Alien Lord

Chapter 1787: Retreat

In the small valley below, a group of people are fighting with all their strength, and Lin Ze on the cliff seems to have forgotten to find the trouble of those who attacked him at this time, so he was hidden above the rock wall of the valley, quietly Watch the life-and-death fight below.

The power of Linze’s innate-level stealth is indeed not lacking. You must know that there are six strong master-level strongmen below. However, they did not find Linze in close proximity. He kept watching.

It's not that Lin Ze doesn't want to trouble these people, but that he wants to wipe out all the people below. In this case, he has to consume a lot of the strength of the people below, and at the end, come to a snipe The fisherman wins.

As for the person whom Lin Ze knows below, Lin Ze can guarantee her safety 100%. If something unexpected happens, he will immediately rescue her.

As for now, she is just in a panic, so Lin Ze is still waiting patiently.

Of course, some people will say that with Lin Ze’s current strength and those of the thirty-six strong base-building strongmen, could he not win the following grand masters? He can kill them in seconds.

Indeed, this is indeed the case, but don’t forget that there is Lin Ze’s ‘acquaintance’ below. For this ‘acquaintance’, Lin Ze will never be able to directly enter the world of Plane Seeds.

Moreover, the most important thing is that this'acquaintance' is a sect's child. If she saw Lin Ze's so many masters, she began to doubt Lin Ze's intention to come here. Chinese, or want to come here to attack, etc., and similar ideas, what will Lin Ze do then?

Maybe Lin Ze can explain what is inside, but sometimes, once a seed of doubt is planted in your heart, you want to clear it, but it is very difficult. Lin Ze does not want to cause any misunderstanding to her. .

Therefore, it is better to wait on the side now. After the strength of the following people is almost consumed, Lin Ze goes out again, and it is better to capture all the people inside. At least this way, her heart There will be no doubt about Lin Ze.

In addition, from a darker point of view, until that time, her inner gratitude to Lin Ze, I believe will be stronger.

The following fierce battle lasted for nearly five minutes. During these five minutes, both sides had some damage, and the one who controlled the zombie puppet was the most.

In fact, according to the strength gap between the two sides, the weak side should have been defeated long ago, but whoever called the female warrior had a precious spiritual material that could instantly restore all the energy consumption.

Whenever their true qi is exhausted, as long as they drink a drop of spirit liquid, within two seconds, they can instantly recover their consumed true qi.

Such a situation allows them to fully exert their gang attack, and it is also the most important reason why those guys who manipulate zombie puppets outside can't win them.

However, true energy can be recovered quickly, but their physical strength and energy cannot be recovered quickly.

This battle has lasted for more than half an hour, and now, finally, there is a blood moon wolf, unable to breathe.

It repelled the attack of the three zombie puppets in front of it, and suddenly added several layers of defensive gangs to his body, and then chose a relatively weak enemy direction, directly out of the shield protection around him. , Turned into a streamer, quickly flew out, it seems obvious that I want to escape from here!

The rest of the Blood Moon Wolf and the female warrior saw this, and their hearts were all sinking, and several of the Blood Moon Wolfs made a roar.

But their roar was just out. A super beam of light about half a meter in diameter suddenly shot from the hands of a supreme grandmaster who hadn't shot it before, and flew directly to the **** moon wolf in flight in a flash.

In the face of this supreme grandmaster's full blow, or a sneak attack, the blood moon wolf didn't even make a hum, and it directly fell into a mass of blood, which fell to the ground, and the life and death were unknown.

Because the companions dropped them directly, and chose to escape the remaining four angry blood moon wolves, after seeing this guy's end, the dissatisfaction in the heart disappeared for a moment, after looking at each other for a few times, they all went from There was a trace of fear in the opponent's eyes.

Although they were in a very unfavorable situation just now, but seriously, there is a female warrior who can instantly restore the true energy and consume the spirit liquid. In addition to being anxious, there is actually nothing to worry about.

Because they all believe that even if they can't kill these zombie puppets now, it is not an easy task to consume the strength of these zombie puppets in a protracted battle.

