Alien Lord

Chapter 1762: Classics

"Xinxue, find some books that break through innateness. I want to see how others feel when they break through innateness." Lin Ze looked at the countless books in front of him.

This time he is preparing to break through the congenital realm. Therefore, he highly values ​​the experience of others when they break through the congenital state.

Although Lin Ze is not worried that he will not be able to break through the innate, but like those of the school tyrants, they will still study very seriously before the exam. This is an attitude, not a pretence.

The blood on one side was already prepared. He first took out a book and then asked: "Master, do you want to learn from scratch, or just want to see the experience of breaking through the innate experience?"

Lin Ze was stunned and asked, "Is there any difference?"

"Master, there are still some differences. After all, the experience of others is always others, and, if you want to truly understand his mind, you have to start from the beginning when he first started. In this way, You will know more about how this person breaks through the innate, and you will learn more experience, and if you just look at the records of how to break through the innate experience, then your feeling here will not be like The former one is so deep, it is just a superficial understanding." Xin Xue replied seriously.

Lin Ze shook his head without thinking after hearing it. He now has limited time, but he doesn't have much leisure time to do this.

"Or the latter one, I just need some experience records." Lin Ze said directly.

Xin Xue nodded, and he had long expected Lin Ze's answer.

After all, the experience of others is someone else's. If you really understand too much, it may hinder your breakthrough.

Among the examples of quasi-innate warriors failing to break through the innate, in fact, a considerable part is because they are walking according to the experience of their predecessors, these people completely forgot, they and the predecessors are actually fundamental The difference is that they can learn from the experience of their predecessors, but they cannot draw the gourd like this. If you do this, you will only face the result of failure in the end.

"Master, these are the best experience records, please see!" Xin Xue handed Lin Ze a dozen very thin booklets from his right hand. These booklets are very representative experience records. The collected information is also considered top-level, which is suitable for Lin Ze to learn from now.

Lin Ze nodded with joy, and praised Xinxue.

After all, Xin Xue was able to prepare for him like this. It was absolutely a painstaking effort. If it was replaced by someone else, it would already be a great favor. Therefore, Lin Ze would only thank Xin Xue. After all, he couldn’t make his family busy. No.

"The secrets of these experiences should be kept well in the future, but this is the greatest wealth!" Lin Ze confessed.

Perhaps in the minds of other cultivators, the most important thing is the cheats and the resources for cultivation, but in Lin Ze's view, in fact, the importance of these predecessors' cultivation experience is also very important.

To say that the secret of cultivation is a mountain, then the experience of these predecessors in cultivation is that you climb the thoroughfare of this mountain, which is the shortest way for you to cross this mountain in the end.

As for those cultivation resources, it is the food and water you need to walk on this thoroughfare.

These three are actually indispensable.

"Yes, Master, Xin Xue understands!" Xin Xue replied respectfully.

Even if Lin Ze does not say this, Xinxue will do the same. When he comes to this level, he will not know where that thing is important or which thing is unimportant.

"Well, that's fine. I'm very satisfied with what you did this time. It's your job. Now you and the others will go out first. I have to calm down and take a good look at the experience of these predecessors." Lin Ze picked up a book that Xinxue had handed to him and said.

"Yes, Master, I'll retire first. If you have any command, just shout." Xin Xue didn't say much, and retired directly.

After Xinxue went out, Lin Ze began to read the first book with all his heart. Since he opened the first side, his mind was all gathered on it.

This clearly records everything above. At the beginning, I was describing the various encounters that broke through the congenital period and how to solve them.

Because the attributes of the warrior are different, there are even many kinds.

Like soil properties, metal properties, fire properties, water properties, wood properties, thunder properties, wind properties, and even soil and water properties, it can be said that there are various properties, which leads to congenital breakthroughs, The difficulties encountered are various.

Each attribute will face different difficulties when it breaks through innateness. Except that it is roughly the same when accumulating true energy, the difficulties faced at other times are somewhat different.

At the same time, after reading these records, Lin Ze also discovered that there is also a difference in attributes of the Innate Breaking Pills, and the warriors of various attributes are best to be able to swallow the corresponding attributes of the Innate Breaking Pills It’s okay, otherwise, maybe you will get twice the result with half the effort.

