Alien Lord

Chapter 1884: 9 royal castle

"Lao Xu, have you heard of this person before?" the young woman asked.

"A blue shirt..." The old man with red face pondered, as if he had heard of such a master before.

"His, it's him!" Soon, the face of the red-faced old man was frightened, and he remembered who the old man was.

"What's wrong, Mr. Xu, do you remember who this predecessor is?" The gentleman on the side also asked anxiously at this time.

"I remembered the identity of this predecessor." The old man with a red face did not deny it. He went on to say: "You must have heard that before, I have not traveled in the outskirts of 100,000 mountains before I joined the Buddhism Alliance. After twenty or thirty years, I was already the strength of the Grand Master at that time. With the four miles at that time, as long as I did not enter some dangerous places, it was enough to save my life. In the middle, I came to this The vicinity of Wanmo Mountain and lived here for nearly ten years. During these ten years, I learned some information about Wanmo Mountain. As far as I know, there are nearly 3,000 cities in Wanmo Mountain. Among them, the innermost occupies more than one hundred. Among the many cities in Wanmo Mountain, there are nine large cities, known as the nine king cities. Each city has a larger area than the imperial city of Chu. These nine cities are distributed on the nine plains in the Wanmo Mountain, and they are far apart from each other. However, there is a deep entanglement between them. If you look down from the sky, you will find that these nine cities The shape of the city is like the shape of a gossip. From a distance, there are some similarities. The nine kings have a total of nine city masters, and the strength of each is unfathomable. According to rumors, they even It has already reached the state of Yuan infantry, but this is just a rumor, I do not know the true or false."

"Then just now..." the young woman asked, frowning.

"Yes, that person, if I guessed right, it should be one of the deputy masters of the Nine Kings City, Qinglong City, Tsing Yi Xiu, also known as the King of Tsing Yi Dragon King, a master of Jindan period! But like It is a strong man such as the Tsing Yi Dragon King, especially the status of the deputy city master of one of the Nine Kings City. It is generally not easy to go out of the Demon Mountain. This time he came out, I am afraid it is definitely a very important loss. The old man looked serious, Shen Sheng said.

The three looked at each other, and they all felt dull in their hearts. They looked at the old man in the blue shirt, that is, the direction of Wang Jiao's departure. The tumbling in their hearts was thinking about what is important. , Will let a person with the status of the deputy lord of the Nine Kings City chase and kill him from Wanmo Mountain.

"Xu Lao, what shall we do now? Should we go back to the report first, or if we don't know this matter?" the young woman asked bitterly.

If it were changed to before, she would definitely report the matter here, but now it is a confidential matter of a golden powerhouse. Seriously, she really doesn’t want to join in.

Because if she participates in such a big event, seriously, once the incident happens, death is a very extravagant thing.

"Alas, this matter is no longer something we can hide if we want to hide it!" The red-faced old man's face was dismal, and if he could, he didn't want to participate in this matter.

"Lao Xu, do you want to report this matter? Are you not afraid to come to you after the Qingzhang Longwang knows about it?" Ruya Alchemist asked with a surprised expression at this time.

When he wanted to come, this thing was deemed to have never happened, otherwise, it would have to be known by the Tsingtao Dragon King, it was their leaked news, and by that time, it was definitely a dead end!

"Don't I think of this, but now that this matter can no longer be concealed." After saying this, the old man with a red face, that is, Mr. Xu looked at the dozen other martial artists around him.

After seeing the actions of the old man with red face, the other two people reacted.

The three of them can guarantee the secrecy of this news, but who can guarantee that the dozen or so men around them will also be kept secret.

Even the red-faced elders of the three of them can be 100% sure that their men definitely have the eyeliners of others.

Therefore, this matter can no longer be concealed.

If this is the case, it is better to report the matter now. In this way, they can get a big deal. In addition, if the news attracts the attention of the top strong men in the loosening alliance, then they will be safe. .

As long as the strong men of the Sanxue Alliance make a statement, even if the Dragon King knows that this matter was leaked by them afterwards, they will not take it for granted.

Qinglong City's strength is strong, but it is still much worse than the strength of the loose repair alliance.

In this way, the three of them did not delay any longer and stopped patrolling. They returned directly to the headquarters and quickly reported the situation of the Tsingtao Dragon King.

Soon, the strong men stationed here in the Sanxue Alliance were all going out one after another to explore the purpose of the Qingshan Dragon King coming here.

