Alien Lord

Chapter 1849: Show weakness

Qiu Chong's scolding actually actually hit the hearts of these disciples. In the past, they thought they were very strong, and they were the number one characters. After Lin Ze had just learned the lesson, they Only then did I realize that I was nothing at all, and if I was not good, there would be a threat to life and death.

So, now that the worms have left them aside, they still want something in their hearts.

Seeing his face with a loose face under his door receded to the side, Qiu Zhe's face was instantly dark.

However, he quickly let go of these thoughts, glanced at Lin Ze in front of him, with a grin on his face: "On this road, all the information about your strength is under my control, it seems Under the Jindan period, almost no one is your enemy. The previous battles seem to be proving this, but I want to tell you that now, the old man already has the strength of the Jindan period. , This time, I see how you beat me! I see how you live!"

After talking, Qiu Cong looked at Lin Ze proudly. In his eyes, Lin Ze had no chance of defeating.

At this time, the little noodles on their side were also pale, and the powerful coercion of the Qiu Dan Jin Dan period made them feel anxious. They were all invested under Lin Ze’s hands, so for Lin Ze’s real strength I don’t know much about it, otherwise, they will not have such worries now.

However, they soon saw in Lin Ze's eyes that a hint of sarcasm flashed out of fashion, and their hearts suddenly relaxed.

There will be sarcasm in Lin Ze's eyes. Obviously, he doesn't care about the opposite worm.

Reminiscent of that mysterious, huge plane seed world, the smile-faced demon-minded person's heart suddenly stabilized.

"Smiling face demon, eight brothers of Mao family, as long as you surrender now, I can guarantee your safety!" Qiu Chong looked proudly at the smiling face demon and said to them.

In his view, the smiling face demon and the Eight Brothers of Mao Family obeyed Lin Ze's orders because they were controlled by Lin Ze.

As for what means, in Qiu Zong's view, it is not the mark of some controlling people, or some souls that control them.

The smiling face demons have some souls in Lin Ze’s hands, so they only have to obey Lin Ze’s orders, otherwise, once Lin Ze is defeated, he will also have to be buried with him. Therefore, Qiu Chong will say so directly. The reason is to reduce the strength around Lin Ze.

It can be seen from this that although Qiu Chong's current strength has been greatly improved, he still attaches great importance to Lin Ze. In order to defeat Lin Ze, he tries his best to release all the fighting power around Lin Ze. .

Qiu Chong's words made the smiling face demons have a sneer in their hearts, and they did not reply, they directly jumped out and returned to Lin Ze's side, protecting Lin Ze firmly, to show them Position.

"Okay, you are very good, you are really good!" Qiu Chong said, looking at the smiling face and his party with a gritted face. The current behavior of the smiling face and the whole party is just hitting his face directly, which makes Qiu Chong's heart was out of anger.

"Smiling face demon, I want you to die!" After this sentence, Qiu Chong's murderous Ling Ran killed Lin Ze.

Lin Ze looked coldly at the slain worms, not worried at all. The indifferent appearance looked like a chill in the heart of the slain worms.

"Aren't you capable of attacking by consciousness? Let the old man see, the power of your so-called consciousness attack!" Qiu Chong reduced the speed of progress, the entire body disappeared instantly, and when it appeared again, it was already within 50 meters Outside.

The extremely calm look on Lin Ze's face made Qiu Zong's heart bottomless, so for safety's sake, he first prepared to test Lin Ze's strength before deciding how to deal with Lin Ze.

The moment Lin Ze disappeared from the other side, he did not directly chase the past as Qiu Zong thought, but the whole person unexpectedly drifted back and withdrew from a distance of nearly 100 meters. Let the fur beetle filled with mist.

However, after seeing Lin Ze retreating, he couldn't help but teleport forward again, and at this time, Lin Ze was retreating again, and finally stood nearly 100 meters away from the worm, still looking the same coldly. Qiu insect, there was a trace of red in his eyes. ///Naked////Naked sarcasm.

