Alien Lord

Chapter 1789: A good show is coming soon

"Oh, you are indeed a smart person." Wei Bo shook his head with a smile, and he did not hesitate to praise Gu Xiyao's intelligence.

It's just, very quickly, he changed his head, and also looked at Gu Xiyao with a smile: "Just, Gu Xiyao, don't you ever hear a word, it's smart to be mistaken by smart!"

This time it was Wei Bo who looked at Gu Xiyao with a confident face. Gu Xiyao's heart suddenly snapped, and the secret murmur was not good. Then, she was fully alert, she would not underestimate Wei Bo, an old fox.

"Wei Bo, what do you mean?" Gu Xiyao asked with a trace of uneasiness while alerting.

"Oh, it's actually very simple. Since I can't see the specific source of danger, then I will directly capture you at the fastest speed. I believe that even if there is a danger at that time, this danger is not too great, is it?" Wei Bozhi said with a smile.

It was at this time that he really showed his savageness as the elder of the puppet sect.

"Fight with them, this guy has made it clear that he will strike hard, everyone go together!" Gu Xiyao is really very smart. After realizing Wei Bo's thoughts, he immediately stirred up the blood moon wolves around him, thinking The final battle!

"Time, time, the most important thing now is time. We have been fighting on this side for more than half an hour. I believe that other warriors have discovered the movement here, so as long as the time is dragged down, it will soon There will be other warriors arriving here. At that time, the situation will be more chaotic, and it is more suitable for me to escape." Gu Xiyao encouraged the blood moon wolves around him, and kept thinking in his heart.

Yes, Gu Xiyao wants to drag the time down and drag other warriors to get here. At that time, the situation here will definitely be in great chaos, and such chaos is her best chance to get out.

Although the zombie sect had peace with other ancestors before, but in front of such treasures as Qianmo streamers, other sects would not be polite to the zombie sect.

Coupled with the fact that the power of the zombie is so strong, Gu Xiyao believes that those who are late will unite first, repel or kill the zombie, and then they will turn around to deal with her.

Once the corpse sect fights with other warriors, then it is Gu Xiyao's way of life.

"Tell me desperately, do you have this qualification?! Your strength, even my zombie puppets can't win, what are you desperate about?! Ha ha, okay, I also have enough play with you, Therefore, I will send you on the road as soon as possible!" Wei Bo's voice is still so insidious, and the murder in the words is undoubtedly revealed!

As Wei Bo's voice fell, he saw his right hand against a storage bag next to him. Suddenly, "bang" "bang" sounds of extremely heavy footsteps came from the ground where he was The yellow dust in the sky directly covered the surrounding five-meter square space, so that Gu Xiyao in the Gang Qi shield and Lin Ze in the air couldn't help but look at each other, and I didn't know what happened!

The sound of the footsteps on the ground was heavy, and a powerful pole of power came to Gu Xiyao. Her face suddenly lingered, and a huge sense of crisis rose in her heart.

"Does Weibo still have more powerful zombie puppets?" Facing this unknown danger, Gu Xiyao couldn't help guessing.

Soon, reality proved Gu Xiyao's guess.

Five seconds passed, as the yellow dust around Wei Bo gradually dissipated, everyone could see exactly what the loud noises were before!

I saw that a giant zombie puppet about five or six feet tall is now standing next to Wei Bo. From the strong momentum exuded by this zombie puppet, this is definitely a stronger than the zombie puppet outside. A puppet of a zombie.

In fact, this is indeed the case. This zombie puppet is the most powerful zombie puppet in Wei Bo's hands, a fake zombie puppet at the base stage.

Its actual owner is not Wei Bo, but Jiang Chengxing's father Jiang Yan.

This time Jiang Yan's son, Jiang Chengxing, also entered the secret realm to seek treasure, and the zombie sect had just made peace with other Zongmen. The situation outside was still very dangerous. Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of his son Jiang Chengxing, Jiang Yan gave Wei Bo, a puppet of a zombie at the base stage.

He believes that with this zombie puppet who forged the base period of strength, plus Xing Weibo and his party, even if they turned over with those Zongmen, they would have enough strength to break out.

Originally this fake zombie puppet of the base period, Wei Bo was hidden as a killer, and he did not want to take it out easily, but now the situation is urgent, Wei Bo has felt the endless danger is coming to them, so, in order to quickly Won Gu Xiyao, he had to use this last killer tool.

Seeing this huge zombie puppet, especially the huge power it exudes, Gu Xiyao and the blood moon wolves around him are secretly shocked, and I couldn't help thinking that if I was hit by this powerful zombie puppet What would happen...

