Alien Lord

Chapter 1848: Personally

"What should I do now? The eight brothers of Mao alone are not easy to provoke, but there are other strong people in the foundation period beside that person, which is obviously not easy to provoke. If we go up, the winning rate is not great! "

"That is, let's talk about it. Seeing that he can conquer ruthless people like the eighth brothers of Mao, it is obviously very strong, or that his background is very behind. If we go to provoke such a person, will it cause trouble to our family!"

One of the people in the crowd said that when he heard his statement, there were still some lively crowds before, and they were instantly deserted.

These people will come here to fight for the Ten Thousand Devil Killing Order, the most important thing is that they think the Tenth Demon Killing Order is obtained by a layman, and if it is obtained by a sect disciple, Thousand Demon Killing Order Where the matter of Ling will spread so quickly, it has long been blocked.

In addition, in the rumors, this ‘slack repair’ that received the Wanmo’s killing order is not very powerful, so only so many people will come here to **** the Wanmo’s killing order.

However, from the current situation, it is obvious that the previous news is wrong. The guy who got the Wan Mozhu killing order is not only a casual repair, but also has amazing strength. It can be seen from the fact that the brothers are all subdued.

They are not afraid of dying. Those who come back to seize the Ten Thousand Devil Orders are not people who are afraid of dying, but they are not afraid of dying, which does not mean that they are not concerned.

Sometimes it’s just the opposite. Many warriors tried their best to prolong their lives at the last moment of their life, not because they were afraid of death, but because they were afraid of the life after their death, their family, or their loved ones. Happening.

This is Ten Thousand Demons Mountain. There are magic warriors everywhere. Everyone is a blackhearted person. Once the news of his death spreads, there will definitely be a large number of magic warriors coming to his home to seize the treasures he left behind.

Therefore, many people are doing everything possible to extend their lives, one side is to support their families, and the other is to cultivate another strong person who can support this family as much as possible during this time.

However, it seems that Lin Ze has a strong background behind it. In this way, those who cannot hold the family in their hearts will dare not easily start.

Because, once they started, and then knew by the background behind Lin Ze, their family would never be spared.

Thinking of this, many people began to retreat from their hearts.

At this time, an old man with white hair, after seeing these restlessness around him, felt anxious for a while, he knew that if he didn't do anything, maybe there would be the first quitter, and once the first This appeared, and this time their alliance broke down.

Thinking of this, the old man stood up directly, his eyes like electricity, and his voice screamed: "The one over there is a cult of ten thousand demons. The old man, Wandu Cave, teaches the worms. The door is here, which is nothing. The powerful sect, the strength above, may be the lowest level, but I am not afraid of you, kill it and kill it. Today you come here, and there is a killing order on the body. Of course I will not let you go. This time, I will fight against you with the most powerful Wandu Magic Skill in our Wandu Cave, if you can break this magical skill that I sent, from then on we will see you in Wandu Cave and retreat from the tricolor I personally surrendered directly to you and become your slave, but if you lose, then blame the old man to take down your head. How dare you fight!"

The sound of Qiu Chong was as vast as the thunder falling to the ground, and the vibrations were scattered. At the same time, there seemed to be countless fine sounds around him. There were a lot of sounds, as if there were tens of thousands of sounds. After that, I saw the storage around Qiu Chong A cloud of smoke appeared in the bag, and then, inside the smoke, it seemed that something was crawling out.

"No, this worm is releasing poisonous insects!" Some people who understand the thickness of the worms swear in the mouth, and then flew away from the worms at the fastest speed, standing far away, all over him. Goose bumps for a while.

"Huh...." Lin Ze also had goose bumps on his body. His sense of power clearly saw that countless poisonous insects were crawling out of the spirit beast bag beside the furry insect, and a considerable part was transferred directly into The other part of the ground was hidden directly under the clothing of the worm.

Whenever I think of the whole body of the worms, there are dense poisonous insects, Lin Ze's stomach is a nausea.

