Alien Lord

Chapter 1746: Verbal exploration

In Xuanyin Secret Realm, there are many dangers, even Gu Xiyao cannot guarantee his own safety, not to mention other Zongmen disciples, but they are still sent in by Zongmen, as long as they are a little capable, Was sent in.

At that time, Gu Xiyao was guessing in his heart whether there were any secrets.

Now Yu Ming explained this, Gu Xiyao immediately understood that there was a huge secret that she didn't even know inside the Thousand Demon streamers.

"Alas, how can things develop to such an extent." Gu Xiyao sighed for a while.

Seriously, if she knew that there was a huge secret hidden inside the Qianmo streamer, she would not have branded her soul on the Qianmo streamer before, but this matter is now too late. The magic streamer planted his own brand of soul.

"But Elder, I have branded my soul on the Thousand Demon streamers." Gu Xiyao finally blurted the matter to Yu Ming.

The matter developed here, this thing Gu Xiyao had to say, otherwise, she really had to surrender the Thousand Demon streamers, and the spirit in the sect door was directly removed, then the damage to her was really not small.

Soul branding is entirely made of soul. It can be said that this is a part of your soul. Once this part is damaged, it will definitely spread to the body. ,

It can make you seriously injured, and it is still a kind of serious injury that has not been able to feed for decades. In the worst case, because of the excessive loss of soul, it becomes a fool directly.

In each of these two situations, Gu Xiyao is very harmful to Gu Xiyao. Therefore, in order to avoid this incident, Gu Xiyao can only say this now and save the danger that he is about to face.

"......" Yu Ming was stunned when he heard these words. He really couldn't think of such an unexpected situation.

Gu Xiyao is the most genius disciple in the young generation of Xuanyin Demon Dao. The future is definitely one of the pillars of Xuanyin Demon Dao. Such a person, Xuanyin Demon Dao will not give up easily.

In addition, Gu Xiyao's relationship with the mysterious strongman'Li Ze' is extremely unusual. If he starts with Gu Xiyao, he will definitely anger the powerful'Li Ze'. By then, Xuanyin Demon will not only lose one The top disciples will also provoke a powerful enemy in the foundation period.

However, Qianmo Stream is really important for Xuanyin Demon Road. Once someone knows that Gu Xiyao has Qianmo Stream, the loss of Xuanyin Demon Road is absolutely 100%. Other sects Some of them secretly killed Gu Xiyao without being discovered by Li Ze.

In addition, the inheritance of the Xuanyin Demon Road to the Xuanyin Secret Realm hasn't given up yet. It can be said that the next time the Thousand Demon Hatches are used to crack the secrets in the Xuanyin Secret Realm.

However, according to the strength of Gu Xiyao now, after the next Xuanyin secret realm is opened, she has definitely been promoted to the level of the guru. In this way, Xuanyin Demon Dao can't use the power of Qianmoya.

Oh, you said you can use a stand-in puppet instead. Ha ha, if it can be so good, now Yu Ming will not have such a headache.

Gu Xiyao, more than ten years later, even if he was a genius, his strength was probably at the stage of Grand Master. Such strength, in the real secrets at the end of the Xuanyin secret realm, is really nothing.

Think about Lin Ze’s previous encounters in that secret realm. Every time the strength of the wild beasts encountered is at the level of Supreme Grand Master, even if they meet some Grand Masters, Grand Master’s wild beasts, they Directly a group, the emergence of a group.

In such a place, seriously, the master, or the warrior of the Grand Master level comes in, really is to find death.

In this way, Gu Xiyao would not be able to enter, because, if she came in with her strength, even if she came in with a stand-in puppet, she would directly die.

Having said that, stand-in puppets are extremely expensive, and it is impossible to use them on a guru or disciple-level disciple. Those who can use stand-in puppets must be superiors at the level of the guru.

Finally, the most important point is that mysterious and powerful ‘Li Ze’.

Yes, Lin Ze is the most worried about Yu Mingxin.

Lin Ze is a strong man in the foundation period. He didn't know about the Thousand Devils before, but who can guarantee that once he knows about the Thousand Devils? !

A top-level magic weapon like the Thousand Demon streamers, any strong man will have exclusive thoughts. Anyway, Yu Ming doesn't believe that Lin Zexin's mind can't afford exclusive thoughts.

In addition, if Gu Xiyao really became Lin Ze, then the thousand demon streamers would not have fallen into Lin Ze's hands. At that time, Xuanyin Demon Road had lost the thousand devil streamers.

After thinking of this, Yu Mingxin quickly made up his mind.

