Alien Lord

Chapter 1761: mechanism

In the house in the main city of Huaxia City, a guard walked in and said something softly to Xin Xue's ear.

When Xin Xue heard it, he was overjoyed and came directly to Lin Ze. He said excitedly: "Master, the refining of Innate Breaking Pill is already ready. Now you can start refining. I don’t know if you are the master. Don't you have this interest to see?"

After talking, Xin Xue looked at Lin Ze expectantly. He wanted Lin Ze to agree to see the situation of alchemy.

Alchemy has always been done by Xin Xue. In the past, he had no chance to let Lin Ze go to see it. Now that Lin Ze has time, he wants Lin Ze to go to see the situation of alchemy master to prove his previous Work hard.

After listening, Lin Ze smiled and said directly to Xin Xue: "Yes, I'll go and see. Seriously, I really haven't seen such a scene like refining the innate obstacles."

"Master, please on your side!" Xin Xue rejoiced and guided Lin Ze towards the alchemy room.

Lin Ze didn't say much, and went directly with Xin Xue to the alchemy room.

The area of ​​Lin Ze’s house is not small. Before Lin Ze’s heart was already there, but when he really left the inner house and came to the outer house, he really realized the huge size of the house.

When he was led by Xinxue to the outer house, Xinxue actually moved directly to a black flame horse. Lin Ze rode on these black flame horses, and after riding the horse in the outer house for nearly ten minutes Only then did he really know that it turned out that Qu Jingwen had built such a large house.

And, this is just the area of ​​the house inside and outside. If the gardens and the like inside are also included, the area is definitely bigger.

Perhaps the beauty of the buildings in the current house is not as good as the beauty of the Chinese Bauhinia City, but if it is related to the living area, the number of rooms and the layout of the array, then even if there are ten or hundred forbidden cities It is also really hard to beat.

After nearly ten minutes, Xin Xue took the lead and jumped off Malay in a well-guarded courtyard.

Although he is a well-known manager here, even if he comes here, he needs to go through some tests.

The guards who guarded the gate didn't seem to know Xinxue at all. They didn't even greet them at all. They looked at him coldly until they saw Lin Ze behind, and these talents let out with respect.

The guards here are designed by Lin Ze. Although there is no need to worry about the dangers of the outside world here, everything is foreseeable but not foreseeable. For such security measures, Lin Ze starts from now on.

In the future, the Plane Seed World will definitely be open. At that time, no one knows if anyone will come boldly to test here. Therefore, Lin Ze will first do a good job of guards here. If there are such bold people then, these guards will be You can let them see their power.

Although this is where the alchemy room is located, it looks like a huge mansion outside, but in fact, after you walk in, you will find that this is actually a cave, a cave with red flames.

There are a lot of caves, and the exact number is not clear to Lin Ze. He only remembers that when he set the number of ground fires here a month ago, it was more than 3,000. It can be seen that there are preferably three here. There are more than a thousand caves, and in these caves, there is the alchemy room.

Lin Xin entered the house with Xinxue, and they went directly to a huge cave on the left.

There are more than ten rooms of different sizes in this cave, each of which has a row of small characters written on it.

After coming here, Xin Xue did not hesitate, took Lin Ze straight to a room with the secret hall (innate) written on it, and then pushed the door straight in.

Looking at his movements, he is quite familiar with this place, presumably because it was the place where he often came before.

Entering this room, Lin Ze looked up, and was very surprised, because there were even a collection of dozens of bookcases in this room. Some of these collections were old and some were even newer. Yu still has some jade slips.

Lin Ze's eyes swept over these bookcases, and his mind suddenly became clear. This is actually a bookcase, with collections of Qu Jingwen and Xinxue, the relevant cultivation knowledge in the minds of these guys.

Lin Ze also remembered this time. Before that, he had already explained Qu Jingwen and Xinxue, let them build some collections of books in it, and put the cultivation knowledge in the mind of each cultivator, and some others. Miscellaneous knowledge is archived and stored as the future heritage.

It's just that because this matter is not very important, after Lin Ze's account, he forgot it. Now that Xin Xue brought him here, he remembered it.

