Alien Lord

Chapter 1885: Unlucky Blood Demon Gate

At the next moment, somewhere five kilometers away from the old man in the T-shirt, a bright light flashed, and a phantom gradually solidified. Soon, Lin Ze's figure appeared here. At the moment he appeared, Lin Ze Without a trace of staying, I immediately walked away towards the distance.

At the same time, all his consciousness spread out, closely watching the movements around, looking at the movement of the old man in the shirt behind him.

"Oh, it's very alert. I found my trace so quickly." Lin Ze smiled a little on his face, and his sense of power was that the old man in the blue shirt was chasing him.

"However, if you want to catch up with me, you still have to spend some effort." Lin Ze smiled. Without thinking, his body immediately sank down. The moment of concealment was used by him to the extreme, and instantly turned into A stream of light disappeared without a trace.

"The old man has been looking for you for such a long time, and finally I have found you, little one, you can't escape this time!" An old voice came slowly from Lin Ze's ear.

Hearing this sound seems to be close at hand, Lin Ze’s scalp was numb for a while, and cold hair appeared. The strength of the other party is indeed not covered. It is more dangerous than any strong man he encountered before. .

Lin Ze looked calm and did not speak a word, so he went all out to run the hidden escape technique and walked away. Baizhang, 200, 300, 400... Just a dozen breathing time, Lin Ze used stealth Dun Shu flew nearly four or five kilometers away.

"Hey, the mouse's speed is quite fast. Fortunately, the old man has a flying boat, otherwise, the old man really can't catch up with you. If you run away, the old man's face will be lost." The voice in Lin Ze's ears still came from unhurried.

In this regard, Lin Ze remained silent, and suddenly changed direction again when he walked away. This time, he directly escaped into the forest, looking like he wanted to use the complex environment in the forest to escape.

Seeing Lin Ze ‘flee into’ the forest, the back of the green shirt dragon king Jiao mouth smiled.

"Hey, little guy, if you want to take advantage of the complex environment in the forest to escape, then you will be too small to look at my flying Shenzhou. The flying Shenzhou can always fly in the air, you can't escape it." Say that Say, but the king of the green shirt dragon king fell on the ground and did not enter the Senri, so he flew above the treetops and continued to follow Lin Ze.

Seriously, if Lin Ze is really escaping his life, now he has a good chance to escape, but he is just tempting Wang Jiao and trying to lead him to a suitable location, so, Lin Ze didn't really hide himself.

"Huh, there seems to be a sect gate station in front. Looking at the flag above, it seems to be the flag of the Blood Demon Gate. In this case..." Lin Ze's eyeball turned and thought of a good idea.

If it were the other sect gates, Lin Ze would not have brought the catastrophe behind him, but now, since it is the blood demon gate, Yang Han, who had angered Lin Ze, and the sect gate who chased Gu Xiyao, then Lin Ze will not be polite with them.

Besides, the Blood Demon Gate was originally the Demon Sect Gate, and now Lin Ze came to the door with the old man in the green shirt, which is also considered to eliminate the harm for the people.

"Hey, Blood Demon Gate, Xia Yao who asked you to chase me down, asked you to provoke me before, this time I made you look good, hey!!!" Lin Ze smiled inwardly, and then transported the hidden escape, the whole Man turned into a stream of light and rushed directly to the station of the Sanxue Alliance. Lin Ze was just near this station. A light curtain immediately appeared not far in front of him. When Lin Ze’s body hit the light curtain, from the storage The bag took out a piece of identity jade jade obtained from the disciple of the blood demon gate that he had solved before. After that, he rushed in without hindrance. After entering, he stood and looked back.

At this time, a huge black shadow appeared in the sky, and a cyan wooden boat over 100 meters long jumped out of the clouds. The old T-shirt old man stood on it and looked at Lin Ze through the light curtain. , Nodded and said: "Yes, little guy, your strength is very good, just the strength of the foundation period, you can escape so far under my chase, really is good, but, believe the little guy, you also know my strength So, you still follow me, the loose repair station here can't keep you at all."

After hearing the old man in the green shirt, Lin Ze just kept silent, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The old man in the blue shirt saw the smile on the corner of Lin Ze’s mouth, and moved a little in his heart, and immediately understood the thought in Lin Ze’s heart. He moved the corner of his mouth, revealing a strange smile, and then gently pressed his right hand toward the mask in front of him. The light curtain immediately made a clicking sound, and in a blink of an eye it turned into debris. After that, the whole mountain was shocked, raising countless dust, among which more than a dozen strong men were frightened and flew out of the station in panic.

