Alien Lord

Chapter 1812: Have eyesight

"Ning Zirui, you are the one who killed thousands of knives. If it were not for me to plead for you, why would the old man accept you as a disciple? If it were not for my help, how would you have the strength you have now? If such a vicious thing happens, don’t you fear that Master knows it?” Brother Xi asked with an angry scolding.

"Hahahaha..." Evil Youth laughed wildly and said, "Master? Hey, brother, if this is not Master's default, how dare I dare to attack you with a dark magic sword?"

"Poof!" Hearing this, the middle-aged man shuddered and spurted a black stain of blood. His body immediately collapsed and rolled down from the flying sword.

The evil young man snorted a few times, flew ten meters away from the middle-aged man, and controlled the black demon sword in his hand. The babble was penetrated continuously on the opponent's body for a few times. This confirmed that the opponent was dead and grabbed the body. Just about to leave.

Suddenly he stopped suddenly, staring at a dark shadow standing in the thick fog in front of him, and cold sweat immediately oozed from his forehead. When he chased down his brother, the consciousness spread out with all his strength. There was no other person nearby, but now the other party is actually Appearing in front of himself, his cultivation is far beyond himself.

He put down the corpse on his hand, quickly hugged and bent over, changed the evil breath on his face, and replaced it with a simple and honest expression, respectfully said: "The junior ghost ghost disciple Ning Zirui see the senior, I don’t know the senior stopped the junior What is the way to go? If there is something that the juniors can do, the juniors will definitely try their best."

Lin Ze slowly walked out of the mist, and his eyes glanced coldly at each other, ignoring Ning Zirui's meaning, which made Ning Zirui's heart chuckle directly.

Especially Lin Ze's cold eyes, after a look, let the original expression of youthfulness on the face of the youth, and then wrap it up, it was a sudden pick in my heart, and suddenly there was a feeling of being carefully seen by the other party.

At this point, Ning Zirui's heart burst into horror.

Because, like this feeling, he will only appear when facing the master, but his master is already a half-footed strong man in the foundation of the Dandan period. Does this look and People who are about their own age, no, or even a guy who is even older than himself, actually has a fake Danji cultivation...

Is this guy an old monster rejuvenating...

Thinking of this, the young man's heart trembled, and his expression was more respectful.

"Bring me the black demon sword in your hand." Lin Ze's voice was very cold, it sounded like there was no trace of emotion /// color.

It's just that the more icy Lin Ze's speech is, the more flustered Ning Zirui's heart is on the other side. He grew up in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains from an early age, and he is a demon cultivator.

Although Xiuwei now also has a certain strength, he can roam freely in Wanmo Mountain, but he knows in his heart that his strength in Wanmo Mountain is actually the strength that will protect himself and the distance. It's still a lot worse to truly become a strong player in Wanmo Mountain.

And since he was young, he has trained a pair of demon eyes.

Any cultivator, as long as he takes a few glances at him, he can see how much the other party's threat to him is.

The senior in front of him just glanced at it, and he knew that his strength was definitely far superior to himself. In Wanmo Mountain, those big demons who cultivated into deepness often acted ruthlessly. Seeing that many Devil Cultivators possess it, it's just that many people are just imitating, or pretending, not really ruthless.

However, this predecessor in front of him now, this kind of indifferent feeling in his eyes seems to be general in the soul, especially the pair of cold eyes of the other party, let him just glance at it There was a chill in my heart.

Therefore, after hearing Lin Ze's words, he didn't dare to delay at all, nor dared to cherish the preciousness of the Black Demon Sword, he quickly threw the Black Demon Sword in his hand, and dared not express any intention of resistance in his heart.

"Senior, can the junior leave now?" Ning Zirui asked carefully, and now he couldn't even take care of the body of the brother on one side.

Even the best things are not as important as the safety of one’s own life. The most important thing now is to save one’s own life.

"Leave? Ha ha, what do you say?!" Lin Ze looked at Ning Zirui in a silly manner.

With the sound of "Huh!" Ning Zirui turned into a streamer and fled into the depths of the forest at full speed.

In fact, when he asked the previous sentence, his heart was already prepared to escape, and he was also clear that Lin Ze would never let him go. The words he had just used were just for Divide Linze’s God to create a good chance for himself to escape.

It is a pity that he underestimated Lin Ze's strength too much, or that he overestimated the speed of his escape.