Although Lin Ze has seen some information related to insect repair in Qu Jingwen's memories, but it is also clearly recorded, but at that time, it was only literal handwriting, and there is no real experience now.

Lin Ze didn't care when I watched it. Now, after seeing the real thing, Lin Ze regrets it for the first time, because the scene in front of him is really disgusting.

At this time, the thick mist around Qiu Chong, as those sounds gradually dissipated, turned into layers of ripples, layer by layer rolling away to the surroundings.

"Buzz!" The sound of flying sounded, ten thousand tiny poisonous flying insects like mosquitoes appeared beside the furry insects, and no real attack had yet been launched. Lin Ze's smelled it compared to the inside There was a very smelly odor, he knew that it was all from the poisonous flying insect.

Gradually, with the increase in the number of these poisonous flying insects around the insect, a thick poisonous mist visible to the naked eye condenses from the bottom to the side of the insect, the closer the poisonous mist is to the insect, the insect The pressure is stronger.

"Go!" Qiu Chong pointed his finger at Lin Ze.

Suddenly, the tens of thousands of poisonous flying insects that had gathered around him all flew out, divided into ten pairs, and besieged Lin Ze from all directions.

"Oh, I want to use poisonous worms to deal with me, huh, you are an axe!" Lin Ze looked at the countless poisonous insects approaching with disdain, and his right hand easily rubbed on the side of the beast bag.

"Buzz!" A total of 20,000 hurricane beasts appeared in front of Lin Ze. Similarly, they were divided into ten pairs to kill the rushing poisonous insects.

"No!" Qiu Chong exclaimed, wanting to take back the poisonous insects that were released, but unfortunately, his speed was obviously not as fast as that of Linze's Hurricane Beast. When the Hurricane Beast flashed, he surrounded all the poisonous insects, and then, Numerous sonic attacks, consciousness attacks, one after another toward the poisonous insects.

"Sergey!" countless poisonous insects screamed, and finally turned into a black cloud, which was given to the ground by the hurricane herd.

These poisonous insects of the worms are really useful against ordinary martial artists.

Like the eight brothers of Mao's, if they meet these poisonous insects, it will choke.

The number of poisonous insects is really too much, plus its own strength is not low, the toxicity is even more terrible, once you give them a bite, then death is near.

However, these are really trivial to Lin Ze.

Lin Ze didn't need to do it by himself, just those wild beasts around him could clean up this group of poisonous insects.

Like the Hurricane Beast and Soul Eater, they can easily pick up these poisonous insects.

Maybe these poisonous insects of the worm are as fast as lightning, and they can be hidden under the ground, but in front of the hurricane beast and soul eater butterfly, these tricks are all scum.

Whether it is a hurricane beast or a soul eater, when locating an enemy, you use the consciousness to locate the soul of the enemy, so, even if you are fast, hide it as long as your soul is not hidden, Then they cannot escape their eyes.

After that, things are simple. Whether it is a sonic attack, a consciousness attack, or a soul-eater's soul-absorbing ability, they are all natural enemies of poisonous insects.

The overall strength of the poisonous insect is very strong, but the individual strength is nothing, once it encounters attacks of sound waves, consciousness, and souls, it is easy to be cleaned up.

Now the end of these poisonous insects is the best example.

At the same time, the five strong monks who had followed Qiu Cong's early foundation period quickly killed Lin Ze.

The smiling face demon and the eight brothers of Mao's group were about to step forward to intercept and were directly stopped by Lin Ze on one side. After watching it for so long, Lin Ze also wanted to revitalize his body.

Therefore, his body jumped out, and the red lightning flash of consciousness flashed in his eyes. The five martial artists of the foundation period were not near to see Lin Ze. His body shuddered, and the seven tricks bleed, and he continued to roll on the ground. , And soon lost combat power.

This is still Lin Ze did not give up his hand, otherwise, waiting for them is not a wailing, but five **** bodies.

