Alien Lord

Chapter 1754: 3 ways

As Lin Ze was seated, Qu Jingwen on the side gently waved his hand. Soon, naturally, there would be a morning meal that people would have prepared for a long time.

As Lin Ze’s lunch, Qu Jingwen of course prepared them with great care. All the dishes are all kinds of mountain and seafood flavors, and the variety is extremely complicated. If you count it, you will find that there are thirty-eight on the table. More, seriously, it really made Lin Ze an eye-opener.

Think about the dishes that Lin Ze used to eat when they were in Huangsha Town. Although there are more than the thirty-eight kinds in front of them, only seven or eight of the mid-terms are provided each day, which is directly related to the thirty-eight kinds. Compared, it is obviously far away.

However, Lin Ze would not go to say Qu Jingwen what they were wasting, after all, this is what they carefully prepared for themselves.

Besides, for such a big banquet, Lin Ze had only seen it on TV before, and it was the first time for him to experience it for himself, so I was a little bit excited.

Oh, you said that when you were in Kyoto, Lin Ze should have enjoyed such treatment.

Seriously, when I was in Kyoto, Lin Ze really did not enjoy such treatment.

Whether in Hou Ye Mansion or afterwards to attend banquets in the Royal Palace, the number of dishes is limited.

Especially in the palace, the emperor has a fixed number of dishes in order to show love for the people and to show diligence and frugality.

Because everyone is a cultivator and born with a big belly, the amount of these dishes is much larger, but the number is only seven or eight.

The same is true in Hou Ye Mansion. In order to avoid suspicion, the number of dishes in Hou Ye Mansion is a few fewer than the number of banquets in the palace.

Therefore, Lin Ze is now the first experience of something like a dozen dishes directly in a meal.

"Oh, Qu Jingwen, you won't need so many dishes next time, it's a waste." Lin Ze said with a smile.

"Yes, master, I get it!" Qu Jingwen bowed his head as he should, and then took the initiative to open the chair for Lin Ze and Lin Ze took the seat.

This is the first meal that Lin Ze has eaten in thirty-one days. Together with these foods, Lin Ze likes to eat it. Therefore, Lin Ze is appetizing.

In addition, there are no other outsiders here, all of them are Lin Ze’s men, so there is no need for Lin Ze to pretend, he simply opened his belly and ate all the 38 diets in front of him, although not As for saying that all the dishes were wiped out, Lin Ze still ate more than half of them.

Such an appetite really makes the people waiting on the sidelines secretly.

Of course, there will be no contempt in their hearts, because Lin Ze is their master, and the joy that Lin Ze is able to eat is actually an affirmation to them. They are too happy to be happy in their hearts.

As for Qu Jingwen and Xinxue, they were standing side by side and happily accompanied Lin Ze to eat. From time to time, he picked up the bamboo chopsticks to help Lin Ze to put a chopstick on the dish he could not reach. Lin Ze let them seat They eat together next time, but they are all postponed.

Seeing that Qu Jingwen and Xin Xue's faces were extremely firm, Lin Ze soon stopped forcibly persuading him. He knew that if he forced them to eat together, although both of them would also eat with them, , I will definitely feel uncomfortable in my heart, so it is better to ask them to stand by and wait like they are now.

What's more, Lin Ze is now in a slave feudal society. Like this kind of thing, he still has to get used to it as soon as possible, otherwise, it will be difficult for him to truly integrate into this world.

Lin Ze didn’t eat fast, but after an hour he still put down the chopsticks in his face with satisfaction. After seeing the satisfied expression on Lin Ze’s face, Qu Jingwen and Xin Xue also put down the chopsticks in their hands at the same time. And soon handed Lin Ze a tissue.

Although this was just a small action, it made Lin Ze more satisfied.

After using this breakfast and noon, Qu Jingwen waved again, and all the servants immediately picked up the tableware and chopsticks on the table at a very fast speed, and then quickly retreated.

Seeing this, Xin Xue nodded slightly, and was very satisfied.

"I didn't do anything in my previous training!" Xin Xue thought secretly.

In order to better serve Lin Ze, Xinxue spent a lot of energy in training these people.

"Delicious, this time you have done very well!" Lin Ze nodded to Qu Jingwen while drinking Lingcha, and his face was full of satisfaction.

"Master, this is what we should do." Qu Jingwen answered with a smile.

