Alien Lord

Chapter 1790: Show up

While Lin Ze was thinking wildly, Gu Xiyao and other Blood Moon wolves who had been able to make concerted efforts under the valley finally finally dispersed under the huge threat.

They were not really united before, but the external pressure reluctantly united them. However, the escape of the blood moon wolf directly destroyed the situation that it was difficult to unite.

Plus, there is not much innate ingenuity left by them now, and Gu Xiyao’s millennium Yuzhi juice has been consumed after this period of time, and it will only die early and die late. The difference, so in the end Gu Xiyao gritted his teeth, and immediately separated.

Anyway, even if she continued to persevere, sooner or later, it would be a death.

Sure enough, in the face of Gu Xiyao, they separated and fled, and Wei Bo was a bit caught off guard.

However, after all, Wei Bo has extremely rich combat experience. Soon, he commanded the zombie puppets around him, quickly turned, and turned first to the two good zombie puppets. The two blood moon wolves of the Grand Master level shot down with a huge beam of light.

Its ending is similar to that of the first blood moon wolf. The same terrible sight and the black paralysis collapsed on the ground.

The other two blood moon wolves, the blood moon wolves of the Supreme Grandmaster level, took advantage of this best opportunity, a flyaway, a faraway escape, and disappeared into Senri in the blink of an eye.

Wei Bo still stood silently in the same place, and looked at them far away with cold eyes, and there was nothing he wanted to catch up with.

Lin Ze felt a little weird hiding on the cliff, because according to Wei Bo's ruthless and cruel style, he shouldn't just let these two blood moon wolves go, and now his sect will let them escape. Could it be that Wei Bo has other backers?

While Lin Ze was making wild guesses, the following suddenly heard Wei Bo's cold voice: "Friends, you have also watched the drama for so long. Now I believe that you have been hiding in the side and want to wait for the fisherman to benefit. It’s a good time, so now it’s your turn!"

When Lin Ze heard it, he smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth. He knew why Wei Bo let the two blood moon wolves escape from the scene because he found other hidden people.

In order to avoid any accidents, Wei Bo pretended not to see the escape of the two blood moon wolves.

Also, anyway, the main purpose of Wei Bo is not a blood moon wolf, but Gu Xiyao, so as long as Gu Xiyao did not escape, other people or blood moon wolf, Wei Bo did not care at all.

"It seems that Wei Bo's strength is indeed very strong. So quickly he found the Beast Sect Master hidden on one side, hehe, yes, good!!" Lin Ze praised secretly in his heart, this Wei Bo's strength is indeed Is very strong.

When the people who controlled the Beast Sect lurked before, it really can be said that there was no movement at all.

Seriously, if Lin Ze was not inductive, I believe he could not find these lurking beast masters, but they were easily discovered by Wei Bo.

From this, Lin Ze can see that this Wei Bo is really not a good person, his strength is really very strong!

Thinking of this, Lin Ze was even more excited, because the stronger the strength of Wei Bo, the more exciting the scene will be.

As for why Lin Ze didn't worry about Wei Bo discovering him, hehe, that's because Lin Ze was extremely confident in the stealth ability of the escape technique.

In the past, when Lin Ze’s stealth was only at the acquired level, he could make the Supreme Master unable to find his trail. Now he has advanced to the innate stealth. Is it possible that the hidden ability of stealth will still be So it didn't go down? !

Finally, and most importantly, Lin Ze’s sense of sensitivity clearly ‘see’. When Wei Bo was speaking, his eyes were not looking at the rock wall where he was, but at a forest on the left hand side.

Therefore, Lin Ze can confirm 100% that Wei Bo did not find his trail, but the Beast Sect hidden in the forest.

"Wow!!" There was a sound of people walking and rubbing trees in the forest where Wei Bo was staring.

Soon, more than a dozen people came out of the forest, and the strength of these dozens of people was not weak. The lowest one also had the strength of the guru, and even two strong men at the level of the supreme guru.

"Sure enough, it is the person who controls the Beast Sect, hehe!!" Wei Bo smiled. In fact, he had guessed in his heart that the hidden person was the person who controlled the Beast Sect.

"Yes, we are the people who control the Beast Sect, Wei Wei, you don’t know what killed Feng Qiping, or there is no way to take you? Ha ha, you are really naive, and killed the people who controlled the Beast Sect, No matter where you are sacred, we will hunt down to the end!!!"

When it comes to this, the leading middle-aged 30-year-old Beast Sect's word is cold and boneless, and his eyes are staring at Wei Bo with murderous eyes.