After the puppet of the zombie at the base stage, Wei Bo didn't say a nonsense. He directly struck the law and directed it directly at Gu Xiyao, then issued a big attack order.

With Wei Bo's order, the pseudo-base-stage zombie puppet next to him slowly opened his jaw, and a pale blue light began to gather in the giant mouth.

At this time, the other zombie puppets who were attacking the gang gas shield immediately stopped their hands and took a few steps back neatly.

Gu Xiyao and the Blood Moon wolves in the Gang Qi shield certainly knew that things were not so good. They almost fully operated the innate Gang Qi at the same time, constantly inputting into the Gang Qi shield around them to strengthen the defense power of the Gang Qi shield.

They knew in their hearts that this was the only barrier they could survive!

As for saying that they are now escaping from the Gang shield, although everyone in their hearts has this idea, but the lesson is here, and no one dares to act rashly.

The time passed quickly, only two seconds. The attack wave of the pseudo-base stage zombie puppet had been formed, and a huge light blue light beam directly ejected from its mouth, directly hitting Gu Xiyao's gang in front of them Gas shield.

Boom! !

Buzz! ! !

The huge beam of light collided with Gu Xiyao's gang gas shield in front of them. This time because Gu Xiyao made preparations early and used their milking power, this super beam of light was under their combined efforts. With the help of the gang gas shield, he resisted this impact stiffly, and the two sides became stalemate for a while!

Lin Ze was in the air, although he was still a little far away from where Gu Xiyao was, but with the help of the sense of force, he still clearly saw that the faces of Gu Xiyao and Blood Moon Wolf below were not due to the success of the resistance With a smile on his face, everyone was too late to replenish after a large amount of innate airflow was lost into the gang gas shield, causing their faces to pale.

However, Lin Ze is still not ready to rescue Gu Xiyao now, because he believes that such a powerful attack cannot last for a long time, and should be passed soon.

Gu Xiyao and those blood moon wolves in the Gang Qi shield obviously understood this, so everyone would gritt their teeth and support it.

Sure enough, this powerful beam of light lasted only a moment, then gradually became thinner, and finally disappeared directly!

Gu Xiyao and the blood moon wolves for the rest of the robbery showed a happy look on their faces at this time. Both sides retracted their hands (paws) against the shield, and then they were greatly relieved.

However, when Wei Bo saw this, he sneered directly at the corner of his mouth, because this attack was only one time, and such an attack is really simple and easy for the zombie puppets in the fake base period. For Gu Xiyao, they would be deadly.

Wei Bo pinched his hands again, and then Yang pointed at Gu Xiyao and his party. I saw the rest of the zombie puppets who had returned to Wei Bo and the previous pseudo-base period zombie puppets opened their mouths one by one. The pale blue light that was extinguished lit up again, and Gu Xiyao who saw this scene on the opposite side was completely shocked.

Before a fake zombie puppet in the base period, they all got out and barely resisted. Now there are so many zombie puppets attacking together, Gu Xiyao's heart is suddenly cold and cool.

After Lin Ze looked at it, he couldn't help but slap his mouth. He really had nothing to say to the corpse sect!

A strong man in the later period of the Supreme Grandmaster, for a small Gu Xiyao, plus several other blood moon wolves, used such a powerful position, which really made Lin Ze speechless.

Because, it is like using a modern nuclear-powered aircraft carrier fleet to attack a battleship during the Second World War. It is just like killing chickens and killing cattle!

This is a fighting method, it is clear that the absolute strength is directly used to kill Gu Xiyao and these people.

"It seems that the strength of this zombie sect is indeed very strong, and actually took out so many powerful zombie puppets!!" After seeing this, Lin Ze secretly wrote a note to the zombie sect.

"So am I going to shoot now?" Lin Ze subconsciously wanted to go down to rescue Gu Xiyao.

Although Lin Ze still has no feelings about Gu Xiyao, as long as she thinks of Gu Xiyao's secret love, Lin Ze can't watch her really fall into death.

Therefore, this time Lin Ze saw that he was going to shoot with his own hands.

Only, soon, Lin Ze frowned, and then stopped trying to save Gu Xiyao's footsteps, because within his range of induction, another team appeared.

"Hey, those who control the Beast Sect, there will be a good show now."

After seeing the man who controlled the Beast Sect, Lin Ze smiled at the corner of his mouth. He knew that there would be more wonderful dramas to be played soon.

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