At this time, after Qiu Cong saw Lin Ze's continuous retreat, she thought thoughtfully and her expression in her eyes was firmer.

Qiu Chong frowned slightly, staring at Lin Ze, a hundred meters away, and sneered inside: "What the **** do you mean? Do you want to keep going like this? Or is your strength actually reached the end of the crowd?" ?"

Yes, Qiu Chong was wondering whether Lin Ze's strength had reached the limit. He didn't dare to fight, because he needed time to restore his strength. Thinking of this, Qiu Chong approached Lin Ze again.

Lin Ze's next action did not meet his expectations, Lin Ze continued to step back some distance.

Seeing Qiu Cong keep approaching to his side, there was no warning between the actions, Lin Ze's eyes flashed some satire, and then his face answered plainly: "I don't want to fight Now."

As he said, he gave away, and called the smiling demon and his party, and immediately retreated to a mountain two hundred meters away. After falling, his eyes flickered, staring at the furry insect who also followed, The heart is sneer.

Qiu Chong was laughing more and more happy at this time, especially after seeing Lin Ze escaped 200 meters with a smile on his face, he was really happy, but, on his brow, It was pretending to be wrinkled and tight, and the voice also said with a trace of deepness: "Since this is the case, then you will directly..."

The words like surrender below hadn’t been finished yet, and suddenly disappeared in place. When he appeared again, he had arrived in front of Lin Ze. At this time, Qiu Chong grinned in his mouth, then squirted mercilessly. A black light, under the cover of the night, was very inconspicuous, and they hadn't waited for the smiling faces to understand. The black light was in front of them, turning into three giant wolves, whistling to Lin Ze and the smiling faces They pounced.

At the same time, he waved his right hand, "huh", within a range of thirty or forty meters around Lin Ze and Xiaomi Mo, there immediately appeared a large net of black light fluctuations. Afterwards, he contracted fiercely towards the middle, obviously he wanted to wipe Lin Ze and them all.

However, even in the face of such a "desperate situation", Lin Ze's face remained as usual. Even at this time, he no longer pretended to be a sneer directly at the corner of his mouth.

And at the moment when the three giant wolves pounced, the space around him sizzled, and a huge dragon head appeared beside Lin Ze. After that, a huge space dragon king jumped out and laughed. Swallowing the three giant wolves in front of me, there was no chewing at all, and the powerful three giant wolves became a delicious meal in the mouth of the dragon king.

At the same time, Jingguang Feijian flashed out, within three feet of the power grid. With a crackling sound, Feijian flickered and attacked several times in a row, and the grid immediately shattered.

As for the next caterpillar, Lin Ze did not treat him politely.

Lin Ze had been retreating before, not because he was afraid of Qiu Qiong's strength, but because he wanted to lead Qiu Zong out.

Just like fishing, when the fish is deep, it is very difficult to catch. Therefore, in order to better catch the fish, generally throw some bait to lure the fish in the water.

Before, the Qiugong people were on the top of the mountain. At that time, there were many masters around him. Once they saw the Qiugong falling downwind, and even when their lives were in danger, those people felt empathy or wanted a strong ally. For the sake of sake, they will all rescue the insects.

As a result, Lin Ze would have to spend more time and energy if she wanted to pick up the insects.

Therefore, in order to better solve the fur insects, Lin Ze has been showing weakness before, thus attracting the fur insects.

Now that Lin Qiu has been lured out by Lin Ze, Lin Ze does not need to be polite with him anymore, and he is ready to kill him.

No, after seeing the actual fit, an ice flame suddenly appeared on Lin Ze's right hand, sending out extremely cold air, and the surrounding air seemed to be frozen directly.

At the moment when the extremely cold ice flame appeared in Lin Ze's hands, the originally confident worm suddenly changed his complexion, and his body immediately retreated. His induction told him that the ice flame in front was extremely powerful, not He can resist.