"Qu Jingwen, can you tell me something about breaking through the congenital realm." Lin Ze asked directly.

This time he is preparing to break through the innate realm here. Although he is 100% sure, Lin Ze is still ready to first understand the situation of Qu Jingwen when they broke through the innate period.

"Good master!" Qu Jingwen was obviously well prepared. He quickly introduced to Lin Ze how he broke through the innate period.

"Master, cultivators want to break through the congenital period, there are three ways." Qu Jingwen began to introduce with a serious face.

"One is to use the power of the Elixir to help the practitioners to break through the congenital period; the second is to use certain magic weapons to break through the congenital period; third, to use absolute power to force the breakthrough of the congenital period. ."

"There are actually three ways, so what are these three ways?" Lin Ze continued to ask.

"Master, the first one believes that you should also understand that it is to use the innate barriers to break through the congenital period. However, the quality of these innate barriers has high requirements, and the lowest must be the middle grade innate barriers. , Congenital Breaking Pills below this level, after taking it, the chance of breakthrough is very small, it is said that it does not even reach one thousandth." Qu Jingwen explained.

"Oh, is this because of the erysipelas inside?" Lin Ze frowned, pointing straight to the center.

"Yes, it is because of the erysipelas in the elixir. The elixir is generally divided into inferior, inferior, middle, top, super, and finally super. The lower the level of the elixir, the erysipelas it contains The stronger. However, under normal circumstances, you can safely take low-level elixir, which will not have much impact on your own safety, but when you break through the innate, take the elixir grade That is the higher the better.

Because, at the moment when you break through the innate, the acquired qi in Dantian is transformed into the innate qi. At this stage, there will be countless auras influx, the amount will be hundreds of times the amount you absorbed before, so much aura Entering your body all at once is a great test for your meridians, and at this time, if the erysipelas you take is relatively large, it will become the last straw that crushes the camel. , Aura that enters your body will lose control, and what will happen afterwards, it is imaginable.

Therefore, at this time, the accidental situation is as small as possible, and as little as possible, especially for pests such as erysipelas, should be reduced to a minimum to avoid irreversible consequences. The Chinese medicine of the highest quality immortality contains a very small amount of erysipelas, which helps not to cause those aura riots. Qu Jingwen explained in great detail, Lin Ze understood immediately.

This is actually the same as why steel mills prefer better quality iron ore. The higher the quality of iron ore, the less impurities it contains. In this way, the time and time required for steelmaking The less money there is, and the higher the quality of the steel finally obtained.

Many iron ores with an iron content of about 60% can be directly thrown into a steel-making furnace without being crushed or selected during the refining process, and the iron content is only a dozen or 20% Several or more than thirty iron ore, before entering the steel-making furnace, must first be crushed, and then selected.

Compared with the previous ones, time and money are greatly increased.

"In this way, the price of those middle-class congenital barriers should be extremely high. should be extremely high." Lin Ze soon thought of the price of the middle-class congenital barriers.

After that, he needed to attend the Xingyue Canyon Trading Conference. At that time, if he wanted to buy the treasure he wanted directly, the money needed would not be a small number.

Even though Lin Ze is rich, but to be honest, Lin Ze is really a'poor kid' compared to the top executives who have passed on for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years.

What’s more, in the trading market, many treasures can not be bought with money. Many people come here, in fact, they want to exchange things for things. Therefore, Lin Ze has long been thinking about what treasures he should prepare. .

Before Lin Ze had prepared a lot, such as the 100-year-old Tai Sui, Yanshou Dan, Ghost Face Fruit, and many other treasures, it seems that some high-quality elixirs should also be added.

"The owner is right, the price of Zhongpin Congenital Breaking Pill is not low, and it even says that the market is completely in a state of price and no market." Qu Jingwen replied with a smile.

"Oh, how could this be? With so many sects, wouldn't there be enough innate barriers?" Lin Ze was a little suspicious in his heart. He believed that there would never be a lack of alchemists in those sects. So, innate barriers were broken Dan shouldn't be so valuable.

"Master, there is actually a reason for this." This time the explanation is Xinxue: "Master, the general quality of the congenital broken obstacles are not lacking in the sect, but, like the middle class, and the above congenital broken obstacles Dan, those Sects are extremely lacking.

No, it should also be said that as long as it is a Chinese medicine of higher quality, those schools are very lacking. "

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