At that time, as long as these zombie puppets lose their fighting power, then they run away, which is a very simple thing.

But now that the escapee's miserable end, immediately awakened their dream!

You know, the **** moon wolf that escaped before escaping. But he did a lot of precautions.

With so many layers of qi protection on them, and they are holding more than half of the strength of those outside, they haven't been able to resist a beam of light. How can they not be shocked!

And the more savage beasts like them, in fact, the more sensitive they are to danger, the more terrible they are to fear death!

This strength was finally achieved, and it can live much longer than ordinary barbarian. It may even become a party overlord in the 100,000 mountains. Even if they are beasts, how can they afford to die so easily!

However, the thick, scary beam of light was too powerful!

If they were shooting at the **** moon wolf who fled, but suddenly came to the gang of gas shields around them, they were really not sure they could follow.

These blood moon wolves, including the female warrior, thought the more they thought, the more they panicked, and they couldn't help but shrink back.

But now in this situation, even if they want to retreat, the other party believes that they will not easily stop when they have the upper hand. For a time, they are in a dilemma.

Lin Ze, who was hidden at the top of the cliff, saw here and understood the thoughts of those below.

Perhaps before the deserters appeared, they could still rely on solidarity to resist the attack of the zombie puppets outside.

However, there is now a deserter, and it is inevitable that there will be another blood moon wolf's heart also with the idea of ​​escape.

Even Lin Ze believes that the one below her must be thinking of escape now. After all, her companions are not human warriors, but a group of savage beasts. She is clever and never really sincere and these Barbarians cooperate.

Whenever there is a chance, she will immediately run away.

"Just, why did she cooperate with these barbarians?" Lin Ze's heart was full of doubts.

Of course, Lin Ze certainly cannot get an answer to this question now. However, she will not be in danger for a while, so Lin Ze stays on the cliff and watches all of the following closely.

The following fighting situation has obviously changed a lot.

The power of the super beam of light just a moment ago blasted away the resistance and confidence of the blood moon wolves and female warriors who were still resisting in the gang shield, so although they still have all kinds of gang attacks, they seem to still Fighting with the zombie puppets outside vividly, but falling into the eyes of insiders like Lin Ze, he knew that their resistance has dropped by more than one grade, and the power of the gang attack is not as good as it was at the beginning. So strong.

This is clearly because the hearts of these blood moon wolves and female warriors are already born with ghosts, and they refuse to work together to resist the enemy.

In this regard, Lin Ze shook his head secretly.

Under such a dangerous fact, they should be more united, but unfortunately, the two parties, one side is the blood moon wolf and the other side is the female warrior, there is a lack of trust between each other, and now it has appeared again The previous thing, a little trust they had just built up just now, was broken.

When Lin Ze above shook his head secretly at this time, the female warrior inside the gang of Qi seemed to realize that it was not appropriate to continue this way, and suddenly shouted at the people outside: "Jiang Chengxing, continue this way If you fight, it will be extremely unfavorable to both of us. Can we be at peace?"

"Oh, Gu Xiyao, you always begged me for mercy, ha ha ha..." Jiang Chengxing in the crowd laughed and looked at Gu Xiyao in the gang gas shield with greed.

Yes, these people are the former Jiang Chengxing group, and Gu Xiyao and the blood moon wolf group.

As for why they are gathered here, the reason is actually caused by various parties.

Previously, Gu Xiyao really escaped at full speed after Yang Han blew herself up. Unfortunately, her transport was really poor, or she saw through the details of those blood moon wolves.

The blood moon wolves did seem to have left before, but they did not. They were still wandering around.

The blood moon wolf killed by Gu Xiyao is the boss of the three blood moon wolves, and they are still brothers.

Although the sibling relationship between the wild beasts is not as intimate as humans, it pays attention to the kinship between them, but these three blood moon wolves have been promoted to the Supreme Master, they have already opened a certain Wise.

And, all the way, they are all united together, so the relationship between them is extremely close.

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