"Old Mr. Zhou, I haven't seen you for so many years. Your temper is still so hot!" Wei Bo said after a moment of silence, he suddenly said that the other party and Lin Ze who were eavesdropping were stunned.

"This Wei Bo's contacts are really extensive. He knows everyone like this!" Lin Ze had to admire this Wei Bo's friends.

"Huh, Wei Bo, you don't need to set anything close. Today we have to do one." Zhou Yu, the face of Wei Zhou in Wei Bo's mouth, said unchanged.

Zhou Yuhui and Wei Bo wanted to know each other, but they weren’t that complicated. They knew. That was because Zhou Yu and Wei Bo had fought several times during the battle with the Puppet Sect. understanding.

"You said Feng Qiping was dead before?" Wei Bo didn't care about Zhou Yu's current attitude, but asked another question.

"Huh, you killed everyone, still pretending to be here, Wei Weiwei, is this interesting?" Zhou Yu said when he was here, his face was even more ugly.

In his view, Wei Bo said that it was insulting him.

"Old Zhou, don't be restless!" Wei Bo frowned. "I can assure you that we did not kill Feng Qiping."

Although killing a Feng Qiping or something, it doesn't matter much to Wei Bo, but if such a black pot can't bear it, Wei Bo doesn't want to do it.

Feng Qiping is the elder of the Beast Sect, or the kind of core elder. Once the black pot he was killed is on his back, according to the future, Wei Bo will become the enemy of the Beast Sect, or the endless enemy.

Such a black pot, Wei Bo did not want to carry it, nor did he dare to carry it.

Although the strength of the Beast Sect is a bit worse than that of the Puppet Sect, but if you only deal with him, it is really a relaxed and pleasant thing.

"Don't kill Feng Qiping?! Ha ha..." Zhou Yu didn't say much, but the ridicule in the words that the fool could hear.

"Elder Zhou, I can swear here that Feng Qiping is indeed not us to kill..."

"Then why the blood moon wolf around Feng Qiping will fight with you here?!" Wei Bo's words were not explained, and Zhou Yu was just a rhetorical question.

Moreover, this rhetorical question asked Wei Bo, who had no explanation at all, because, Zhou Yu's sentence, he couldn't explain it anymore.

Did Wei Bo explain to Zhou Yu that he was actually chasing the blood moon wolf, his purpose was actually to win Gu Xiyao.

However, if Zhou Yu asked me again at that time, why did you track these blood moon wolves, do you want to kill people and kill your mouth?

As soon as these two questions come, how can you call Wei Bo?

"This time I really jumped to the Yellow River and couldn't wash it out!" Wei Bo sighed inwardly.

By now, he already knew that it would be useless to excuse himself, because instead of Zhou Yu's position, he found that he would not believe the explanations he had just given.

In fact, everything else can be However, Wei Bo can't explain the matter of the blood moon wolf even if it is broken.

The blood moon wolf is the spirit beast around Feng Qiping. If you don't kill Feng Qiping, these blood moon wolves will be silly to join forces with other warriors to fight you.

Now these blood moon wolves have been entangled with you. Obviously, you killed Feng Qiping. Apart from this, there is no other reason.

Wei Bo understands this truth very well, so he will not explain it afterwards, because now, he is like yellow mud falling into his crotch, neither **** nor shit. It is useless to explain.

"This Gu Xiyao is really a good method, not only killed Feng Qiping, but also pushed this thing to me, rely on!" Wei Bo shouted at the bottom of his heart.

Up to now, he still doesn't know where Feng Qiping was killed by Gu Xiyao. Similarly, he also knows that they were wrong at the beginning.

If it weren't for the last time these blood moon wolves chased Gu Xiyao tightly, maybe Gu Xiyao would have disappeared for a long time now.

"Ah, it seems that my explanations are useless now, Zhou Weiguai, if you leave now, I can assume that I haven't seen you, otherwise..."

Wei Bo waved his right hand, and inside the zombie puppets that immediately surrounded Gu Xiyao, in addition to the two zombie puppets who continued to watch over Gu Xiyao, the other zombie puppets, including the zombie puppet with the false foundation strength, and Cao Yuan and others all stood beside Wei Bo.

The endless murderousness instantly enveloped Zhou Yu and others.

Obviously, Wei Bo is making an ultimatum.

It means that if you Zhou Yu retreats now, then Wei Bo will not treat him, but if you do not retreat, then he will be welcome and leave them together.

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