this is a simple spiritual material brought out by Zhou Da.

Like this kind of spirit material, Lin Ze got a lot when he was in the Xuanyin secret realm before.

The sun stone is quite rare for general practitioners, like Lin Ze. Before entering the Xuanyin dense realm, he did not get any one. It is also a coincidence that he can get those sun stones.

In addition to the large amount of spiritual energy, this sun stone has the greatest function of releasing a radiance like the sun once infused with true qi or spiritual energy. This radiance does not have much impact on the human body. It is used by some powerful people as lighting in the dense environment and as a supplement to Reiki.

However, these sun stones now exert another power, that is, its powerful sunlight.

Maybe for humans, this kind of sunlight is nothing, but for these ghost-faced bats that have always lived in a dark environment, it is quite deadly.

Except for those ghosts and bats that have the strength to reach the innate period and have the innate qi protection No other ghost bat can hold it.

Those ghost-faced bats in the sky who were about to go down with the beast sea tactics and killed Zhou Da also sent out a scream, and flew as far as possible to the distance, desperately avoiding the light emitted by the sun stone .

At this time, Huang Hui's mouth also screamed loudly, but this time, except for some ghost-faced bats above the congenital strength, there was no other ghost-faced bat that would obey its orders.

Zhou Da lowered his head with a smile on his face, staring at Huang Hui who was drawn closer by the tornado whirlwind of the brass bell. His eyes were full of ridicule and greed.

In fact, at the speed of the ghost face bat king after demonization of Huang Hui, if he planned to escape from the beginning, then Zhou Da wouldn’t even want to capture Huang Hui in this terrain even if he was ten times more powerful.

Even if Huang Hui directly put him right, with Huang Hui's original mid-term strength of Jindan period, coupled with the powerful cultivation that has been improved after demonization, Zhou Da is hard to resist, and Zhou Da may not be his enemy.

... m.

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