At the same time, the miserable end of the three giant wolves made Qiu Zong's heart feel awkward. He was already wondering whether Lin Ze was setting traps in the previous actions.

It's a pity that Qiu Chong thought it was too late, and he hadn't waited for him to launch a few meters. Immediately, his eyes saw Lin Ze's eyes flashing red, and then he knew The sea immediately shook it, and the endless red lightning appeared instantly in his sea of ​​knowledge, and began to wreak havoc.

"Boom!" Thunderous thunder sounded in the sea of ​​knowledge, Qiu Zong felt a shock of his own consciousness, which directly caused his body to pause for a while.

In this way, Lin Ze's right hand stretched forward, and the ice flame in his hand hit his chest silently.

With the sound of "Boom!", where the shot was hit, the blue crystal quickly spread like a cobweb to the surroundings, but only half of the time when he could not breathe, the whole insect seemed to be frozen into a block of ice.

"Break me!" The strength of the pseudo-Golden Stage Qiu Chong is indeed not covered. After realizing the constantly invading frozen air on his body, he forcibly resisted the endless lightning in the sea and vigorously worked his spiritual power. , Violently cracked Lin Ze's ice flame attack.

Only in this way, the Qiu Chong itself was not badly wounded, blood appeared in the corners of his mouth, and his body receded quickly. After he had withdrawn from the distance of nearly 100 meters, he stopped and gasped, his face Later, he looked at Lin Ze in fear.

I felt a little safer, but at this time, I didn’t care about Lin Ze not far away. Instead, I pinched my hands with both hands and even counted my chest. I took a few pills of red medicine in my mouth and snarled a few times. Afterwards, a powerful gang of gas appeared on the surface of his body. In this way, the blue spider-like crystal awn that had spread most of his body slowly backed back between his heart and belly, and then, with a bang, from him Was forced out of the chest.

Even so, these ice flames that did not come out did not dissipate. They continued to flash in the air until after a dozen breaths, the color gradually became much darker and finally turned into nothingness.

"What a terrible flame of ice, it's as hard to get rid of as the tarsal bones are poisonous!" Qiu Chong's eyes flashed with a trace of fear.

He knew that if he hadn't directly attacked himself, maybe now these icy flames had already penetrated into his own Dantian. If that were the case, then he would have to die. ,

With the power of these icy flames, freezing his Dantian is easy and pleasant, and if a warrior does not have Dantian, his strength is equivalent to abolition.

Although, even in this way, he can still overcome some of the acquired warriors, but now, Lin Ze is in front of him, which is absolutely not fortunate.

At this time, the smiling face had some Such a good opportunity, why did Lin Ze not pursue the trend, then if he pursued the trend, didn't he just take down the fur.

Yes, from the beginning to the end, Lin Ze didn't continue to shoot, but just stood a hundred meters away, sneered, and the sarcasm flashed in his eyes.

The fur on the opposite side also found the ridiculous color on Lin Ze's face. In an instant, it seemed to be a badly wounded fur. The pale face directly returned to the ruddy color, and the gasping gas that was still breathing before disappeared. The hand that took the chest degree stopped, and then he stared at Lin Ze with a somber face. After a little silence, he suddenly asked, "How did you find out?"

"His!" Hearing Qiu Chong's words, after thinking what he was doing now, the smiling face and his entourage suddenly took a breath of breath. In his heart, he immediately understood why Lin Ze hadn't chased after him. .

In the face of Qiu Zong's doubts, Lin Ze still said plainly: "I actually found nothing, but I know that your breath seems to change too fast, just some low-level consciousness attacks, even if It was a strong man who hit a late period of foundation building, and it just caused him some injuries. Where would it be like you, he was seriously injured. You are now the strength of the Jindan period. The power of the attack of the consciousness, And how much damage can be caused, how can my master not understand, so..."

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