These five people, who saw Lin Ze’s powerful strength before, plus the lessons of this time, even if Lin Ze didn’t continue to use the psychic attack afterwards, they did not dare to step forward at this time, just a face He looked at Lin Ze with fear, but his body seemed to be nailed in place, nailed firmly in place.

Lin Ze glanced at them, and flicked his right hand. The hurricane beasts that had wiped out the poisonous insects around him slammed toward the large group of poisonous insects that gathered around the furry insects.

The hurricane beasts directly slammed into the poisonous insect swarm, just a contact, so Qiu Zong was heartbroken to death, because this time, more than 5,000 poisonous insects fell down. Seeing this, Qiu Zhe was afraid to be small. Looking at Lin Ze’s hurricane beasts, there was a sound in his mouth. Soon, the poisonous insects began to appear a very thin layer of light gray smoke. They continued to merge together, and soon they were arranged around him. A layer of solid gas shield.

After each attack of Linze’s Hurricane Herd, they were blocked by a sudden burst of gang gas light curtain. As a blood mist, drop to the ground.

Suddenly, the defensive light curtain on the periphery of the fur was dyed dark red.

Seeing that his hurricane beasts suffered heavy losses, Lin Ze beckoned and recalled those hurricane beasts, but he didn't put them away, but arranged them beside him just in case.

Seeing Lin Ze on the opposite side acting so cautiously, the Qiu Chong's heart inside the gas shield was extremely depressed.

At this stage, the strongest poisonous swarm attack has lost its effect. As a result, his most toxic attack has no effect, and the scene is about to stand still.

Qiu insect's eyes flashed a bit of fierce color, he knew that if the scene kept going like this, it would be extremely unfavorable to him, and the killing order of Lin Mo's body was indeed very important to him, plus he was winning. After the order of Wan Mo Zhu's killing, you still have to deal with these people around you. Therefore, I beg your teeth and made the final decision.

"Wan Chong devours God!" Qiu Chong's hands were facing up to the sky, and the whole body exuded an endless thick green mist.

These thick green mists directly sucked the mists from the poisonous insect body into the body of the fur, and then, an unbelievably strong breath spread out from inside his body.

The clothes on Qiu Chong shattered in the ripping sounds, only a dozen breathing time, his body suddenly doubled.

The vast earth and earth spiritual power spread out from him like a wave.

Qiu insect lowered his head, growled a few times in his mouth, and then surprised Lin Ze. What happened before was only the Qiu insect in the middle of the foundation period, and his repairs climbed straight.

From the peak in the mid-term of the current foundation period, all the way to the later stage, and soon reached the peak in the later period, after which, the strength was a breakthrough, reaching a pseudo Jindan that was in the early stage of Jindan but did not have the strength of Jindan's early Period strength.

It is extremely difficult to reach this state of the pseudo-Jindan period. Only one of the 100 warriors in the late foundation period can appear.

What's more, The Qiu Chong is still a pseudo-Golden Period that reached several realms in such an instant, at least Lin Ze has not seen it before, and generally such secret methods are in some top ancestors. It will only appear in the door, and these secret methods are extremely tightly collected, not to mention the ordinary disciples, even some elder-level characters, do not want to contact.

"How can this secret method be obtained by this worm? It seems that he also has some secrets on his body!" Lin Ze thought secretly in his heart.

Of course, such a secret method is nothing to Lin Ze now.

Not to mention the countless secret methods he obtained from the inheritance of Xuanyin Master. There are dozens of similar secret methods on the body of the Baidu Demon alone. Therefore, this type of secret method is not uncommon for Lin Ze.

Feeling the decisive power in his body, Qiu Chou snarled, his face and eyes were slowly and confidently, his body rose in the air, his eyes were cold, and he looked at the stagnant children under the door, and his mouth was cold. Shouted: "Useless waste, get off the old man!"

The five warriors of the foundation period did not say much after hearing the rebuke of Qiu Chong, but they all showed a trace of sorrow in their faces and quickly stepped back aside, watching with cold eyes.

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