"That mysterious and powerful'Li Ze' is not easy to provoke, but our Xuanyin Demon Road is not vegetarian. He really wants to come to the door. The one who died is definitely him, not our Xuanyin Devil Road. Qianmo The streamer is too important for our Xuanyin Demon Dao to come, so I will sacrifice a top-ranking disciple for this purpose and provoke a strong man in the foundation period. I still have to get back this thousand demon streamers. Believe my decision, the door After they know it, the Lord will agree."

Thinking of this, Yu Ming no longer hesitated and looked at Gu Xiyao with a trace of coldness in his eyes.

"Oh!!! With a change in Yu Ming's eyes, Gu Xiyao looked in his eyes. After seeing the cold look in Yu Ming's eyes, Gu Xiyao knew that things were going in the direction she didn't want to see. .

"It seems that this thousand demon streamers is really very important, even my core disciple can give up so quickly, alas, my luck can now be said to be good or bad!" Gu Xiyao sighed in his heart With.

It must be said that her luck is really not bad, otherwise she will not be found by the Thousand Demon streamers, and she will not be directly acquainted with Lin Ze.

However, no one would refute to say bad things, because now Gu Xiyao has fallen into the most dangerous situation in her life because of Thousand Demon's affairs. One is not good, she is really in danger of death.

"Fortunately, I have the war puppet given by Brother Li, otherwise..." Gu Xiyao had an excitement in his heart, and secretly activated the war puppet inside the storage bag.

This is Gu Xiyao's last means of self-preservation. She will not use it until she is forced to do so.

Although Xuanyin Demon Road is a demon gate, Gu Xiyao grew up in her childhood, everything in it is inside, and, as long as she stays like this, she believes that in the future, she will definitely be able to become the person of Xuanyin Demon Road One, therefore, I really want her to give up all of this all at once, especially her position and rights in Xuanyin Demon Road, Gu Xiyao really can't do it.

Of course, if you want to say that Gu Xiyao is really stubborn about Xuanyin's Demon Road, that's not true.

The Xuanyin Demon Road is full of various calculations, and the fortress is very deep in every heart. Such a place, Gu Xiyao will die to his heart.

"Elder Yu Ming, can I hold the Thousand Devil's Banner? You will need to use it at most in the future, and I will take it out again." Gu Xiyao carefully bargained with Yu Ming in front of him.

"No, the Thousand Demon streamers are the most precious treasures of our sect, and they can't be put on your body like this." Yu Ming refused without hesitation.

After seeing Gu Xiyao's face look ugly, Yu Ming's eyes turned and he persuaded gently: "Xiyao, you can rest assured, although you planted your soul imprint on the Qianmo streamer, we put the Qianmo streamer If you take it from your hands, it will hurt you a bit, but you have to believe in the Zongmen, but we are the Xuanyin Demon Road, and we are the most proficient in the martial arts of the soul. Moreover, there is no shortage of soul materials in the Zongmen. .

Maybe in the past, you were not eligible to enjoy this kind of spirit material, but now you have brought back the Thousand Demon streamers, you can enjoy these spirit materials with this qualification, so you don’t have to worry about your time. Soul hurts, Zongmen will help you to heal the wounds soon, so you can safely hand over the Thousand Demon streamers now! "

Yu Ming smiled and extended his right hand to Gu Xiyao. The smile on his face seemed to be so sincere in Gu Xiyao, but he forgot to cover up his eyes, and Gu Xiyao was very clear in his eyes. Inside, I saw the cold killer.

"Really, Elder Yu Ming, can I really use soul materials?" Gu Xiyao shouted in surprise, with a smile that was peculiar to the little girl, and even Yu Ming looked a little stunned. .

However, he quickly reacted, because this is not the best opportunity.

So, sooner, he followed Gu Xiyao's words: "Yes, Xi Yao, you have to know that you were our most important disciple. Your future is boundless, so where will Zongmen give up you?" What about?"

Someone may ask here, compared with Gu Xiyao, Yu Ming's strength is almost heaven and earth. He needs to be so careful with Gu Xiyao. He has the strength to turn over and take Gu Xiyao down.

This is easy and saves mistakes.

This thing does seem to be the truth on the surface, but in fact Yu Ming dare not do it.

Don’t forget, now they are still in this valley. Although the whole valley is not small, it is the size of four or five football fields. Such a range is really not too big for the warriors.

Once Yu Ming had started with Gu Xiyao, he might indeed be able to take Gu Xiyao very quickly, but there was no trace of obstruction here in the valley, and it would spread throughout the valley.

The heritage eyes of other Zongmen, or the eyes of inquiry, Yu Ming, don't care, but don't forget, there is also a'Li Ze' here.

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