Alien Lord

Chapter 1753:

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The scale of Huaxia City is huge, because this will be the main city of the seed world in the future, so for the planning here, Lin Ze is planning according to the top city.

However, the China City is very large, but the resident population in the city is only less than one hundred thousand, and there is no floating population. This is because Lin Ze has not really emigrated into the world of plane seeds.

Lin Ze’s strength is still very low. If he emigrates into the Plane Seed World now, it is easy to cause the ideas of the top experts on the mainland of China. Lin Ze will face countless dangers.

Of course, large-scale immigration will not work, but small-scale immigration has been going on many times.

In particular, the Qingzhou rebellion led to the emergence of a large number of refugees. Of the 780,000 or 800,000 refugees who arrived in Huangsha Town, Lin Ze secretly moved nearly 550,000 to 60,000.

Coupled with the captives Lin Ze moved into, who were planted with puppet marks, the number of people in Chinatown has only reached 100,000.

One hundred thousand people, not to mention that for the entire Plane Seed World, even for China City, it is a drop in the ocean, and Lin Ze will have to move into the Plane Seed World in large numbers in the future.

As for the target or target, Lin Ze already had an idea.

Qingzhou, as well as several nearby continents, are now countless rebellions. There are a large number of homeless refugees in these states. According to Lin Ze’s Jin Yiwei’s report, the number of these homeless refugees has reached This huge number of nearly five or six million.

Coupled with the two or three million rebels in these continents, Lin Ze is convinced that he already has the best immigrants.

Of the five or six million refugees, as long as Lin Ze can get one-third and one-fifth of them, he can move a minimum of one hundred thousand refugees into the plane seed world. (It is not possible to move in all at once, after all, more than one million refugees disappeared instantly, and the fool will know there is a problem.)

If he could defeat these rebels again, Lin Ze could still harvest millions of captives.

The Chu Kingdom is similar to the ancient Chinese society. For the rebels, it is absolutely capital punishment.

In this way, Lin Ze can completely select these hundreds of millions of captives, secretly select hundreds of thousands of people, and then move directly into the plane seed world.

As for how to explain that there were so few prisoners, Lin Ze had already prepared ample excuses.

One was the captive camp riot, a considerable part of the captives fled, and the other was that the missing captives were directly slaughtered.

Perhaps in modern society, things like mass murder of captives are extremely difficult to see, or once leaked, they will be sweared by countless people, but in feudal society, such things are not very pleasant, but The curse on this matter is far from modern society.

Even, as long as it is not the family members who were slaughtered, other ordinary people will clap their hands.

As the saying goes, I would rather be a peace dog than a troubled person!

Once in a war, the first people to suffer are ordinary people. Countless ordinary people will pay their lives for this. Therefore, most people hate war and oppose war.

Perhaps those rebellions have such and such sympathetic reasons, but, in any case, this war was initiated by them, so, for these initiators, the people have hatred in their hearts.

Therefore, when those rebels fail to be captured and are in capital punishment, countless ordinary people will clap their hands to praise, and even come to the scene of the execution to see the "good show" and so on.

This is not that these people are cold-blooded and have no knowledge, but that war has brought countless disasters to these ordinary people. Therefore, they will clap their hands and come to the scene to watch ‘good shows’.

Just like the ordinary people in Li//Bai/Ya now, what they don’t like most is war, but in the end, this is how the war came to them.

Those who initiated the /////////// Asian Civil War, the propaganda is to defeat the card /// Zha// the Philippine family’s independence//cut, fight for /// You, etc. It’s beautiful words, but no matter how beautiful the propaganda is, it can’t change the result of these guys directly ruining the country.

Before there was no civil war, Le // Bi // Ya was independent // ruling // ruled, it seemed that it was not so free ///, but, at least at that time Le // Bi // Ya had no war, no unrest, ordinary The lives of ordinary people are not bad.

These are all true. Before the war, Lebanon////Asia/African was the most economically developed country in the continent, and domestic construction was also very modern, such as highways and other constructions. Good.

There is also domestic greening, which is really much better than our country, too much.