After seeing Ning Zirui running away, Lin Ze did not rush to chase, but instead smiled, shook his head and said to himself: "Only by your strength you want to escape from my hands, hehe, it’s really whimsical. what!"

After finishing the speech, Lin Ze also did not have any attacking movements. The powerful mental power poured out from the sea of ​​knowledge, instantly enveloped Ning Zirui, and then used his strength.

"Uh!" Ning Zirui only felt that an irresistible force broke through his sea of ​​knowledge instantly, and then turned into countless lightnings in his sea of ​​knowledge. The next moment, he was black in front of him, and he lost consciousness directly. .

"Oh, I want to escape in front of me. You Ning Zirui is still a lot worse!" Lin Ze came to Ning Zirui in a few steps, and then waved his right hand, instantly bringing Ning Zirui into the plane. Inside the seed world.

Half an hour later, Lin Ze's body quickly flew low in Wanmo Mountain, and he held a black sword in his hand. This was the black demon sword in Ning Ziru's hand. On this sword, the seal was sealed. With hundreds of souls, one-third of them are the souls of the Supreme Grand Master level, and the worst remaining ones are also the Grand Master level souls.

After seizing the black demon sword from Ning Zirui's hand, Lin Ze was studying it. He needed to determine whether there was any hidden danger in this black demon sword. After all, this black demon sword was for Gu Xiyao prepared, Lin Ze did not want to bring her any danger.

After a closer look, Lin Ze was finally relieved, because this black demon sword used these magical spirits to attack, and there was no other means hidden in it. In this way, he could safely rest The black demon sword was swallowed by Gu Xiyao.

After putting away the Black Demon Sword, Lin Ze focused his attention on Ning Zirui, who had just put it in the seed world of the plane.

To Lin Ze's expectation, Lin Ze wanted to come. Ning Zirui was a strong man in the foundation period. His willpower should be very strong. If he wants to conquer him, how can he give a few days.

However, what surprised Lin Ze was that he only conquered Ning Zirui in less than ten minutes, which made Lin Ze's heart very curious for a time.

"Ning Zirui, why did you tame it so quickly?" Lin Ze asked curiously.

"Master, this..." Ning Zirui's face was a little blushed, but soon he answered.

"Master, you have such a magical world. Following your words, the light of the future potential of your subordinates is imaginable. The future subordinates can definitely see a wider and stronger world. In addition, the subordinates are in In the sect, the status is not very high. In front of the master, the subordinate is actually a servant, so the subordinate is used to being ordered. Finally, the mind of the devil cultivator has no right way. The strength of the cultivator, many devil cultivators take shortcuts when cultivating, so that our mentality is relatively weaker. The cultivator is originally respected by the strong, your master is so powerful , The subordinates of course succumbed soon." Ning Zirui explained with a straight face.

"Well, this is the case." Lin Ze nodded, and agreed with Ning Zirui's explanation.

In fact, Ning Zirui explained so much. In Lin Ze's view, all can be summed up in one sentence, that is, the person who knows the current affairs is Junjie!

Ning Zirui resisted even more fiercely. In the world of Plane Seeds, under the **** means, he will sooner or later be subject to surrender. If that is the case, why can't he surrender immediately.

In this way, both Lin Ze's favor can be obtained, and a lot of torture can be avoided.

Ning Zirui has been able to live in the Hades of Soul for so many and later he lived up to the foundation period in a short time, and his eyesight played a great role.

This time, he soon realized that if he knew that he had entered such a magical place and wanted to go out again, it would be absolutely impossible unless he became a man under Lin Ze.

Coupled with Lin Ze who can have such a magical world, the future has a bright future, that is imaginable.

Don't say that he is just the strength of the foundation period now. Ning Zirui believes that even if he is a strong in the Yuanshen period, he will soon choose to surrender Lin Ze at this time, because, as long as he follows Lin Ze, his future The future is limitless.

As long as Lin Ze can truly build this world in the future, as Lin Ze's men, it is imaginable to become an immortal and a god.

Therefore, after Ning Zirui did not resist at all, he was very obedient to let Lin Ze plant puppet marks in his knowledge of the sea.

Ning Zirui's thoughts were completely frankly revealed, which made Lin Ze have to sigh. Ning Zirui is really an eye-catching guy. Knowing when to make choices is most beneficial to him.

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