Alien Lord

Chapter 1777: track

"Congenital realm is different, if in the past, I want to lift so many people at once, only use my consciousness, now I only need to use a little bit of innate ingenuity, so I can lift up in front of me so easily. Some people, hehe..." Lin Ze's heart was really comfortable.

"Thank you master!" Soon, Qu Jingwen and others stood up.

"Master, we are ready to celebrate everything, aren't we..." Xin Xue stepped forward to Lin Ze's side and asked quietly.

"Congratulations?" Lin Ze thought.

Indeed, his advanced innate calculations are a big deal, but...

"Forget it, this ceremony will be postponed. Now that the Xingyue Canyon trading market is about to open, if you hold a celebration ceremony now, you may miss something, and when we return to Huangsha Town, we will have a huge celebration ceremony. Since this is the case, we will wait until we return to Huangsha Town to celebrate together." Lin Ze replied after thinking for a while.

It is an extremely important thing for martial arts to advance in advance. Generally, a grand celebration will be held. This is true whether it is loose repair, or family, royal family, sect.

However, compared with the royal family, Zongmen and other two giants, the family and Sanxiu held this celebration more grand and more important.


In fact, the reason is very simple, that is, the strength of the family and loose repair, which is equivalent to the royal family and the sect, the difference is really great.

Congenital warriors are very rare in the aristocratic family and scattered repairs, but in the royal family and sect gate, it is very common.

I won't talk about the royal family and top ancestors here, just talk about the miniature sects.

Like the sandbar where Lin Ze is now, there are a lot of sect gates here, let alone the leader of the Beast Gate, those small sect gates inside, like those small sect gates stationed in Linsha City, The number of congenital warriors in it is also the number of hands.

Congenital strong man with a few hands, you say there will be another congenital strong man, this sect will celebrate happily? !

Obviously not, even if there is a celebration event, it is a small scale.

However, for those families, such as the Hou Ye Mansion where Lin Ze is located, the real strength outside is not even a congenital strong man. You said that if there is a congenital strong man, the one in Hou Ye Mansion Where can people get mad crazy.

At that time, a grand celebration is inevitable.

(Hou Ye Mansion where Lin Ze is located, there is no congenital power on the bright side, but in the dark, there are still two elder innate strong guards, this is when Lin Ze returned to Kyoto before , Just found out.

It's just that these two congenital elders are obviously not too young, plus this is the last strength of Hou Ye Mansion, so under normal circumstances, they will not come out. )

Oh, you said that Lin Ze now has a handful of innate powerhouses, so it doesn't matter whether he holds a celebration or not.

If you say this, you are really wrong.

Don’t forget, Huangsha Town, where Lin Ze is now located, is a town that has just begun to prosper. In the past hundreds of years, even thousands of years, it was the most remote town. In the eyes of many people, this Small towns can be ignored directly.

At this time, it is time to vigorously promote Huangsha Town, and there is nothing better than a congenital strongman here, and a better means of propaganda.

Not to mention, for the ordinary people, for ordinary people, it is equivalent to the existence of Dinghaizhenzhen. Once they know that their city owner is a congenital strongman, these people's heart for the recognition of Huangsha Town It will be stronger, and more refugees will be willing to settle in Huangsha Town in the future.

Correspondingly, after knowing Lin Ze’s powerful strength, like those restless elements in Linsha City, some dark things in his heart would not dare to easily show Lin Ze.

In the same way, after knowing Lin Ze's advanced innate strength, those who want to calculate Lin Ze in Kyoto, like the Seventh Prince, Confucianism, and others, will have great scruples in their hearts.

Therefore, this time Lin Ze advanced things, not only need to hold a celebration, but also have to be held on a large scale, it is best to directly name Kyoto.

In this way, Lin Ze can save a lot of trouble in the future.

But, now, Lin Ze really has no intention to hold any celebration party.

As long as I think of the strong men of the Golden Pill Period and the more powerful Xuanyin Master, this trace of joy in Lin Ze's heart dissipates most of it.

As for the celebration, there is not much interest, at least for now.

"The host said that it will be more lively and grander than the present when the celebration ceremony is held after Huangsha Town," Qu Jingwen said with approval.

Qu Jingwen still considered the things Lin Ze considered, so he agrees with Lin Ze.


Almost a day has passed since the closure of the Xuanyin Secret Realm. During this day, countless things have happened around, and a lot of them are around the word treasure.

