Alien Lord

Chapter 1912: Ghost

This is the power of the Xuanming Sword Skill. With one blow, it penetrates the brain, and the cold air around it can even freeze everything.

Although these ghost-faced bats are intact from the outside, their heads have been shaken into powder by the powerful sword gas.

Although Lin Ze and Zhou Da had never really joined forces, all the ghost-faced bats suddenly fell to the ground once they were close to their bodies, completely back and forth.

Zhou Da glanced in the direction of Lin Ze, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He hadn’t seen Lin Ze’s strength in the foundation period before. The power of Xuan Ming’s sword tactics was just like this in his eyes, but when Lin Ze was using it, he had counted the subtleties of this set of swordsmanship. It's just like a kendo master who has been indulging for decades. It is just a simple trick. In the eyes of others, it has a sense of calm gesture.

Zhou Da is very clear that with such a beautiful sword move, it is obvious that the young man opposite him has reached the stage of fascinating on the sword, and if he goes further, he may be able to touch the existence of the sword domain.

However, his age is so young, how can he practice sword skills to this degree?


Huo Ranjian, a harsh and sharp voice rang out from the blood mist.

Then, a huge red shadow flashed in the eyes of the two people, and then the two of them saw a huge red ghost-faced bat smashed down directly towards them like a shell.

Zhou Da’s eyes lighted up at this moment, he shouted, his figure flashed, and after avoiding the impact of the ghost-faced blood bat at this stage, he stepped out to Lin Ze’s side, Then he punched out and hit Lin Ze's vest fiercely.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, because Lin Ze, who was trapped by this huge ghost-faced bat, had no time to evade, and could only rely on the strong defense of the dragon scale armor to resist it.

Although there was no injury, the strong resilience caused Lin Ze to fly out like a broken kite.

After hitting Fei Linze with one palm, Zhou Da couldn't help but slightly stunned. He felt that his palm shot didn't seem to directly hit the opponent's body, but hit a steel plate.

However, it was too late for him to think carefully. The red light flashed in front of him, and the giant ghost-faced blood bat, which was the size of a basketball court, came again.

Zhou Da's expression condensed, and he had no time to consider other things. When his hands were wrong, he was greeted directly with a powerful gangue.

Although it was just a glance, he was already sure that this huge ghost-faced bat was the one he had been looking for Huang Hui before, but he didn't know why Huang Hui became a ghost-faced bat for any reason.

However, by this time Zhou Da also understood why Huang Hui could control this large group of ghost-faced bats. Obviously, this is because Huang Hui has now become the ghost-faced bat king.

"I really don't know where Huang Hui got this magic skill." Zhou Da thought secretly.

Not enough, Zhou Da's hands and feet were not affected as a result, he tried his best to kill Huang Hui, the ghost face bat king.

Before, Huang Hui used the bat's body to hide in the ghost-faced bat group, even his own fierce anger was hidden. Unless it was Huang Hui who showed up at that time, otherwise, with the responsible power fluctuations in the ghost-faced bat group, no one else could even perceive Huang Hui’s location.

However, as long as Huang Hui appeared directly, Zhou Da wouldn't worry about losing Huang Hui's trail anymore. At the same time, he also had absolute confidence that he could leave Huang Hui.

As Lin Ze thought before, in the previous battle, Zhou Da has been fighting with strength.

When he entered the blood mist, he realized that it was not good. At that time, Zhou Da was thinking about retaining his strength. After he found Huang Hui, he would kill it with another blow.

As for the safety of Lin Guang and Xu An around him, hehe, Zhou Da didn't care at all.

The relationship between these two people is excellent, and now it gradually means to unite against him, which makes Zhou Da very dissatisfied.

Therefore, he had already cleared up the plans of these two guys, but the strength of these two guys was also very strong, he could not win, and, if there was no legitimate reason to start against them, not only the Lin and Xu families did not Will let him go, even the Zhou family will abandon him.

Therefore, Zhou Da has been enduring secretly before.

This time it was finally for him to find a chance. Huang Hui got into magic and released a group of ghost-faced bats. This was the best opportunity for Zhou Da to go out to Lin Guang and Xu An.

No, after coming in, Zhou Da actually did not really contribute. Lin Guang and Xu An really contributed. After that, the three separated, and he did it on purpose.

