Alien Lord

Chapter 1905: Longyan

At this time, the Space Dragon King has absorbed most of the colorful glow in the surrounding ten-odd miles, and only a small amount of colorful glow has not yet been absorbed. However, for the current Space Dragon King, these are enough, and it has now been restored. Full strength.

At this time, Huang Hui, who knew something was wrong, once again launched an attack on Lin Ze.

Destiny Flying Sword strikes again, Lin Ze can't care about the space dragon king on the side, he has to solve this attack first.

"Hidden escape, teleportation!" Lin Ze again exhibited teleportation, a flashing body, directly avoiding the attack of Huang Hui's destiny flying sword.

However, at this time, Huang Hui's mouth showed a sneer. He knew that Lin Ze would teleport, and there was no preparation for Lin Ze's teleport.

"Oh, if you kind of teleport to tens of miles at once, hundreds of miles away, I really have no way, but, you can only teleport three or four hundred meters, ha ha, you will soon I will know how great Huang Hui is!"

"Nine Stars Sleeping God!!!" Huang Hui burst into a sigh, and in that year, his natal flying sword had undergone tremendous changes.

Originally only the size of a finger, the natal flying sword began to increase continuously, and after a breath, it became the size of a door.

Afterwards, Huang Hui exhibited a sword tactic with both hands, and with the sound of'咻', the flying sword of the size of the door was divided into nine from the middle, showing a kind of encircling circle, towards Lin Ze's just coming out of the teleport The figure hit.

"No, space is temporarily imprisoned!" Lin Ze, who wanted to use teleport to leave again, suddenly changed his face suddenly, because he found that the surrounding space seemed to be banned, and teleport did not play here at all. come out.

"It is worthy of being a strong man in Jindan period. So soon I have a way to deal with me. I really underestimated him before." Lin Ze sighed in his mouth, but he did not panic, but calm. Because of the attack on the upcoming Fate Flying Sword.

"Boo babble!!" Dozens of attacks of the natal flying sword struck Lin Ze, and came to Lin Ze in the blink of an eye.

"It's good, look at my thousand swords array!" Lin Ze was also indifferent, instilling the spiritual power, the thousand swords array around him suddenly shined, and countless sword qi began to fight against the fateful flying sword. .

The forefront is the sword qi of four to five hundred to the size of the little finger. They are the first to bear the brunt. The sword qi of the thickness of the hundred big fingers is followed by it. Finally, it is the back of the sword qi palace with nine arms.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!" A sound of metal impact sounded, and the foremost hundreds to the smallest sword qi were crushed.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!" The sword energy that followed the hundred fingers was quickly wiped out.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!" In the end, the nine most powerful sword spirits were not spared, and they were still broken.

However, relying on these three attacks, Huang Hui's powerful and powerful Fate Sword's offensive slowed down.

It seems that the three attacks of Linze’s Thousand Swords array are not very good. They have been crushed one after another with ease, without showing any power. But don’t take a closer look at the current flying sword that belongs to Huang Hui, you will find that in fact they successfully blocked the three consecutive hits of Huang Hui’s flying sword, and at the same time, greatly reduced the life of flying sword. Power, and the flying sword beside Lin Ze is not destroyed.

They were about to be beaten, Lin Ze here recruited them back immediately, and the rest continued to resist.

In this way, although Huang Hui's natal flying sword is constantly approaching Lin Ze and constantly flying the flying sword around Lin Ze, the continuous and endless attacks also make Huang Hui's natal flying sword attack Most of the power was consumed. It can be said that Huang Hui’s most powerful killing trick was still held back by Lin Ze’s Qianjian formation.

It seems that the attack power of Huang Hui's natal Flying Sword is invincible, and the Qianjian Great Formation seems to be not very good, but, in fact, the Qianjian Great Formation is worthy of the Qianjian Great Formation, relying only on Lin Ze alone, only relying on one During the foundation period, the warrior blocked a full-strength attack from the late Jindan strongman, Fate Sword.

It can be seen from this that Qianjian Dazhen is worthy of its prestige.

Of course, Lin Ze, who is using a thousand swords full force, is actually miserable now. In order to stop Huang Hui’s constant attack of the flying sword, Lin Ze has made use of the strength of breastfeeding, just this short. In more than a dozen breaths, his spiritual power within the Dantian, and was consumed three times.

Seriously, Lin Ze could not stop this time if there was a thousand years of Yuzhi Lingye in his body.

Huang Hui, who is fighting in the air, and another Wang Chen. After seeing this result, the shock in their hearts was no less than Lin Ze’s shock when he saw the power of Huang Hui’s natal flying sword.

