Alien Lord

Chapter 1906: Turn around

Huang Hui was really depressed. He didn't think he had underestimated that golden dragon dragon. Its dragon inflammation could even burn his natal magic weapon. It was only a few breathing time. After being lightly damaged, it would take at least a few years if you want to recover completely, and the subsequent power will also be affected.

Refining and cultivating this life magic weapon is not an easy task, not to mention that it is the top spiritual material in the top class. The refining time alone is as long as ten or twenty years.

In addition, the natal magic weapon is actually integrated with the cultivator, so once the natal magic weapon is damaged, then his combat power will immediately drop.

Wang Chen's face was also astonished at this time. He didn't expect Lin Ze and his Jindan Jiaolong to be so powerful. Not only did they block Huang Hui's full power attack on his life magic weapon, but it also seemed to hurt Huang Hui. Life magic weapon.

Although he was entangled with Huang Hui himself, making it impossible for him to cast a spell against Lin Ze and the Jindan period Jiaolong around him, but Lin Ze can do this, which is no easy task.

Instead of him, Wang Chen believes that it is not difficult to achieve this.

Perhaps, he and Lin Ze have a chance to defeat Huang Hui, who hates him so much.

Well, I must not miss this good opportunity.

Thinking of this, Wang Chenxin's motivation has greatly increased, and he no longer retains his strength. The whole person seems to have eaten //Xing//Fen// agent, and his strength output has greatly increased in an instant.

"Look at my soul-soul clock!" Wang Chen also took a mouthpiece, from which a blue seed-shaped mortal magic weapon immediately flew out, and it just appeared outside. This bronze clock, which is only the size of a quail egg, immediately grew up against the wind. Soon it turned into a huge bronze bell five meters high and about two meters long. Then, with the momentum of suppressing everything, it went directly to the top of Huang Hui's head.

"Buzz!!" The bronze bell first made a sound wave attack before it was really close.


At the same time, the Space Dragon King was not polite, and once again sprayed several thick dragons, and attacked Huang Hui.

This dragon has evolved. If the previous dragon had only one thousand degrees, then the temperature of the current dragon is definitely more than three thousand degrees. More like Baiyan.

In addition, dragon inflammation is the dragon’s natal magic power, and it is concentrated by spiritual power. It does not need to consume the dragon’s blood. Therefore, even if it is sprayed more, it will have no major impact on itself, at most it is consumption. Clean and spiritual power, but this is nothing to Lin Ze who has thousands of years of Yuzhi Lingye in hand.

"Boom!" The Dragon King of Space Dragon Dragon first arrived first, and attacked the body shield on Huang Hui first, quickly consuming the spiritual power in Huang Hui's body.

At this time, Lin Ze himself was also seizing the opportunity, actively driving the Qianjian Great Array to launch Seiko towards Huang Hui. In a blink of an eye, a few hundred qi formed a sword array with all his strength, and under Lin Ze’s command , Specifically looking for the weakness of Huang Hui to attack.

Although Lin Ze's attack on this side is not as powerful as Space Dragon King, it also consumes Huang Hui's spiritual power.

After that, Wang Chen's bronze clock finally came to Huang Hui's head.

Obviously, Huang Hui knew the power of Wang Chen's natal magic weapon, so as soon as the bronze bell came to his head, he directly gritted his teeth, regardless of the damage on the natal flying sword, and directed his own natal flying sword, and the top of his head. The bronze clock above froze.

Two people and one space dragon king, so surrounded by Huang Hui is more than mad attack, all kinds of magic weapons, the light of the attack of the dazzling dazzle.

The joint attack of two people and one spirit beast made Huang Hui's heart stunned and angry, and his heart was cold for a while. Soon, after consuming a lot of spiritual power, he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. Not to mention the other, especially the dragon attack of Space Dragon King, it really gave him a headache.

Longyan alone is enough, but he is not afraid to touch it even if Longyan is mixed with extreme heat.

If it goes on like this, I am afraid that he will soon be exhausted of spiritual power, and needless to say afterwards.

If the outsiders knew that Huang Hui was actually planted in the hands of Wang Chen and a junior junior foundation, then this joke would be too big, and he would be laughed at by the world. He was extremely stupid.

He must not want to be the master of this joke, so he must change this situation.

Thinking in this way, Huang Hui's mind began to appear restless, and he wondered whether he should first flee back to Sancai to fetch, and call the group of cultivators in the foundation period to come back and fight again.

"Good opportunity, distract!" Wang Chen's combat experience is extremely rich, and soon found Huang Hui's distraction, he hit the bronze clock with all his strength.

With the sound of "Dang!", a fairy sound resounded in the ears of Huang Hui as soon as they heard from outside the sky. In an instant, Huang Hui's mind was directly lost in a moment of confusion.