"Xin Xue, these are the things I ordered you to collect before?" Lin Ze picked up a book on the bookcase and said.

"Yes master, these books are all the cultivation knowledge in our minds, which are all alchemy knowledge, other refining tools, cheats, and miscellaneous knowledge, all collected in other corresponding book collection pavilions. "Xin Xue replied immediately.

After Lin Ze issued an order before, they could forget it, but they never dare to forget the blood of the subordinates, so this time he took advantage of Lin Ze to explain this matter to him.

"Well, very good, you have done a good job, and I am very satisfied!" Lin Ze just read the contents of the book, and he was very satisfied with Xin Xue's record.

Although it is just a book, but this book was drawn from countless books by Lin Ze, Xin Xue certainly would not know that Lin Ze would read this book.

However, the records on this book are very detailed, and the writing on it is also very neat, clear, and looks very comfortable.

It can be seen that Xinxue really did their best.

"Master, this is what the subordinates should have done." Xin Xue said with a smile, which could satisfy Lin Ze, he was really happy in his heart.

"Since this library is already established, you can make a plan together with Qu Jingwen, a plan to exchange your contributions for practicing secret methods. As long as you have enough credit, he can redeem any in the library. The secrets of your cultivation, even the top ones." Lin Ze ordered.

He will do this sooner or later, and it is also one of the most important reasons why he asked Xinxue to build a library.

Lin Ze now arranges no fewer than 30,000 men in the world of Plane Seeds, and the qualifications of these people to practice are all acceptable.

Lin Ze will arrange them all. In fact, he wants to vigorously cultivate them. However, Lin Ze cannot support them for no reason. He has to work out a competition mechanism in it.

Otherwise, like eating a big pot of rice, many people will lose their self-motivatedness and have too many deficiencies. This is definitely not what Lin Ze wants to see.

Now that this library is established, Lin Ze’s competition mechanism can be implemented.

In the future, if you want to get better practice secrets, you have to pay the corresponding credit. If you want to get a better medicine, you have to pay the corresponding credit. If you want to go out for a few days, you need a lot of credit. ......... etc. Anyway, in addition to the very ordinary things in the future, as long as they are of a higher grade, they have to be exchanged with corresponding credit.

Lin Ze believes that with this competitive mechanism, the development in the Planar Seed World is truly entering formal.

"Yes, master, Qu Jingwen and I will come up with corresponding plans as soon as possible." Xin Xue replied solemnly.

As the killer leader of the Seventh Prince, Xin Xue knew the importance of this matter.

Some people may ask, don’t those people have puppet marks on it? When Lin Ze gives an order, they can't let them obediently practise cultivation. How can we set up such a cumbersome and troublesome competition mechanism? Is this superfluous?

Actually, because Lin Ze could not plant puppet marks for all his men.

The number is still small. Lin Ze can plant puppet marks for all his men. However, in the future, when Lin Ze’s men will have 1 million, 10 million, or more, Lin Ze would like to give all The puppet imprint is planted under his hands, which is extremely unrealistic.

At that time, the person who planted the puppet mark may not even reach one-tenth of them.

One-tenth of them planted puppet marks, so as long as Lin Ze ordered an order, they were indeed obedient but practiced hard, but what about the remaining nine-tenths?

Perhaps at the beginning, under Lin Ze’s order, they would be very obedient in practice, but over time, a considerable number of people would slow down, pass and pass.

At that time, Lin Ze's strength development will stagnate, and it won't take long to even drive backwards.

The shortcomings of big pot rice have been proved enough in the 1960s and 1970s.

The competition mechanism is the best way to solve the big pot of rice. Lin Ze is planning now, and there is nothing wrong with it, and it is the right time.

The number of people in the plane-seed world is very good, and any mechanism is now the least difficult to implement, and even if there are any errors, it can be easily solved, and there will be no irreparable results, and wait for the number of people. More and more times, the implementation of those mechanisms is extremely difficult. If you really make any mistakes, the harm will be great.

Therefore, many plans, taking advantage of the fact that the Plane Seed World has not started to develop, Lin Ze has already started to do it now. In this way, there will be less trouble in the future, right? !

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