Otherwise, with his strongest strength among the three, how could he discover Huang Hui’s sneak attack on Lin Guang later than Xu An, and then did not cross the short distance of 100 meters between him and Xu An? .

These are the intentions of Zhou Da for this purpose, in order to separate the three people, and then use the power of Huang Hui to remove Lin Guang and Xu An.

However, in Zhou Da's expectation, at this most important time, Lin Ze and Wang Chen killed in, causing Huang Hui to directly attack them first, making Zhou Da's plan to use a knife to kill completely defeated.

Zhou Da had been peeping at Lin Ze's Jindan period dragon. Now Lin Ze has destroyed his plan to borrow a knife to kill people. Therefore, in Zhou Da's heart, Lin Ze has become his biggest enemy.

It’s just that Zhou Da is so guilty of cunning, even if she doesn’t know **** Lin Ze directly, but the expression on her face is grateful, and then she comes up with the power of “all”, pretending to help Lin Ze to do her best. Containing other groups of ghost-faced bats, afterwards, secretly monitoring Lin Ze, looking for opportunities to secretly calculate Lin Ze. ,

It is a pity that Lin Ze was very alert in his heart. As soon as he saw Zhou Da, he felt a bad feeling in his heart. After that, the distance between him and Zhou Da was further increased. Opportunity to find opportunities to calculate Lin Ze.

Unfortunately, Huang Hui first found Lin Ze because he hated Lin Ze extremely.

Previously, it was because of Lin Ze that he now became such a ghost. In the future, he will only be able to exist in this way in the world. Therefore, after seeing Lin Ze entering the battle, he directly became red. Focus on killing Lin Ze.

This gave Zhou Da the opportunity to calculate Lin Ze. When Lin Ze was caught by Huang Hui, Zhou Da started and flew Lin Ze directly.

For Zhou Da, Lin Ze used to remain. One was Lin Ze's heart, and the other was to use Lin Ze to lead Huang Hui.

Now that Huang Hui has appeared, this young guy is no longer useful, and in order to ensure that he can get the spirit beast bag around Lin Ze, and the things he secretly keeps his hands will not be rumored, so he does now The first thing is to kill and kill.

But in the face of the completely demonized Huang Hui, no one can ignore it, so is Zhou Da.

At the same time, Zhou Da is too much about his own strength. He believes that when the boxing came out, a warrior in the foundation period will definitely be unable to resist. Moreover, as long as the kid flew so far at once, and sprinkled countless blood along the way, he knew that his injury should be extremely heavy, even if it was a fluke, but surrounded by so many ghost-faced bat groups , There is no power to survive.

So immediately after his peace of mind, he immediately converged, and showed his full spirit and strength, fighting with the biggest demon in front of him, the completely demonized Huang Hui.

The thunderous thunderous voice constantly exploded here. When Zhou Da's strength went all out, the power released was much stronger than that of the appropriate, no, it was several times stronger.

With the thundering palms of one punch after another, light blue, with the power of the water droplets in the sky filled with light, they are like a giant spider web, gradually in this area A thick and thick aperture is formed inside.

Once the ordinary ghost-faced bats outside touched these pale blue lights, their bodies were immediately corroded. Some strong ghost-faced bats started to smoke, and the civilians flapped their wings to escape away, but some were weak. The ghost-faced bat turned to ashes in the corrosive smoke.

Zhou Da, who shot with all his Tao Tao palm contains extremely strong corrosiveness. Now the power of this palm has been unreservedly exerted by him. This is a real The power possessed by Jindan's mid-peak powerhouse is comparable to that of ordinary ghost-faced bats.

However, at this time his opponent is also unusual.

The average barbarian bat is only the size of a head. However, the ghost-faced blood bat here is even better, and some are even two or three meters in size. The captain-level ones are even about the size of a car. .

Maybe the bats on the earth will not have such a huge change, but after being fully moisturized on the mainland of Shenzhou, especially when the strength of these ghost-faced bats exceeds the innate period, they will undergo huge changes. , Their bodies will swell rapidly, reaching a huge volume that is now the size of a bus.

A bus-sized ghost-faced bat is chilling when you think about it.

What's more, the ghost face bat king that Huang Hui has transformed is larger, and it is almost as large as the size of a -20 - most importantly, the growth of the ghost face blood bat king is not its volume, but Is its ability.

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