Alien Lord

Chapter 1786: Zombie puppet

Lin Ze is not clear exactly where this Wanmo Mountain is. There are not many introductions about Wanmo Mountain in the map, but it is emphasized that this place is extremely dangerous. Even the strong of the Supreme Grandmaster level does not dare to tread easily. Into this place.

And the map also points out that the aura on the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains is extremely chaotic. This was an ancient war of tens of thousands of years ago. Countless strongmen fought here, which caused the aura here to become extremely chaotic, and, Tens of thousands of years have passed, and it still looks like this.

Since then, the entire Demon Mountain has become a very dangerous place, and it can even be described as the most suitable place to die.

Many wild beasts of ordinary strength have withstood countless chaotic auras, and their strength has become extremely strong. However, their consciousness has also become extremely killing and irritable. Once they encounter them, they are definitely a life and death fight. .

At the same time, because there are wreckage from the war of tens of thousands of years everywhere in Wanmo Mountain, the number of treasures in it can be described as innumerable, so even if it is called the place of death by the cultivation world, there are dangers everywhere, but there are still countless Warriors come here to hunt for treasure.

However, the number of cultivators dying here for this purpose is not less than several thousand every year.

The bad landforms and abundant aura have caused the resources here to be extremely rich. The number of spirits is not only very large, but also the grade and level are not low. Therefore, killings are everywhere here, and they have slowly become the gathering of demon cultivators. Ground.

Even some powerful sects, such as the masters in the top sects such as Tai Yizong, have come here to devastate the scourge of evil warriors who were wanted and hunted down by their sects.

One is to avoid chasing and killing with the special landform of Wanmo Mountain, and the other is to use the resources here to practice and enhance strength. .

The name Wanwan Mountain is also derived from it. As for its original name, it has long been forgotten by the world.

It can be said that Wanmo Mountain is a chaotic power, a mixture of dragons and snakes, not a person in the Devil's Road, and there are few people who are willing to enter.

However, this time, in order to save time, Lin Ze was ready to break into this Wanmo Mountain.

Anyway, he has the avatar of the foundation period, and there are other people in the foundation period. In the eyes of others, the dangerous Demon Mountain is like a tourist attraction for Linze.

Maybe he will encounter some evil businesses when he is "traveling", but Lin Ze believes that he can definitely give these evil businesses a good look.

Lin Ze flew towards Wanmo Mountain, digesting Qu Jingwen's introduction to the detailed situation of Wanmo Mountain that they had just collected.

Lin Ze is constantly advancing above the treetops, but when he passes through a small valley, he suddenly feels a powerful attack of gangster gas, rushing straight to his feet from the ground under him. Come!

Although I don't know what kind of gang attack, just by feeling the huge volatility of gang gas, if he hits Lin Ze, it will definitely hit him directly. If there is no plane seed, Lin Ze will definitely die.

Thinking of this, Lin Ze was shocked and angry in his heart. He suddenly opened his eyes and then replaced his real avatar with a scream, and then his body speed suddenly doubled, and suddenly jumped Another hidden place hundreds of meters away.

Lin Ze felt the power of the Gang attack just now was obviously issued by the Supreme Master. Therefore, Lin Ze's strength was still much worse. Therefore, Lin Ze directly took out his true avatar.

In terms of the strength of the real avatar at the foundation stage, it is not a problem at all to pick up the "sneak attackers" below.

However, Lin Ze also needs to first figure out who these "sneak attacks" are him? Is there any ambush around?

Therefore, Lin Ze went into hiding first, and was prepared to wait until he had figured out all this before giving a nice look to those who "sneak attacked" him below.

In the next second when Lin Ze hid himself, a "boom", a huge yellow beam of light, passed directly from where Lin Ze was originally staying, "Bang", directly to the small valley Above the cliff wall, a huge black hole was punched out.

Looking at the **** hole on the cliff that was more than ten meters wide and two or three meters deep, Lin Ze's face became somber!

"Does anyone know that he is going to pass by here, and ambush himself here in advance?" Lin Ze, who was frightened by anger, couldn't help thinking about things in the dark. Then, without thinking, Lin Ze directly carried out the escape technique.

A "bang" muffled sound.

Suddenly a light black mist emerged from Lin Ze's side at the same time, quickly surrounded Lin Ze, and was still expanding, turning into a light black shadow with a diameter of more than ten meters.

Then, with a breath, Lin Ze's figure completely disappeared into the air.