At the same time, Lin Ze also understood why different qualities of innate barriers, the price difference is so far.

For example, the middle-class congenital obstacle-breaking pill, the price is more than ten times higher than the inferior congenital obstacle-breaking pill, which is the dream of all quasi-innate warriors.

Why is there such a big difference between the two?

This is because Zhongpin's Innate Breaking Pill, not only contains very few impurities, but once the warrior takes it, he can greatly increase the energy of the human body, and the increase in energy indicates that the true energy that can be transformed is even more. too much.

The inferior innate barrier of the inferior product obviously has no such effect. Comparing the two, the price of the latter is more than ten times higher, which is a matter of course.

This Chinese congenital indestructible panacea that can obviously speed up the cultivation rate will of course be regarded as a treasure by countless practitioners, and it is also beyond the reach of ordinary practitioners.

However, because the conditions for refining such medicines are extremely harsh, such medicines are extremely rare. I believe this is also an important reason why the price of such medicines can be so high.

It is also because of the high price and small quantity of this kind of panacea, so even if such a panacea is obtained, many martial artists first consider taking it at the most critical time, such as when breaking through the extreme barriers. The medicinal properties of this panacea can be brought to the extreme. Similarly, the probability of breaking through the extreme of the realm can be greatly increased.

Therefore, if there is a middle class, and the above-mentioned innate obstacles are on the market, it will definitely be robbed in an instant, and the speed is absolutely beyond your imagination.

Maybe in a few seconds, these panacea will be sold out.

First of all, it is a congenital broken barrier of the middle grade. In the market, it is an absolute priceless and marketable commodity.

In addition, there are some other medicines and spirits that can help to break through. This is also mentioned above, but the effects of these things are varied.

Some can quickly enhance the consciousness in a short time, some can quickly treat the internal injuries during the breakthrough, and some can even temporarily stop you from getting caught in the breakthrough and give you the corresponding time to save ........, and so on, there are many similar things, a lot, in short, it can be said that it is messy, anyway, Lin Ze is dizzy and dizzy, plus he has plane seeds in the guardian himself, use Without these means, he simply gave up.

After turning over several corresponding secrets of experience, Lin Ze suddenly saw a description of the role of the best congenital breaking barrier in a secret of experience.

After watching it carefully, even Lin Ze was secretly surprised in his heart.

This author vividly uses water tanks to metaphorically refer to the Dantian of the human body. It explains in detail that every time the acquired powerhouse exercises to a certain degree, the water in this tank in Dantian will reach the limit and can no longer be increased.

At this time, if the acquired warrior wants to continue to improve his strength, he must expand the capacity of the water tank in Dantian. From an outside point of view, in fact, it is to make his own Qi cultivation level, or higher purity. .

To make an analogy Before, the purity of your true qi was 20%, and now you have to find a way to increase it to 30%, or even higher.

However, the average acquired warrior wants to do this, the difficulty can be said to be as difficult as climbing to the sky, although not as difficult as the advanced congenital realm, it is not an easy task. Anyway, among the 10,000 acquired warriors, there will be no more than ten ultimate successes. This chance is really extremely small.

However, the greatest role of Need for Innate Breaking Pills is now displayed here.

Once you have taken the best innate break-through pill, the pure medicinal effect inside will automatically start to refine your face's true qi, and you can greatly improve the purity of your true qi essence in a short time.

At this time, let's not say that the increase from 20% to 30%, even if it is increased to 40%, is not a problem.

Moreover, the most important thing is that this indispensable innate barrier can raise your true energy limit.

At this time, the true energy in your body has already reached the limit, as long as you add a little more, that is the biggest opportunity to break through.

In this case, if you can blow up the closed meridians in one go, it is natural and you can be promoted to the next stage.

However, if you can't get through the meridians, then this added little Qi will slowly lose vitality and eventually dissipate outside the body.

It is also specifically noted above that the effect of Need for Innate Breaking Pill is closely related to its quality and the age of the user.

The better the quality of Need for Innate Breaking Pills, the greater the possibility of successful customs clearance, and the younger the user is, the more sufficient the vitality is, and the greater the possibility of breaking the barrier.

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