Alien Lord

Chapter 1778: Chase to

"The man who controls the Beast Sect?!" Hearing a trace of doubt in Yang Han's eyes, because, he really didn't expect that the person who started with Gu Xiyao would be the one who controlled the Beast Sect, he thought it would be What about other people?

"I see, the original legend of the Beast Sect is true!" Suddenly, Yang Han seemed to want to understand something, and there was a trace of surprise on his face.

"According to legend, there are countless spirit beast souls in the control beast sect, which were all drawn by the people who controlled the beast sect after the death of the spirit beast in the control beast sect. I didn’t think this was true before. People who are so eager to deal with Gu Xiyao, obviously this thing is true. Oh, I really can’t think that the people who control the Beast Sect will be so black-hearted!" Yang Han shook his head, and his heart was also black for the people who controlled the Beast Sect. I was very surprised.

Other people have spent their entire lives on why you control the beast sect from birth to death, the credit can be said to be great, but you control the beast sect after others die, they also extract the souls of others, so that these spirit beasts can not be freed, just become Yin Yin was once again enslaved for countless years, and perhaps there is no hope of detachment for eternal life.

Even Yang Han felt very cold in this way.

Because, even if he is, his heart is black, but for the people under his hands who really made great contributions for him, or the spirit beast, he is actually good to them.

Like a man under his command, Yang Han will reward a very rich thing, and for the spirit beast on his hand, Yang Han will greatly invest in spiritual materials to cultivate it.

If it is not easy to die, Yang Han will not use its flesh // body as a resource, nor will it extract its soul, but will choose a good place to bury it.

And now it seems that the practice of controlling the beasts is obviously different from Yang Han. Their hearts are extremely black. Even Yang Han is now ashamed.

"I will be more careful when I get along with the people who control the Beast Sect in the future." Yang Han kept admonishing himself. After this incident, Yang Han's view of the so-called Sovereign Beast Master has already It was completely changed.

"However, if this is the case, if the Beast Sovereign gets the thousand demon streamers, it will really be more powerful!" Yang Han's eyes were envious.

When they reached their status, they all knew the details of Qianmowa.

Yes, the power of the Thousand Demon streamers is now a ground level top level soldier. However, this is only the strength that is less than one tenth of the remaining power after it has been hit hard. The real power of the Thousand Demon streamers, Definitely the most top-level magic weapon.

Thousand Demon streamers, as the name implies, want to really exert its power, you must have a thousand powerful demon souls. Only by gathering these thousand demon souls can Thousand Demon streamers play its endless power. strength.

It is a pity that the supplement of the Demon Soul is extremely difficult, because the minimum requirement it requires is the Grand Soul or Soul of the Grand Master level, and, like the Grand Soul or the Soul of the Grand Master level, it can only add energy to the Thousand Demon streamers. However, if you want to be truly absorbed by the Thousand Demon streamers, you can manipulate them to fight, and you can only be the Supreme Grand Master, and the soul or magic soul above.

A great master is extremely difficult to practice, not to mention getting his soul.

Is it true that no one has thought of directly capturing the strong of the Grand Master level and forcibly extracting their souls, such an idea, the former sect that got the Thousand Demon streamers, more than once someone secretly thought so.

Only, in the end this idea was abandoned.

The strong at the Grandmaster level is not so easy to capture.

At this level, the relationship around him is extremely complicated, even if he is a casual practitioner, the same is true.

No one can be sure that this large master level of loose training will not have a friend of the strong who belongs to the sect, or a more powerful predecessor.

As long as this is not certain, Zongmen like Xuanyin Demon Dao will not dare to start easily.

In addition, there is absolutely no airtight wall in the world.

Perhaps in the beginning period of time, these masters secretly started against the strong like the Grand Master, and will not be noticed by others. However, once the time is long, this matter will soon spread throughout the whole cultivation world.

Perhaps at the beginning, it was only rumored that a black hand secretly started against the Grand Master, reminding other Grand Masters of the need for their own safety.

However, after a long time, someone will find out the secret inside.

The Zongmen cannot be all people with very tight mouths. What's more terrible is that the dark lines inserted by other Zongmens will definitely vigorously explore related news. In this way, Zongmens like Xuanyin Devil and Dao want to keep this secret. The secret will not last long, and sooner or later this secret will be exposed.

And once this matter is exposed, hehe, the only thing waiting for these sects is a dead end.

Countless strongmen will directly unite to siege these Mafia sect.

Therefore, as long as the sect is somewhat knowledgeable, it will not make such a decision that waiting for death is suicide.