They were surprised to find that Lin Ze's strength in this foundation period was too underestimated. For the Jindan team, if they couldn't see the real power of the Qianjian formation at the beginning, they would really understand the power of the Qianjian formation after entering this battle.

Seriously, just //fuck//control hundreds of medium-grade flying swords. For these two golden-dragon strongmen, if it is difficult, at least Wang Chen can’t guarantee that he can Smoothly //fuck //control hundreds of flying swords.

However, in Lin Ze, he //fucked // is extremely relaxed, skilled, and it can be seen that his mental strength is not weaker than theirs, or even stronger.

At this time, they even secretly rejoiced in their hearts that Lin Ze is not a strong man in the Golden Age period, but only a warrior in the foundation period, otherwise, this time, there is still a part for them to speak.

Thinking of this, Huang Hui and Wang Chen sighed again how important it is to have a strong background.

A warrior who is only the strength of the foundation period, but the mental strength is stronger than the spiritual strength of these two veterans who have entered the Golden Dan period for more than fifty years. Such a thing, if they did not encounter Lin Before Ze, they would never believe it.

Of course, Lin Ze can have such a strong spiritual force, absolutely cannot do without the support of the elders behind him.

"It seems that I was really right before, as long as this young man can be better, then it is considered to be expelled from the Sancai Valley. For our royal family, not only will it be a disaster, but it will be a rare one for a thousand years. "Amazing encounter." Wang Chen thought with great excitement in his heart, and then looked at the opposite face of Huang Hui, who had a face on his face, with a smile on his face and a gratitude.

Of course, this expression appeared very quickly and disappeared more quickly. After that, Wang Chen's face was slowly gloating.

Huang Hui is not clear why the opposite Wang Chen has such a change in look, because the stronger Lin Ze’s strength is, the more beyond imagination, then the stronger the background behind him, correspondingly, once this When things leaked out, the final result of Huang Hui and the Huang family behind him would be even more miserable.

Thinking of himself and the miserable encounter of the family in the future, Huang Hui's eyes were completely red. His murderousness rose directly by several grades. The power of the previous natal Fly Sword also increased with several grades, and then went all out. Kill Lin Ze.

However, at this time, Lin Ze's mouth showed a smile, because, beside him, the Space Dragon King was staring at Huang Hui's natal Flying Sword.

The delay of the period just now allowed the Space Dragon King to completely restore his vitality. Then, a space moved and came directly to Lin Ze's side.

Looking at the space dragon king in front of him, Lin Ze was slightly relieved.

Before he blocked Huang Hui's natal flying sword, it was really difficult. Now that he has the space dragon king, he can relax a lot.

Huang Hui's natal flying sword is powerful, but Lin Ze believes that his space dragon king can definitely block Huang Hui's natal flying sword.

Don't look at the space dragon king just at the golden age of the realm, you think its strength is limited, it is definitely not Huang Hui's opponent, in fact it is not the case.

As I said before, the Space Dragon King has been sealed for more than 500 years in the mysterious realm of Xuanyin. With more than 500 years of intensive repairs, the details of the Space Dragon King are not generally thick.

Let's put it this way, if the general warrior's background is one, then the space dragon king's background is five or six.

The background is solid. After the Dragon King of Space is promoted to the Golden Pill Period, his strength will of course increase accordingly.

Now, its strength is definitely not weaker than the warriors in the middle of Jindan period.

In addition, it is a wild fighting power is originally stronger than the ordinary warrior. In addition, as the dragon king, the leapfrog battle was commonplace at the time, so don’t look at the space dragon king just promoted to the golden age In fact, it has a strong fighting power and bursts into the table.

The eyes of the space dragon dragon stared at Huang Hui in mid-air. The eyes of the two lanterns were full of fierce light. Seeing the looming flying sword, the space dragon dragon king's mouth spouted a bright white flame. Before the advance, the natal flying sword blasted away.

With a snap, the bright white flame directly hit Huang Hui's natal flying sword, and wrapped the entire natal flying sword.

The sound of "哧哧哧!!!", the light above the natal flying sword immediately dimmed quickly, and the spiritual power also quickly disappeared. As long as a short time, the bright white flames outside will break through the light and burn directly to the point Above this destiny flying sword.

"This is Longyan!!"

Huang Hui felt the fear above the natal flying sword, and he was taken aback by heart. He read the law and hurriedly called back the natal flying sword.

He didn't dare to take the natal flying sword to experiment with the power of the space dragon, dragon king, and dragon inflammation. Huang Hui would definitely be hurt.

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