Those cultivators who have not been able to enter the mysterious dark realm, or those cultivators who specialize in black guns, or cultivators who see money, and some wild beasts attracted by the elixir here, these people and The wild beasts carried out fierce battles one after another within a hundred kilometers around the Windy Canyon.

It is also for this reason that the Yinfeng Canyon is filled with a strong **** smell.

However, Yang Han, who cares about these **** blood demon gates, does not care at all. He now looks coldly in a certain direction, waiting quietly for what.

"Furfuro!!" Suddenly, a sound of flying came from a distance.

More than a dozen figures appeared in Yang Han's line of sight. After seeing these figures coming, his long-term unchanged eyes began to change.

Ever since he knew that his favorite grandson, Yang Xinyu, died in the mysterious realm of Xuanyin, from that time on, his face was a cold bar.

"Boo babble!!" Soon, these dozen shadows came to Yang Han.

One of the leaders came directly out of the crowd and came to Yang Han and bowed and said, "Elder Qi Yu, we have found Gu Xiyao's trace. She was wounded in a small valley fifty miles away."

"Very good, lead the way!" Yang Han's words were still so cold, and the killing in his eyes was already rich and substantial.

After Yang Han knew that Gu Xiyao was in the vicinity of his dead grandson and Yang Xinyu's body was nearby, Gu Xiyao was the biggest suspect in his mind who killed his grandson.

From that time on, Yang Han captured Gu Xiyao secretly in a big calculation, and asked clearly what was going on.

Of course, as long as Gu Xiyao is captured, Yang Han will kill her no matter whether she did it or not.

One is to prevent things from leaking, and the other is to kill Gu Xiyao to be buried with his grandson.

Originally, Yang Han was going to spend a considerable amount of time to do this. After all, Gu Xiyao is still in the team of Xuanyin Demon Dao. Even with Yang Han's strength, he dare not provoke him, and can only wait for Gu Xiyao to be alone. To be able to get started.

It's just that something happened that surprised Yang Han. Gu Xiyao directly sentenced Xuanyin Demon Road, and also took away the thousand demon streamers she had taken.

This thing really made Yang Han almost jumped up with joy.

Gu Xiyao's betrayal made Yang Han no longer need to estimate the threat of Xuanyin's Demon Road. In addition, the thousand demon streamers on Gu Xiyao's body, Yang Han was also a must-have.

Before, he would risk sending his grandchildren into the secret realm. One of the most important reasons is this thousand demon streamers.

Yang Han had been promoted to the realm of the Supreme Master in the late 20 years ago, but his strength has not been broken through in the past 20 years. He knows that if he wants to break through the current bottleneck, one needs to be similar to building The miraculous base in the base The other one needs a powerful magic weapon.

Thousand demon streamers are the most suitable magic weapon.

As long as he can get this thousand demon streamers, then Yang Han is 100% sure that he can be promoted to the foundation period.

Promoted from Supreme Master to the strong foundation period, this is really too tempting for Yang Han, so he knows that the danger in the Xuanyin secret is extremely dangerous, and he knows to let Yang Xinyu go in to fight for a thousand demon streamers It was a matter of life and death. In the end, he couldn't resist this temptation and sent Yang Xinyu to fight for the thousand demon streamers.

As a result, the results that Yang Han did not want to see appeared.

His most beloved and most promising grandson, Yang Xinyu, not only did not bring out a thousand demon streamers, but also died directly inside.

This reality almost defeated Yang Han.

If it weren’t for Yang Han’s strong psychological quality, he could not bear the blow.

Now the Qianmo streamer is in Gu Xiyao's hand, and Yang Han also has to find the murderer who killed his grandson on Gu Xiyao. Therefore, Yang Han's eyes were fixed on Gu Xiyao at the beginning.

Even the disciples of the disciples who brought the Blood Demon Gate returned to Zongmen, Yang Han could not care about it for a while, and directly gave this matter to another elder with relatively weak strength, and he himself, then Follow the disciple Gu Xiyao with disciples who are proficient in tracing inside the door.

It was with these blood demon disciples who were proficient in tracking that Yang Han was able to find Gu Xiyao's trail so quickly and determine her location.

"Elder, there are other people in the valley where Gu Xiyao is located." Just as Yang Han was about to leave, the leader said directly.

"Oh, are there other people? Who is it?" Yang Han did not expect that there would be others who followed Gu Xiyao's footsteps.

"It is the man who controls the Beast Sect!"

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