Progressively speaking, it is useless for these masters to only capture the strong of the Grand Master level, because the soul of the Grand Master level can only supplement the energy consumption of the Thousand Devils, and want to restore the power of the Thousand Devils. It has no effect at all.

If you want to restore the power of Thousand Demon streamers, you have to provide a soul of at least Supreme Grandmaster level.

The Supreme Grandmaster is not the Grandmaster. Their strength is many times stronger than the Grandmaster. Even if the Xuanyin Devil is determined to catch the Grandmaster, the success rate will be pitiful.

I won't say anything else, just escape.

If a strong man of the Supreme Grandmaster level wants to escape, there is still a chance of the Seventh or Eighth Floor. Under such circumstances, how long can you say that the secrets of the Xuanyin Demon Dao can be kept secret? !

Therefore, it has been tens of thousands of years for Xuanyin Demon Dao to obtain the Thousand Demon streamers, but even now, they have not had similar thoughts because they understand that once they do this, they will soon Facing death.

However, this matter is different in Yuzuzong, because they now have a sufficient number of souls in their hands, and a considerable part of their strength is very strong, and even a considerable number of base-building strength souls.

To be honest, the Beast Sect Master is really more powerful in collecting beast souls. Their ability to control beasts allows them to collect the spirits of some wild beasts, which is as simple as eating.

For those who control the Beast Sect, they do not need to go outside to kill the wild beasts, and then extract their souls. They can completely wait in the Sect Gate, waiting quietly to take those spirit beasts to death, and then extract Their soul.

Moreover, because these spirit beasts have been carefully cultivated for decades, or even hundreds of years, by the Beast Sect Master, so before the death, each one was extremely strong.

The Grand Master level is almost as much as the feathers. The number of the Supreme Grand Master level is also quite large. As for the number of spirit beasts during the foundation period, there are no less than one hundred.

What's more, Yu Beast Sect, like Xuanyin Demon Sect, has existed for tens of thousands of years. After such a long time, how many spiritual beasts and souls will they collect? !

Anyway, in the eyes of Yang Han, this number will definitely not be less than one million, or even ten million.

The disciple disciples who control the Beast Sect have the most prosperity, that is, the strongest strength, up to millions, even if the strength is weakened to the lowest, the number is not less than one hundred thousand.

Among so many disciples, Yuzongzong collects hundreds of spirits and beasts every year. Why not?

Therefore, the number of one million looks amazing, but there is nothing really surprising about Yu Beast Sect.

"I said that every time I fought for Qianmoban before, I would see the people who control the Beast Sect, and they are not generally positive. The original reason is here." Yang Han now understands why the Beast Sect is eager to take the first step. Too.

"In order to control the Beast Sect over tens of thousands of years, Qianmo streamers are really going to fall into their hands. Maybe ten years later, lest the rampant Qianmo streamers will appear in the world. ..."

When thinking of the future scene of Yu Beast Sect sweeping all the Sect gates by relying on Qianmo streamers, Yang Hanhun directly shivered.

"No, no matter whether it's for Qianmo streamer, for my grandson Yang Xinyu, or to prevent Yuzuzong from getting Qianmo streamer, I can't delay here, I have to go to that valley as soon as possible."

Yang Han quickly made a decision ~ ~ He directly took the light, turned into a stream of light and flew towards the valley where Gu Xiyao is located.

As for the doormen who came to report his goose information before, he was left behind by far.


"Senior Feng, are you really good at killing?" Gu Xiyao asked, looking at Feng Qiping, who was chasing in desperation before him.

After she injured Yu Ming, she left the valley as quickly as possible.

In fact, Gu Xiyao originally wanted to find Lin Ze, but she knew that she had injured Yu Ming and Lin Ze did not appear. Gu Xiyao guessed that Lin Ze had already left this valley long ago.

Therefore, at that time Gu Xiyao made a decisive decision and left the valley directly.

And, as soon as he came out, he tried his best to cover his tracks.

It's like smearing some special powder on the body to cover the breath of one's own body, so that those who follow her behind can't find themselves.

After that, he turned directly and lurked towards the inside of the 100,000 mountains. He wanted to use the wild beasts in the 100,000 mountains to scare away those who followed her.

As for her own safety, Gu Xiyao believes that under the protection of war golems, her safety is not a problem.

It's a pity that Gu Xiyao thinks it's good, but she still underestimated the tracking methods of others, or underestimated the attraction of Qianmoban to those people.

She had just escaped from the valley for a few hours, and soon she discovered that she was being followed.

Afterwards, Gu Xiyao used a lot of methods, but in the end, all the futile work was done. The people who followed her not only were not dumped by her, but the number seemed to be increasing.

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