Seeing this, Lin Ze's eyes smiled, turned directly and sank to the ground, and again transported her to escape.

The old man in the green shirt sneered and was about to chase out. At this time, the dozen or so strong basemen of the Blood Demon Gate flew directly into the sky and stubbornly shouted: "Friend, why did you destroy my ancestral guardian mountain formation? !"

For this old man in the blue shirt, the people of the Blood Demon Gate here before already knew it. The other party used the consciousness to scan the surroundings in the vicinity, and it took almost half an hour for such a long time. If the doormen hadn't found it, they would have buried their bones here.

For such a powerful man with great consciousness, honestly, the gatekeepers of these blood demon gates really don't want to provoke them.

Although they knew that they would let this guy sweep back and forth with their consciousness, what they were looking for was definitely unusual, but the other party’s consciousness was so strong that they couldn’t resist it, so even if he knew he was looking for treasure The blood demon in the distance are also blind.

Of course, secretly, every move of the strong man is being watched closely all the time.

Although they did not know what treasure he was looking for, they did not dare to easily provoke, but, always know what treasure he was looking for is not, if it is that kind of extremely precious treasure, the blood demon gate is not hesitant to rob.

In this way, the Blood Demon Gate secretly watched the actions of the old man in the blue shirt. Although they saw that there was a disciple of the sect rushing into the array, they did not have the time to look carefully. Under the other party's press, it shattered.

If you ignore it, you will lose your face after the blood demon gate.

You know, the blood demon gate is also considered to be the top demon sect. If it is broken by life and hair care, without saying anything, then the blood demon gate will be thrown into the face from now on, and soon , The blood demon gate will fall from the top sect gate, such a responsibility, no one can afford.

Thinking of this, so all the blood demon gate strongmen here today are coming out of the crowd, and directly questioning the old shirts.

According to the ideas of these people, regardless of whether the other party answered or not, he finally marked the meaning first, he was willing to answer, then he answered, if he did not answer, he would not pursue it, as long as he kept the blood demons Fame will do.

It is a pity that the gatekeepers of the Blood Demon Gate are completely wrong.

Qing Jiao old man Wang Jiao looked coldly at the gatekeepers in front of these blood demon gates and said a word: "Go!"

The word rolled, turned into an endless torrential wave after the exit, and spread violently forward. The surrounding air was immediately beaten by the giant wave, and waves appeared, forming a circle of substantial attack waves, violently forward Burst out.

In addition, it also caused countless echoes, continuously blasting in the ears of the gatekeepers of the blood demon gates, and the sound was layered and reverberated for a long time.

After the sound waves passed, the old man in the blue shirt disappeared without a trace.

The blood demon gates and the children who were still flying in the sky, all of them were like the twelfth typhoon, and they fell to the ground miserably. Some of them even bleed their noses and noses. You can see piles of blood foam, and the entire station was directly destroyed.

Seeing the surrounding scene, it was a lucky person who survived, and his face was full of horror as he looked at the distant back of the old man in the blue shirt.

"Jin......., Jindan period strong man!!!" One of the **** demons who survived the building period said this sentence intermittently in the mouth of the strong man in the foundation period of the blood demon gate. The Danqi strong only launched an attack, and then quickly left.

Otherwise, as long as there is another attack, no one from them can survive.

The people of Blood Demon Gate didn't even know that it wasn't that the old man in T-shirt didn't want to destroy them, but that he didn't have this time.

Because, between this delay ~ ~ he lost the trace of Lin Ze again.

This time, he was totally tempted by the order of the Ten Thousand Demons. //He would have been chasing Lin Ze directly from the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains, and he followed Lin Ze all the way regardless of his exposure. Whoever blocked him The way to directly kill.

Lin Ze had been found before, but now, after a delay, the other party suddenly disappeared, and there was no breath.

He said, if he could, he really wanted to slaughter the people in front of the Blood Demon Gate cleanly, but it is still most important to find Lin Ze now, so he didn't destroy the people in the Blood Demon Gate.

Don't look at the Qingzhanglong King Wang Jiao is very strong, and as the deputy city owner of Qinglong City, status and power are all top-notch, but Wang Jiao's family knows about his family.

Yes, his current power and strength are top-notch, but such days will not last long.

One is that his strength has been stagnant for hundreds of years, and it is still the strength of Jindan in the middle stage. Under him, in the past hundred years, there have been latecomers who have gradually increased. I believe that it will not be long before someone will surpass him. At that time, the position under him was not someone else's.

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