Qing Jiao, the dragon king, Wang Jiao didn't know the news, but even if he knew it, he didn't care. With his Jindan strength, he could go anywhere.

The Qingzhang Dragon King Wang Jiao lost track of Lin Ze again after tracing a distance. He first turned around a few times, then hummed in his mouth, and his powerful consciousness spread out suddenly, increasing the search scope. .

This time, he searched extremely carefully, and did not let go of any subtle signs. From the ground to the sky, he was swept through by his divine consciousness.

The Qingzhao Dragon King Wang Jiao's strength is indeed very strong. His consciousness sweeps around the little by little. Slowly, his consciousness is getting wider and wider, and it has spread to places four or five kilometers away. Even in this case, the consciousness of the Tsingtao Dragon King did not stop, but continued to extend, and, after sweeping around, it was retracted again, and then searched in other directions again.

In this way, after several times, he never found anything.

The doubts in his heart became heavier, he pondered a little, his body moved, disappeared in place, and moved forward at a very fast speed. He quickly left the outer zone of Wanmo Mountain. From now on, he has entered the outside world. .

"I don't believe it, I will not find you." Wang Jiao was secretly ruthless in his heart. This time, he was not only looking for Lin Ze's traces, but even, he also put a few wild beasts around him. I let it go, looking for Lin Ze's traces everywhere.

In order to get the killing order of Lin Mo from Wang Ze, Wang Jiao was out, and this time he didn't stop until he found Lin Ze.

Lin Ze was laughing at this time. He is actually in the world of Plane Seeds, so Wang Jiao couldn't find Lin Ze anyway.

Lin Ze entered the world of plane seeds, not to avoid Wang Jiao's pursuit, but to prepare to dry Wang Jiao first to see what he did.

No, now Lin Ze knows that there are fifteen wild golden beasts around Wang Jiao.

These are the fifteen beasts with the power of the pseudo-Golden Dan stage. If Lin Ze does not know in advance, Lin Ze will suffer a big loss when he really fights with Wang Jiao.

"I can't think of a lot of cards in this old Qingshan man. Not only is his consciousness extremely powerful, there are even so many wild beasts around him, hehe, this old guy is really a tough opponent!" Lin Ze passed The killer bees outside watched the old man in the blue shirt. At the same time, in the world of Plane Seeds, they and Qu Jingwen evaluated the strength of the old man in the blue shirt and the countermeasures.

"Master, this guy's strength is very strong, I think we still don't want to provoke him." Qu Jingwen persuaded worriedly.

The strength of the old man in the green shirt is only through the sight of the killing bee. He can see that it is definitely Lin Ze’s most powerful enemy so far.

Although Lin Ze had a lot of cards in his hand and there was also a golden dragon in the Dragon King period, Qu Jingwen was still full of worries in the fight against such top experts.

"Oh, it's okay, this time it happened to take advantage of this guy to see where my current strength has come. Besides, as long as the order of death is still on me, there will definitely be more than one Jindan period former in the future. Come on. In addition, don’t forget that Jiang Chengxing, the puppet sect, can die in my hand, and his father, Jiang Yan, is a strong in Jindan period, so sooner or later, I will be with Jindan If this is the case, then it would be better to experiment with the fighting power of the Jindan stage now and prepare for the coming battle." Lin Ze said with a smile.

He is not clear about the danger of this battle, but such a thing is inevitable.

Even if there is no such thing as a killing order of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~================================ 1.

In addition, in the Xuanyin dense realm, only the dense realm under the foundation period is now open. When the dense foundation of the foundation period and the Jindan period is opened in the future, if Lin Ze does not have enough strength, then what You can get the treasure left by Master Xuanyin in it.

Therefore, this time, Lin Ze is imperative. At the same time, his heart is also looking forward to this battle.

"Master, you must be careful." Qu Jingwen was here, and he was no longer trying to persuade Lin Ze, but only told Lin Ze to be careful.

At this time, the old T-shirts outside seemed to be furious outside because they could not find Lin Ze’s traces, and even constantly captured the passing soldiers and forced Lin Ze’s traces.

Seeing that the old men in the blue shirts are doing now, Lin Ze knew that the time was right.

Before he left, he looked at Gu Xiyao, Shaman, and Ping'er through the eyes of those puppet seals. After watching silently for a long time, his gaze became firmer, his body flicked away, and left the world of plane seeds.

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