Alien Lord

Chapter 1811: Fellow

"Li Xuan, you're the best! Hee hee..." Gu Xiyao grinned.

"You just like it." Lin Ze also said with a smile.

"Xiyao, I'm going to look outside, can you stay in the cave house?" Lin Ze continued.

"What? Li Xuan, do you still have to go out now?" Gu Xiyao immediately put down his hand and looked at Lin Ze.

"Well, this time it's rare to come to Wanmo Mountain. I want to go out and see if I can find some special spirit materials of Wanmo Mountain." Lin Ze didn't hide it and said his intention directly.

"Well, shall I go with you?" Gu Xiyao asked carefully.

Now she is like a young man and a woman who just fell in love, that is, they don't want to be separated from each other for a second.

"Xiyao, it's too late. If you go out, it will be very dangerous." Lin Ze persuaded.

If Gu Xiyao went out with him, Lin Ze would be greatly constrained in his actions.

Especially when you want to capture those spirit beasts, it will be very inconvenient.

"Li Xian..." Gu Xiyao stood directly at Lin Ze's side, holding Lin Ze's right hand, swaying and coquettishly.

However, this time Lin Ze made up his mind to go alone.

Therefore, Lin Ze quickly thought of a way to persuade Gu Xiyao. He directly said: "Xiyao, I still haven't eaten dinner. You cook dinner here, and when you make it almost, I should be came back."

"This..." Gu Xiyao couldn't say anything else as soon as he heard the word supper.

It was the wife's duty to prepare dinner for her husband. Now Lin Ze said this, Gu Xiyao can't refute at all.

Moreover, to be honest, Gu Xiyao also enjoyed the feeling of giving Lin Ze the first time. Now that Lin Ze has said so, Gu Xiyao will no longer insist.

"OK, Lixuan, I will cook dinner for you here." Gu Xiyao agreed.

However, just as Lin Ze was about to go out, Gu Xiyao, like a real wife, stepped forward to smooth the folds of Lin Ze’s clothes, and later told Lin Ze to be careful after going out, to return safely .

Gu Xiyao's words sounded very long-winded, but when Lin Ze heard it, it was warm in his heart, because this is love care!

After leaving the cave, Lin Ze discerned the direction a little bit, and looked at the dark night sky inside the Wanmo Mountain, and the countless powerful breath hidden inside, a bright light appeared in his eyes, and he muttered to himself. Tao: "Wonder Mountain, I'm here, I hope you can make me a satisfied harvest!"

After saying this, the light in Lin Ze's eyes gradually faded, and his feet stepped lightly.

The purpose of his single outing is to find spirit beasts and some spiritual materials unique to Wanmo Mountain.

According to Qu Jingwen, they are very dangerous inside Wanmo Mountain, but there are really many top-level spirits in it.

For Lin Ze, there is never too much spiritual material.

With more and more people under his command, the number of spirit materials Lin Ze needed was also increasing at an extremely rapid rate.

If Lin Ze does not seize the opportunity to collect some things in a magical place like Wanmo Mountain, then he really came to Wanmo Mountain in vain.

As for the innumerable dangers hidden in Wanmo Mountain, perhaps it is indeed very dangerous for Lin Ze in the congenital period, but for the real avatar of the great foundation of the foundation period now, the danger here is really very small, Very small.

In addition, there is not only a large number of cherished spiritual materials in Wanmo Mountain, but also a large number of high-level wild beasts.

Here in Wanmo Mountain, because of the danger everywhere, the barbarian that can survive is very strong.

Here, more than half of the wild beasts are congenital level wild beasts, even if they are acquired level wild beasts, the combat power is definitely no less than the congenital wild beasts.

Therefore, this kind of barbarian is really too tempting for Lin Ze who wants to build a barbarian army.

The formation of the Barbarian Legion requires countless barbarians. There are definitely a large number of cherished spirits on the barbarian site. Under the superposition of the two, these barbarian Linze he is a must.

According to Qu Jingwen's introduction to Wanmo Mountain, there are many powerful barbarians in the thick fog here. In addition, there are some barbarians with special attributes here.

As for what is said to be a barbarian with a special nature, it is actually a barbarian with a death attribute, or a barbarian with a thunderbolt attribute, and so on.

Such beasts with special attributes have more existence in the harsher surrounding conditions.

However, the number of these beasts is often very small, and the traces are hidden very well. It is difficult for ordinary people to find it. So after walking all the way for a long time, Lin Ze did not find a head, plus the fog in the forest at night in Wanmo Mountain More densely, the warrior's vision almost lost its function, and only by divine consciousness can he look around.