With the protection of the innate level of escape, Lin Ze boldly flew directly into the small valley, and soon came to the top of the small valley, looking calmly towards the ground!

Soon, Lin Ze saw everything on the ground. After he really saw the situation on the ground, Lin’s mouth opened and he could not close together for a long time, because someone on the ground was fighting, Moreover, both sides of this group have seen Lin Ze before.

Five blood moon wolves, and a beautiful female warrior as the leeward side, are fighting against the enemies that surround them in groups of nearly thirty.

And their opponents, all expressionless and lifeless, were actually puppets like zombie puppets.

Some of them are also very impressive, reaching the zombie puppet in the late Grand Master.

Don't look at these zombie puppets one by one seems to be slow, it seems to be very good to deal with, but in fact, if you really think so, then you are not far from death.

These zombie puppets seem to move slowly, and the attacks are straight up and down, there is no turning at all, but once it really launches an attack, the speed is fast, it can be described by the speed of sound.

The most terrible thing is that the bodies of these zombie puppets are extremely strong, and attacking them is like tickling them, and they can't hurt them much.

Moreover, the warriors who control the zombie puppets outside are clearly in good cooperation with each other. Whenever a zombie puppet is knocked down or repulsed by these barbaric beasts, the warrior’s gangster attack will start from one side. A few new zombie puppets were added to the prepared woods, and the number of siege and the frequency of attacks remained unchanged.

That's not enough, the offensive of these zombie puppets is also very fierce and powerful!

As long as the zombie puppets occasionally have a large mouth, a huge beam of light with a thick bowl will be ejected from the mouth, which is exactly the same as the one that almost hit Lin Ze, except that most of their beams are yellow, or bluish yellow, and with With extremely strong smell and yin, and strong corrosiveness, it is obvious that these gangster attacks are all corpse gas.

Lin Ze does not need to look at these things, as long as he smells the smell, he can see it.

As for the zombie puppets that are above the level of the Grand Master, the strength is even more powerful. Although they shot far fewer times than the general zombie puppets during the siege, each attack can be said to be subversive. Sexual.

Like the zombie puppet of the Grand Master level that Lin Ze sees now, maybe he is a swordsman in front of him, and he is still holding a sword in his hand at this time, and this sword is constantly shooting out the thickness of his fingers. The light black sword energy, although the amount of sword energy is very small, but the power is extremely powerful.

After encountering these sword qi, the two blood moon wolves of the Supreme Grandmaster level only voluntarily avoided and never resisted.

However, even if this is the case, this sword gas also left a tens of meters factory on the ground, a trace of one or two meters deep.

Seriously, if it weren’t for the blood moon wolves and the female warrior below that were extremely flexible, they evaded these powerful gang attack early on, and joined forces to support a powerful gang gas shield, I am afraid they would have died there The zombie puppets were bombarded.

However, this is not the biggest headache for them, and the biggest headache for them is the melee zombie puppets with swords and These zombie puppets not only hold a handful of black soldiers, but also Seeing the shining swords and guns in their hands, they were all genuine level-level soldiers.

Although the number of them is only a dozen, they are enough to enclose the masks. Afterwards, they are stabs and stabs endlessly, and the endless attacks of the gang gas, actually hit the powerful gang gas shield. It must be shaky, light and dark!

If it weren’t for the two **** wolves of the Supreme Grandmaster level to continually replenish the gas, I am afraid that the gas shield in front of them had already broken countless times.

Lin Ze looked at it for several tens of seconds. During these times, Lin Ze didn't see the people and wild beasts in the gang gas shield, how many effective counter-attacks.

This is not the wild beasts and martial arts, really do not have the strength to deal with those zombie puppets.

After all, several of them are strong masters of the Supreme Grandmaster level, especially those female warriors. Not only is she really strong, but the black flag streamer in her hand is extremely amazing.

In this short time, he directly repelled the six attacks of the zombie puppets outside the strength of the Grand Master, which effectively guaranteed the safety of the gang gas shields around him.

Taking this good opportunity, the remaining Blood Moon Wolf directly launched a small-scale counterattack, dozens of half-moon cuts, and directly killed four grandmaster-level zombie puppets.

It can be seen that the barbarian inside and the female warrior still have a strong counterattack, but no matter how powerful the counterattack power in their hands, the zombie puppets around them seem to be endless, and they have been constantly adding one by one. , And fought a war of attrition with them, letting these barbaric beasts and the female warrior in the gang of gas shield get colder in their hearts!

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