With such an economy, the people’s lives in Liana // than // are imaginable. Although they are not as good as the lives of the people in developed countries, but on the land of Africa, they Life is really good.

Eat, drink, live, wear, travel tools, etc., are very modern.

However, with the advent of this civil war, all this was destroyed.

Now, //Li//Bi//Ya, let alone a developed economy, even if you want to have a home that can safely accommodate yourself, it is an impossible dream.

Food, clothing, etc., these materials are extremely scarce, and many people are even starved to death.

Compared with the situation before the war, such a situation is really a huge gap.

Now, the entire //Li//Bi// Asian people, I deeply regret why I listened to the Western world’s fooling before and what I want to seize. //I believe that if time can turn around, all // Li ////// Yaren, neither would make that choice.

The independence///discipline made them lose some freedom, but they can guarantee their safety in life, without worrying about life problems, and now they get the so-called freedom, but they lose the hope of life, countless ordinary The lives of ordinary people.

The cost of this freedom is really too high, so high that they cannot afford it!

So, many times when you think about the problem, you not only need to think about yourself, but also have to think about it from the perspective of other people. It is best to take one step and see three steps.

As the master of the Plane Seed World, Lin Ze owns a very large manor in the city of Huaxia. The manor has a range of four or five kilometers. There are now more than 3,000 people in these people. These people are for Lin Ze served people.

However, this manor is still very rudimentary. It was not long after the China City was established. Now in this manor, the main building is the well-built.

When I came in earlier, it was too late, and Lin Ze was indeed feeling tired, so he didn't look at it carefully, but went directly to his courtyard and immediately went to bed.

It was the first time Lin Ze had fallen asleep in bed after a month in the dense environment, so he fell asleep quickly, and still fell asleep until dawn.

In fact, Lin Ze had been awake for some time. The demon, a quilt, trapped him tightly, making it difficult for him to get up.

It's just that at this time, Lin Ze'listened' to Qu Jingwen's breathing sounds outside. Although the outside Qu Jingwen has tried to lighten his breath as much as possible, it can even be said to be almost silent. How can I hide Lin Ze.

Since it was found that someone was waiting outside, Lin Ze's face was not thick enough to turn a blind eye. Seeing that the sky was already bright, the sun was about to rise above his head, so Lin Ze rose directly.

The two seem to be walking side by side, but if you take a closer look, you will find that Qu Jingwen actually grabbed the front half a bit. But his body tilted slightly in the direction of Lin Ze, looking like a full housekeeper.

Lin Ze does not care about these, but since Qu Jingwen likes this, Lin Ze does not refuse.

Besides This is also a familiar stage. Whether it is here or outside, Lin Ze's identity does not allow him to be unfamiliar with these operations.

All the servants on the way saw this scene, and they all saluted Lin Ze with sincere faces, and their eyes were full of joy.

From the beginning of the construction here, to now, Lin Ze is still the first time to live in and exercise the identity of the master.

For these servants, today is their most reassuring and happy day.

After a while, they had arrived in the front hall.

Lin Ze just walked into it, and the blood inside immediately came to the door to greet him, shouting respectfully in his mouth: "Welcome Master! Master, how was it for you to rest yesterday?"

Nodding slightly, Lin Ze laughed: "Very well, I haven't slept in bed for a long time. This time I really slept!"

Speaking of this, Lin Ze paused for a moment, then looked at Qu Jingwen and Xin Xue, and this brand-new mansion, and once again admired in his mouth: "Qu Jingwen, Xin Xue, this house was built very well. On the way, I have a preliminary look. I am very satisfied with the layout and style here!!! You two are doing very well!!!"

"Thank you for your praise!!" Both Qu Jingwen and Xin Xue's faces showed a happy smile.

When building the mansion, the two of them exhausted their minds and worked countless times before finally building the mansion.

Before, they were worried that Lin Ze would be satisfied. Now Lin Ze is very satisfied. This made the big stones in their hearts finally fall. At the same time, their hearts were also a burst of joy.

After all, Lin Ze can be praised. For these subordinates, it is actually the best affirmation! !

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