"Break me!" Wang Chen shouted, and the gun-shaped magic weapon in his hand was like a thunder and lightning. A shot punctured the protective cover around Huang Hui, and the gun head was directly stuck on his shoulder, and, with A large piece of flesh was removed, revealing the bones on the shoulder.

"Ah! It hurts!"

Huang Hui screamed in his mouth. He was awakened by the severe pain on his shoulder. Afterwards, he red-eyed his eyes and drove his destiny to fly his sword. His momentum directly forced the two men and the spirit beast back a few hundred meters.

While Lin Ze was thinking about continuing to defend, Huang Hui turned around, turned into a streamer, and fled in the direction of Sancai Valley.

"........." Lin Ze and Wang Chen looked at each other while looking at the back of Huang Hui who had fled.

Huang Hui had to run away because, after being hit by Wang Chen, his shoulder and arm were immediately infected with a large piece of green venom, and the entire body had a sense of paralysis and stiffness, and he had to distribute considerable spiritual power and block it. In order to spread the venom, this also seals a considerable part of his strength.

Under the great reduction in strength, coupled with the high poison in the resurrection, at this time, Huang Hui still has a mind to fight.

"The poison of the poisonous spider, Wang Chen, is so dark under his hand, and he is poisoned on the magic weapon!" Huang Hui gritted his teeth, and hated Wang Chen to the extreme.

Toxic spiders, not only the strength of the Grand Master, he can kill thousands of them with a single blow, but they are extremely toxic, even if they are poisoned by a Golden Power like him, they can’t easily be expelled. You can detoxify by taking a special detoxification pill.

The most important thing is that the poison of the poisonous tooth spider is actually a living creature. They can devour the spiritual power of the cultivator and continue to multiply and develop. Therefore, if you cannot detox in time, it will be very fast. Your whole body, including Dantian and Shihai, will be full of toxins. At this time, even if the big Luo Jinxian comes, it will be difficult to save you.

Therefore, Huang Hui is really scared. He dare not continue to fight. While mobilizing all his spiritual power to suppress the poison of the poisonous tooth spider, he is rushing towards Sancai Valley at full speed. Return to the cave house in Sancai Valley to avoid the edge of Wang Chen and Lin Ze, and find the detoxification pill.

He set up a guard formation method in the cave house in Sancai Valley. As long as he hid inside, he could fight for a while and force out the venom of this severely paralyzed fangfang spider.

Wang Chen also quickly understood Huang Hui's thoughts. He snorted in his mouth and put away the gun-shaped magic weapon that made great achievements. Instead of chasing Huang Hui immediately, he stabilized in the air and looked far away. Huang Hui, who was away, swept to Lin Ze around him, of course, also took a look at the space dragon king.

Between hunting down Huang Hui now, seizing the sovereignty of Sancai Valley, and making good relations with Lin Ze, he did not hesitate at all and chose the latter one directly.

The leading position of Sancai Valley may have been extremely important to Wang Chen in the past. As long as he has mastered the position of this leader, his royal family can quickly develop and become a stronger family in the future.

However, Wang Chen is now disregarding this, because compared with Sancai Valley, where the disputes of interest are extremely complicated, the benefits and benefits that can be obtained in the future of Wang Zelin's family are greater and easier.

As long as he can make friends with Lin Ze, who is extremely mysterious and powerful, then in the future the Wang family will be able to develop and grow better under the care of Lin Ze even if he does not have the treasure of Sancai Valley.

As for saying that, this is tantamount to betraying Sancaigu's family small alliance directly. Ha ha. When Huang Hui and the Huang family crushed their royal family, why didn't the other three families fight for the first time? Their royal family could hardly go on, and only after a great loss of strength did they stop.

These three families will do this It is not because they want the two of them to fight against each other and consume their strength, thus reducing the threat to the three families.

Wang Chenzao knew the doorway inside, so he, and the Wang family, had no loyalty to the family alliance of Sancai Valley.

If you are not loyal to me, then of course I will not pay my loyalty to you, this is interactive!

Lin Ze saw Wang Chen not going to continue to kill Huang Hui, but stopped and looked at him in the same place. The thought in his heart was just a turn, and he suddenly understood Wang Chen's thoughts.

After understanding Wang Chen's thoughts, Lin Ze admired Wang Chen's determination.

After all, the interests in front are close at hand. As long as Wang Chen catches up, he gets the position of the leader of Sancai Valley, which is a breeze. Next, the Wang family can also grow and develop, at least to the extent of the Huang family, it is nothing. No problem.

However, Wang Chen still gave up without thinking, and chose to give himself up.

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