These conditions even limit Lin Ze's chance of discovering a barbarian with special attributes.

In this way, Lin Ze walked for nearly half an hour. This time, he was walking. Suddenly, Lin Ze's expression slightly moved, and he stepped back a few steps at once. Then, with the sound of'咻', I saw one The gloomy Jianguang quickly emerged from the thick fog behind him, flashing from where Lin Ze had just been.

Lin Ze’s current cultivation practice has already reached the state of false pill, and the consciousness has been promoted to the level of the golden pill. Therefore, the sense of power is extremely strong, and it is easy to "see" the warrior hidden in the dark. And, it is clear.

The man was about 40 years old, and his strength was not low. The cultivation base was almost the peak strength at the beginning of the foundation period. However, at this time, his face was purple and black, and his breathing was short. Obviously, he was poisoned and caused a disorder of true Qi in the body. , Resulting in a substantial drop in the strength of the sneak attack.

As for why he attacked Lin Ze secretly, thinking about it in Lin Ze was actually just a misunderstanding. He did not want to attack Lin Ze, but attacked the sword energy of others, and accidentally spread to Lin Ze.

Therefore, Lin Ze was not angry, but first concealed, ready to read before talking.

Sure enough, things soon followed up, and as soon as the sword light flew by, there was another long rainbow shot immediately, catching up.

Seeing this, Lin Ze's face showed strange colors, because, obviously, the Changhong behind was chasing the guy in front.

Lin Ze's inductive force swept straight away. Suddenly, the strength of the guy behind was also seen by Lin Ze.

Compared with the former warrior who reached the peak strength at the beginning of the foundation period, the latter chasing warrior is inferior in strength, but only reached the initial strength of the foundation.

It's just that this person's appearance looks as if he is only twenty-seven or eighty years old, very young, and his face is as white as jade, but his eyes are slender and a trace of evil color emerges on his face.

In this way, this person does not feel that good.

In the hands of this evil young man, he was holding a black flying sword with a smelly smell. While pursuing slowly, he constantly input spiritual power to the flying sword in his hand, one at a time. After the spiritual power, there will be a black smoke on the black flying sword.

As soon as the smoke disappeared, it immediately turned into a black, cold filament, catching up with the fake base monk in front at a very fast speed, and drilling directly into his body.

"Hey, brother, you run faster. Your brother, I really want to see how long you can persist after the countless demons in your body." The evil young man said this while facing his hand again. The black flying sword breathed out, and then the voice continued softly: "Brother, my devil qi on this black demon sword, my brother has prepared for a long time before it is fully equipped, and it is powerful, otherwise, you will build the foundation At the earliest peak, I didn’t dare to shoot you, Brother, but now, you can’t run, hee...!"

The middle-aged man in front, with his teeth clenched tightly, said nothing, and the flying sword under his feet was also crooked, and he staggered forward.

"Brother, your age is very old. As mentioned, it is better to complete your brother and me now, let me swallow you with the soul eater ///// method, hehe!" Said, the distance to middle-aged people is a little closer.

However, when he arrived here, he would not dare to get closer.

Obviously, the evil young man in the back is also in awe of the brother in front. Even if the other party is seriously injured now, he would not dare to approach easily.

For the severely injured Lin Ze just looked at it, and he no longer ignored it. He is now very interested in the dark demon sword in the hands of this evil young man behind his eyes, his body is slightly weak. Send, quietly followed.

Lin Ze didn't care much before, but after feeling the magical energy on the Black Demon Sword, Lin Ze's eyes lighted up for a moment, because, at this time, he thought of the thousand demon streamers in Gu Xiyao's hand.

Up to now, Lin Ze also knows the extraordinaryness of the Thousand Devils, and at the same time knows that if he wants to restore the power of the Thousand Devils, he needs to add a lot of powerful demons or ghosts to the Thousand Devans.

And now the dark demon sword in the hands of this evil young man obviously has more than a dozen powerful demon souls, which is just suitable for replenishing energy to the thousand demon streamers.

Therefore, Lin Ze can't care about collecting spirits and catching wild beasts, so he just keeps up.

The middle-aged man who was running for his life in front of him did not look back after hearing the words of the evil young man behind him, and said hoarsely, "Ning Zirui, you are the one who killed thousands of knives. If I were not pleading for you, Master, how can his old man accept you as a disciple? If I didn’t help, how would you have the strength you have now? You are doing such a vicious thing against me now, don’t you fear that Master knows?”

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